Saturday, January 30, 2016

01-31-2016 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS this week please remember Darlene Schamber’s family in their mourning as well as those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.
DARLENE SCHAMBER’S ENTRANCE INTO GLORY – We pray for peace and comfort for the family of Darlene Schamber whom God called home Saturday, Jan. 23rd.  We pray that God would comfort all who mourn with the hope of the glorious resurrection of the body and a happy reunion in heaven, and that He would sustain the family with the knowledge that all who remain faithful will be given the crown of eternal life and will be in our Lord’s presence forevermore.  Darlene’s home-going service was held Thursday, Jan. 28th.

LADIES AID will meet on Feb. 4th at 7:00 pm with Darlene Schrag  as Hostess.  The Bible Study will be “The Story of Angels” followed by the Business meeting.  On Altar Guild for February is Sharon Pfeiffer and Millie Gunderson is Visiting Helper

DARTBALL GAME: This week the game will be Monday( Feb. 1)
at St. Paul/Freeman.  Game time is 7:30 pm.  2016 schedules are on the bulletin board.  For more information, call Rev. Weeman at

WE ARE LOOKING FOR A VOLUNTEER to be a visiting helper in June, and also need a volunteer to put flowers on the altar in August. If you have any questions or are willing to help with either of these two things please talk to Sharon Pfeiffer. Thanks.

FOOD DRIVE:  We CAN make a difference. Please bring any CANNED soup or vegetable and place them in the fellowship hall under the bulletin board by next Sunday. The youth group wants to see how many CANS our church CAN donate to the local food panty.  

TODAY SUB SANDWICH Orders are due:   Subs will be made fresh and ready the weekend of Feb 6th, just in time for Super Bowl. Please see poster on the bulletin board or talk with any youth group member for more details or to place your orders.  

SIGN UP Today or Next Sunday (Feb 7th) for Valentine's Day Supper:  Sunday February 14th.  Come enjoy lettuce salad, grilled steak, potato, vegetable and cheesecake for only $13.  Time slots for this yummy fundraiser meal will be 5:30, 6:00, 6:30 and 7:00. 

MID WEEK MEALS FOR LENT: plan to join the youth group as we serve some freewill suppers before Lent services. Feb 10, 17, 24 and Mar 2, 9, 16.  Menu will be posted on the bulletin board in February

ANNUAL REPORTS:  Please get them in as soon as you can to either the Pastor, Aleta Starner or Denise Peterson.  Would like to get them out in a timely manner.  Thank you to those who have already submitted their reports.

ANNUAL VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our annual voters’ meeting will be held today in the Fellowship Hall right after the worship service.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

01-24-2016 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS this week please remember Arden Stern’s family as they mourn in this difficult time and Darlene Schamber (hospitalized in Freeman) as well as those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

ARDEN STERN’S ENTRANCE INTO GLORY – We pray for peace and comfort for the family of Arden Stern whom God called home last Sunday, Jan. 17th.  We pray that God would comfort all who mourn with the hope of the glorious resurrection of the body and a happy reunion in heaven, and that He would sustain the family with the knowledge that all who remain faithful will be given the crown of eternal life and will be in our Lord’s presence forevermore.  Arden’s home-going service was held last Thursday, Jan. 21st.

DARTBALL GAME:  This week the game will be Monday (Jan.25) at Zion/Mitchell at 7:30pm.  We will carpool from St.Paul/Freeman and leave at 6:15pm.  2016 schedules are on the bulletin board.  For more information, call Rev. Weeman at 925-4004.

ANNUAL VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our annual voters’ meeting will be held next Sunday in the Fellowship Hall right after the worship service.

PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER using your God-given gifts and talents in service to our Lord and His church.  At our voters’ meeting next week we will need to fill various offices and positions.  Please contact the Chairman of the Congregation (Matt Dannenbring) or any elder if you are willing to have your name placed on the 2016 election ballot.  Thanks!

