IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please remember Doris Albrecht, Myrna Huber, Wayne Pfeiffer and Richard Salis as they continue to work through their cancer treatments, Connie Hinckley as she meets with her doctors this week to determine the best course of action for her recently diagnosed cancer, Rev. David Ellis (Immanuel, Menno) with his knee problems and upcoming knee replacement surgery, our other members under doctors’ care, our shut-in members and at least two people who don’t know Christ.
PARENTS OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN Please make note of the following dates for our Christmas Program Practice Schedule:
Wed. Nov. 30th: 5pm-6pm
Wed. Dec. 7th: 5pm-6pm
Wed. Dec. 14th: 5pm-6pm
Sun. Dec. 18th: 11:30am-1:45pm (lunch will be provided)
Wed. Dec. 21st: 5pm-6pm
COME AND LISTEN! For the four Sundays in Advent this year our choir will be singing during both the preludes and the offertories. As always, the music will be awesome! Come and listen! Come and enjoy!
WE WILL BE DECORATING the church for Christmas today at 4 pm. volunteers are needed and would be greatly appreciated.
MIDWEEK ADVENT SERVICES are scheduled again for this year. We will gather at 7:00 p.m. on Nov. 30th, Dec. 7th and Dec. 14th for worship. At 5:45 p.m. (before each Wednesday’s service) we will also provide a soup and sandwich supper for all who wish to get together for a light meal. This week’s soup and sandwich supper will be provided and hosted by the Wednesday Men’s Breakfast Bible Study Group. And ‘No’ they won’t serve you the leftovers from that morning’s breakfast meeting! Please plan to join us and please bring a friend or relative to share in this opportunity for worship and fellowship!
PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER using your God-given gifts and talents in service to Him and our church. We will need the following offices to be filled – please contact one of the Elders or the Chairman if you are willing to have your name placed on the ballot: Chairman, Elder, Trustee, Board of Education, Evangelism, Usher and Congregation Secretary.
WANTED: DARTBALL PLAYERS! Young and old, men and ladies, you are invited to join us for dartball this year. Please contact Dean or Orville if you are interested in playing.
MISSING CONTAINER A unique rectangular Tupperware container disappeared from the kitchen after the bazaar. If you picked it up by mistake please return it to the church. If you have any questions about it please ask Susan Ruml. Thank you.
THE FINAL WORSHIP SERVICE for St. John Lutheran Church in Chester will be on Dec. 11th at 2:30 p.m. Please keep the parish in your prayers as they prepare for this momentous occasion. This final service will be open to anyone who wishes to attend.
LADIES AID CHRISTMAS PARTY will be held on Sunday December 4th at 4 p.m. All ladies of the congregation and guests are welcome. Please remember to bring a $5.00 gift for our gift exchange. Ladies Aid members are asked to bring Christmas goodies for lunch. Hope to see you there. Joan Dreessen will be in charge of Altar flowers for the month of December. Coffee hour committee for December 4th will be Barb Salis, Darlene Schrag, and Mildred Siekmann.
THE LADIES AID will be doing their annual matching funds Christmas project for Main Street Living from November 27th through December 18th. There will be a “freewill offering basket” in the fellowship hall; the amount collected will be matched by the Ladies Aid. Your continued generosity is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
MAIN STREET LIVING December 04, 2011 Kid’s Crossing - Begin the preparation for Christmas with the story of “Christmas Is.” The featured speaker is Rev. Steve Weispfennig from St. John’s Lutheran Church in Yankton, SD. The sermon theme is “A Patient God in an Impatient World.” The hymns are On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry; Prepare the Royal Highway; and Comfort, Comfort Ye My People. The Main Street Living choir will provide the hymns. Main Street Living May be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls and may also be viewed on the web at
THE LUTHERAN HOUR December 4 "What Kind of People Should We Be?" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz. This world is passing away. It is faith in Christ alone that saves, not faith in man-made works, policies, or programs. As we wait for Christ to return, what kind of people should we be? (2 Peter 3:1-13) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).
