Tuesday, October 25, 2011

10-23-2011 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please keep all who are sick, recovering from surgery (including Susan Schamber’s father) and undergoing treatment of any kind in your prayers. We ask that you also would continue to pray for our shut-in and nursing home members, our inactive members as well as at least two people in your lives who don’t know Christ. Those who wish to send cards or letters to Kendra Schamber during her recovery period may send them to her in care of her parents (Dave and Susan Schamber) at P. O. Box 221, Freeman, SD 57029-0221.

– At 11:30 today we will have a New Member Reception and potluck, and will joyfully receive into our fellowship: Monica Cokens; Chad, Joni, Riley and Alaric Knittel; Adam, Meranda, Blake and Piper Van Ningen; and Rev. Richard and Bunne Weeman. Our Evangelism Committee will host the luncheon and the Samaritan Group will be the servers. Please stay and welcome our newest members! And … don’t forget to check out their pictures on the bulletin board!!

EXTRA KITCHENWARE – Please check the kitchen to see if any of the containers, bowls, cake pans or pie plates are yours; we seem to have items that have been left from funerals or potlucks that need to be returned to their rightful owners. Also, please check the refrigerator and freezer as there are food items that should be taken home before the Bazaar because we will need to clean the refrigerators also. Thanks.

PLAN TO ATTEND THE BAZAAR on Thursday, Nov. 3rd from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We will have a Stitchery/Craft Booth, Country Store with baked items and the Lunch Counter. The food list is posted on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall and on the refrigerator in the kitchen so you can check to see what you have volunteered to bring. If you have any questions regarding the food list or the work schedule please call Garnet Stern, Mildred Siekmann, or Sharon Pfeiffer. See you on November 3rd for a day of good food & fellowship.

THE BAZAAR COMMITTEE will be doing most of the setup and cleaning of the kitchen on Sunday, October 30th starting at 1:00 p.m. If you are willing to help us, just come to the church that afternoon. Thanks.

SNOW REMOVAL BIDS – The Trustees are seeking bids for snow removal this winter. If anyone is interested in submitting a bid for removal of snow from the parking lot and/or sidewalks, please contact Scott Ruml by Tuesday, October 25th.

THE SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN will again be performing the Christmas Eve service. We ask that you e-mail Amber at ambersayler@hotmail.com or call her at 925-7132 to let her know if your child/children will be participating. We would like to know no later than the end of October so parts can be divided out accordingly and a practice schedule can be set up. Thanks you! --Board of Education

FREEMAN HOSPICE SANFORD will have a booth at the Freeman Winter Fair, October 29, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Our booth will feature a bake sale and raffle. Donations of food items are welcome. For more information call LaVonne Brockmueller, Hospice Coordinator, at 925-2120.

QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our Fall voters’ meeting will be held next Sunday, Oct. 30th at 11:00 in the Fellowship Hall.

2011 REFORMATION FESTIVAL – The 2011 Reformation Festival will begin at 1:30 next Sunday. This year’s host congregation will be Zion Lutheran Church in Canistota. Desserts and coffee will be served at 3:00; the presentation by Rev. Barnes (a former missionary to Togo, West Africa) and the Q & A session will start shortly after 3:00. Additional information has been posted on the bulletin board.

MAIN STREET LIVING – Oct. 30, 2011 – Kid’s Crossing looks at the greatest commandment: Love God with all you heart and soul and mind. The featured speaker is Rev. Greg Seltz, Speaker for The Lutheran Hour. The sermon theme is "I'd Stake My Life On It." The hymns are “If God Himself Be For Me”; “A Mighty Fortress”; and “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Else”. Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR – Oct. 30, 2011 – Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour: Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus asks “How are we going to make things right?” Those are the questions every politician, every social scientist, every thinking person asks. More than that, how can we ourselves be made right? Pastor Klaus visits with the Prime Minister of the German State of Thuringia as he speaks about every person's need for individual reformation.(Romans 3: 22b-25) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).

Saturday, October 15, 2011

10-16-2011 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please keep Ardeth Baer, Marge Wollman, all who are hospitalized and all who are in cancer treatment in your prayers. We ask that you would continue to pray for our shut-in and nursing home members, our inactive members as well as at least two people in your lives who don’t know Christ.

BAZAAR – Please plan to attend our annual Bazaar on November 3rd from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We will again have a Country Store with baked goods, Stitchery/Craft Booth and the Lunch Counter. If you have any questions or are willing to work, please contact Garnet Stern, Mildred Siekmann or Sharon Pfeiffer.

EXTRA KITCHENWARE – Please check the kitchen to see if any of the containers, bowls, cake pans or pie plates are yours; we seem to have items that have been left from funerals or potlucks that need to be returned to their rightful owners. Also, please check the refrigerator and freezer as there are food items that should be taken home before the Bazaar because we will need to clean the refrigerators also. We will be setting up for the Bazaar and cleaning the kitchen on Sunday, October 30th starting at 1 p.m. We would appreciate if you would come and help us with this project. Thanks.