LADIES AID will meet on Feb. 4th at 7:00 pm with Darlene Schrag  as Hostess.  The Bible Study will be “The Story of Angels” followed by the Business meeting.  On Altar Guild for February is Sharon Pfeiffer and Millie Gunderson is Visiting Helper

YOUTH GROUP FUNDRAISER: Sub Sandwich Presales taken January 17th -- Jan 31st.   Subs will be made and ready the weekend of Feb 6th, just in time for Super Bowl. Please see poster on the bulletin board or talk with any youth group member for more details or to place your orders

FOOD DRIVE until Feb 7th.  We CAN make a difference. Please bring any CANNED soup or vegetable and place them in the fellowship hall under the bulletin board.  The youth group wants to see how many CANS our church CAN donate to the local food pantry.

VALENTINE'S DAY SUPPER:  Sunday February 14th.  Come enjoy lettuce salad, grilled steak, potato, vegetable and cheesecake for only $13. The Youth Group will be taking reservations for you and your guest(s) on Jan 31st and Feb 7th during coffee hour.  Time slots for this yummy fundraiser meal will be 5:30, 6:00, 6:30 and 7:00.  

CHRISTMAS PROGRam – If anyone would like a DVD of this year’s Children’s Christmas Program, it’s available from Walter Salis.  You may call him at (605) 212-9030.

COFFEE HOURS SCHEDULES are in the kitchen window, also there is a signup sheet on the bulletin board for dates that are still open if anyone would like to volunteer to fill the spots thank you.  Aleta Starner

USHER LIST there is a signup sheet for anyone who would like to be put on the usher list.  If you want your name on the list please sign up.  It is located on the bulletin board, thank you.

ANNUAL REPORTS:  Please get them in as soon as you can to either the Pastor, Aleta Starner or Denise Peterson.  Would like to get them out in a timely manner.  Thank you to those who have already submitted their reports.

Friday, January 15, 2016

01-17-2016 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

THE LORD’S SUPPER at St. Paul Lutheran Church is administered in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.  It is celebrated in the confidence that we receive – in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine – our Savior’s true Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins.  All who commune at this altar are making this public confession of the faith that we believe and teach as is written in the Holy Scriptures.  If you are not a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, please speak with the Pastor before the worship service.
MAIN STREET LIVING:  Rev. Kenneth Soyk of Faith Lutheran Church in Parkston, and St. Peter Lutheran in Clayton, SD brings todays message “Look to Jesus”, based on Matthew 17: 1-9. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired
ANNUAL VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our annual voters’ meeting will be held January 25th in the Fellowship Hall right after the worship service.

PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER using your God-given gifts and talents in service to our Lord and His church.  In January we will need to fill various offices and positions.  Please contact the Chairman of the Congregation (Matt Dannenbring) or any elder if you are willing to have your name placed on the 2016 election ballot.  Thanks!

CHRISTMAS PROGRam – If anyone would like a DVD of this year’s Children’s Christmas Program, it’s available from Walter Salis.  You may call him at (605) 212-9030.

VALENTINE'S DAY SUPPER:  Sunday February 14th.  Come enjoy lettuce salad, grilled steak, potato, vegetable and cheesecake for only $13. The Youth Group will be taking reservations for you and your guest(s) on Jan 31st and Feb 7th during coffee hour.  Time slots for this yummy fundraiser meal will be 5:30, 6:00, 6:30 and 7:00.  

ATTENTION DARTBALL PLAYERS: The season will soon begin.
There will be a practice TODAY at 3PM and on SATURDAY (Jan. 23) at 3PM.  Women, men. and teenagers are welcome to participate. 
Most of the games are on Monday nights and there is no cost.
For more information, call Rev. Weeman at 925-4004.

FOOD DRIVE until Feb 7th.  We CAN make a difference. Please bring any CANNED soup or vegetable and place them in the fellowship hall under the bulletin board.  The youth group wants to see how many CANS our church CAN donate to the local food pantry.