DRIVERS ARE NEEDED to transport church members for medical appointments and treatments. If you are willing to help out with this transportation ministry, please talk to Pastor Borglum.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
11/20/2011 Announcements
IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please remember everyone under doctor’s care, those who are still in the hospital, those now recovering at home, our shut-in members and at least two people who don’t know Christ.
THIS THURSDAY at 9:30 we will gather for our Thanksgiving Day worship service. The theme for the service will be based on Psalm 34. Please plan to join us and please bring a friend or relative to share in our worship and fellowship!
PARENTS OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN -- Please make note of the following dates for our Christmas Program Practice Schedule:
Today: – 10:45am-1pm (no Sunday School, lunch will be provided)
Wed. Nov. 30th: 5pm-6pm
Wed. Dec. 7th: 5pm-6pm
Wed. Dec. 14th: 5pm-6pm
Sun. Dec. 18th: 11:30am-1:45pm (lunch will be provided)
Wed. Dec. 21st: 5pm-6pm
THANK YOU to all who helped in any way to make our annual bazaar another success! We raised $5,606.91 this year.
(s) The Bazaar Committee
WE WILL BE DECORATING the church for Christmas on Sunday, Nov. 27th at 4 pm. Volunteers are needed and would be greatly appreciated.
PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER using your God-given gifts and talents in service to Him and our church. We will need the following offices to be filled – please contact one of the Elders or the Chairman if you are willing to have your name placed on the ballot: Chairman, Elder, Trustee, Board of Education, Evangelism, Usher and Congregation Secretary.
WANTED: DARTBALL PLAYERS! Young and old, men and ladies, you are invited to join us for dartball this year. Please contact Dean or Orville if you are interested in playing.
MISSING CONTAINER: A unique rectangular Tupperware container disappeared from the kitchen after the bazaar. If you picked it up by mistake please return it to the church. If you have any questions about it please ask Susan Ruml. Thank you.
MAIN STREET LIVING – November 27, 2011 – Kid’s Crossing prepares for Christmas with the story “The City That Forgot Christmas.”
The featured speaker is Rev. Greg Lehr from Zion Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, SD. The sermon theme is “Be on Guard, Awake, and Watchful.” The hymns are “The Advent of our King”; “Now Thank We all our God”; and “Come Thou Almighty God”. The Main Street Living choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired. Main Street Living May be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls and may also be viewed on the web at
THE LUTHERAN HOUR for November 27 is "More Than He Seems"
By Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus.
Originally, the word meek didn't mean powerless or impotent. No, a person was meek if he kept his power under control and used it for a purpose. That's the way Jesus was meek. He used his power for a purpose. (Matthew 21:4-5) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on
570 AM (WNAX).
DRIVERS ARE NEEDED to transport church members for medical appointments and treatments. If you are willing to help out with this transportation ministry, please talk to Pastor Borglum.
THIS THURSDAY at 9:30 we will gather for our Thanksgiving Day worship service. The theme for the service will be based on Psalm 34. Please plan to join us and please bring a friend or relative to share in our worship and fellowship!
PARENTS OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN -- Please make note of the following dates for our Christmas Program Practice Schedule:
Today: – 10:45am-1pm (no Sunday School, lunch will be provided)
Wed. Nov. 30th: 5pm-6pm
Wed. Dec. 7th: 5pm-6pm
Wed. Dec. 14th: 5pm-6pm
Sun. Dec. 18th: 11:30am-1:45pm (lunch will be provided)
Wed. Dec. 21st: 5pm-6pm
THANK YOU to all who helped in any way to make our annual bazaar another success! We raised $5,606.91 this year.
(s) The Bazaar Committee
WE WILL BE DECORATING the church for Christmas on Sunday, Nov. 27th at 4 pm. Volunteers are needed and would be greatly appreciated.
PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER using your God-given gifts and talents in service to Him and our church. We will need the following offices to be filled – please contact one of the Elders or the Chairman if you are willing to have your name placed on the ballot: Chairman, Elder, Trustee, Board of Education, Evangelism, Usher and Congregation Secretary.
WANTED: DARTBALL PLAYERS! Young and old, men and ladies, you are invited to join us for dartball this year. Please contact Dean or Orville if you are interested in playing.
