Friday, September 25, 2020

09-27-2020 Order of Service and Announcements

September 27, 2020 (16th Sunday after Trinity) 
Opening Hymn Page 713 
Divine Service 3 (page 184) Psalm 30 
Sermon hymn Page 758 – tune 770 
Sermon “Jesus Calls Forth Life From Death!” Luke 7:11-17 
Offertory Communion hymns Page 461, 458, 504 
Closing hymn Page 756 

Sunday: 8:30 a.m.: Bible Study 
9:30 a.m.: Worship Service/Holy Communion 
After Service: Sunday School 
5:00 p.m.: Youth Group Meeting ( Arboretum) 
Wednesday: 6:00 a.m.: Men’s Bible Study 
Thursday: 12:00 p.m.: Bulletin Announcement due 
2:00 p.m.: Ladies Aid/LWML 
Sunday: 8:30 a.m.: Bible Study 
9:30 a.m.: Worship Service/Holy Communion 
After Service: Sunday School 

THE HOLY COMMUNION We take the Lord's Supper very seriously, and practice closed communion here at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Freeman - a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), To protect those who, through personal examination, doubt that Christ is physically present in this meal, or are unforgiving, openly ungodly and unrepentant, or refuse to be reconciled…we ask that they would refrain from partaking of His body and blood unworthily and instead, move to repentance, either corporately within our midst, or privately with the pastor. For all those Christian brethren in our midst who are from other denominations (and therefore have a different confession of faith of what this gift of the Sacrament of the Altar is and does), and for those who are unable or unsure how to examine themselves or have not received instruction…we also ask that you refrain from partaking of the Sacrament of the Altar to your potential harm and instead, ask that you to meditate upon His Word during the distribution, praying for the day when divisions have ceased. 

How long will we continue to do every Sunday communion together? In this time of crisis we have been offering communion every Sunday (with extra sanitary and social distancing measures), so that those within our closed communion family who trust His words, repent of all sin, and have set aside any refusal to forgive and love as he forgives and loves us, may show forth his death until he comes. Sadly, due to individual circumstances of this crisis, there are congregation members who have not been able to partake of this blessed gift of His presence for quite some time, and so, we want it available for when they finally get a chance to return to the rail. How long will we continue? Only the Lord knows how long we remain in this current crisis and if, after it has passed, we would want to discontinue this every Sunday practice. I would ask anyone who does not desire to partake every Sunday to abstain from it guilt-free (it is not commanded) and for your continued patience - for the benefit of your brothers and sisters in Christ. - Pastor For further study, see Matthew 5:23ff; 10:32ff; 18:15-35; 26:26-29; 1 Cor. 11:17-34 

IN YOUR PRAYERS: Please pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Melton, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth, Lorna. Tieszen Memorial Home, Myron, and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Harvey, Dianne, Connie, Berneita, and those Recently Hospitalized: Lonnie 

YOUTH GROUP MEETING tonight Sept 27th 5pm at The Arboretum. All 8th - 12th graders are encouraged to come 

LADIES Aid and LWML wlll meet on Thursday Oct. 1st at 2:00 p.m. Bob and Karen Pidde are on Altar flowers for October and November. 

STUDY THE BOOK OF ROMANS TOGETHER at the Sunday morning Bible study at 8:30am and the Men's group at 6:00am on Wednesdays. Ladies Aid/LWML are finishing up Revelation and the Women's group are finishing up the book of Genesis and watch soon for an after services study group for the youth (topic/book to be determined). 

MAIN STREET LIVING: This is the Life at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. See BlogSpot for monthly schedule 

THE MISSION/MINISTRY OF THE MONTH FOR SEPTEMBER IS SOUTH EASTERN SOUTH DAKOTA LUTHERANS FOR LIFE (SESDLFL), C/O Joy Ellis, P. O. 265, Menno, SD 57045. Lutherans For Life believes that the Church is compelled by God’s Word to speak and act on behalf of those who are vulnerable and defenseless. The crisis of our times is the repudiation of Biblical truth manifested in the wanton destruction of innocent human life through legalized abortion-on-demand and the growing threat to the lives of others through legalized assisted suicide and euthanasia. Therefore, as Lutherans For Life, we will strive to give witness, from a Biblical perspective, to the Church and society on these and other related issues such as chastity, post abortion healing, and family living. See bulletin inserts and consider giving.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

