Monday, May 30, 2011

5-29-2011 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we pray for Doris Albrecht, Olinda Stark, Arden and Arlene Stern, Pauline Waltner, the Samuel Pappas family (Sam’s ex-daughter-in-law committed suicide last week) and the family of LeAnne Albrecht as they mourn the death of LeAnne. We also keep in our prayers our shut-in members, our inactive members and at least two people in our lives who don’t know Christ.

THE FUNERAL SERVICE for LeAnne Albrecht was held last Wed., May 25th. LeAnne was received into Glory on May 22nd. We ask God to comfort her family in their time of grief with the sure and certain hope of the resurrection of all flesh on the Last Day and the subsequent joyful reunion in heaven of all believers. The flowers on the altar this morning are from LeAnne’s funeral.

ASCENSION DAY WORSHIP SERVICE – As the Church has done since the days of the Apostles, we, too, will celebrate the Ascension of our Lord into His Glory. This year’s Ascension observance (the 40th day after Easter) will be Thursday, June 2nd at 7:00 p.m. Please join us in the worship of our ascended Lord!

REMINDER – The Samaritan group will meet Wednesday, June 1st, at 6:30 p.m. at the church. Please bring the item(s) you signed up to donate for our project. Remember to come for supper!

LADIES AID will meet at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday evening. Topic will be given by Julie. This month Millie Gunderson is on Altar Guild.

REV. DALE SATTGAST, President of the SD District of the LCMS, received the Doctor of Letters degree from Concordia University, St. Paul at their commencement ceremony of May 13th. We congratulate him on receiving this special recognition and degree, and we thank God for the more than 30 years that Rev. Dr. Sattgast has worked in our Lord’s Kingdom.

SONSURF BEACH BASH VBS – The dates of VBS are July 18th thru July 22nd. You can sign up by emailing Amber at or let Lisa, Amber or Cheri know. Also, please contact any of these 3 ladies if you would like to help out with our VBS this summer. This will be a fun-filled week of beach fun while learning lots about our Savior! Please watch for more details.

ARMED FORCES SUNDAY – This week we celebrate Armed Forces Sunday. We know that, per many Bible passages, God instituted government for our protection and it, therefore, has the duty and obligation to protect its citizens. Regardless of our varied political views, we can all agree that a society must hold in high regard the personal sacrifices made by so many Americans on a daily basis to keep us all safe. It is their sacrifices, in fact, that allow people in this country the privilege of expressing and practicing their viewpoints … including the anti-military viewpoint. Those who sacrifice for us include not only our military members and chaplains but also their families. We recognize these individuals in the church by acknowledging their sacrifice, praying for their safety and supporting our Synod’s Ministry to the Armed Forces.

URGENT MISSION OPPORTUNITIES – This year God has opened many doors for LCMS members to serve overseas as missionaries and teachers for 1 to 2 years. As of this month, 36 critical positions remain unfilled. God has prepared in advance these exciting good works for His people. Besides the critical 36 openings, there are more than 200 other opportunities available to make the love of Christ known in Word and deed by serving within the LCMS World Missions organization … from 1 week positions to lifetime positions and everything in between! Perhaps one of these positions is for you and perhaps for someone you know. For more information please contact the Pastor.

ANNUAL LUTHERANS FOR LIFE DIAPER/LAYETTE item drive will continue through Father’s Day, June 19th. Diapers of all sizes are needed as well as diaper wipes, powders, lotions, baby bath items, shampoos, etc. Layette items such as receiving blankets, sleepers, booties, sweaters and other infant wear as well as any items that might be typically given as a shower gift are also welcome. A collection container will be in the Fellowship Hall.

SARAH RUML would like to thank all those who have given prayer or financial support for her Dells Summer Training Program thus far. Your contributions are immensely appreciated! Sarah will continue to fundraise until July 1st; if you are interested in helping support Sarah or if you would like more information, please contact Scott or Susan Ruml (925-7004) or Sarah (605-660-5330 or Also refer to the bulletin/message board for an extended letter explaining more about what Sarah is doing this summer. Thank you!

