Saturday, December 26, 2020

12-27-2020 Order of Service and Announcements


December 27, 2020 (1st Sunday after Christmas)


Order of Service

Opening Hymn                                                                                 Page 338

Divine Service 1 (page 151)   Psalm 89:1-8

Sermon hymn                                                                                   Page 389

Sermon                                                                                       Luke 2:22-40

“The seed of David comes to His Temple.”

Communion hymns                                                           Page 367, 331, 374

Closing hymn                                                                                    Page 359

INTIMATE SACRAMENT:  We continue to celebrate the Lord’s Supper every week for those who have not been able to commune in some time, in the glad confidence and confession, that our Lord, as He says, gives not only bread and wine, but His very body and blood to eat and drink for the forgiveness of sin.  In these pandemic times, we have instituted as much as possible the physical distancing and sanitation practices to assure your physical safety, while still providing Christ for your physical/spiritual/emotional/psychological safety against sin, death, and the devil. If you do not share in this confession of our congregation and LC-Missouri Synod, or are not yet instructed, or have doubts – please speak to the pastor first. Or, you are invited to come to the rail for a blessing and meditate on God’s Word during the distribution, praying for the day when divisions will have ceased.

IN YOUR PRAYERSPlease pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Melton, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth, Lorna. and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Harvey, Dianne, Connie, Berneita, Lonnie and those Additional Requested Prayers:  Kahlen, John (JJ)* Cheryl, Bryan, Chris.

SUNDAY SERVICES WILL CONTINUE TO BE LIVE STREAMED To YouTube and copied to Facebook. These sites however, are changing their terms, and we are pursuing building our own website for this (and other) purposes. At this time, we want you to be aware of future changes, ask for your patience, and let you know that until the website is up and running, all other services (funerals, midweek, etc) - while not live-streamed - will be recorded and are available by request soon after, by calling or emailing the church phone/email. - Pastor Makelin

THE ANNUAL BASIC CHRISTIAN QUESTIONS AND THEIR ANSWERS CLASS will begin Jan. 6th through February 3rd on Wednesdays at 8:00-9:30pm (note new time/date). This class is for recently new members, curious visitors, evangelism/apologetic training, curious about different denominations or cults, people thinking about becoming members, newly tasked board members/volunteers/teachers, confirmation refresher course, or anyone who would want to review the basics of the Christian faith of the Scriptures.  Let me know if you are thinking of coming so I can make up materials, and I hope to see you there - Pastor

ARE YOU WILLING TO HELP with Altar flowers for next year? Instead of making phone calls to individuals we have posted a monthly schedule on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall, you can sign your name for a certain month if you are interested in helping. Thanks.

MAIN STREET LIVING:  This is the Life at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 10:30 a.m.  See BlogSpot.

Annual Reports are due please give them to Aleta Starner, Denise Peterson, Pastor or e-mail them to

Saturday, December 19, 2020

12-20-2020 Bulletin Announcements and Order of Service

 Order of Service

Opening Hymn                                                                                                     Page 797

Divine Service 1 (page 151)   Psalm 111

Sermon hymn                                                                                                       Page 357

Sermon                                                                                 John 1:19-28 or Luke 1:39-56

                “As John prepared for Christ’s coming, we soon get to rejoice in His coming.”

Communion hymns                                                                               Page 368, 390, 375

Closing hymn                                                                                                         Page 332

INTIMATE SACRAMENT:  We continue to celebrate the Lord’s Supper every week for those who have not been able to commune in some time, in the glad confidence and confession, that our Lord, as He says, gives not only bread and wine, but His very body and blood to eat and drink for the forgiveness of sin.  In these pandemic times, we have instituted as much as possible the physical distancing and sanitation practices to assure your physical safety, while still providing Christ for your physical/spiritual/emotional/psychological safety against sin, death, and the devil. If you do not share in this confession of our congregation and LC-Missouri Synod, or are not yet instructed, or have doubts – please speak to the pastor first. Or, you are invited to come to the rail for a blessing and meditate on God’s Word during the distribution, praying for the day when divisions will have ceased.

 IN YOUR PRAYERSPlease pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Melton, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth, Lorna. and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Harvey, Dianne, Connie, Berneita, Lonnie and those Additional Requested Prayers:  Kahlen, John (JJ)* Cheryl, Bryan. 

