Friday, October 27, 2017

10-29-2017 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

MAIN STREET LIVING –November 5:  Today’s message is presented by Rev. Dr. Chris Asher of Resurrection Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls. Titled  “The Saint” the sermon is based on Rev. 7:15-17.The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

FLOWERS - The flowers on the altar are from the Ruth Zanter funeral. We thank the family for the flowers.
VOTERS MEETING – Our quarterly voters meeting will be held this morning in the Fellowship Hall right after the worship service.  Please  plan to attend.

SEE BULLETIN BOARD for information concerning the annual bazaar of our sister congregation at First Lutheran Church Sioux City on November 4th from 9-3pm.  The theme is "The Gift of Christmas".

GREETING CARD FUNDRAISER:  The Youth Group will be taking orders for boxed greeting cards including Christmas ones at the end of the month.   Most are in boxes of 12 cards/envelopes and range $6-$8 per box. A few samples and order forms will be available after services on October 22nd - Nov 5th and will be available for pick up later in November.

WANTED – Two more groups who would be willing to take turns serving during our Sunday morning Coffee Hours.  This would eliminate having any open spots and would keep those who serve from having to serve as often as they do.

Remember the ANNUAL CHURCH BAZAAR on Nov. 2nd from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.  Bob and Karen Pidde are responsible for  Altar flowers in November and Visiting Helper for the month is Corrine Handel. 

OUR ANNUAL BAZAAR will be held Thursday, Nov. 2nd from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We will have a Stitchery/Craft/ Country Store Booth and the Lunch Counter. We have posted the food list and work schedule on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall and the refrigerator in the kitchen if you want to check what you have volunteered to prepare. If you have any questions regarding the work schedule please contact one of the committee members. We plan to have the kitchen door unlocked by 7:15 a.m.  Also please put a checkmark by your name on the food list when you bring your donations. If you have prepared your food earlier and then froze it, please make sure it is unthawed when you bring it. A sincere Thank You to everyone that has volunteered to bring food and also all the workers. See you Thursday Nov. 2nd for a day of good food and fellowship.

NOTE FROM PASTOR: At the risk of some saying that I am always talking about money, I am going to ask; Do you tithe?  Some churches use tithing as a law, that you must give 10% of your income as a tithe and then use the Old Testament mandate of the tithe to the Israelites as proof.  Lutherans however, free in the Gospel, do not mandate a tithe, but instead look to 2 Corinthians 9:7  Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  So we use tithing as a goal to personally strive towards...guilt free.  Anyways, the reason why I bring it up is the bulletin insert concerning the California wildfires and other requests that may be in the bulletin from time to time, is that I do not put these in the bulletin to guilt you into giving or promote one charity over another.  Rather, I include what I can to inform you of things going on around the world in our Synod so that, if you are looking for a way to increase your giving outside of your local congregation, AND if you are so moved, you have the information available to you.  Until the Lord returns, there will always be need, so may God give you peace in how much you decide to return to Him and to whom. - Pastor Makelin


Sunday Nov. 12th 11:30-12:30 2nd-8th grade only

Sunday Nov. 19th 10:30-12:00 All Kids (no Sunday School)

Wednesday Nov. 29th 5:00-6:00 All kids

Sunday Dec. 3rd 11:30-1:00 All kids, lunch provided

Sunday Dec. 10th 10:30-12:00 All kids (No Sunday School)

Sunday Dec. 17th 11:30-1:00 All kids, lunch provided

Friday, October 20, 2017

10-22-2017 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

MAIN STREET LIVING –October 29:  Rev. Nabil Nour of Trinity Lutheran church in Hartford, SD brings us the Reformation Day message, “The Gospel Gives True Freedom!”. The message is based on John 8: 32. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

MENTOR/MENTEES:  Will be meeting Oct 22 @ 7 pm for a night of fellowship and fun. Sarah Harris, Penny Smidt and Cheri Knittel will be hosting "The Halloween Harvest Hunt". Hope to see you there.

VOTERS MEETING – Our quarterly voters meeting will be held on Sunday, October 29th in the Fellowship Hall right after the worship service.  Please plan to attend.

SEE BULLETIN BOARD for information concerning the annual bazaar of our sister congregation at First Lutheran Church Sioux City on November 4th from 9-3pm.  The theme is "The Gift of Christmas".