YOUTH GROUP FUNDRAISER: Sub Sandwich Presales taken January 17th -- Jan 31st.   Subs will be made and ready the weekend of Feb 6th, just in time for Super Bowl. Please see poster on the bulletin board or talk with any youth group member for more details or to place your orders

COFFEE HOURS SCHEDULES are in the kitchen window, also there is a signup sheet on the bulletin board for dates that are still open if anyone would like to volunteer to fill the spots thank you  Aleta Starner

USHER LIST there is a signup sheet for anyone who would like to be put on the usher list.  If you want your name on the list please sign up.  It is located on the bulletin board, thank you.

ANNUAL REPORTS:  Please get them in as soon as you can to either the Pastor, Aleta Starner or Denise Peterson.  Would like to get them out in a timely manner.  Thank you to those who have already submitted their reports.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

01-10-2016 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness (including Darlene Schamber in the Freeman Hospital), those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.
THE LORD’S SUPPER at St. Paul Lutheran Church is administered in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.  It is celebrated in the confidence that we receive – in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine – our Savior’s true Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins.  All who commune at this altar are making this public confession of the faith that we believe and teach as is written in the Holy Scriptures.  If you are not a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, please speak with the Pastor before the worship service.

CHRISTMAS PROGRam – If anyone would like a DVD of this year’s Children’s Christmas Program, it’s available from Walter Salis.  You may call him at (605) 212-9030.
YOUTH GROUP - please plan on meeting today at 7pm at the church for an evening of fellowship. Beside planning some upcoming fundraisers we will have a devotion, compete at a game challenge and share some snacks.
BOE: THANK YOU to everyone who supported the Candy Cane Mission Tree.  We collected $100, in the box, along with other donations.  The money was given to the Youth Group to contribute to their mission trip next summer.

LWML will meet on Thursday January 14th at 2:00 p.m. at the home of Lee Lagendyk.

FOOD DRIVE until Feb 7th.  We CAN make a difference. Please bring any CANNED soup or vegetable and place them in the fellowship hall under the bulletin board.  The youth group wants to see how many CANS our church CAN donate to the local food pantry.

YOUTH GROUP FUNDRAISER: Sub Sandwich Presales taken January 17th -- Jan 31st.   Subs will be made and ready the weekend of Feb 6th, just in time for Super Bowl. Please see poster on the bulletin board or talk with any youth group member for more details or to place your orders

ATTENTION DARTBALL PLAYERS:  There will be a practice next Sunday (Jan 17) at 3pm.   All teenagers and adults (men & women) are welcome to participate.  There is no cost to play.  For more information call Rev. Weeman at 925-4004.Thank you.

OFFEE HOURS SCHEDULES are in the kitchen window, also there is a signup sheet on the bulletin board for dates that are still open if anyone would like to volunteer to fill the spots thank you  Aleta Starner

USHER LIST there is a signup sheet for anyone who would like to be put on the usher list.  If you want your name on the list please sign up.  It is located on the bulletin board, thank you.

ANNUAL REPORTS:  Please get them in as soon as you can to either the Pastor, Aleta Starner or Denise Peterson.  Would like to get them out in a timely manner.  Thank you to those who have already submitted their reports.

Friday, January 1, 2016

01-03-2016 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

CHOIR:  The choir will NOT meet today. Our next practice will be January 10th at 11:30 and then continue every Sunday at 11:30 thru January.

LADIES AID: will meet Jan. 7, 2016 at 7:00  for Bible Study and Business meeting.  Sharon Pfeiffer is hostess.  On Altar Guild for January is Phyllis Knittel and Visiting Helpers are Sharon Pfeiffer and Garnet Stern. 

YOUTH GROUP - please plan on meeting January 10th 7pm at the church for a evening of fellowship. Beside planning some upcoming fundraisers we will have a devotion, compete at a game challenge and share some snacks.

2016 COFFEE HOUR GROUP schedules are done and if you would like one they are on the window ledge in the kitchen.

BOE - Please support the Mission tree by giving money for candy canes and later ornaments, throughout the Advent season.  The money
is to be donated to the Youth group's trip.

PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER using your God-given gifts and talents in service to our Lord and His church.  In January we will need to fill various offices and positions.  Please contact the Chairman of the Congregation (Matt Dannenbring) or any elder if you are willing to have your name placed on the 2016 election ballot.  Thanks!

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...