Friday, November 24, 2017

11-26-2017 Announcements


IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

MAIN STREET LIVING –December 03:  Rev. Scott Sailer, President of the South Dakota District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod brings us the message on this first Sunday in Advent entitled “Confident in the Coming of Christ”, based on Isaiah 64: 1-8.The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR are from the funeral of Mahala Peterson.

THERE WILL BE no Sunday school today.

LADIES AID will meet on December 7th at 7:00 for Bible Study followed by the Business meeting.  Members are to bring Christmas goodies for Lunch.  Joan Dreessen is responsible for Altar flowers for December and Visiting Helpers are the Visiting Committee.  Coffee Committee for December 3rd is Marlene Geidel, Corrine Handel and Cindy Hofer.  

WANTED – Two more groups who would be willing to take turns serving during our Sunday morning Coffee Hours.  This would eliminate having any open spots and would keep those who serve from having to serve as often as they do.  Please let Aleta Starner know by Nov 26 so we can get the schedule made out for the new year.  Thank you.

ADVENT MEALS will again be served by the Youth Group before midweek services in December. Supper served from 6:00 pm until 6:45 pm. All welcome.  Free will offering will be taken.

Dec 6: Baked Potato Buffet

MEET AND GREET SYNOD PRESIDENT  Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, President of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, along with several other leaders of our church body, will be at a “Meet and Greet” at Zion Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, on Thursday, December 7, from 2-4 p.m.  Joining President Harrison will be LCMS English District President, Rev. Jamison Hardy; LCMS Mid-South District President, Rev. Roger Paavola; Chairman of the Synod’s Board of Directors; Rev. Michael Kumm (who serves as pastor at Holy Cross, Dakota Dunes); the Synod’s 3rd Vice-President, Rev. Nabil Hartford (Trinity, Hartford); and our own District President, Rev. Scott Sailer.  Our out-of-state guests will be here to tape a sermon for Main Street Living and to enjoy a pheasant hunt.  Please come on by and chat with these leaders on December 7.  Refreshments will be served. 

REMEMBER A LOVED ONE THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON with a memorial poinsettia.  Your loved ones names will be listed in the bulletin.  Poinsettias will be displayed starting on December 17 and placed through December 25 at which time family members may take their plants.  Two sizes available: 8” pot (3 plants per pot) $29.99 and 6.5” pot (1 plant per pot) $15.99.  Poinsettias are available for purchase with Dawn Walz at 925-4200 or 660-0264.

FROM THE PASTOR - My eye doctor tells me that I have cataracts and is sending me to someone else in a couple of weeks to have them check me out as well.  In the mean time, I have to wear glasses instead of contacts, so...I may look different than you are used to.  Please bear with    me.  Oh...and in your prayers, ask God why He sent this decrepit man to you to serve as His under-shepherd (and you can pray for me too, I guess).- Pastor Makelin

                             Wednesday Nov. 29th 5:00-6:00 All kids

                     Sunday Dec. 3rd 11:30-1:00 All kids, lunch provided

                         Sunday Dec. 10th 10:30-12:00 All kids (No Sunday School)

                     Sunday Dec. 17th 11:30-1:00 All kids, lunch provided

Friday, November 17, 2017

11-19-2017 Announcements

HOLY COMMUNION is celebrated in our worship service today.  What a joy and privilege!  In this Sacrament our Lord gives unto us not only bread and wine, but also His very body and blood to eat and drink.  In this Sacrament He assures us that our sins are forgiven and He strengthens our faith.  To our guests who desire to receive Holy Communion, we ask that you consider the following:  If you do not believe in Jesus as your Savior, do not believe in the Real Presence of the Sacrament, or have never received instruction on how to prepare yourself for Communion, you should refrain from receiving the Sacrament, but are encouraged to come to the altar for a blessing, indicated by folding the arms over the chest.  We do this not to offend, but to honor the faith we hold at St. Paul Lutheran.  If you have any questions regarding communion, please speak to the Pastor or an Elder before service begins.

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

MAIN STREET LIVING –November 26:  Today’s message is from Rev. Matthew Nix of Christ Lutheran Church and Trinity Church for the Deaf in Sioux Falls, SD.Today’s message “Punishment or Life?” based on Matthew 25: 46. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR are in celebration of Reno Mettler's birthday.