LUTHERANS FOR LIFE will be holding their Quarterly Meeting on Friday, October 21st at 7:00 at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Menno. For more information, please contact Barbara Salis.

DONATE YOUR OLD EYEGLASSES to those in need! Please gather all of your old eyeglasses that are taking up space in your various cabinets and drawers, and bring them to church. We will send them to Orphan Grain Train where they, in turn, will send them on to those in need at eyeglass clinics in poor countries. For one more week, look for the donation box in the Fellowship Hall. For more info please contact Pastor.

LWML FALL RALLY – This Saturday our church will host the Yankton Zone LWML Fall Rally. Details are posted on the bulletin board. All ladies (members and non-members!) are welcome and encouraged to attend.

SNOW REMOVAL BIDS – The Trustees are seeking bids for snow removal this winter. If anyone is interested in submitting a bid for removal of snow from the parking lot and/or sidewalks, please contact Scott Ruml.

NEW MEMBER RECEPTION – At 11:30 next Sunday we will have a New Member Reception and potluck. Our Evangelism Committee will host the luncheon and the Samaritan Group will be the servers. Beverages and rolls will be provided; please feel free to bring your favorite entrĂ©e, salad or dessert! Everyone is invited to stay for the luncheon and welcome our newest members!

QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our Fall voters’ meeting will be held Oct. 30th at 11:00 in the Fellowship Hall.

MAIN STREET LIVING – Oct. 23, 2011 – Kid’s Crossing looks at Luke 18:16 (Jesus loves little children). The featured speaker is Rev. Kevin Vogts from Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Dakota Dunes. The sermon theme is “If It Is the Lord’s Will.” Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR – Oct. 23, 2011 – Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus’ sermon theme, based on Matthew 22:37-40, will be “That’s Not Gonna Happen.” Love God. Love your neighbor. So easy to say; so impossible to do. Jesus spent His life doing what we could not. The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).

DID YOU KNOW that The Lutheran Hour, which began in 1930, is the world's longest-running, Christian outreach radio program? It proclaims the message of Jesus Christ to more than 800,000 people each week over 1,300 radio stations across North America. It is also broadcast on the American Forces Network to reach military personnel and their families around the world.

Monday, October 10, 2011

10-09-2011 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we pray for all who are sick or in physical or spiritual distress, all who are caregivers ministering to those in need, all who are celebrating birthdays, anniversaries or anniversaries of their Baptism and for all whose prayers have been answered. We ask that you would continue to pray for our shut-in and nursing home members, our inactive members as well as at least two people in your lives who don’t know Christ.

FALL LEAF RAKING – The youth group has begun taking names for leaves to be raked this fall. They will only rake each yard once. When the time comes that you wish to have your leaves raked, please contact: Karen or Bob Pidde at 925-7062, Kaitlyn Stern at 610-5397, Stefanie Ruml at 760-3855 or Elizabeth Starner at 760-3988.

THE BAZAAR COMMITTEE would like to thank everyone that has volunteered to bring food and work at the November 3rd event. If we missed calling you and you are willing to bring food or work, please talk to anyone on the committee; we would appreciate your help that day and also any donation that you are willing to bring. We plan to have the food list and the work schedule posted in the next couple of weeks. Please contact anyone on the Bazaar committee if you have any questions. The committee is: Garnet Stern (925-7298), Mildred Siekmann (925-7050) and Sharon Pfeiffer (925-7604). Thanks.

DONATE YOUR OLD EYEGLASSES to those in need! Please gather all of your old eyeglasses that are taking up space in your various cabinets and drawers, and bring them to church. We will send them to Orphan Grain Train where they, in turn, will send them on to those in need at eyeglass clinics in poor countries. For the next 2 weeks look for the donation box in the Fellowship Hall. For more info please contact Pastor.

LWML will meet on Thursday Oct. 13th at 7:00 p.m. for a regular business meeting. We will discuss the Fall Rally which will be held here on Oct. 22nd. More information is posted on the bulletin board.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR – Oct. 16, 2011 – Rev. Ken Klaus’ sermon theme, based on Matthew 21:32, will be “A Sermon for Skeptics.” The world has several major religions and countless minor ones. Which one is right? How can a person know? Pastor Klaus encourages us to hear Jesus in the words of Holy Scripture. The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).

MAIN STREET LIVING – Oct. 16, 2011 – Kid’s Crossing looks at standing firm in the faith as Danny learns about Jesus from his Grandmother. The featured speaker is Rev. Kyle Schwan from Trinity Lutheran Church in Hartford. The sermon theme is “We Give Thee But Thine Own.” Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls.