GREETING CARD FUNDRAISER:  The Youth Group will be taking orders for boxed greeting cards including Christmas ones at the end of the month.   Most are in boxes of 12 cards/envelopes and range $6-$8 per box. A few samples and order forms will be available after services on October 22nd - Nov 5th and will be available for pick up later in November.

Remember the ANNUAL CHURCH BAZAAR on Nov. 2nd from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.  Bob and Karen Pidde are responsible for  Altar flowers in November and Visiting Helper for the month is Corrine Handel. 
OUR ANNUAL BAZAAR will be held Thursday, Nov. 2nd from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We will have a Stitchery/Craft/ Country Store Booth and the Lunch Counter. We have posted the food list and work schedule on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall and the refrigerator in the kitchen if you want to check what you have volunteered to prepare. If you have any questions regarding the work schedule please contact one of the committee members. We plan to have the kitchen door unlocked by 7:15 a.m.  Also please put a checkmark by your name on the food list when you bring your donations. If you have prepared your food earlier and then froze it, please make sure it is unthawed when you bring it. A sincere Thank You to everyone that has volunteered to bring food and also all the workers. See you Thursday Nov. 2nd for a day of good food and fellowship.

We are planning to clean the kitchen on Thursday, Oct 26th starting around 1:30 p.m. please come & help if you are able.  Thanks.
NOTE FROM PASTOR: By now you are probably getting used to me putting apologies in the bulletin, but I hope these slow down a little.  Last Sunday was the microphone battery?  Or so I heard some could not hear.  Oh, and I forgot the LWML pledge on LWML Sunday.  I had it in the bulletin insert, but we didn't do it, so maybe we will do it twice next year (grin).  Again, forgiveness sought.  You know, this is the blessing we have as Christians, this "forgiveness" thing..and what a glorious thing it is!  When the world tells you that you are either good or bad, we are given the gift of a third option; to say we are bad, but made good by the atoning blood of Christ, freeing us to do good for the sake our neighbor, and not bad for the sake of ourselves.  Forgiven in Christ, we repent and seek to forgive each other as we have been forgiven (Lord's prayer).  To God be the glory.  Pastor Makelin

Thursday, October 12, 2017

10-15-2017 Announcements

Holy Communion is celebrated in our worship service today.  What a joy and privilege!  In this Sacrament our Lord gives unto us not only bread and wine, but also His very body and blood to eat and drink.  In this Sacrament He assures us that our sins are forgiven and He strengthens our faith.  To our guests who desire to receive Holy Communion, we ask that you consider the following:  If you do not believe in Jesus as your Savior, do not believe in the Real Presence of the Sacrament, or have never received instruction on how to prepare yourself for Communion, you should refrain from receiving the Sacrament, but are encouraged to come to the altar for a blessing, indicated by folding the arms over the chest.  We do this not to offend, but to honor the faith we hold at St. Paul Lutheran.  If you have any questions regarding communion, please speak to the Pastor or an Elder before service begins.

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

MAIN STREET LIVING – No information available.

MENTOR/MENTEES:  Will be meeting Oct 22 @ 7 pm for a night of fellowship and fun. Sarah Harris, Penny Smidt and Cheri Knittel will be hosting "The Halloween Harvest Hunt". Hope to see you there.

VOTERS MEETING – Our quarterly voters meeting will be held on Sunday, October 29th in the Fellowship Hall right after the worship service.  Please plan to attend.

SEE BULLETIN BOARD for information concerning the annual bazaar of our sister congregation at First Lutheran Church Sioux City on November 4th from 9-3pm.  The theme is "The Gift of Christmas".

GREETING CARD FUNDRAISER:  The Youth Group will be taking orders for boxed greeting cards including Christmas ones at the end of the month.   Most are in boxes of 12 cards/envelopes and range $6-$8 per box. A few samples and order forms will be available after services on October 22nd - Nov 5th and will be available for pick up later in November.

PLAN TO ATTEND THE BAZAAR on November 2nd from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We will have the Lunch Counter and a Stitchery/Craft/Baked items booth. We have posted the food list on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall and on the refrigerator in the kitchen if you want to check what you have volunteered to prepare – we will have the work schedule by next Sunday if you have any questions please see Kelli Broders, Penny Smidt or Sharon Pfeiffer. Thanks.