BLUE CHRISTMAS SERVICE: As the holidays approach, many look forward to festive family gatherings. The holidays can be difficult for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one or have had other traumatic personal events in their lives. The Blue Christmas Service is a time of reflection, devotion and release of your grief & sense of loss or change in your life. If this describes you or someone you know, please plan to attend. The Blue Christmas Service will be held on Sunday, November 19 at 6:00 p.m. at the Salem (South) Mennonite Church.

THE CHURCH will be decorated for Christmas starting at 5:30 on Friday night November 24th.  All are invited to help.

THERE WILL BE no Sunday school November 26.

LADIES AID will meet on December 7th at 7:00 for Bible Study followed by the Business meeting.  Members are to bring Christmas goodies for Lunch.  Joan Dreessen is responsible for Altar flowers for December and Visiting Helpers are the Visiting Committee.  Coffee Committee for December 3rd is Marlene Geidel, Corrine Handel and Cindy Hofer.  

WANTED – Two more groups who would be willing to take turns serving during our Sunday morning Coffee Hours.  This would eliminate having any open spots and would keep those who serve from having to serve as often as they do.  Please let Aleta Starner know by Nov 26 so we can get the schedule made out for the new year.  Thank you.

CHRISTMAS CAROLING WITH MSL  Join members of the Main Street Living (MSL) choir in Christmas caroling on Saturday, November 25.  Meet at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2200 S. Western Avenue, Sioux Falls, at 8:45 a.m.  There will be a brief choir warm-up at that time, and then a bus will take the carolers to the Empire Mall and other locations to witness about the Savior’s birth through song.  Carolers will return to Our Redeemer at about noon to share in some refreshments.  Anyone may sing with this group!  But we do need to know how many will be a part of this.  Please contact MSL Board Member Don Fauth to register your intent to participate (; ph. 605-370-2030).

MEET AND GREET SYNOD PRESIDENT  Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, President of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, along with several other leaders of our church body, will be at a “Meet and Greet” at Zion Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, on Thursday, December 7, from 2-4 p.m.  Joining President Harrison will be LCMS English District President, Rev. Jamison Hardy; LCMS Mid-South District President, Rev. Roger Paavola; Chairman of the Synod’s Board of Directors; Rev. Michael Kumm (who serves as pastor at Holy Cross, Dakota Dunes); the Synod’s 3rd Vice-President, Rev. Nabil Hartford (Trinity, Hartford); and our own District President, Rev. Scott Sailer.  Our out-of-state guests will be here to tape a sermon for Main Street Living and to enjoy a pheasant hunt.  Please come on by and chat with these leaders on December 7.  Refreshments will be served. 

BAZAAR INCOME - We want to thank everyone again who contributed in any way toward making our 53rd annual bazaar a success. The total income for this year was $6132.55. We had a $250.00 prepaid Visa card through the Thrivent Action Team which we used to purchase the milk, orange drink, buns, and other supplies needed for the bazaar. Thanks – The Bazaar Committee.

ADVENT MEALS will again be served by the Youth Group before midweek services in December. Supper served from 6:00 pm until 6:45 pm. All welcome.  Free will offering will be taken.
Dec 6: Baked Potato Buffet


Sunday Nov. 19th 10:30-12:00 All Kids (no Sunday School)

Wednesday Nov. 29th 5:00-6:00 All kids

Sunday Dec. 3rd 11:30-1:00 All kids, lunch provided

Sunday Dec. 10th 10:30-12:00 All kids (No Sunday School)

Sunday Dec. 17th 11:30-1:00 All kids, lunch provided


Friday, November 10, 2017

11-12-2017 Announcements

HOLY COMMUNION is celebrated in our worship service today.  What a joy and privilege!  In this Sacrament our Lord gives unto us not only bread and wine, but also His very body and blood to eat and drink.  In this Sacrament He assures us that our sins are forgiven and He strengthens our faith.  To our guests who desire to receive Holy Communion, we ask that you consider the following:  If you do not believe in Jesus as your Savior, do not believe in the Real Presence of the Sacrament, or have never received instruction on how to prepare yourself for Communion, you should refrain from receiving the Sacrament, but are encouraged to come to the altar for a blessing, indicated by folding the arms over the chest.  We do this not to offend, but to honor the faith we hold at St. Paul Lutheran.  If you have any questions regarding communion, please speak to the Pastor or an Elder before service begins.

