Thursday, July 29, 2021

Table of Duties

 In Luther’s Small Catechism it lists a Table of Duties for various vocations. There is of course, the inherent danger of listing duties of a Christian, and that is, that we only hear the Law and not the Gospel. Yet, I remind you that you are a baptized child of God.  In God’s eyes, you possess the perfect righteousness of Jesus.  In fact, before you even start to read them, you know by faith what the end goal needs to be: more Jesus, less you.  When we rely on ourselves, we will fail.  When we try to improve ourselves, we will fail.  When we make a list of all our shortcomings, we realize the impossibility of our situation.  When we look at ourselves at all, it leads to despair.  That is the work of the Law, it shows us our sin.

Yet the Law is good, because it drives us to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In Christ, we can acknowledge our duties as something we often fail to do. The solution is not to work harder at them, or try to do more, or rely on anything of ourselves, but seek the forgiveness earned by Christ in His Word and Sacrament to sanctify us to do better.

Therefore, with all this talk I have been doing about when to call the pastor and what he can do for you, I thought it would be a good idea to review the Scriptural expectations, and how they are presented in the Book of Concord and various rites of the church. These are set forth for the benefit of each other. And while these duties are separated by vocation because of responsibilities, there is no separation of Christ. We are on the same team.  We want the same things.  This congregation is not your church or my church, but His church in this place. You want a pastor who will faithfully serve you the gifts God offers…and so do I.  I want parishioners (and myself) who hunger to be fed in faith and love…and so do you.  The solution is more Jesus Christ, and less of ourselves.

Again, if there are any questions you have, or one of these responsibilities you are struggling with, or you think there is something I should be doing better at doing, please contact me. In Christ, and with His mercy and His forgiveness, we are sanctified to serve each other in this way.

Together in the communion of Jesus Christ,




The Scriptural expectations of the pastor are detailed in various rites, Call documents and the Book of Concord.  The rites of confirmation, ordination, and installation are often spoken as a confession of these responsibilities, or sometimes a vow. They are:

·        Perform the duties of the pastoral office in accordance with the Lutheran Confessions

·        Conform his preaching and administration of the Sacraments to the Lutheran Confessions (contained in the Book of Concord of 1580)

·        Faithfully instruct both young and old in the chief articles of Christian doctrine

·        Forgive the sins of those who repent, and never divulge sins confessed to him

·        Minister to the sick and dying

·        Demonstrate to the Church a constant and ready ministry centered in the Gospel

·        Admonish and encourage the people to a lively confidence in Christ and in holy living

·        Be diligent in the study of Holy Scripture and the Confessions

·        Be constant in prayer for those in his pastoral care

·        Instruct, watch over, and guide the flock over which the Holy Spirit has placed him

·        Administer the Word of God in its full truth and purity

·        Administer the holy Sacraments in accordance with their divine institution

·        Guard and promote the spiritual welfare of the members

·        Guide the congregation in applying the divinely ordained discipline of the Church, according to the Word of God, and to assist and lead members in practicing the forgiven life with one another

·        Promote and guide the mission activity of the congregation, in the local community and Synod- and District-wide endeavors

·        Be a resource and guide in Christian education and train parents to teach the faith to their children

·        Preach Law and Gospel in each sermon and make it easy to understand.

·        Teach Bible class to understanding and edification.



The Scriptural expectations of the parishioner are also stated at confirmation, the Book of Concord, ordination and installation services, Call Documents and often are spoken as a vow, that with God’s help, you will accomplish them. They are:


·        Hear the Word of God and receive the Lord’s Supper faithfully

·        Live according to the Word of God, and in faith, word, and deed to remain true to God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, even to death

·       Continue steadfast in this confession and Church and to suffer all, even death, rather than fall away from it

·       Receive the pastor as a servant of Jesus Christ, giving him the honor, love, and obedience that the Word prescribes

·       Aid the pastor by word and deed, supporting him with diligent and faithful assistance, fervent prayers, and desiring to learn from him (Bible studies, activities, etc.)

·        Aid the pastor as he cares for his family

·        Make appropriate arrangements for the pastor’s continuing education

·        Support the congregation with your resources/service. Be diligent to “put the best construction on everything”

·        Work with the pastor to equip God’s people to glorify Him and extend His kingdom by living out your Baptism in all vocations

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Servants serving Servants

 Last week, I shared “When to contact your pastor”. I failed to mention that this was provided by someone else. But OK, so maybe you don’t want the pastor to know your business. Perhaps you do not know the confidentiality He is Called by God to keep (many don’t).