FOR MEMORIAL POINSETTIAS please contact Dawn Walz at 660-0264 or 925-4200 by December 18th. The poinsettias will be displayed in the church throughout the Christmas season (Epiphany January 6) at which time they may be picked up. 


Albert & Betty Koehn and Delmar & Vivian Dykstra by Gary & Nancy Dykstra;

Pauline Walz by Darren & Dawn Walz & family.

Gordon & Harriet and Luther Vizecky and Leslie and Edith Starner by

John & Aleta Starner

Sunday services will continue to be live streamed to YouTube and copied to Facebook. These sites however, are changing their terms, and we are pursuing building our own website for this (and other) purposes. At this time, we want you to be aware of future changes, ask for your patience, and let you know that until the website is up and running, all other services (funerals, midweek, etc) - while not live-streamed - will be recorded and are available by request soon after, by calling or emailing the church phone/email. - Pastor Makelin

OFFERING ENVELOPES are located on the table in the fellowship hall. Please pick them up at your convenience, Remember, St. Paul Lutheran has been set up to accept secure bank transfers as a new option to writing checks or cash for offering donations.  Click the link on or contact one of the Finance Officers:  Penny Saarie 351-7848., Vicky Huber, Joni Knittel, or Treasure Sharon Pfeiffer

THE ANNUAL BASIC CHRISTIAN QUESTIONS AND THEIR ANSWERS CLASS will begin Jan. 6th through February 3rd on Wednesdays at 8:00-9:30pm (note new time/date). This class is for recently new members, curious visitors, evangelism/apologetic training, curious about different denominations or cults, people thinking about becoming members, newly tasked board members/volunteers/teachers, confirmation refresher course, or anyone who would want to review the basics of the Christian faith of the Scriptures  Let me know if you are thinking of coming so I can make up materials, and I hope to see you there - Pastor

ARE YOU WILLING TO HELP with Altar flowers for next year? Instead of making phone calls to individuals we have posted a monthly schedule on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall, you can sign your name for a certain month if you are interested in helping. Thanks.

MAIN STREET LIVING:  This is the Life at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 10:30 a.m.  See BlogSpot.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

12-13-2020 Order of Service and Announcements


Order of Service

Opening Hymn                                                                                 Page 346

Divine Service 1 (page 151)   Psalm 85

Sermon hymn                                                                                   Page 345

Sermon                                                                                Matt 11:2-10 (11)

“Jesus comes to heal and preach the Gospel.  He is the “least one” in the kingdom, and thus greater than John”

Communion hymns                                                           Page 365, 366, 386

Closing hymn                                                                                    Page 849


INTIMATE SACRAMENT:  We continue to celebrate the Lord’s Supper every week for those who have not been able to commune in some time, in the glad confidence and confession, that our Lord, as He says, gives not only bread and wine, but His very body and blood to eat and drink for the forgiveness of sin.  In these pandemic times, we have instituted as much as possible the physical distancing and sanitation practices to assure your physical safety, while still providing Christ for your physical/spiritual/emotional/psychological safety against sin, death, and the devil. If you do not share in this confession of our congregation and LC-Missouri Synod, or are not yet instructed, or have doubts – please speak to the pastor first. Or, you are invited to come to the rail for a blessing and meditate on God’s Word during the distribution, praying for the day when divisions will have ceased.

 IN YOUR PRAYERSPlease pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Melton, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth, Lorna. and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Harvey, Dianne, Connie, Berneita, Lonnie and those Additional Requested Prayers:  Kahlen, John (JJ)* Cheryl, Bryan. 

ADVENT MIDWEEK SERIES, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 16 @ 7:00PM. Ever wonder why Jesus is called the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, (1 Timothy 15:b)? It is because Jesus Christ reigns supreme over the heavens and the earth. From the beginning of time, people have awaited the coming Messiah, the Word of God incarnate. Christians, being justified into Him by grace through faith, enjoy the fulfillment of Christ’s reign in the same heavenly calling, but in three separate orders in our earthly callings. God still reigns in them, but perhaps differently in each of our many and various vocations of life. God has not left these vocations to chaos however but has also redeemed these earthly vocations in the life of a Christian into a heavenly order until He returns on the Last Day. Come hear how God orders our lives in this world of chaos.

FOR MEMORIAL POINSETTIAS please contact Dawn Walz at 660-0264 or 925-4200 by December 18th. The poinsettias will be displayed in the church December 20 thru December 27 at which time they may be picked up. 