WE BEGIN WITH THE BAPTISM OF KOLTON JOHN PODZIMEK today.  The rite of Holy Baptism is located on page 268 of the Hymnal.  After the Baptism, we will pick up the Divine Service at the Kyrie on page 186.  Scripture teaches us that we are all conceived and born sinful and under the power of the devil until Christ claims us for His own.  Commanded by our Lord to baptize and teach to make disciples, we continue to follow the mandate and practice of the early church - and of most of Christianity in the world yet today.  Today we witness God do His work as He gives Kolton a new last name...the same last name all the baptized have...including you.  He will now be called he is claimed, grafted, and adopted him into the family of God, a brother in the body of Christ His Church.  Praise be to God! - Pastor
IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

MAIN STREET LIVING –November 19:  Today’s message is from Rev. Matthew Wurm Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Brookings, SD.  Today’s message, Entitled  “The Real Jesus” is based on Zephaniah 1: 14. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

YOUTH GROUP will meet at 7:30 this evening.  Devotions, snack & activities are being planned by selected youth members.

THE CHURCH will be decorated for Christmas starting at 5:30 on Friday night November 24th.  All are invited to help

WANTED – Two more groups who would be willing to take turns serving during our Sunday morning Coffee Hours.  This would eliminate having any open spots and would keep those who serve from having to serve as often as they do.  Please let Aleta Starner know by Nov 26 so we can get the schedule made out for the new year.  Thank you.

MEET AND GREET SYNOD PRESIDENT  Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, President of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, along with several other leaders of our church body, will be at a “Meet and Greet” at Zion Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, on Thursday, December 7, from 2-4 p.m.  Joining President Harrison will be LCMS English District President, Rev. Jamison Hardy; LCMS Mid-South District President, Rev. Roger Paavola; Chairman of the Synod’s Board of Directors; Rev. Michael Kumm (who serves as pastor at Holy Cross, Dakota Dunes); the Synod’s 3rd Vice-President, Rev. Nabil Hartford (Trinity, Hartford); and our own District President, Rev. Scott Sailer.  Our out-of-state guests will be here to tape a sermon for Main Street Living and to enjoy a pheasant hunt.  Please come on by and chat with these leaders on December 7.  Refreshments will be served. 

CHRISTMAS CAROLING WITH MSL  Join members of the Main Street Living (MSL) choir in Christmas caroling on Saturday, November 25.  Meet at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2200 S. Western Avenue, Sioux Falls, at 8:45 a.m.  There will be a brief choir warm-up at that time, and then a bus will take the carolers to the Empire Mall and other locations to witness about the Savior’s birth through song.  Carolers will return to Our Redeemer at about noon to share in some refreshments.  Anyone may sing with this group!  But we do need to know how many will be a part of this.  Please contact MSL Board Member Don Fauth to register your intent to participate (; ph. 605-370-2030).

THE MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE Meat Canning Days are Monday and Tuesday, November 13th and 14th. Those interested should look at the information posted on the bulletin board.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

11-05-2017 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

MAIN STREET LIVING –November 5:  Today’s message is presented by Rev. Ryan Drevlow Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls, SD.  Today’s message “Are We Prepared?” is based on Matthew 25:3-4. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

GREETING CARD FUNDRAISER:  The Youth Group will be taking orders for boxed greeting cards including Christmas ones at the end of the month.   Most are in boxes of 12 cards/envelopes and range $6-$8 per box. A few samples and order forms will be available after services on October 22nd - Nov 5th and will be available for pick up later in November.

WANTED – Two more groups who would be willing to take turns serving during our Sunday morning Coffee Hours.  This would eliminate having any open spots and would keep those who serve from having to serve as often as they do.  Please let Aleta Starner know by Nov 26 so we can get the schedule made out for the new year.  Thank you.

THE BAZAAR COMMITTEE extends a hearty THANK YOU to each of you that helped make our Bazaar another successful event, all your donations, hard work, and the support you showed us by attending were greatly appreciated. We should have the total receipts for the day calculated within the next couple of weeks. Thanks again.

LWML will meet on Thursday November 9th. at 2:00 p.m. at the church. Pastor will lead Bible Study. Gerry will provide lunch

Sunday Nov. 12th 11:30-12:30 2nd-8th grade only
Sunday Nov. 19th 10:30-12:00 All Kids (no Sunday School)
Wednesday Nov. 29th 5:00-6:00 All kids
Sunday Dec. 3rd 11:30-1:00 All kids, lunch provided
Sunday Dec. 10th 10:30-12:00 All kids (No Sunday School)
Sunday Dec. 17th 11:30-1:00 All kids, lunch provided

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...