VALERA KOCH’S ADDRESS – Several people have asked for Mrs. Koch’s address so that they can send her a sympathy card. Her address is: 206 Pleasant Avenue North, Glencoe, MN 55336. If you wish to call her instead, her phone number is (320) 864-6309.

CONGRATULATIONS AND BLESSINGS to these students for having the best Sunday School attendance in their classes for the 3rd quarter.

Pre-K – Kindergarten  Dillon Podzimek
1st – 2nd Grade  Sarah Harris
3rd – 5th Grade  Lindsay Thomas
6th – 8th Grade  Karen Schamber and Josh Wynia

We all know the importance of learning God’s Word. Having good attendance at Sunday School is a great way to reinforce an active Christians life. – (signed) Board of Education

SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL – We will be having summer Sunday School on June 26th, July 31st and August 28th. All children Pre-K thru 8th grade are encouraged to attend.

SPECIAL PLATE OFFERING will be taken today to help with the new furnace expense. There is a basket in the Fellowship Hall for your donations.

SECRETARIAL POSITION FILLED – Lisa Andersen and Aleta Starner will be job-sharing the church’s secretarial position starting June 1st. Please continue to send your announcements to the church’s e-mail account. You may also call them on their cell phones:
Lisa at 670-3006 and Aleta at 660-3651.

A BIG THANK YOU! – The Board of Education would like to recognize the dedication of our Sunday School teachers for their efforts to shape and guide the faith of the children of our congregation. Our teachers this year were Amber Sayler, Kaitlyn Stern, Kendra Schamber, Penny Saarie, Kristi Dannenbring, Aimee Mors, Penny Smidt, Mark Roth, Leann Schulz-Thomas, Denise Peterson and Dawn Walz. Our music teachers were Jane Kleinsasser, Penny Smidt and Amber Sayler. Thank you for all your hard work this year!

FREEMAN REGIONAL HOSPITAL AUXILIARY is conducting their annual fund drive. There is a basket in the Fellowship Hall for your donations. The Hospital Auxiliary uses these funds to purchase needed items for our local hospital/nursing home. There is also a sheet for you to sign if you are willing to help or donate for their annual soup day in October. We are very fortunate to have this health facility in our community; please contribute if you are able. Thank you.

SAMARITANS – We would like to tell you a few facts about the new ladies group started here at church – now known as the Samaritans. We would like to state that we profess to faithfully promote God’s name and glory. Our desire is to earnestly apply Christian fellowship to create helpful means to those in our church body as a testimony to God. We wish to make known our goals which are to spread God's word of hope and to do Christian acts.

We are looking for projects that will help and encourage people in our congregation – people who are having health issues, unexpected expenses, loss of family or just need a pick-me-up for some reason. We welcome good news celebrations such as special birthdays, anniversaries and births. We encourage anyone to make suggestions on their own behalf or for others as well. We have placed a request box out on the spinner of extra bulletins and calendars in the Narthex. Our group will try to honor each request in some way.

Anyone who is interested in joining or has any questions or comments, please contact LaNae Harberts, Diane Schnabel or Kristi Dannenbring.

ALBRECHT FAMILY BENEFIT will be held next Saturday, June 4th, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. here at St. Paul Church. Please check the bulletin board for all the details.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

5-22-2011 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we continue to pray for Doris Albrecht and Leann Albrecht in their fight against cancer as well as for Olinda Stark who is now under hospice care and for Arden and Arlene Stern who both fell and were injured this last week; they have been released from the hospital and are recovering at home. We also keep in our prayers our shut-in members, our inactive members and at least two people in our lives who don’t know Christ.

OOPS! – We apologize for accidentally forgetting to include Brice Paulson in last week’s list of college graduates. He just graduated from SDSU in Brookings with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology. Brice is the son of Craig and Kim Paulson.

URGENT MISSION OPPORTUNITIES – This year God has opened many doors for LCMS members to serve overseas as missionaries and teachers for 1 to 2 years. As of this month, 36 critical positions remain unfilled. God has prepared in advance these exciting good works for His people. Besides the critical 36 openings, there are more than 200 other opportunities available to make the love of Christ known in Word and deed by serving within the LCMS World Missions organization … from 1 week positions to lifetime positions and everything in between! Perhaps one of these positions is for you and perhaps for someone you know. For additional information please contact the Pastor.