ADVENT IS SOMETIMES CALLED A MINI-LENT. Before it changed to blue, the color of the season was purple, the same as Lent. Some still do. Yet Advent is not Christmas. Advent is the time that we - like the Israelites who waited for the Messiah and who was finally born -wait on the other side of history where we wait for His return on the Last Day. This is why the Christmas trees are dark. We could wait like the early church used to before we put them up, but we don't do that, we simply wait to light them. This is why we light one candle a week on the Advent wreath leading up to His growing anticipation of the light who is coming into the world. And yet like Lent (where we still sing Alleluias during the Sacrament and Sundays are not counted in the forty days of Lent) in the season of Advent, the trees are lit during the Sacrament of the Altar and we do sing Christmas songs. Because He "advents" to us in the Sacrament. - Pastor

Please call the pastor to set up an appointment for Him to bring the Altar of the Lord to you in your home if you cannot come - or Covid prevents you from coming - to the regular congregation of the church.

OFFERING ENVELOPES are located on the table in the fellowship hall. Please pick them up at your convenience, Remember, St. Paul Lutheran has been set up to accept secure bank transfers as a new option to writing checks or cash for offering donations.  Click the link on or contact one of the Finance Officers:  Penny Saarie 351-7848., Vicky Huber, Joni Knittel, or Treasure Sharon Pfeiffer

ARE YOU WILLING TO HELP with Altar flowers for next year? Instead of making phone calls to individuals we have posted a monthly schedule on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall, you can sign your name for a certain month if you are interested in helping. Thanks.

MAIN STREET LIVING:  This is the Life at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 10:30 a.m.  See BlogSpot for monthly schedule  

Saturday, December 5, 2020

12-06-2020 Order of Service and Announcements

                                                 Order of Service

Opening Hymn                                                                                 Page 743

Divine Service 1 (page 167)   Psalm 50:1-15

Sermon hymn                                                                                   Page 336

Sermon                                                                                     Luke 21:25-36

“When Jesus comes in the flesh He inaugurates the End of Time, when He will come again in glory!”

Communion hymns                                                           Page 363, 376, 362

Closing hymn                                                                                    Page 334

Intimate Sacrament:  We continue to celebrate the Lord’s Supper every week for those who have not been able to commune in some time, in the glad confidence and confession, that our Lord, as He says, gives not only bread and wine, but His very body and blood to eat and drink for the forgiveness of sin.  In these pandemic times, we have instituted as much as possible the physical distancing and sanitation practices to assure your physical safety, while still providing Christ for your physical/spiritual/emotional/psychological safety against sin, death, and the devil. If you do not share in this confession of our congregation and LC-Missouri Synod, or are not yet instructed, or have doubts – please speak to the pastor first. Or, you are invited to come to the rail for a blessing and meditate on God’s Word during the distribution, praying for the day when divisions will have ceased.

MAIN STREET LIVING:  This is the Life at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 10:30 a.m.  See BlogSpot for monthly schedule  

 IN YOUR PRAYERSPlease pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Melton, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth, Lorna. and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Harvey, Dianne, Connie, Berneita, and those Additional Requested Prayers:  Kahlen, John (JJ)* Cheryl

THE SUNDAY SCHOOL will be meeting in the Sanctuary after services instead of the classrooms to have an Advent "Opening Service", covering the Christmas narrative of the Lord who became flesh as a babe in the manger. Everyone is welcome to attend and this can be modeled in your home for your family devotions. After this 1/2 hour, they will return to the classrooms to do their regular material. This is prompted by the rising numbers and precautions which makes the Children's Christmas program (originally scheduled for Dec. 22nd at 7pm) highly improbable

ADVENT MIDWEEK SERIES, WEDNESDAYS, DEC. 2, 9, 16 @ 7:00PM. Ever wonder why Jesus is called the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, (1 Timothy 15:b)? It is because Jesus Christ reigns supreme over the heavens and the earth. From the beginning of time, people have awaited the coming Messiah, the Word of God incarnate. Christians, being justified into Him by grace through faith, enjoy the fulfillment of Christ’s reign in the same heavenly calling, but in three separate orders in our earthly callings. God still reigns in them, but perhaps differently in each of our many and various vocations of life. God has not left these vocations to chaos however but has also redeemed these earthly vocations in the life of a Christian into a heavenly order until He returns on the Last Day. Come hear how God orders our lives in this world of chaos.

