Saturday, March 29, 2014

03/30/2014 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS we remember the Sam Hofer family who is in mourning over the death of their youngest son (Sean), all who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs as well as our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

MIDWEEK LENTEN SERVICES – The theme for this year’s Lenten season is “The Passion According to St. Mark.” In this sermon series we are following Jesus in His passion as He fulfills His role as our Savior from sin and death. A soup and sandwich supper will be offered beginning at 5:45. All services will begin at 7:00 p.m. Please mark your calendars and please bring a friend as you join us for worship!

Students receiving awards today are:
Pre K-1st grade: Lydia Dannenbring
2nd-3rd grade: Riley Knittel
4th-6th grade: Sarah Harris
7th-8th grade: Morgan and Bryce Dannenbring
It is so GREAT to see such good attendance in SS. Thank You Parents and Students. BOE

CONFIRMATION SUNDAY this year will be next Sunday. Please join us in welcoming our 5 confirmands into communicant membership: Tracy Andersen, Bryce Dannenbring, Charles Harberts, Levi Hintz and Lindsay Thomas. A reception for them will follow the worship service.

COMMUNION SUNDAY CHANGE – For the month of April, Holy Communion will be offered on the first Sunday (April 6th), on Maundy Thursday (April 17th) and at the late service on Easter Sunday (April 20th)

EASTER LILY REMINDER – For those of you who are planning to purchase an Easter lily for our altar on Easter Sunday and would like the person’s name in the bulletin for whom the flowers are given in memory of, please let us know as soon as possible but not later than Wednesday, April 16th. Thank you.
LADIES AID will meet after Lenten Service on April 2nd for a business meeting with Barbara Salis as Hostess. Mildred Siekmann is on Altar Guild for April and Phyllis Knittel is Visiting Helper.

PALM SUNDAY POTLUCK – We will be having a potluck luncheon after our Palm Sunday worship service to thank Bethany Christian School’s choir for their participation in the service. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for lunch! And just a suggestion … when you are preparing your favorite salad / entrĂ©e / dessert to bring to the potluck, you may want to consider using the next larger size dish or container. We will be having an extra 29 choir personnel to feed who won’t be able to bring anything of their own to the meal and we do not want to run out of food! Thanks!

PALM SUNDAY WEEKEND throughout Freeman will be a weekend to remember! Six Mennonite high schools will join the Freeman Academy for the weekend, culminating in a mass concert on Sunday afternoon (April 13th) in Sterling Hall. Our church has agreed to be a host congregation for one of these schools. Bethany Christian School is the one that has been assigned to us; they have 26 youth in their choir. Bethany’s choir will, not only be joining us in our Palm Sunday worship service, but will be providing most of the music. Almost all of the youth and the 3 chaperones have now been invited into our members’ homes. We have only 4 high school boys and 1 handicapped high school girl left to accommodate. Please prayerfully consider opening your home to provide them with a room for Friday and Saturday nights, and breakfast on Saturday and Sunday mornings. If you are willing to help us out, please contact Jane Kleinsasser right away. Thank you for your hospitality!

MAIN STREET LIVING – March 30th – The featured speaker will be Rev. Kelly Smith of Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Huron. His sermon theme will be “The Right Question.” The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.

May 21st our church will be serving at The Banquet in Sioux Falls. The Samaritan group is organizing it but will need many volunteers from the congregation to help. Please mark your calendars now and watch for more details as it gets closer.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

3-23-14 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS we remember all who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs as well as our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

MAIN STREET LIVING March 23rd - The featured speaker will be Rev. Karl Gregory of Bethesda Lutheran Church in Marion and First English Lutheran Church in Parker. His sermon theme will be “Who’s Guarding the House of Your Soul?” The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.

MIDWEEK LENTEN SERVICES – The theme for this year’s Lenten season is “The Passion According to St. Mark.” In this sermon series we are following Jesus in His passion as He fulfills His role as our Savior from sin and death. A soup and sandwich supper will be offered beginning at 5:45. All services will begin at 7:00 p.m. Please mark your calendars and please bring a friend as you join us for worship

LENTEN SEASON SOUP AND SANDWICH SUPPERS – April 2nd is the only remaining date for which we do not have any volunteers to prepare the meal. If you can help out, please contact the Pastor as soon as possible. Thank you.

LADIES AID - will meet after Lenten Service on April 2nd for a business meeting with Barbara Salis as Hostess. Mildred Siekmann is on Altar Guild for April and Phyllis Knittel is Visiting Helper.

CONFIRMATION SUNDAY this year will be on April 6th. Please join us in welcoming our 5 confirmands into communicant membership: Tracy Andersen, Bryce Dannenbring, Charles Harberts, Levi Hintz and Lindsay Thomas. A reception for them will follow the worship service.

ON APRIL 11, 12 & 13 we at St. Paul's will be hosting 30 students & 2 adults from Goshen, IN who will be here for the regional MSEC choir festival at Freeman Academy. So far members have signed up to house 15 students. If you would be willing to provide a bed & 2 breakfasts for these students or adults, please contact Jane Kleinsasser. Thank you!

Friday, March 14, 2014

03/16/2014 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS we continue to remember Harvey Dannenbring as he recovers from surgery, those in cancer treatment programs as well as our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

MAIN STREET LIVING – March 16th – The featured speaker will be Rev. David Edge of Zion Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls. His sermon theme will be “Two Times You’re Mine.” The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.

THE LORD’S SUPPER at St. Paul Lutheran Church is administered in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. It is celebrated in the confidence that we receive – in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine – our Savior’s true Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins. All who commune at this altar are making this public confession of the faith that we believe and teach as is written in the Holy Scriptures. If you are not a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, please speak with the Pastor before the worship service.