09-20-2020 Announcements and Order of Service

September 20, 2020 (15th Sunday after Trinity) Opening Hymn Page 869 Divine Service 3 (page 184) Psalm 146 Sermon hymn Page 760 Sermon “Anxious Bondage vs Confident Trust!” Matthew 6:24-34 Offertory Communion hymns Page 809, 581 Closing hymn Page 726 CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Sunday: 8:30 a.m.: Bible Study 9:30 a.m.: Worship Service/Holy Communion After Service: Sunday School 6:00 p.m.: Registration & fellowship Ainsworth Monday/Tuesday: 8:00 a.m.: Ainsworth Conference Wednesday: 6:00 a.m.: Men’s Bible Study Thursday: 12:00 p.m.: Bulletin Announcement due Sunday: 8:30 a.m.: Bible Study 9:30 a.m.: Worship Service/Holy Communion After Service: Sunday School 5:00 p.m.: Youth Group Meeting Baptized membership: 303 Members and visitors in attendance: 76 Sunday School: 12 THE HOLY COMMUNION We welcome everyone to come forward to the chancel. Guests desiring to commune are asked to speak with the pastor before coming to the rail or are asked to hold their hands crossed against themselves and receive a Word of blessing from the Lord. Our communion liturgy recognizes the eternal community of heaven (angels and archangels and all the company of heaven). We believe that our praise is joined with those who have gone before us in the faith. As Jesus gives us His body and blood today, we look forward to that day when, with all the saints, we will receive pleasures at God’s right hand, forevermore! At that time, it will not be necessary to witness the truth of God’s Word, however, as that time is not yet, such a witness must still be given today. Therefore, out of love for God’s Word and for God’s people, we employ the historic practice of doctrinal examination and closed communion. Thank you for respecting this practice and a blessed and Christ filled day to each of you! IN YOUR PRAYERS: Please pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Melton, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth, Lorna. Tieszen Memorial Home, Myron, and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Harvey, Dianne, Connie, Berneita, and those Recently Hospitalized: Lonnie YOUTH GROUP MEETING Sunday Sept 27th 5pm at The Arboretum. All 8th - 12th graders are encouraged to come BAZAAR NEWS: Due to COVID-19, we are announcing that the November 5th Bazaar will be cancelled for this year. Stay healthy. The Bazaar Committee. MAIN STREET LIVING: This is the Life at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. See BlogSpot for monthly schedule HOW IS THE HYMNODY? Back in January I explained my rather convoluted process for choosing hymns and mentioned that I now had available someone's "favorite" hymns, which I used to choose hymns from Easter to Reformation Day. While not completely free of unknown and hard to sing hymns, I hoped that I made better selections. Soon, it will be time for me to select Advent/Christmas hymns and so I thought I would ask; How are the hymns? Better? Please let me know - Pastor WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER: Starting this week, half sheet bulletin inserts will be provided with things to Learn by Heart, Lessons for the week for different grade levels and daily Bible Readings. See inside explanation sheet for more information. The goal is to equip and unite the entire congregation of St. Paul Lutheran Church (In the Christian home, SS, Pastors, Schools, VBS, worship, etc) towards catechesis using the same components of Prayer, Readings, Memory, Music, and Art. DISASTER RELIEF FOR IOWA DISTRICT EAST Iowa District East recommends three ways individuals and congregations can act to assist those affected by the recent storms in Iowa: First, you can donate to the Iowa District East (via check, memo: IDE Storm Relief) in support of meeting insurance deductibles for congregations and schools. Second, you can directly support the storm relief effort program at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca so that volunteers have adequate food, supplies, and equipment. Third, you can donate to LCMS Disaster Response who has arranged volunteers and essential equipment. THE MISSION/MINISTRY OF THE MONTH FOR SEPTEMBER IS SOUTH EASTERN SOUTH DAKOTA LUTHERANS FOR LIFE (SESDLFL), C/O Joy Ellis, P. O. 265, Menno, SD 57045. Lutherans For Life believes that the Church is compelled by God’s Word to speak and act on behalf of those who are vulnerable and defenseless. The crisis of our times is the repudiation of Biblical truth manifested in the wanton destruction of innocent human life through legalized abortion-on-demand and the growing threat to the lives of others through legalized assisted suicide and euthanasia. Therefore, as Lutherans For Life, we will strive to give witness, from a Biblical perspective, to the Church and society on these and other related issues such as chastity, post abortion healing, and family living. See bulletin inserts and consider giving.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