Advent is sometimes called a mini-lent. Before it changed to blue, the color of the season was purple, the same as Lent. Some still do. Yet Advent is not Christmas. Advent is the time that we - like the Israelites who waited for the Messiah and who was finally born -wait on the other side of history where we wait for His return on the Last Day. This is why the Christmas trees are dark. We could wait like the early church used to before we put them up, but we don't do that, we simply wait to light them. This is why we light one candle a week on the Advent wreath leading up to His growing anticipation of the light who is coming into the world. And yet like Lent (where we still sing Alleluias during the Sacrament and Sundays are not counted in the forty days of Lent) in the season of Advent, the trees are lit during the Sacrament of the Altar and we do sing Christmas songs. Because He "advents" to us in the Sacrament. Please see the included insert. - Pastor

 Also add as a reminder;

Please call the pastor to set up an appointment for Him to bring the Altar of the Lord to you in your home if you cannot come - or Covid prevents you from coming - to the regular congregation of the church.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

11-29-2020 Order of Service and Announcements

 November 29, 2020 (1st Sunday in Advent)

Order of Service

Opening Hymn                                                                                 Page 672

Divine Service 1 (page 167)   Psalm 24

Sermon hymn                                                                                   Page 332

Sermon                                                                                        Matt 21:1-09

“Preparing to celebrate the Birth of Christ also means looking ahead to His death and resurrection!”

Communion hymns                                                           Page 361, 384, 360

Closing hymn                                                                                    Page 335

Intimate Sacrament:  We continue to celebrate the Lord’s Supper every week for those who have not been able to commune in some time, in the glad confidence and confession, that our Lord, as He says, gives not only bread and wine, but His very body and blood to eat and drink for the forgiveness of sin.  In these pandemic times, we have instituted as much as possible the physical distancing and sanitation practices to assure your physical safety, while still providing Christ for your physical/spiritual/emotional/psychological safety against sin, death, and the devil. If you do not share in this confession of our congregation and LC-Missouri Synod, or are not yet instructed, or have doubts – please speak to the pastor first. Or, you are invited to come to the rail for a blessing and meditate on God’s Word during the distribution, praying for the day when divisions will have ceased.

MAIN STREET LIVING:  This is the Life at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 10:30 a.m.  See BlogSpot for monthly schedule  

 IN YOUR PRAYERSPlease pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Melton, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth, Lorna. and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Harvey, Dianne, Connie, Berneita, and those Additional Requested Prayers:  Kahlen, John (JJ)*.

ADVENT MIDWEEK SERIES, WEDNESDAYS, DEC. 2, 9, 16 @ 7:00PM. Ever wonder why Jesus is called the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, (1 Timothy 15:b)? It is because Jesus Christ reigns supreme over the heavens and the earth. From the beginning of time, people have awaited the coming Messiah, the Word of God incarnate. Christians, being justified into Him by grace through faith, enjoy the fulfillment of Christ’s reign in the same heavenly calling, but in three separate orders in our earthly callings. God still reigns in them, but perhaps differently in each of our many and various vocations of life. God has not left these vocations to chaos however but has also redeemed these earthly vocations in the life of a Christian into a heavenly order until He returns on the Last Day. Come hear how God orders our lives in this world of chaos. 

LADIES AID and LWML will meet on Thursday Dec. 3rd at 2:00 p.m. for Bible Study and meetings.

STARTING TODAY. The Sunday School will be meeting in the Sanctuary after services instead of the classrooms to have an Advent "Opening Service", covering the Christmas narrative of the Lord who became flesh as a babe in the manger. Everyone is welcome to attend and this can be modeled in your home for your family devotions. After this 1/2 hour, they will return to the classrooms to do their regular material. This is prompted by the rising numbers and precautions which makes the Children's Christmas program (originally scheduled for Dec. 22nd at 7pm) highly improbable

Saturday, November 21, 2020

11-22-2020 Order of Service and Announcements


Order of Service

Opening Hymn                                                                                 Page 672

Divine Service 3 (page 184)   Psalm 149

Sermon hymn                                                                                   Page 516

Sermon                                                                                       Matt 25”1-13

“Render to God the Things of God!”