LENTEN SEASON SOUP AND SANDWICH SUPPERS – Since we have only 2 sets of volunteers to cover the remaining 4 soup-suppers, we have scheduled them to serve on March 19th and 26th. If soup-suppers are to happen on April 2nd and April 9th, then we need to have some volunteers to step up. Please contact the Pastor as soon as possible if you wish to volunteer for one of the remaining dates. Thanks!

ON APRIL 11, 12 & 13 we at St. Paul's will be hosting 30 students & 2 adults from Goshen, IN who will be here for the regional MSEC choir festival at Freeman Academy. So far members have signed up to house 15 students. If you would be willing to provide a bed & 2 breakfasts for these students or adults, please contact Jane Kleinsasser. Thank you!

SPECIAL THANK YOU to all the dartball players, Tom for keeping score, and the ladies for the great lunches. It was an enjoyable season-hope we can do it again next year. Rev. W

Friday, March 7, 2014

03-09-2014 Announcements

IN YOUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please remember June Heckenlaible as she recovers from surgery, those in cancer treatment programs as well as our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

THE LORD’S SUPPER at St. Paul Lutheran Church is administered in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. It is celebrated in the confidence that we receive – in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine – our Savior’s true Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins. All who commune at this altar are making this public confession of the faith that we believe and teach as is written in the Holy Scriptures. If you are not a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, please speak with the Pastor before the worship service.

MAIN STREET LIVING – March 9th – The featured speaker will be Rev. David Schwan of Zion Lutheran Church in Rapid City. His sermon theme will be “Connectivity.” The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.

LENTEN DEVOTIONAL BOOKLETS (written by Lutheran Hour Ministries) were distributed after today’s worship service. Additional copies are in the library.

MIDWEEK LENTEN SERVICES – The theme for this year’s Lenten season is “The Passion According to St. Mark.” In this sermon series we will follow Jesus in His passion as He fulfills His role as our Savior from sin and death. A soup and sandwich supper will be offered beginning at 5:45. All services will begin at 7:00 p.m. Please mark your calendars and please bring a friend as you join us for worship!

LWML will meet on Wednesday March 12 at 600 p.m. at the church. We will take part in the soup supper and have our business meeting while we eat, after which we will attend the Lenten service.

LENTEN SEASON SOUP AND SANDWICH SUPPERS – Since we have only 3 sets of volunteers to cover the remaining 5 soup-suppers, we have scheduled them to serve on March 12th, 19th and 26th. We are still in need of volunteers for April 2nd and April 9th. If any person, family or group would like to volunteer to do one of the remaining soup suppers, please contact the Pastor as soon as possible. Thanks

ON APRIL 11, 12 & 13 we at St. Paul's will be hosting 30 students & 2 adults from Goshen, IN who will be here for the regional MSEC choir festival at Freeman Academy. So far members have signed up to house 15 students. If you would be willing to provide a bed & 2 breakfasts for these students or adults, please contact Jane Kleinsasser. Thank you!

JUNE HECKENLAIBLE had surgery and everything went very well, if you would like to send her a card this is her address: 11903 Camden Brook St. Las Vegas, NV 89183. Thank you.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

03/02/2014 Announcements

IN YOUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please remember those in cancer treatment programs as well as our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

MAIN STREET LIVING – March 2nd – The featured speaker will be Rev. Steve Wagner of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Custer and Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Hill City.  His sermon theme will be “Getting to Know You.”  The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.

 LADIES AID will meet after Lenten Services on March 5th for the Business meeting with Sharon Pfeiffer as Hostess. On Altar Guild for March is Mildred Siekmann and Julie Huber is the Visiting Helper.  Coffee Hour committee for March 2 is Darlene Schrag, Mildred Siekmann and Susan Borglum.

LENTEN DEVOTIONAL BOOKLETS (written by Lutheran Hour Ministries) will be distributed after today’s worship service.  Additional copies are in the library.

LENTEN SEASON SOUP AND SANDWICH SUPPERS are being scheduled.  Since we have only 3 sets of volunteers so far, we will have soup-suppers on the first 3 Wednesdays (March 5th, 12th and 19th).  We are still in need of volunteers for March 26th, April 2nd and April 9th.  If any person, family or group would like to volunteer to do one of the remaining soup suppers, please contact the Pastor as soon as possible.  Thanks!

ON APRIL 11, 12 & 13 we at St. Paul's will be hosting 30 students      & 2 adults from Goshen, IN who will be here for the regional MSEC choir festival at Freeman Academy.   So far members have signed up     to house 15 students.   If you would be willing to provide a bed & 2 breakfasts for these students or adults, please contact Jane Kleinsasser.   Thank you!

ATTENTION DARTBALL PLAYERSThe State Tournament will be played on Saturday, March 8 at the 4-H Building in Mitchell, SD.  GAME TIME is 11 AM.  Anyone wanting to carpool should meet at the church parking lot no later than 9:45 AM.  ALSO a practice is scheduled for Wednesday, March 5 at 8 PM after the Lenten Service.  (St. Paul/Freeman took 4th place at the Zone Tournament last Sunday.)

MIDWEEK LENTEN SERVICES – The theme for this year’s Lenten season will be “The Passion According to St. Mark.  In this sermon series we will follow Jesus in His passion as He fulfills His role as our Savior from sin and death.  A soup and sandwich supper will be offered beginning at 5:45.  All services will begin at 7:00 p.m.  Please mark your calendars and please bring a friend as you join us for worship!

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...