Saturday, May 26, 2012

05-27-2012 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we pray for Keith Andersen’s sister, Teresa, who is undergoing chemotherapy and has pneumonia, for Leatrice Aman as she begins her cancer treatment program, for Marge Wollman who is recovering at home, for all others who are sick or under doctor’s care, those in mourning, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least two people in your life who do not know Christ.

BEFORE LEAVING the sanctuary, please find one person whom you don’t know or don’t know very well, introduce yourself and have a brief chat with them.

SUNDAE SUNDAY will be today.  The congregation is invited to join our Sunday School students and teachers as we wrap up another year.  Ice cream sundaes will be served by the Board of Education during our social time after the worship service.  See you there!

SARAH RUML would like to extensively thank all who have supported her in preparing for her mission trip this summer (June 12th - July 27th), whether financially or through prayer.  Her goal of $2,000 has not only been met, it has been passed.  A huge thank you to you all!  After returning, Sarah will send newsletters to those whose addresses she has due to donations.  If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please contact Scott or Susan Ruml.  Sarah has also created a website where further information on her mission work can be found (  Thank you again!

A SPECIAL THANK YOU to our Sunday School teachers and Children’s Choir leaders for a job well done this year!  Your hard work and dedication helps lead our young people to a strong Christian faith.  Our teachers for the 2011-2012 year were Kaitlyn Stern, Amber Sayler, Penny Saarie, Kristi Dannenbring, Penny Smidt, Aleta Starner, Leann Shultz-Thomas and Cheri Knittel.  Our Children’s Choir leaders were Jane Kleinsasser, Penny Smidt and Amber Sayler.
SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AWARDS given today during our Sundae Sunday Celebration are for the last quarter of the Sunday School Year.  Receiving awards today are:  Zac Sayler, Sarah Harris, Morgan Dannenbring and Bryce Dannenbring

FREEMAN REGIONAL HOSPITAL AUXILIARY is conducting their annual fund drive.  This is the last week that there will be a basket in the back of the church for your donations.  The Hospital Auxiliary uses these funds to purchase needed items for our local hospital/nursing home.  There is also a sheet on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall for you to sign if you are willing to help or donate for their annual soup day in October.  We are very fortunate to have this health facility in our community; please contribute if you are able.  Thank you.

LADIES AID will meet on June 7th at 7:00 p.m. for its regular meeting with our Pastor leading the Bible Study on Lesson 6.  Millie Siekmann will serve as hostess.  Altar Guild for June will be Millie Gunderson and Visiting Helper will be Millie Siekmann.  Coffee Hour committee for June 3rd will be Cindy Hofer, Julie Huber and Phyllis Knittel.

CONFIDENTIAL – Angie Pautz is planning a surprise card shower for Rev. Pautz to celebrate his 10th anniversary in the ministry.  If you wish to give him a card, please give it to Denise Peterson instead or mail it to her at P.O. Box 179.  Angie will pick them up from her.

MAIN STREET LIVING – June 3 – Kid’s Crossing – Janitor Bob shows how those who love Jesus obey His commands.  The speaker will be Rev. Christen Prumm from St. John Lutheran (Britton) and Peace Lutheran (Hecla).  His sermon theme will be “The Mysteries of the Holy Trinity.”  The MSL Choir will provide the hymns.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR – June 3 – “From ‘Woe Is Me’ to ‘Here I Am’” will be the sermon theme for Rev. Gregory Seltz.  The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).

DID YOU KNOW that The Lutheran Church of the Philippines is in altar and pulpit fellowship with the LC-MS?  It has 23,000 baptized members in 190 congregations and preaching stations, 301 pastors, 1 seminary, 1 preschool, 6 elementary schools and 1 high school.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

05/20/2012 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we continue to pray for Connie Hinckley as she continues to improve after her strokes, other family and friends who are sick, those who are recovering from surgery, those in mourning, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least two people in your life who do not know Christ.

BEFORE LEAVING the sanctuary, please find one person whom you don’t know or don’t know very well, introduce yourself and have a brief chat with them.

THE LAST DAY OF SUNDAY SCHOOL classes will be today.

SUNDAE SUNDAY will be next Sunday. Yeah!! The congregation is invited to join our Sunday School students and teachers as we finish up another year. Ice cream sundaes will be served by the Board of Education after the worship service. See you there!

SARAH RUML would like to extensively thank all who have supported her in preparing for her mission trip this summer (June 12th - July 27th), whether financially or through prayer. Her goal of $2,000 has not only been met, it has been passed. A huge thank you to you all! After returning, Sarah will send newsletters to those whose addresses she has due to donations. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please contact Scott or Susan Ruml. Sarah has also created a website where further information on her mission work can be found ( Thank you again!

CARING BRIDGE WEBSITE – A Caring Bridge website has been set up for Connie Hinckley at so that those who have a computer or access to one can get current updates on her rehab progress. If you do not have a computer, you may stop in to The Kairos. A printed copy of her progress report will be posted at the counter along with suggestions for assistance as you are able.