Communion hymns                                                           Page 677, 596, 660

Closing hymn                                                                                    Page 639

 At ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Freeman, a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), we take the Lord's Supper very seriously, and practice closed communion.  If you are not a member in good standing of an LCMS congregation, or are unsure of what a closed communion practice is, or disagree with this practice, we understand, and welcome you to come forward to the chancel rail and hold your hands crossed against themselves to receive a Word from the Lord in blessing. Yet please, do not leave offended, but contact the pastor to arrange a time to discuss it with you in person to see what the issues are that we are so careful about and how you may join the family meal.

MAIN STREET LIVING:  This is the Life at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 10:30 a.m.  See BlogSpot for monthly schedule  

IN YOUR PRAYERSPlease pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Melton, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth, Lorna. and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Harvey, Dianne, Connie, Berneita, and those Additional Requested Prayers:  Kahlen, John (JJ)*.

IF YOU HAVE BEEN SEVERELY IMPACTED due to COVID-19, please confidentially contact the Pastor for assistance through pastoral care and the different groups/members of St. Paul Lutheran Freeman. We are in this together and want to take care of our neighbor members. Also, on the Bulletin board is a flyer from SD CARES Housing Assistance Program (SDCHAP) which provides funds to assist SD residents with temporary rental, mortgage, or utility assistance. Please see the bulletin board for the SD CARES Housing Assistance Program

CHURCH DECORATING for Christmas will be on Friday, November 27 at 6:30 PM. All help will be greatly appreciated.



Saturday, November 14, 2020

11-15-2020 Order of Service and Announcements

 Order of Service

Opening Hymn                                                                                 Page 606

Divine Service 3 (page 184)   Psalm 111

Sermon hymn                                                                                   Page 611

Sermon                                                                                      Matt 18:21-35

“Walk humbly with our God and forgiving one another”

Communion hymns                                                           Page 676, 766, 895

Closing hymn                                                                                     Page 690

At ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Freeman, a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), we take the Lord's Supper very seriously, and practice closed communion.  If you are not a member in good standing of an LCMS congregation, or are unsure of what a closed communion practice is, or disagree with this practice, we understand, and welcome you to come forward to the chancel rail and hold your hands crossed against themselves to receive a Word from the Lord in blessing. Yet please, do not leave offended, but contact the pastor to arrange a time to discuss it with you in person to see what the issues are that we are so careful about and how you may join the family meal.

MAIN STREET LIVING:  This is the Life at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 10:30 a.m.  See BlogSpot for monthly schedule  

 IN YOUR PRAYERSPlease pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Melton, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth, Lorna. and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Harvey, Dianne, Connie, Berneita, and those Additional Requested Prayers:  Kahlen, John (JJ)*.

IF YOU HAVE BEEN SEVERELY IMPACTED due to COVID-19, please confidentially contact the Pastor for assistance through pastoral care and the different groups/members of St. Paul Lutheran Freeman. We are in this together and want to take care of our neighbor members. Also, on the Bulletin board is a flyer from SD CARES Housing Assistance Program (SDCHAP) which provides funds to assist SD residents with temporary rental, mortgage, or utility assistance. Please see the bulletin board for the SD CARES Housing Assistance Program

CHURCH DECORATING for Christmas will be on Friday, November 27 at 6:30 PM. All help will be greatly appreciated.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

11-08-2020 Order of Service and Announcements


Order of Service

Opening Hymn                                                                                 Page 656

Divine Service 3 (page 184)   Psalm 116:12-19

Sermon hymn                                                                                   Page 607

Sermon                                                                                        John 4:46-54

“God Declares Us Righteous Unsheathing His Word Against All Evil!”

Communion hymns                                                           Page 655, 659, 572

Closing hymn                                                                                    Page 737


At ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Freeman, a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), we take the Lord's Supper very seriously, and practice closed communion.  If you are not a member in good standing of an LCMS congregation, or are unsure of what a closed communion practice is, or disagree with this practice, we understand, and welcome you to come forward to the chancel rail and hold your hands crossed against themselves to receive a Word from the Lord in blessing. Yet please, do not leave offended, but contact the pastor to arrange a time to discuss it with you in person to see what the issues are that we are so careful about and how you may join the family meal.

 MAIN STREET LIVING:  This is the Life at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 10:30 a.m.  See BlogSpot for monthly schedule  

  IN YOUR PRAYERSPlease pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Melton, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth, Lorna. and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Harvey, Dianne, Connie, Berneita, and those Additional Requested Prayers:  Kahlen, John (JJ)*.