09-13-2020 Announcement and Order of Service

Opening Hymn Page 421 Divine Service 3 (page 184) Psalm 119:9-16 Sermon hymn Page 849 Sermon “The Cry of Faith; Lord Have Mercy!” Luke 17:11-19 Offertory Communion hymns Page 895, 544, 713 Closing hymn Page 790 CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Sunday: 8:30 a.m.: Bible Study 9:30 a.m.: Worship Service/Holy Communion After Service: Sunday School 11:30 a.m.: Worship Service/Holy Communion Scotland Wednesday: 6:00 a.m.: Men’s Bible Study Thursday: 9:00 a.m.: Circuit Winkel 12:00 p.m.: Bulletin Announcement due Sunday: 8:30 a.m.: Bible Study 9:30 a.m.: Worship Service/Holy Communion After Service: Sunday School 6:00 p.m.: Registration & fellowship Ainsworth THE HOLY COMMUNION We welcome everyone to come forward to the chancel. Guests desiring to commune are asked to speak with the pastor before coming to the rail or are asked to hold their hands crossed against themselves and receive a Word of blessing from the Lord. Our communion liturgy recognizes the eternal community of heaven (angels and archangels and all the company of heaven). We believe that our praise is joined with those who have gone before us in the faith. As Jesus gives us His body and blood today, we look forward to that day when, with all the saints, we will receive pleasures at God’s right hand, forevermore! At that time, it will not be necessary to witness the truth of God’s Word, however, as that time is not yet, such a witness must still be given today. Therefore, out of love for God’s Word and for God’s people, we employ the historic practice of doctrinal examination and closed communion. Thank you for respecting this practice and a blessed and Christ filled day to each of you! IN YOUR PRAYERS: Please pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Melton, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth, Lorna. Tieszen Memorial Home, Myron, and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Harvey, Dianne, Connie, Berneita, and those Recently Hospitalized: Lonnie HOW IS THE HYMNODY? Back in January I explained my rather convoluted process for choosing hymns and mentioned that I now had available someone's "favorite" hymns, which I used to choose hymns from Easter to Reformation Day. While not completely free of unknown and hard to sing hymns, I hoped that I made better selections. Soon, it will be time for me to select Advent/Christmas hymns and so I thought I would ask; How are the hymns? Better? Please let me know - Pastor DISASTER RELIEF FOR IOWA DISTRICT EAST Iowa District East recommends three ways individuals and congregations can act to assist those affected by the recent storms in Iowa: First, you can donate to the Iowa District East (via check, memo: IDE Storm Relief) in support of meeting insurance deductibles for congregations and schools. Second, you can directly support the storm relief effort program at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca so that volunteers have adequate food, supplies, and equipment. Third, you can donate to LCMS Disaster Response who has arranged volunteers and essential equipment. SUNDAY SCHOOL BEGINS SUNDAY today after Worship Service. THE MISSION/MINISTRY OF THE MONTH FOR SEPTEMBER IS SOUTH EASTERN SOUTH DAKOTA LUTHERANS FOR LIFE (SESDLFL), C/O Joy Ellis, P. O. 265, Menno, SD 57045. Lutherans For Life believes that the Church is compelled by God’s Word to speak and act on behalf of those who are vulnerable and defenseless. The crisis of our times is the repudiation of Biblical truth manifested in the wanton destruction of innocent human life through legalized abortion-on-demand and the growing threat to the lives of others through legalized assisted suicide and euthanasia. Therefore, as Lutherans For Life, we will strive to give witness, from a Biblical perspective, to the Church and society on these and other related issues such as chastity, post abortion healing, and family living. See bulletin inserts and consider giving. MAIN STREET LIVING: This is the Life at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. See BlogSpot for monthly schedule BAZAAR NEWS: Due to COVID-19, we are announcing that the November 5th Bazaar will be cancelled for this year. Stay healthy. The Bazaar Committee. WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER: Starting this week, half sheet bulletin inserts will be provided with things to Learn by Heart, Lessons for the week for different grade levels and daily Bible Readings. See inside explanation sheet for more information. The goal is to equip and unite the entire congregation of St. Paul Lutheran Church (In the Christian home, SS, Pastors, Schools, VBS, worship, etc) towards catechesis using the same components of Prayer, Readings, Memory, Music, and Art.

