Friday, May 26, 2017

05-28-2017 Announcements

P Alleluia!  Christ Is Risen
C Christ is Risen Indeed!  Alleluia!

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

MAIN STREET LIVING – June 4,  Rev. Daniel Grimmer, Associate Pastor at Zion Lutheran Church in Mitchell, SD. Entitled “Rivers of Living Water Delivered to You” the sermon is based on John 7: 37-39.,  The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

HOSPITAL AUXILIARY FUND DRIVE:  It is a privilege to have the Freeman Regional Health Services in our community. We are having our annual fund drive during the month of May and are asking for donations that will help to purchase needed equipment for the hospital, nursing home, and clinic. We will have a free will basket in the fellowship hall during coffee hour today. Your participation in this fund drive will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

LADIES AID will meet on June 1st at 7:00 pm with Joan Dreessen as Hostess.  Pastor  Weeman will lead the Bible Study on Angels followed by the Business meeting. The Walz Family  is on Altar Guild  for June and Darlene Schrag is Visiting Helper.  Coffee committee for June 4th is Julie Huber, Phyllis Knittel and Sharon Pfeiffer. 

REMINDER to the confirmation class of 2017. Give your selected confirmation verse to Pastor Ellis NO LATER than June 4th.

CHURCH CLEANING if you are or know of someone interested in cleaning the church please contact Dan Podzimek at 605-310-8826, thank you.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

05-21-2017 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

MAIN STREET LIVING – May 28, Rev. Paul Albers of Concordia Lutheran Church and Student Center in Vermillion, SD. The sermon is based on John 17: 1-11 and is titled “What Choice Do We Have”.  The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

THE LORD’S SUPPER at St. Paul Lutheran Church is administered in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.  It is celebrated in the confidence that we receive – in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine – our Savior’s true Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins.  All who commune at this altar are making this public confession of the faith that we believe and teach as is written in the Holy Scriptures.  If you are not a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, please speak with the Pastor before the worship service.

HOSPITAL AUXILIARY FUND DRIVE:  It is a privilege to have the Freeman Regional Health Services in our community. We are having our annual fund drive during the month of May and are asking for donations that will help to purchase needed equipment for the hospital, nursing home, and clinic. We will have a free will basket in the fellowship hall during coffee hour May 21st and also on the 28th. Your participation in this fund drive will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

CHURCH CLEANING if you or know of someone interested in cleaning the church please contact Dan Podzimek at 605-310-8826, thank you.

ASCENSION WORSHIP SERVICE will be held at 7:00 p.m. this Thursday, May 25th.  The Ascension of our Lord to the right hand of the Father, is a very significant event for our Christian faith and life --both our temporal life and our eternal life. Please join us this Thursday at 7:00 p.m. as we gather around the proclamation of the Word of our Ascended Lord.                             Pastor Ellis

REMINDER to the confirmation class of 2017. Give your selected confirmation verse to Pastor Ellis NO LATER than June 4th.

LADIES AID will meet on June 1st at 7:00 pm with Joan Dreessen as Hostess.  Pastor  Weeman will lead the Bible Study on Angels followed by the Business meeting. The Walz Family  is on Altar Guild  for June and Darlene Schrag is Visiting Helper.  Coffee committee for June 4th is Julie Huber, Phyllis Knittel and Sharon Pfeiffer. 

Saturday, May 13, 2017

05-14-2017 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

MAIN STREET LIVING – May 21, Rev. David Knefelkamp of Zion Lutheran in White, SD and First English Lutheran Church in Aurora, SD brings us today’s message “Revelation of God” based on Mark: 4 1-20. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

THE LORD’S SUPPER at St. Paul Lutheran Church is administered in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.  It is celebrated in the confidence that we receive – in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine – our Savior’s true Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins.  All who commune at this altar are making this public confession of the faith that we believe and teach as is written in the Holy Scriptures.  If you are not a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, please speak with the Pastor before the worship service.

HOSPITAL AUXILIARY FUND DRIVE:  It is a privilege to have the Freeman Regional Health Services in our community. We are having our annual fund drive during the month of May and are asking for donations that will help to purchase needed equipment for the hospital, nursing home, and clinic. We will have a free will basket in the fellowship hall during coffee hour May 21st and also on the 28th. Your participation in this fund drive will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

IF YOU WERE NOT PREPARED last Sunday, you may still give a free-will offering to Main Street Living this morning after worship.  A basket will be available during coffee hour.  Thank You! 

CHURCH CLEANING if you or know of someone interested in cleaning the church please contact Dan Podzimek at 605-310-8826, thank you.

Friday, May 5, 2017

05-07-2017 Announcements

P Alleluia!  Christ Is Risen
C Christ is Risen Indeed!  Alleluia!

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

MAIN STREET LIVING – May 14, Today’s message is presented by Rev. Micah Bauer of Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Brookings, SD. Titled “We are Special (but not that way)” the sermon is based on 1 Peter 2: 9-10. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired

MAIN STREET LIVING SUNDAY - District President, Rev. Scott Sailer has declared Sunday, May 7th, to be Main Street Living Sunday.  See the bulletin insert for information about MSL.  A free-will offering for Main Street Living will be received after worship this morning.

LWML – Will meet on Thursday, May 11th at 2:00 p.m. at the home of Lee Lagendyke.

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...