STUDY THE BOOK OF ROMANS TOGETHER at the Sunday morning Bible study at 8:30am and the Men's group at 6:00am on Wednesdays. Ladies Aid/LWML are finishing up Revelation and the Women's group are finishing up the book of Genesis and watch soon for an after-services study group for the youth (topic/book to be determined)

 SINCE WE HAVE CANCELLED our church bazaar for 2020 the Ladies Aid does have dish cloths and cutlery on hand to sell, if you would like to make a purchase please call or see Corrine Handel. Also, thanks to everyone that has made monetary donations to the Ladies Aid, and if you are interested in donating you may put your donation into an envelope marked for the Ladies Aid and then into the collection plate. Thanks again.

IF YOU HAVE BEEN SEVERELY IMPACTED due to COVID-19, please confidentially contact the Pastor for assistance through pastoral care and the different groups/members of St. Paul Lutheran Freeman. We are in this together and want to take care of our neighbor members. Also, on the Bulletin board is a flyer from SD CARES Housing Assistance Program (SDCHAP) which provides funds to assist SD residents with temporary rental, mortgage, or utility assistance. Please see the bulletin board for the SD CARES Housing Assistance Program


            Sunday:          8:30 a.m.:  Bible Study

9:30 a.m.:  Worship Service/Holy Communion

Acolyte:  Alaric Knittle

After Service:  Sunday School

After Service: Choir

    Wednesday:   6:00 a.m.:  Men’s Bible Study

                                    9:00 a.m.:  Women’s Bible Study

                                    6:30 p.m.:  Confirmation

              Thursday:      12:00 p.m.:  Bulletin Announcement due

               Sunday:          8:30 a.m.:  Bible Study

                        9:30 a.m.:  Worship Service/Holy Communion

                        Acolyte: Gideon Rembold

                        After Service:  Sunday School

                        After Service:  Choir


            Baptized membership: 298

Members and visitors in attendance:  89

Sunday School: NA


Saturday, October 31, 2020

11-01-2020 Order of Service and Announcements


Order of Service

Opening Hymn                                                                                 Page 676

Divine Service 3 (page 184)   Psalm 149

Sermon hymn                                                                                   Page 677

Sermon                                                                                   Matthew 5:1-12

“Saints Are Blessed in the Eternal Presence of Christ!”

Communion hymns                                                           Page 507, 639, 672

Closing hymn                                                                                    Page 671


At ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Freeman, a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), we take the Lord's Supper very seriously, and practice closed communion.  If you are not a member in good standing of an LCMS congregation, or are unsure of what a closed communion practice is, or disagree with this practice, we understand, and welcome you to come forward to the chancel rail and hold your hands crossed against themselves to receive a Word from the Lord in blessing. Yet please, do not leave offended, but contact the pastor to arrange a time to discuss it with you in person to see what the issues are that we are so careful about and how you may join the family meal.

MAIN STREET LIVING:  This is the Life at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 10:30 a.m.  See BlogSpot for monthly schedule  

 IN YOUR PRAYERSPlease pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Melton, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth, Lorna. and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Harvey, Dianne, Connie, Berneita, and those Additional Requested Prayers:  Kahlen, John (JJ)*.

Thanks to God for the saints who now rest from their labors this past year as we all await the promise of the Resurrection: June Heckenlaible, Lucille Rembold, Myron Schaffer

CIRCUIT CONVOCATION/FORUM today, starting at 2:00pm at Trinity, Hartford. If you have not RSVP'd, do not let that stop you from attending. Just let Pastor Makelin know you are coming anyway. See the back of the announcements.

CHOIR PRACTICE will be starting today, November 1 in front of the church right after the service.

 LADIES AID and LWML will meet on Nov. 5th at 2:00 pm for Bible Study and meetings.

STUDY THE BOOK OF ROMANS TOGETHER at the Sunday morning Bible study at 8:30am and the Men's group at 6:00am on Wednesdays. Ladies Aid/LWML are finishing up Revelation and the Women's group are finishing up the book of Genesis and watch soon for an after-services study group for the youth (topic/book to be determined)

SINCE WE HAVE CANCELLED our church bazaar for 2020 the Ladies Aid does have dish cloths and cutlery on hand to sell, if you would like to make a purchase please call or see Corrine Handel. Also, thanks to everyone that has made monetary donations to the Ladies Aid, and if you are interested in donating you may put your donation into an envelope marked for the Ladies Aid and then into the collection plate. Thanks again.