LUTHERAN HOUR MINISTRIES provides a daily meditation on God’s Word. If you have e-mail, you can choose to have the daily devotion sent to you by going to: www.lhm.org/newsroom/emailservices.htm and clicking on the Daily Devotions button to sign up. You may also choose to read the daily devotion on-line without having it e-mailed to you. Just go to: www.lhm.org/dailydevotions.asp

MAYO CLINIC APPOINTMENTS  Anyone receiving medical care at the Rochester Mayo Clinic is invited to contact the TLCare ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church of Rochester. They are willing to serve you with prayer support, a homemade meal, a visit from one of their caring members, free parking in their lot at 222 6th Ave. SW, a comfortable place to go between appointments and more. Please inform Trinity Lutheran Church of your medical visit by e-mailing Jennifer at jen@trinitylutheranchurch.org or call her at (507) 292-0439.

PLEASE LET US KNOW if you or another of our members is sick, hospitalized, has a new baby, has a death in the family, etc. This will enable us (pastor, elders and others) to visit them, send a note of encouragement and to keep the person and their family in our prayers.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

10-02-2011 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we pray for Myrna Huber and Wayne Pfeiffer (both in cancer treatment). We also ask that you would pray for our shut-in and nursing home members, our inactive members and those individuals in our congregation who are going through family difficulties as well as at least two people in your lives who don’t know Christ. In addition, as a reminder from last week, please pray for God’s will to be done and for wisdom to be given to the voters’ assembly of St. John Lutheran Church in Chester when they meet next Sunday to vote on whether or not to permanently close that church.

FALL LEAF RAKING – The youth group has begun taking names for leaves to be raked this Fall. They will only rake each yard once. When the time comes that you wish to have your leaves raked, please contact: Karen or Bob Pidde at 925-7062, Kaitlyn Stern at 610-5397, Stefanie Ruml at 760-3855 or Elizabeth Starner at 760-3988.

THE BAZAAR COMMITTEE is still busy accepting food donations for the November 3rd event which will run from 10:30 a.m.to 7:00 p.m. We will again have the Country Store, Stitchery/Crafts Booth and the Lunch Counter. For the Lunch Counter we still need salads, pie, pickles, crackers and coffee. We also need workers for the day and evening shifts; please call Garnet Stern (925-7298), Mildred Siekmann (925-7050) or Sharon Pfeiffer (925-7604) if you are willing to bring food or are able to work. Thank you.

LADIES AID will meet on October 6th at 7 p.m. for a regular business meeting. Pastor will be leading us in Bible study; we will be studying Session 3 in the Life of Jesus Teachings booklet. Our hostess for the evening will be Phyllis Knittel. All ladies of the congregation are encouraged to come to our Bible study and meeting. Julianne Huber is in charge of the Altar flowers for October.

LWML will meet on Thursday Oct. 13th at 7:00 p.m. for a regular business meeting. We will discuss the Fall Rally which will be held here on Oct. 22nd. More information is posted on the bulletin board.
THANK YOU to everyone for your cards, phone calls and especially your prayers during my recent surgery. May God bless you all. (s) Ray Schultz

DID YOU KNOW that LWML Sunday is traditionally held on the 1st Sunday in October in recognition of the outreach and fellowship efforts of the organization? Founding of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League actually goes back more than a century and a half. Beginning in the 1850s, women of the LC-MS started local auxiliaries to meet the needs of people – mending clothes for seminarians, equipping hospitals, establishing schools, developing convalescent and retirement homes, assisting orphanages and residences for people with disabilities, gathering clothing, furniture and food for indigents and funding mission endeavors at home and overseas. Not until the 1920s, however, did members of the congregational societies begin to coordinate their efforts by uniting in state and regional leagues. Oklahoma (in 1928) was the first to do this. Official approval was granted a decade later for a national LC-MS women’s entity.

FALL PASTORS’ CONFERENCE – The SD District Fall Pastors’ Conference will be held in Rapid City Oct. 3rd thru the 6th. In case of pastoral emergency you may contact any of our elders for assistance or you may call the Pastor at (605) 999-5591.

DONATE YOUR OLD EYEGLASSES to those in need! Please gather all of your old eyeglasses that are taking up space in your various cabinets and drawers, and bring them to church. We will send them to Orphan Grain Train where they, in turn, will send them on to those in need at eyeglass clinics in poor countries. For the next 3 weeks look for the donation box in the Fellowship Hall. For more info please contact Pastor.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR – Oct. 9, 2011 – Rev. Seltz’ sermon theme, based on Phil. 4:4-9, will be “Put Christ’s Joy to Work in Your Life.” Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit -- a result of God’s action on our behalf and the blessing of a faith relationship with the One who redeemed and reconciled us to Himself. The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX)

MAIN STREET LIVING – Oct. 9, 2011 – Kid’s Crossing uses drama to illustrate the healing of the 10 lepers. The featured speaker is Rev. Karl Gregory from Bethseda Lutheran Church in Marion and First English Lutheran Church in Parker. The sermon theme is “What is More Powerful Than the Word of God?” Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls.

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...