Saturday, April 27, 2019

04-28-2019 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS Pray this week for; Those who are recovering from surgery, hospitalization, or sudden illnesses (_______) and for those who have long term health issues and/or difficulty coming to services on their own (Connie, Bernice, Lee, Lavonne, Lorna, Melton, Millie, Ruth, Alice, Marlene, Norby, Sharon, Wyona).

MAIN STREET LIVING – May 5, 2019:  No information avaible.  For more information go to the web site:

VOTER'S MEETING is today after services

HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR blessings May 5th during the 9:00am services

THIS MONTH’S MISSION/MINISTRY OF THE MONTH IS ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN Sharing resources and bringing Christ’s name and character to needy people both far and near.  Orphan Grain Train is a Christian volunteer network that ships donated food, clothing, medical and other needed items to people in 68 different countries including the USA.

MENTOR/MENTEE MEETING 6:30 p.m. at the church on Sunday April 28th.
THE LCMS OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL MISSION has an opening for a business manager for the Asia regionThe ideal candidate is a member of an LCMS congregation who is good with numbers and wants to serve full-time in Asia. This position provides the opportunity for a person with financial acumen to serve an important function in the direct mission of the church in Asia.  For information see or contact the information center at 888-843-5267 or

CELEBRATE THE 2019 COMMUNITY BACCALAUREATE MAY 5THMarion and Freeman church members are invited to the joint Baccalaureate service held Sunday, May 5 at 4:00pm in the Freeman Community Center gym (224 S. Wipf St.). The celebration is arranged by the Freeman Ministerial, an association of local churches and faith leaders. 

COMMUNION SUNDAY CHANGE for the months of June and July. In the months of June and July, the Communion Sundays will change to the FIRST and SECOND Sundays, from the second and third, due to scheduled pastor absences.  Please tell all your St. Paul brothers and sisters in Christ - and for those same brothers and sisters who have not had this blessed meal in some time - please invite them to come with you to eat and drink this blessed gift for the forgiveness of sins and life eternal, strengthening their faith and love for one another.  We will set a place at the table for them in the presence of our enemies (sin, death, devil). – Pastor

LADIES AID and LWML will meet for BIble Study with Pastor Makelin on Thursday May 2nd at 2:00 p.m. Hostess for the meeting is Sharon Pfeiffer.  Nancy Dykstra and Nanette Koehn are on Altar flowers for May and June Schamber is Visiting Helper. 

Friday, April 19, 2019

04-21-2019 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS Pray this week for; Those who are recovering from surgery, hospitalization, or sudden illnesses (_______) and for those who have long term health issues and/or difficulty coming to services on their own (Connie, Bernice, Lee, Lavonne, Lorna, Melton, Millie, Ruth, Alice, Marlene, Norby, Sharon, Wyona).

MAIN STREET LIVING – April 28, 2019: -10:30 a.m. - The message “Signs and Wonders” is presented by Rev. Chris Navurskis of Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Huron, SD.  The presentation is based on John 20:19-31. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.  For more information go to the web site:

VOTER'S MEETING is April 28th after services

HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR blessings May 5th during the 9:00am services

THE MELCHER SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE has begun accepting applications for its 2019 awards. Anyone who desires an application can pick one up from the bulletin board at church. Eligible applicants are members of St. Paul Lutheran Church who are either high school seniors or college students. Completed forms may be returned to Joan or Karen on or before April 28, 2019.

We have updated the FUNERAL SERVING GROUPS; there are copies for you to pick up on the window sill in the kitchen and also in the circular file in the narthex. You will notice that we have changed to just 2 serving groups. Thanks. 

THIS MONTH’S MISSION/MINISTRY OF THE MONTH IS ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN Sharing resources and bringing Christ’s name and character to needy people both far and near.  Orphan Grain Train is a Christian volunteer network that ships donated food, clothing, medical and other needed items to people in 68 different countries including the USA.
                          Happy Easter!  He is Risen! 
The following Easter Lilies have been purchased in memory of loved ones. 
Randy & Bonnie Broders in memory of Annie Broders and Orville Tieszen;
Arlene Stern & Family in memory of Arden Stern;
Owen Zanter in memory of Ruth Zanter;
Wyona Hofer in memory of Harris, Patti & Ted Hofer;
 The Walz’s in memory of Ervin & Laura Jensen and Edmund & Pauline Walz. 
John Starner family in memory of Gordon and Harriet Vizecky and Edith Starner
   You may take your lily at the end of the services on April 21 if you so choose.





Saturday, April 13, 2019

04-14-2019 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS Pray this week for; Those who are recovering from surgery, hospitalization, or sudden illnesses (_______) and for those who have long term health issues and/or difficulty coming to services on their own (Connie, Bernice, Lee, Lavonne, Lorna, Melton, Millie, Ruth, Alice, Marlene, Norby, Sharon, Wyona).

MAIN STREET LIVING – April 21, 2019: -10:30 a.m. -Rev. Michael Zeigler, the Speaker for the iconic The Lutheran Hour, presents the message “With” based on John 20:1-18. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.  For more information go to the web site:

No Catechism on April 17th
Holy Thursday services (with Communion) is April 18th at 7:00pm
Good Friday services April 19 at 7:00pm

Easter morning Vigil services (with youth group) April 21 at 7:00am (small breakfast following)
Easter Day services w/communion (St. Paul Freeman) April 21 at 9:00am
Easter Day services w/communion (Immanuel Menno) April 21 at 10:30am
Easter Day services w/communion (St. Paul Scotland) April 21 at 4:30pm

VOTER'S MEETING is April 28th after services

HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR blessings May 5th during the 9:00am services

LAWN MOWING- The trustees are seeking bids for mowing the lawn at the church and parsonage.  If you would like to put in a bid to mow the lawn this summer please contact Scott Peterson at 605-421-1454.  Thank you.