FREEMAN REGIONAL HOSPITAL AUXILIARY is conducting their annual fund drive. There is a basket in the back of the church for your donations. The Hospital Auxiliary uses these funds to purchase needed items for our local hospital/nursing home. There is also a sheet on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall for you to sign if you are willing to help or donate for their annual soup day in October. We are very fortunate to have this health facility in our community; please contribute if you are able. Thank you.

OUR PREVIOUS HYMNALS – If anyone would like their own personal copy (or another copy) of our previous hymnal, we still have some available. Just contact the Pastor before next weekend.

MAIN STREET LIVING – May 27 – Kid’s Crossing discusses Matthew 28:19 – “No person can serve two masters.” The speaker will be Rev. Timothy Koch from Concordia Lutheran Church (Cresbard) and Immanuel Lutheran Church (Wecota). The sermon theme is “We’ve Got Spirit! Yes, We Do!” The Main Street Living Choir will provide the hymns.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR – May 27 – “Remember, Don’t Forget” will be the theme for Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus’ sermon. Memorial Day weekend is a time to remember the sacrifices made to preserve our freedom. Sundays are the Lord’s Day when we remember our Savior Who gave Himself to free us from sin. (Ezekiel 37:3) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).

DID YOU KNOW that 8% of the people in Vietnam are Christian, that 81% claim no religion whatsoever, that atheism is the semi-official language and that it is against the law to do any religious work of any kind off the church property?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

05-13-2012 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we continue to pray for Doris Albrecht and Connie Hinckley (both in Sanford Hospital) in addition to Rev. David Ellis who had knee surgery this last week and all those under doctor’s care, those mourning and missing their loved ones, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least two people in your life who do not know Christ.

BEFORE LEAVING the sanctuary, please find one person whom you don’t know or don’t know very well, introduce yourself and have a brief chat with them.

MISSION SUPPORT OPPORTUNITY – From June 12th until July 27th Sarah Ruml will be serving in a Midwestern city with a large Muslim population. Here she will be immersed in the Middle Eastern culture in this city, building bridges and establishing common ground between two diverse cultures and beliefs. During this short-term trip, she will teach English as a second language and work to build relationships with the people in this community. The cost of the trip including transportation, food and lodging will be $2,000 which she needs to raise before May 15th. She is asking God to surround her with a team of people who will each pray for and financially contribute anywhere from $25 to $500. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Scott or Susan Ruml at 925-7004 or Sarah at 605-660-5330 or Thank you!

THE LAST DAY OF SUNDAY SCHOOL classes will be May 20th.

 SUNDAE SUNDAY will be on May 27th. The congregation is invited to join our Sunday School students and teachers as we wrap up another year. Ice cream sundaes will be served by the Board of Education during our social time after the worship service. See you there!

SUNRISE NATIONAL PARK VBS – The dates for this year’s VBS will be July 16th thru July 20th. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Please contact Amber, Cheri or Kari if you would like to help out with our VBS program this summer. It will be a week of National Forest fun while learning lots about our Savior! Please watch for more details!

FREEMAN REGIONAL HOSPITAL AUXILIARY is conducting their annual fund drive. There is a basket in the back of the church for your donations. The Hospital Auxiliary uses these funds to purchase needed items for our local hospital/nursing home. There is also a sheet on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall for you to sign if you are willing to help or donate for their annual soup day in October. We are very fortunate to have this health facility in our community; please contribute if you are able. Thank you.

GRADUATION – Elizabeth Starner would like to invite everyone to her graduation on May 19. Commencement will be at 2:00 p.m. at Freeman High School Gym; open house will follow the ceremony at her home at 408 E 3rd Street.

CARING BRIDGE WEBSITE – A Caring Bridge website has been set up for Connie Hinckley at so that those who have a computer or access to one can get current updates on her rehab progress. If you do not have a computer or access to one, you may stop in to The Kairos. A printed copy of her progress report will be posted at the counter along with suggestions for assistance as you are able.

OUR PREVIOUS HYMNALS – If anyone would like their own personal copy (or another copy) of our previous hymnal, we still have some available. Just contact the Pastor. PASTOR WILL BE ON VACATION Wednesday thru Saturday of this week. Pastor Karl Gregory will be leading our Ascension Day worship service this Thursday and will be on call for pastoral emergencies. You may reach him at (605) 254-2348 [cell phone]. You may also contact any of our elders for assistance.

ANSWERS TO LAST WEEK’S BIBLE IQ QUIZ – True or False: True Cleopatra was the last queen of Egypt and lived 30 years before Jesus was born. True Mount Vesuvius erupted and buried Pompeii during the Apostle John’s lifetime. True The City of London was founded one year before James the Apostle was martyred. True Jonah lived about the same time as the 1st recorded Olympic Games (776 B.C.). True The first New Testament book was written during the same year that Buddhism was introduced to China.