We see in the movies where the Roman Catholic Priest is not allowed to divulge who the murder is, even though he knows because it was revealed “under the seal” of the Confessional booth. And while we do have differences from our brothers and sisters in the Roman Catholic church concerning Confession (see The Apology of the Augsburg Confession / Art. XIIb (VI): Of Confession and Satisfaction), we do hold to the confidentiality of confession “under the seal”. That is, what is said in the confidence of private confession is between you and God, not you and the pastor. He cannot divulge it to anyone, not even his wife. In our ordination and installation vows we are to forgive the sins of those who repent, and never divulge sins confessed to him. This is how the pastor serves you in the vocation of the Office of Holy Ministry.

Yet perhaps the issue is not a sin you are struggling with that is bothering you. Perhaps it is something you simply wish to talk to you pastor about as that in-person seelsorger sent by God for the care of your body, spirit, and mind. Then confidentiality is as you desire it. As an example, Prayers will not be said in church for you unless you want it to be added to the Prayer of the Church. While Scripture says that prayers of the saints are a great benefit, your confidentiality is honored and I will include them in my prayers as I pray for each member of the congregation.

But I am still afraid to go to you pastor! Please! Don’t be. I am your servant. I cannot serve you if I am in the dark about your needs. Yes, I am called to point out your sin so that you can repent of them, but that is not my full-time job! As your servant sent by God for you, I have various means of applying the salve of the Gospel. I can pray, bless, read Scripture, and perhaps most importantly, be an ear. Still, I am not clairvoyant, you have to tell me. Sometimes repeatedly (grin).

But what if my problem is with you pastor? How am I to handle that?

The answer to that is the same whether it is between you and me, your pastor, and you and another person, following the guidance of Matthew 18. Be open and upfront about it with the person you have an issue with. The goal of course is forgiveness, solving and diffusing issues without giving the devil a foothold between us, turning it into factions and disunity.

Perhaps it is helpful to establish a few courtesies of fellow sinners in service to each other

·        If you have a problem with me, come to me in person so we can discuss it and I will do the same if I have a problem with you.

·        If someone comes to you about me, please send them to me and I will do the same for you (if they come to me about you).

·        If they consistently come to you and still can’t come to me privately, offer to come with them (not as a mediator or interpreter, but as a quiet, supportive friend).

·        If they still refuse to address it face-to-face, pray to God to heal the situation and let the Holy Spirit handle it in His time and way. Just be careful to always put the best construction on both people’s characters and refrain from rumors. We have a common enemy (sin, Satan, and the world) and it is not each other!

·        Of course, confidence is still maintained. If it is supposed to be confidential, don’t tell. Yet, if not, feel free to share with me to seek on how to handle the situation. The danger here then, is manipulation. Do not manipulate and do not allow yourself to be manipulated into aiding division of the body.

·        And finally, when in doubt; Ask. We will look to Scripture for His Will in the matter.

Please remember: God has provided you and I for each other and through the forgiveness earned by Christ, given us Himself, to endure the evil of the world together, with Him, until the end.

Together in Christ,

Pastor Terry Makelin

When to Contact Your Pastor

 Sometimes people wonder when they should call or contact their pastor. Of course, preaching, teaching, and administering the mysteries of God in the Sacraments are one of your pastor’s primary duties, but he is also called to be your seelsorge, or soul-healer.  He is never “too busy to be bothered” and please do not assume he knows or has your contact information.  Here are some suggestions on when to “bother” him 

Call your pastor:


·        * When your conscience is troubling you and/or you desire private confession and absolution

·        * When death is imminent, or if grief is prolonged and does not diminish

·        *When you, or a loved one, is going into the hospital

·        *When you would like to receive a blessing, of house, home, life events, or person

·        *When you hear of a congregation member entering the hospital or nursing care (please don’t assume I know)

·        *When you have not come to church to hear his Word spoken and preached for a prolonged period, especially if you are not able to do so.

·        *When you have withheld from partaking, or have been unable to partake, of that blessed Sacrament of the Altar, for a month.

·       When You would like a prayer said for you, a loved one, or an acquaintance

·       *When you would like me to add someone, or yourself, to my personal daily prayers - or - add to the church’s weekly prayer list (e.g. issues of thanksgiving, needs, patience in suffering, or requests for healing)

·       *When you find you no longer desire the Sacrament of the Altar

·       * When you have a question, concern, or suggestion concerning the church, including something I have said, or another member from the congregation has said

·     * When you, or a loved one, struggle with alcohol, drugs, pornography, or other harmful behaviors

·       * When you or someone you know has been the victim of any kind of abuse

·       * When you have entered a serious dating relationship (as soon as it becomes serious, especially before talking of living together or setting dates for marriage)

·       * When you have an issue in your marriage that is unresolved after a month of trying to reconcile

·       *When pregnant, that we might arrange for the child’s baptism

·       * When you need an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, and a friend to care for your hurts

·        *When you’re wrestling with a spiritual issue or have a question about something the Bible says.