I WANT TO SEE YOU!  It is my desire to see every member of St. Paul for an hour or less, just to get to know you - outside of Sunday mornings and meetings.  In other words, I want to talk with you across the kitchen table at your home! do this I need your help.  So, please...invite me?  Invite me on a Tuesday evening (the best evening to catch me)...after supper...and don't offer me food or caffeine, but simply a drink of water....and if I am busy and cannot make it....invite me again...on a different Tuesday...and if I still cannot make it...invite me again later...and if I still cannot make it...don't give up on me....repeat step one. 
*This method by the way, is good practice for what people call evangelism.  Everyone is an evangelist when they invite people to come hear the Word of God with them on Sunday mornings.  It is a four step method.  Step one, two and three are: Invite, invite, invite.  And if that does not work, step four is: Repeat steps one through three.
Anyways, I've been able to see most shut ins and am working on finding the college students, but you may call, text, email, FaceBook message me, or hand me a note after services (sorry I don't Tweet, or Tinder, or many others, and only SnapChat with family), and we will schedule something.  Pastor Makelin

Friday, October 6, 2017

10-08-2017 Announcements

THE LORD’S SUPPER at St. Paul Lutheran Church is administered in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.  It is celebrated in the confidence that we receive – in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine – our Savior’s true Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins.  All who commune at this altar are making this public confession of the faith that we believe and teach as is written in the Holy Scriptures.  If you are not a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, please speak with the Pastor before the worship service.

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

MAIN STREET LIVING – October 15: Worship Service-Rev. Caleb Schewe of Trinity Lutheran Church on Corona, SD and Our Savour's Lutheran in Wilmont, SD brings us today's message. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

LWML will meet on Thursday, October 12th at 2:00 p.m. at the church. Pastor will lead Bible Study "Changeless!" and Marlene will provide lunch.

THERE WILL BE no Men’s Bible study on Wednesday October 11, Pastor will be gone to a conference.

THRIVENT MATCH - As the Christian community comes together to pray for and reach out to those who have been affected by the recent disasters, Thrivent Financial is mobilizing its financial resources and members nationwide to help those in need. Thrivent members and others who are interested in ways to help with the recovery efforts are encouraged to visit to learn more about the organization’s $3 million match on individual personal donations and other ways in which they can help.

YOUTH GROUP MEETING tonight ( Oct. 8th) at 7pm.

PLAN TO ATTEND THE BAZAAR on November 2nd from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We will have the Lunch Counter and a Stitchery/Craft/Baked items booth. All the food donations for the Lunch Counter are very much appreciated, there are a few items we still need; if you would like to donate food or work during the day or evening please see Kelli Broders, Penny Smidt or Sharon Pfeiffer. Thanks.

DO YOU KNOW what the elders are to do with the remaining consecrated body/blood (reliquia)?  Even though we do not believe as the Roman Catholics - that it continues to be His body and blood outside of the Lord's Supper - we do want to respectfully care for the elements that were used.  Do they have a separate vessel to keep them in?  Do they pour them on the ground and not the sewer? And so on.  Because of this, there have been many debates and conflicts over the past 500 years of when it becomes the body and blood, when it ceases, and everything in between.  So, to avoid any consternation, you will sometimes see me (if there is not much left) simply do what it was consecrated for (the eating and drinking)…and consume what is left.  If you see this happen, please don't be alarmed, it is an ancient practice of the Church, and we are trying to ease consciences for the sake of the Gospel..- Pastor Makelin

PLEASE SEE THE LATEST REPORTER in the wire rack in the narthex for information on Harvey and Irma relief and long-term aid, as well as other official news from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN is seeking donations (online donations are being matched by Thrivent Financial to certain limits) to help with the relief efforts from Hurricane Harvey to ease the suffering of countless people, As an understanding of the enormous catastrophic effects of Harvey, it is a much wider area than when New Orleans was hit by Katrina and water was up to the belly of planes parked at the airport fifty miles from the coast!  Please find the letter posted on the bulletin board on how you can donate.

SEE BULLETIN BOARD for information concerning the annual bazaar of our sister congregation at First Lutheran Church Sioux City on November 4th from 9-3pm.  The theme is "The Gift of Christmas".

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...