ANNUAL LUTHERANS FOR LIFE DIAPER/LAYETTE item drive will continue through Father’s Day, June 19th. Diapers of all sizes are needed as well as diaper wipes, powders, lotions, baby bath items, shampoos, etc. Layette items such as receiving blankets, sleepers, booties, sweaters and other infant wear as well as any items that might be typically given as a shower gift are also welcome. A collection container will be in the Fellowship Hall.

SARAH RUML would like to thank all those who have given prayer or financial support for her Dells Summer Training Program thus far. Your contributions are immensely appreciated! Sarah will continue to fundraise until July 1st; if you are interested in helping support Sarah or if you would like more information, please contact Scott or Susan Ruml (925-7004) or Sarah (605-660-5330 or Also refer to the bulletin/message board for an extended letter explaining more about what Sarah is doing this summer. Thank you!

SONSURF BEACH BASH VBS – The dates of VBS are July 18th thru July 22nd. You can sign up by emailing Amber at or let Lisa, Amber or Cheri know. Also, please contact any of these 3 ladies if you would like to help out with our VBS this summer. This will be a fun-filled week of beach fun while learning lots about our Savior! Please watch for more details.

FREEMAN REGIONAL HOSPITAL AUXILIARY is conducting their annual fund drive. There is a basket in the Fellowship Hall for your donations. The Hospital Auxiliary uses these funds to purchase needed items for our local hospital/nursing home. There is also a sheet for you to sign if you are willing to help or donate for their annual soup day in October. We are very fortunate to have this health facility in our community; please contribute if you are able. Thank you.

SUNDAE SUNDAY will be next Sunday. The congregation is invited to join the Sunday school students and teachers as we wrap up the Sunday school year. Ice cream sundaes will be served during our social time following the worship service. See you there!!

SPECIAL PLATE OFFERING will be taken today to help with the new furnace expense. There is a basket in the Fellowship Hall for your donations.

ARMED FORCES SUNDAY – Next Sunday we will celebrate Armed Forces Sunday. Regardless of our varied political views, we can all agree that a society must hold in high regard the personal sacrifices made by so many Americans on a daily basis to keep us all safe. Those who sacrifice for us include not only our military members and chaplains but also their families. We recognize these individuals in the church by acknowledging their sacrifice, praying for their safety and supporting our Synod’s Ministry to the Armed Forces.

REMINDER – The Samaritan group will meet Wednesday, May 25th at 6:30 p.m. at the church. Please bring the item(s) you signed up to donate for our project. Remember to come for supper!

We would like to tell you a few facts about the new ladies group started here at church – now known as the Samaritans. We would like to state that we profess to faithfully promote God’s name and glory. Our desire is to earnestly apply Christian fellowship to create helpful means to those in our church body as a testimony to God. We wish to make known our goals which are to spread God's word of hope and to do Christian acts.

We are looking for projects that will help and encourage people in our congregation -- people who are having health issues, unexpected expenses, loss of family or just need a pick-me-up for some reason. We welcome good news celebrations such as special birthdays, anniversaries and births. We encourage anyone to make suggestions on their own behalf or for others as well. We have placed a request box out on the spinner of extra bulletins and calendars in the Narthex. Our group will try to honor each request in some way.

Anyone who is interested in joining or has any questions or comments, please contact LaNae Harberts, Diane Schnabel or Kristi Dannenbring.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

5-15-2011 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we continue to pray for Doris Albrecht and Leann Albrecht, and the family of former SPLC Pastor, Rev. Koch, as well as for our shut-in members, our inactive members and for at least two people in your life who don’t know Christ.

Baccalaureate Sunday
We welcome you to our Baccalaureate service today where our 5 high school graduates (Taylor Koehn, Brandy Hora, Kory Henrichs, Collin Anderson and Jeremy Albrecht) and 3 college graduates (Tracey Schnabel, Brett Pidde and Tiffany Mehlhaff) will receive a blessing from the church. We pray that God will give them guidance and wisdom for the decisions about their life that they will be making in the years to come and that they will grow ever closer to Him in faith with their lives honoring the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Everyone is invited to stay for the reception after the service.

