Sunday, May 22, 2011

5-22-2011 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we continue to pray for Doris Albrecht and Leann Albrecht in their fight against cancer as well as for Olinda Stark who is now under hospice care and for Arden and Arlene Stern who both fell and were injured this last week; they have been released from the hospital and are recovering at home. We also keep in our prayers our shut-in members, our inactive members and at least two people in our lives who don’t know Christ.

OOPS! – We apologize for accidentally forgetting to include Brice Paulson in last week’s list of college graduates. He just graduated from SDSU in Brookings with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology. Brice is the son of Craig and Kim Paulson.

URGENT MISSION OPPORTUNITIES – This year God has opened many doors for LCMS members to serve overseas as missionaries and teachers for 1 to 2 years. As of this month, 36 critical positions remain unfilled. God has prepared in advance these exciting good works for His people. Besides the critical 36 openings, there are more than 200 other opportunities available to make the love of Christ known in Word and deed by serving within the LCMS World Missions organization … from 1 week positions to lifetime positions and everything in between! Perhaps one of these positions is for you and perhaps for someone you know. For additional information please contact the Pastor.

ANNUAL LUTHERANS FOR LIFE DIAPER/LAYETTE item drive will continue through Father’s Day, June 19th. Diapers of all sizes are needed as well as diaper wipes, powders, lotions, baby bath items, shampoos, etc. Layette items such as receiving blankets, sleepers, booties, sweaters and other infant wear as well as any items that might be typically given as a shower gift are also welcome. A collection container will be in the Fellowship Hall.

SARAH RUML would like to thank all those who have given prayer or financial support for her Dells Summer Training Program thus far. Your contributions are immensely appreciated! Sarah will continue to fundraise until July 1st; if you are interested in helping support Sarah or if you would like more information, please contact Scott or Susan Ruml (925-7004) or Sarah (605-660-5330 or Also refer to the bulletin/message board for an extended letter explaining more about what Sarah is doing this summer. Thank you!

SONSURF BEACH BASH VBS – The dates of VBS are July 18th thru July 22nd. You can sign up by emailing Amber at or let Lisa, Amber or Cheri know. Also, please contact any of these 3 ladies if you would like to help out with our VBS this summer. This will be a fun-filled week of beach fun while learning lots about our Savior! Please watch for more details.

FREEMAN REGIONAL HOSPITAL AUXILIARY is conducting their annual fund drive. There is a basket in the Fellowship Hall for your donations. The Hospital Auxiliary uses these funds to purchase needed items for our local hospital/nursing home. There is also a sheet for you to sign if you are willing to help or donate for their annual soup day in October. We are very fortunate to have this health facility in our community; please contribute if you are able. Thank you.

SUNDAE SUNDAY will be next Sunday. The congregation is invited to join the Sunday school students and teachers as we wrap up the Sunday school year. Ice cream sundaes will be served during our social time following the worship service. See you there!!

SPECIAL PLATE OFFERING will be taken today to help with the new furnace expense. There is a basket in the Fellowship Hall for your donations.

ARMED FORCES SUNDAY – Next Sunday we will celebrate Armed Forces Sunday. Regardless of our varied political views, we can all agree that a society must hold in high regard the personal sacrifices made by so many Americans on a daily basis to keep us all safe. Those who sacrifice for us include not only our military members and chaplains but also their families. We recognize these individuals in the church by acknowledging their sacrifice, praying for their safety and supporting our Synod’s Ministry to the Armed Forces.

REMINDER – The Samaritan group will meet Wednesday, May 25th at 6:30 p.m. at the church. Please bring the item(s) you signed up to donate for our project. Remember to come for supper!

We would like to tell you a few facts about the new ladies group started here at church – now known as the Samaritans. We would like to state that we profess to faithfully promote God’s name and glory. Our desire is to earnestly apply Christian fellowship to create helpful means to those in our church body as a testimony to God. We wish to make known our goals which are to spread God's word of hope and to do Christian acts.

We are looking for projects that will help and encourage people in our congregation -- people who are having health issues, unexpected expenses, loss of family or just need a pick-me-up for some reason. We welcome good news celebrations such as special birthdays, anniversaries and births. We encourage anyone to make suggestions on their own behalf or for others as well. We have placed a request box out on the spinner of extra bulletins and calendars in the Narthex. Our group will try to honor each request in some way.

Anyone who is interested in joining or has any questions or comments, please contact LaNae Harberts, Diane Schnabel or Kristi Dannenbring.

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