Friday, September 4, 2020

09-06-2020 Announcements and Order of Service

September 06, 2020 (13th Sunday after Trinity) Opening Hymn Page 649 Divine Service 3 (page 184) Psalm 146 Sermon hymn Page 683 Sermon “Jesus is Our Good Samaritan!” Luke 10:23-37 Offertory Communion hymns Page 716, 572, 726 Closing hymn Page 708 CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Sunday: 8:30 a.m.: Bible Study 9:30 a.m.: Worship Service/Holy Communion Live Steam YouTube 11:30 a.m.: Worship Service/Holy Communion Menno Wednesday: 6:00 a.m.: Men’s Bible Study 9:00 a.m.: Women’s Bible Study Thursday: 12:00 p.m.: Bulletin Announcement due Sunday: 8:30 a.m.: Bible Study 9:30 a.m.: Worship Service/Holy Communion After Service: Sunday School 11:30 a.m.: Worship Service/Holy Communion Scotland THE HOLY COMMUNION We welcome everyone to come forward to the chancel. Guests desiring to commune are asked to speak with the pastor before coming to the rail or are asked to hold their hands crossed against themselves and receive a Word of blessing from the Lord. Our communion liturgy recognizes the eternal community of heaven (angels and archangels and all the company of heaven). We believe that our praise is joined with those who have gone before us in the faith. As Jesus gives us His body and blood today, we look forward to that day when, with all the saints, we will receive pleasures at God’s right hand, forevermore! At that time, it will not be necessary to witness the truth of God’s Word, however, as that time is not yet, such a witness must still be given today. Therefore, out of love for God’s Word and for God’s people, we employ the historic practice of doctrinal examination and closed communion. Thank you for respecting this practice and a blessed and Christ filled day to each of you! IN YOUR PRAYERS: Please pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Melton, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth, Lorna. Tieszen Memorial Home, Myron, and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Harvey, Dianne, Connie, Berneita, and those Recently Hospitalized: Lonnie SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY (8:30am), will start the book of Romans on Sept. 13th before services. Bring your Bibles and join us! Or, the Men's Wednesday morning (6:00am) Bible study is also reading Romans if you want to man up. BAZAAR NEWS: Due to COVID-19, we are announcing that the November 5th Bazaar will be cancelled for this year. Stay healthy. The Bazaar Committee. HOW IS THE HYMNODY? Back in January I explained my rather convoluted process for choosing hymns and mentioned that I now had available someone's "favorite" hymns, which I used to choose hymns from Easter to Reformation Day. While not completely free of unknown and hard to sing hymns, I hoped that I made better selections. Soon, it will be time for me to select Advent/Christmas hymns and so I thought I would ask; How are the hymns? Better? Please let me know - Pastor DISASTER RELIEF FOR IOWA DISTRICT EAST Iowa District East recommends three ways individuals and congregations can act to assist those affected by the recent storms in Iowa: First, you can donate to the Iowa District East (via check, memo: IDE Storm Relief) in support of meeting insurance deductibles for congregations and schools. Second, you can directly support the storm relief effort program at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca so that volunteers have adequate food, supplies, and equipment. Third, you can donate to LCMS Disaster Response who has arranged volunteers and essential equipment. SUNDAY SCHOOL BEGINS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13: I would like the parents to please call or text me your children’s names, what grade they are in and if you are interested in helping to teach.  …Thank you! Jenny Peters My cell phone number is 605 770-4102. THE MISSION/MINISTRY OF THE MONTH FOR SEPTEMBER IS SOUTH EASTERN SOUTH DAKOTA LUTHERANS FOR LIFE (SESDLFL), C/O Joy Ellis, P. O. 265, Menno, SD 57045. Lutherans For Life believes that the Church is compelled by God’s Word to speak and act on behalf of those who are vulnerable and defenseless. The crisis of our times is the repudiation of Biblical truth manifested in the wanton destruction of innocent human life through legalized abortion-on-demand and the growing threat to the lives of others through legalized assisted suicide and euthanasia. Therefore, as Lutherans For Life, we will strive to give witness, from a Biblical perspective, to the Church and society on these and other related issues such as chastity, post abortion healing, and family living. See bulletin inserts and consider giving. MAIN STREET LIVING: This is the Life at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. See BlogSpot for monthly schedule

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...