UPCOMING EVENTS to put on your calendar: May 17 Ascension Day Worship Service at 7:00 p.m. May 27 Sundae Sunday

MAIN STREET LIVING – May 20 – Kid’s Crossing retells Pentecost with an interview with individuals who witnessed the event. The featured speaker is Rev. Keith Bicknase from Emanuel Lutheran Church in Milbank. The sermon theme is “Left Out! No Way!” The Main Street Living Choir will provide the hymns.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR – May 20 – “Now What?” is the theme for Rev. Gregory Seltz’ sermon. Jesus died for our redemption, was raised again to life and ascended into heaven. Now what? We get to tell anyone who will listen all that Jesus has done for them, that’s what! (Acts 1:7-9) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX). DID YOU KNOW that all Communist Party members in China are required to be atheists? In spite of this, researchers have found that there are no less than 60 million Christians in China and there are possibly as many as 115 million – and the Christian population there is ERAN HOURstill growing!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

05-06-2012 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we especially pray for Connie Hinckley and her family; Connie had two strokes last week and is in Sanford Hospital ICU. We also remember in our prayers our family and friends who have wandered away from the church, those in cancer treatment, those in mourning, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least two people in your life who do not know Christ.

BEFORE LEAVING the sanctuary, please find one person whom you don’t know or don’t know very well, introduce yourself and have a brief chat with them.

CONFIRMATION SUNDAYWe welcome everyone to today’s Confirmation service and the bringing of our 3 confirmands -- Patrick Albrecht, Christa Peterson and Dillon Starner -- into the church as communicant members through the Rite of Confirmation. We pray that the Lord will continue to sanctify them through His Word and that they will continue to walk the road of life with their pathways brightened by the never-failing lamp of His Word. Everyone is invited to stay for coffee and cake after the service.

SECRETARY POSITION IS OPEN to share duties with Aleta. If you are interested in the position, please talk to one of the elders: Scott Stern, Paul Wynia or Brian Knittel.

MOTHER-DAUGHTER POTLUCK BANQUET is at 6:00 tonight. Everyone is invited to attend, bring a friend and enjoy the fellowship and good food! Please bring a hot dish, salad or dessert to share. Beverages will be provided. See you there!

THANK YOU, Dillon Starner, for playing today’s Prelude on your bassoon!

LWML will meet Thursday, May 10th, at 7:00 p.m. Gerry will do the topic and Wyona will bring the dessert. All ladies of the congregation are welcome to attend.

MISSION SUPPORT OPPORTUNITY – From June 12th until July 27th Sarah Ruml will be serving in a Midwestern city with a large Muslim population. Here she will be immersed in the Middle Eastern culture in this city, building bridges and establishing common ground between two diverse cultures and beliefs. During this short-term trip, she will teach English as a second language and work to build relationships with the people in this community. The cost of the trip including transportation, food and lodging will be $2,000 which she needs to raise before May 15th. She is asking God to surround her with a team of people who will each pray for and financially contribute anywhere from $25 to $500. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Scott or Susan Ruml at 925-7004 or Sarah at 605-660-5330 or Thank you!

THE SAMARITAN GROUP will be sponsoring a free-will offering after church today to help defray the cost of Sarah Ruml’s Mission Trip. Samaritan group members will have baskets available after service for your donations. Checks maybe made out to St. Paul Samaritans or to Sarah herself.

IN OUR LIBRARY we have a new pamphlet on the vertical rack: “What Happens When I Die” (by Lutheran Hour Ministries).

THE LAST DAY OF SUNDAY SCHOOL classes will be May 20th.

SUNDAE SUNDAY will be on May 27th. The congregation is invited to join our Sunday School students and teachers as we wrap up another year. Ice cream sundaes will be served by the Board of Education during our social time after the worship service. See you there!

SUNRISE NATIONAL PARK VBS – The dates for this year’s VBS will be July 16th thru July 20th. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Please contact Amber, Cheri or Kari if you would like to help out with our VBS program this summer. It will be a week of National Forest fun while learning lots about our Savior! Please watch for more details! UPCOMING EVENTS to put on your calendar: Today Confirmation reception after the worship service Today Mother-Daughter Potluck Banquet May 13 Mother’s Day May 13 Senior Sunday Reception May 17 Ascension Day Worship Service at 7:00 p.m. May 27 Sundae Sunday

MAIN STREET LIVING – May 13 – Kid’s Crossing – Janitor Bob tells Simon about the Good Shepherd; Krista K visits with a modern day shepherd. The speaker will be Rev. Jais Tinglund from Our Savior Lutheran Church (Aberdeen) and St John Lutheran Church (Columbia). The sermon theme is “Understanding Our Lack of Understanding.” The Main Street Living Choir will provide the hymns. MSL may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR – May 13 – “Barrier-Breaking Love” will be the theme of Rev. Gregory Seltz’ sermon. God’s love is no respecter of persons. His love comes to all by grace through faith in Jesus. The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...