DISTRICT PLANNING CONFERENCE – If someone would like to represent our church at the District Planning Conference next Fall, please contact the Pastor. Each church in the SD District is allowed to have 1 representative if they so choose; this volunteer position is not required to be approved by our voters’ assembly. The 1-day conference will be held on Sept. 26th at Zion in Mitchell from 8:30 until 3:30.

PRE-2011(!) CONFIRMATION CLASS PICTURES – We are gathering as many former SPLC confirmation class pictures as we can for eventual display in our church. We would like to go back in history as far as possible. If you can locate a picture of your confirmation class (or your parents’ classes, your children’s classes, etc.), please loan it to the Pastor along with the names of everyone in the picture, the year of confirmation and your name. He will return it to you after making a copy for the church. An 8x10 picture is preferable but what-ever size you have will be gratefully accepted. Thank you in advance!

URGENT MISSION OPPORTUNITIES – This year God has opened many doors for LCMS members to serve overseas as missionaries and teachers for 1 to 2 years. As of this month, 36 critical positions remain unfilled. God has prepared in advance these exciting good works for His people. Besides the critical 36 openings, there are more than 200 other opportunities available to make the love of Christ known in Word and deed by serving within the LCMS World Missions organization … from 1 week positions to lifetime positions and everything in between! Perhaps one of these positions is for you and perhaps for someone you know. Please see the today’s enclosed insert on how to get additional information or contact the Pastor.

SUMMER CAMP – We have received the information regarding Camp Minneboji’s 2011 summer camp schedule. Registration forms for Camp Week (June 19-25) are available here at the church or on-line at The camp, for kids in Grades 4 thru 9, features Bible study, mission presentations, music, crafts, sports, recreation and the chance to meet new Christian friends. This year’s theme is “Angels.” The registration deadline is June 1st. If you are interested, please contact the Pastor for more information or check out their website.

ANNUAL LUTHERANS FOR LIFE DIAPER/LAYETTE item drive will continue through Father’s Day, June 19th. Diapers of all sizes are needed as well as diaper wipes, powders, lotions, baby bath items, shampoos, etc. Layette items such as receiving blankets, sleepers, booties, sweaters and other infant wear as well as any items that might be typically given as a shower gift are also welcome. A collection container will be in the Fellowship Hall.

SUNDAE SUNDAY will be on May 29th this year. The congregation is invited to join the Sunday school students and teachers as we wrap up the Sunday school year. Ice cream sundaes will be served during our social time following the worship service. See you there!!

SECRETARIAL – If anyone is interested in the secretarial position, please speak with Diane. A list of her responsibilities has been posted on the bulletin board.

SPECIAL PLATE OFFERING will be taken today to help with the new furnace expense. There is a basket in the Fellowship Hall for your donations.

SARAH RUML would like to thank all those who have given prayer or financial support for her Dells Summer Training Program thus far. Your contributions are immensely appreciated! Sarah will continue to fundraise until July 1st; if you are interested in helping support Sarah or if you would like more information, please contact Scott or Susan Ruml (925-7004) or Sarah (605-660-5330 or Also refer to the bulletin/message board for an extended letter explaining more about what Sarah is doing this summer. Thank you!

SUNDAY SCHOOL UPDATES – The last day of Sunday School will be May 22nd. We will be having Sunday School in the summer on June 26th, July 31st and August 28th. Please join us next week for Sundae Sunday where we will be serving ice cream sundaes, awarding best attendance awards and recognizing the teachers for all their hard work! Any questions, please talk to Lisa, Amber or Cheri.

SONSURF BEACH BASH VBS – The dates of VBS are July 18th thru July 22nd. You can sign up by emailing Amber at or let Lisa, Amber or Cheri know. Also, please contact any of these 3 ladies if you would like to help out with our VBS this summer. This will be a fun-filled week of beach fun while learning lots about our Savior! Please watch for more details.

FREEMAN REGIONAL HOSPITAL AUXILIARY is conducting their annual fund drive. There is a basket in the Fellowship Hall for your donations. The Hospital Auxiliary uses these funds to purchase needed items for our local hospital/nursing home. There is also a sheet for you to sign if you are willing to help or donate for their annual soup day in October. We are very fortunate to have this health facility in our community; please contribute if you are able. Thank you.