·      * When you know someone new in your neighborhood, or someone else you know, who just wants to know more about Jesus and His Word.

Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list.  At all times, contacting your pastor is about delivering Christ for you.  Your pastor – as unworthy for the Holy Office as he may be - has been divinely called by God to be His under-shepherd, in this place, at this time…for you.  If you are not currently being served by any pastor, feel free to call Pastor Makelin at (605) 925-7219 or - if an emergency - his cell at (402) 336-7819. He would be happy to listen and talk with you.

Pastor Terry Makelin

St. Paul Lutheran Church

Freeman, SD


Saturday, July 10, 2021


 Is live feed just as good as gathering? Does a shut in need the pastor, or can they just see him on screen? When answering that question, it becomes a question of what do you believe and practice? 

We believe God comes to us in person. Not as some inner voice but rather from outside of us in Word and Sacrament, and in the "in the stead" and "by the command" of the Office of the Ministry. This is the confessional Lutheran faith practiced for generations. 

We believe that God delivers these sacramental gifts (from Him to us), through the hands of men (pastors) as His instruments, placed into the Office of the Holy Ministry, by Divine call and the rite of vocation (ordination).

We believe the Divine call and ordination of these men is done through His visible church on earth known as congregations. Being “Church” is being members of His body by faith in Jesus  Christ – no matter which Christian denomination or sect. Being a congregation is when His Church gathers (congregate). True faith in Christ (what the congregation believes) can be seen by what it teaches. 

We believe therefore, that these men (pastors) are called to serve as under shepherds of Christ in service to the congregation - in order to provide the Divine gifts of Word and Sacrament, in the stead (standing in His place) and by His command (He authorized it and instituted it). Therefore, when the pastor absolves, it is as if by God Himself. When the pastor binds, it is by God Himself. When the pastor preaches, it is by God Himself. When the pastor reads Scripture, it is God speaking His Word. When the pastor Baptizes, God Baptizes. When the Pastor speaks the Words of Institution over the elements of the Lord’s Supper, God is speaking and instituting the blessed meal for His people in that place. Not that these men are pure and Holy mind you, but they are God’s chosen instruments in that place at this time, so His people can see, hear, taste, and smell the God among them. This is a blessed thing!

We believe when a pastor delivers the blessed gifts of Word and Sacrament in a congregational worship setting, his hand is God’s hand, his mouth God’s mouth, his ear, God’s ear. No one else in the congregation is called to do this thing for them. No one else in our congregation can preach or handle the Sacraments, only their called and ordained pastor.

Granted, even in a congregational setting, we do sometimes have “elders” help with the distribution of the Sacrament of the Altar (Lord’s Supper, Eucharist, Communion) by carrying the blessed tray of body, or blood, but this is only done by men, deputized by the pastor in that place, and only after training to recognize the seriousness, that they are handling is the very Holy and very precious body and blood of Christ Himself, who is not only is the host via the instrument of the pastor, but the meal, present there in the elements of bread and wine (and no, we do not try to explain how it  can be, it just IS because He said it is). Yes, we may also sometimes deputize other pastors in our confession of faith (synod) to deliver Word and Sacrament to the people in that congregation, but again, only those of our confession of faith. We call this Pulpit and Altar Fellowship.

We believe then, that when it comes to those who cannot come to the regular place He has promised to come (the congregation worship setting), it is the pastor’s Divine call and duty to go to homes, houses, battlefields, hospitals, assisted living facilities and nursing homes, prisons, and anywhere else his people are, to deliver God Himself through His Word and Sacraments by their pastor’s hand, as an extension of the place of worship (sanctuary). Bottom line, since the congregation member cannot attend the Altar of God in that place, the pastor brings that place’s Altar of God to them.

Other chaplain or spiritual care persons can give prayers and comforting words, but only your pastor is called for you to deliver Word and Sacrament to you. It is an imperative practice of our faith to have pastors of the congregation physically and in-person, visit their people to absolve, to preach, to read His Word, to bless, to give communion, etc. Pastors bring Christ Himself for the people they have been called to serve. 

This is why live feed is not as good as gathering. It is also why, this past year, we were at odds with the policies developed during the pandemic that delegated responsibility of distribution of the Sacrament of the Altar to anyone else but by their pastor’s hand. 

Because it is by that hand and mouth, in a congregation setting, by which are the instruments that Jesus Christ Himself, the host, and meal, has chosen to deliver His gifts in order to strengthen your faith in Him and love for one another. 

Pastor Terry Makelin

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...