IF YOU HAVE BEEN SEVERELY IMPACTED due to COVID-19, please confidentially contact the Pastor for assistance through pastoral care and the different groups/members of St. Paul Lutheran Freeman. We are in this together and want to take care of our neighbor members. Also, on the Bulletin board is a flyer from SD CARES Housing Assistance Program (SDCHAP) which provides funds to assist SD residents with temporary rental, mortgage, or utility assistance. Please see the bulletin board for the SD CARES Housing Assistance Program

  Upcoming Circuit Convocation/Forum Upcoming Circuit Convocation/Forum

Protecting Our Young People: There is a terrible danger in our culture today. In the last five years the porn and predator disciples of the devil have spiked in their seduction of little children through smart phones, Instagram, twitter, and a host of other life-destroying hellish addictive devices. On November 1 at 2:00 pm at Trinity Hartford will be a Circuit area Convocation which will show a powerful video as well as have a police expert will inform us of how to protect our children from the growing number of sexual creeps who seek the ruin of children. We will meet Trinity Hartford. Be aware. All of the pastors of our circuit were stunned, shocked, and deeply saddened to see this red alarm video. We are indeed living in the last days of the end times. More than ever, we need to be grounded in God’s Word, anchored in Christ’s love, and fortified by Christian fellowship and His gift of the Lord’s Supper.   

Guest Convocation Presenter:

Special Agent Jackson Brown with the South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation. A member of Trinity, Hartford, will be our guest and helper in sharing his labor in protecting our children. 

His expertise is in Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.  

Please mark the date and RSVP so we have adequate places set up and precautions in place.

Please contact Pastor Makelin at or on text me at 402-336-7819  

The Freeman Circuit Forum begins at 6:15 on that same date/location. The Circuit Visitor is elected and any recommended District Convention Resolutions are put forward from the Circuit. Anyone is encouraged to attend, but only Congregation Delegates are allowed to vote.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

10-25-2020 Order of Service and Announcements


Order of Service

Opening Hymn                                                                         Page 556 v1-5

Divine Service 3 (page 184)   Psalm 46

Sermon hymn                                                                                   Page 656

Sermon                                                     John 8:31-36 or Matthew 11:12-19

“The Son of God Has Set us Free from Sin and Death by His Grace!”

Communion hymns                                                                   Page 702, 555

Closing hymn                                                                         Page 556 v6-10


 At ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Freeman, a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), we take the Lord's Supper very seriously, and practice closed communion.  If you are not a member in good standing of an LCMS congregation, or are unsure of what a closed communion practice is, or disagree with this practice, we understand, and welcome you to come forward to the chancel rail and hold your hands crossed against themselves to receive a Word from the Lord in blessing. Yet please, do not leave offended, but contact the pastor to arrange a time to discuss it with you in person to see what the issues are that we are so careful about and how you may join the family meal.

 MAIN STREET LIVING:  This is the Life at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 10:30 a.m.  See BlogSpot for monthly schedule  

 IN YOUR PRAYERSPlease pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Melton, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth, Lorna. and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Harvey, Dianne, Connie, Berneita, and those Additional Requested Prayers:  Kahlen, John (JJ)*, Dwayne* and church workers, spouses, and church members.

 VOTER’S MEETING: after services.  Please plan to attend.

 CHANGE TO SERVICE NOTICE. Services will change on November 1st to have a Benediction after the Prayers and the livestream will be shut off at that time. Service of the Sacrament will begin after a short pause to prepare the table. No change to hymn order as previously posted.

 UPCOMING CIRCUIT CONVOCATION/FORUM:  Sunday, November 1st, 2:00 p.m. at Trinity, Harford.  See Insert.

 STUDY THE BOOK OF ROMANS TOGETHER at the Sunday morning Bible study at 8:30am and the Men's group at 6:00am on Wednesdays. Ladies Aid/LWML are finishing up Revelation and the Women's group are finishing up the book of Genesis and watch soon for an after-services study group for the youth (topic/book to be determined)

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS Sunday November 1st. Fall back an hour.

SINCE WE HAVE CANCELLED our church bazaar for 2020 the Ladies Aid does have dish cloths and cutlery on hand to sell, if you would like to make a purchase please call or see Corrine Handel. Also thanks to everyone that has made monetary donations to the Ladies Aid, and if you are interested in donating you may put your donation into an envelope marked for the Ladies Aid and then into the collection plate. Thanks again.







Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...