THE FUNERAL SERVICE for Rev. Willard Koch (a former SPLC Pastor) was held last Monday, May 9th, at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Glencoe, MN. Rev. Koch was received into Glory on May 5th. We ask God to comfort his wife and family in their time of grief with the sure and certain hope of the resurrection of all flesh on the Last Day and the subsequent joyful reunion in heaven of all believers.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

5-8-2011 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we pray for Doris Albrecht and Leann Albrecht, and for the family of Mabel Haar as they mourn the death of Mabel as well as for our shut-in members, our inactive members and for at least two people in your life who do not know Christ.

LWML will meet this Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. The topic will be given by Marge and lunch will be served by Julie.

BACCALAUREATE SUNDAY – Please join us next Sunday for our Baccalaureate service when our high school and college graduates will receive a blessing from the church. Everyone is invited to stay for the reception after the service.

SUMMER CAMP – We have received the information regarding Camp Minneboji’s 2011 summer camp schedule. Registration forms for Camp Week (June 19-25) are available here at the church or on-line at The camp, for kids in Grades 4 thru 9, features Bible study, mission presentations, music, crafts, sports, recreation and the chance to meet new Christian friends. This year’s theme is “Angels.” The registration deadline is June 1st. If you are interested, please contact the Pastor for more information or check out their website.

ANNUAL LUTHERANS FOR LIFE DIAPER/LAYETTE drive will begin today and continue through Father’s Day, June 19. Diapers of all sizes are needed as well as diaper wipes, powders, lotions, baby bath items, shampoos, etc. Layette items such as receiving blankets, sleepers, booties, sweaters and other infant wear as well as any items that might be typically given as a shower gift are also welcome. A collection container will be in the Fellowship Hall.

SPECIAL PLATE OFFERING will be taken for the next two Sundays to help with the new furnace expenses. There will be a basket in the Fellowship Hall to drop off your donation.

SUNDAE SUNDAY will be on May 29th this year. The congregation is invited to join the Sunday school students and teachers as we wrap up the Sunday school year. Ice cream sundaes will be served during our social time following the worship service. See you there!!

SECRETARIAL POSITION IS OPEN – If anyone is interested in the office secretarial position, please speak with Diane. A list of her responsibilities has been posted on the bulletin board.

MAY 24TH UNTIL AUGUST 15th, 2011 Sarah Ruml will be in Wisconsin Dells living, working, studying the Bible, and ministering with several other college students from the Upper Midwest. Before leaving for the Dells, Sarah needs to raise $2,400 for the training program fee, room and board. She is asking God to surround her with a team of people who will each pray for and financially contribute anywhere from $25 to $500. If you are interested or would like more information please contact Scott or Susan Ruml (605-925-7004) or Sarah (605-660-5330) or Also refer to the bulletin/message board for an extended letter explaining more about what Sarah is doing this summer. Thank you!

MABEL HAAR’S ENTRANCE INTO GLORY – We pray for comfort for the family of Mabel Haar whom God called to her eternal rest on Friday, April 29th. We give thanks to our Lord for His loving-kindness and for all of the mercies granted to Mabel during her earthly life, especially for calling her to faith in Jesus Christ through Holy Baptism. We pray that God would comfort all who mourn with the hope of the glorious resurrection of the body and a happy reunion in heaven, and that He would sustain the family with the knowledge that all who remain faithful will be given the crown of eternal life and will be in our Lord’s presence forevermore. Mabel’s funeral was Thursday, May 5th.

OLD CONFIRMATION CLASS PICTURES – We are gathering as many former SPLC confirmation class pictures as we can for eventual display in our church. We would like to go back in history as far as possible. If you can locate a picture of your confirmation class (or your parents’ classes, your children’s classes, etc.), please loan it to the Pastor along with the names of everyone in the picture, the year of confirmation and your name. He will return it to you after making a copy for the church. An 8x10 picture is preferable but whatever size you have will be gratefully accepted. Thank you in advance!

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...