THE MELCHER SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE has begun accepting applications for its 2019 awards. Anyone who desires an application can pick one up from the bulletin board at church. Eligible applicants are members of St. Paul Lutheran Church who are either high school seniors or college students. Completed forms may be returned to Joan or Karen on or before April 28, 2019.

We have updated the FUNERAL SERVING GROUPS; there are copies for you to pick up on the window sill in the kitchen and also in the circular file in the narthex. You will notice that we have changed to just 2 serving groups. Thanks. 

If you would like to purchase an EASTER LILY in memory of a loved one, you may contact Dawn Walz at 605-660-0264.  Deadline is April 17.
The memorials will be printed in the bulletin and placed for Easter services on April 21.  Easter Lilies may be picked up on or after April 21

THIS MONTH’S MISSION/MINISTRY OF THE MONTH IS ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN Sharing resources and bringing Christ’s name and character to needy people both far and near.  Orphan Grain Train is a Christian volunteer network that ships donated food, clothing, medical and other needed items to people in 68 different countries including the USA.

The veiling of the cross was common practice already in the 7th Century, and it varied widely as to when it happened. Some veiled as early as Ash Wednesday. As for the symbolism, here is some gleaned information from Rev. Larry Peters of Grace Lutheran Church in Clarksville, TN.
The veiling of Crosses, images etc. during Lent and Passiontide was done because these times had the character of penance and grief, and therefore decoration in the church was deemed inappropriate. The veiling of the crosses, moreover, may have its reason in the fact that until the 12th century the representations of the Crucifix showed not so much the Passion of the Christ, but his triumph on the cross. Likewise, the great Lenten veil was doubtlessly introduced with regard to the character of grief and penance proper to Lent. Of course, over time, other meanings were additionally attributed to some of these customs, which is understandable given the rise of mysticism during the medieval age. In the veiling of crosses, images and other decoration in the church was symbolized weakness and humility referencing the veiling of Jesus’ divine power in submitting Himself to death, even death on a cross. It recalls the veil which separated the Holy of Holies from the people which was rent asunder at the death of Jesus (we will unveil the altar crucifix on Good Friday). The remainder of the veils will be removed on Easter signifying that Christ now stands in unveiled splendor in His eternal glory. He has opened the heavens for us and taken away the blindness of our hearts. To Him alone be the glory!

Saturday, April 6, 2019

04-07-2019 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS Pray this week for; Those who are recovering from surgery, hospitalization, or sudden illnesses (_______) and for those who have long term health issues and/or difficulty coming to services on their own (Connie, Bernice, Lee, Lavonne, Lorna, Melton, Millie, Ruth, Alice, Marlene, Norby, Sharon, Wyona).

MAIN STREET LIVING – April 14, 2019: - Rev. James Wilshusen of Emanuel Lutheran in Sisseton and Zion Lutheran in Waubay, SD, delivers the message “Every Knee Bow, Every Tongue Confess. For more information go to the web site:

MIDWEEK MEALS:  Please join us for a meal before midweek Lent services.  We will serve from 6:00 - 6:45 pm each Wednesday now through April 10. The menu will be posted on the bulletin board and a freewill donation will be taken to help the youth pay for the LCMS Youth Convention.

LENT DAILY DEVOTIONAL BOOKLETS AVAILABLE in the rack by the north stairs for anyone who desires a copy.  Made for youth and their families, and based on the Small Catechism, anyone may benefit from their use.  Pastor

THE MELCHER SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE has begun accepting applications for its 2019 awards. Anyone who desires an application can pick one up from the bulletin board at church. Eligible applicants are members of St. Paul Lutheran Church who are either high school seniors or college students. Completed forms may be returned to Joan or Karen on or before April 28, 2019.
LAWN MOWING- The trustees are seeking bids for mowing the lawn at the church and parsonage.  If you would like to put in a bid to mow the lawn this summer please contact Scott Peterson at 605-421-1454.  Thank you.

HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR blessings May 5th during the 9:00am services

Rev. Jim Carreto from ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN (the Mission/Ministry of the month) will preach today (April 7) and give a presentation during fellowship hour.

ELDER'S MEETING is Monday, April 8th at 7:00pm

COUNCIL MEETING is this Tuesday, April 9th at 7:00pm

No Catechism on April 17th
Holy Thursday services (with Communion) is April 18th at 7:00pm
Good Friday services April 19 at 7:00pm

Easter morning Vigil services (with youth group) April 21 at 7:00am (small breakfast following)
Easter Day services w/communion (St. Paul Freeman) April 21 at 9:00am
Easter Day services w/communion (Immanuel Menno) April 21 at 10:30am
Easter Day services w/communion (St. Paul Scotland) April 21 at 4:30pm

VOTER'S MEETING is April 28th after services

We have updated the FUNERAL SERVING GROUPS; there are copies for you to pick up on the window sill in the kitchen and also in the circular file in the narthex. You will notice that we have changed to just 2 serving groups. Thanks. 

If you would like to purchase an EASTER LILY in memory of a loved one, you may contact Dawn Walz at 605-660-0264.  Deadline is April 17.
The memorials will be printed in the bulletin and placed for Easter services on April 21.  Easter Lilies may be picked up on or after April 21

THIS MONTH’S MISSION/MINISTRY OF THE MONTH IS ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN Sharing resources and bringing Christ’s name and character to needy people both far and near.  Orphan Grain Train is a Christian volunteer network that ships donated food, clothing, medical and other needed items to people in 68 different countries including the USA.

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...