MISSING CONTAINER: A unique rectangular Tupperware container disappeared from the kitchen after the bazaar. If you picked it up by mistake please return it to the church. If you have any questions about it please ask Susan Ruml. Thank you.
MAIN STREET LIVING – November 27, 2011 – Kid’s Crossing prepares for Christmas with the story “The City That Forgot Christmas.”
The featured speaker is Rev. Greg Lehr from Zion Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, SD. The sermon theme is “Be on Guard, Awake, and Watchful.” The hymns are “The Advent of our King”; “Now Thank We all our God”; and “Come Thou Almighty God”. The Main Street Living choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired. Main Street Living May be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls and may also be viewed on the web at
THE LUTHERAN HOUR for November 27 is "More Than He Seems"
By Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus.
Originally, the word meek didn't mean powerless or impotent. No, a person was meek if he kept his power under control and used it for a purpose. That's the way Jesus was meek. He used his power for a purpose. (Matthew 21:4-5) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on
570 AM (WNAX).
DRIVERS ARE NEEDED to transport church members for medical appointments and treatments. If you are willing to help out with this transportation ministry, please talk to Pastor Borglum.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
10-13-2011 Announcements
IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please remember Doris Albrecht, Myrna Huber, Wayne Pfeiffer and Richard Salis (hospitalized) as they continue their cancer treatments, Paige Albrecht and our other members who are hospitalized and recovering from surgery, our shut-in members and at least two people who don’t know Christ.
LADIES AID will meet in the narthex today right after the worship service. It is Ladies Aid’s turn to provide the 30-minute program at the Freeman Nursing Home on Friday, Nov. 18th at 2:00. We would like as many of our members as possible to attend and help with this Thanksgiving event. Thanks.
LWML will meet this Thursday at 7:00 p.m. for their regular business meeting; Gerry Saner will provide the refreshments and Wyona will lead the Bible study.
PARENTS OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN -- Please make note of the following dates for our Christmas Program Practice Schedule:
Wed. Nov. 16th 5pm-6pm (2nd-8th grades only)
Sun. Nov. 20th – 10:45am-1pm (no Sunday School, lunch will be provided)
Wed. Nov. 30th 5pm-6pm
Wed. Dec. 7th 5pm-6pm
Wed. Dec. 14th 5pm-6pm
Sun. Dec. 18th 11:30am-1:45pm (no Sunday School lunch will be provided)
Wed. Dec. 21st 5pm-6pm
THE SAMARITAN GROUP will be holding a Golden Harvest Festival which will take place in the fellowship hall on this Sunday, November 13th with activities at 4 P.M. with a free supper to follow. Come enjoy the night of fun, food, and fellowship.
MAIN STREET LIVING – November 20, 2011 – Kid’s Crossing prepares for Christmas with the story “Christmas Is.” The featured speaker is Rev. Gary Klatt from St. John Lutheran Church in Luverne, MN. The sermon theme is “Lost and Found.” The hymns are Lord of the Living Harvest; Blest be the Tie That Binds; and Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee. The Main Street Living choir will provide the hymns.
hymns. Main Street Living May be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls and may also be viewed on the web at
THE LUTHERAN HOUR “The Power of a Thanksgiving Life in Christ” Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz A "thankful attitude” can bless a nation. Even more, an attitude of thanksgiving can bless your life! Confident trust in Christ and His Word is the source of true thanksgiving. (Luke 17:11-19) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on
570 AM (WNAX)
MISSING CONTAINER A unique rectangular Tupperware container is missing from the kitchen from when the bazaar was. If you picked it up by mistake please return it to the church. If you have any questions about it please ask Susan Ruml. Thank you.
LADIES AID will meet in the narthex today right after the worship service. It is Ladies Aid’s turn to provide the 30-minute program at the Freeman Nursing Home on Friday, Nov. 18th at 2:00. We would like as many of our members as possible to attend and help with this Thanksgiving event. Thanks.
LWML will meet this Thursday at 7:00 p.m. for their regular business meeting; Gerry Saner will provide the refreshments and Wyona will lead the Bible study.
PARENTS OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN -- Please make note of the following dates for our Christmas Program Practice Schedule:
Wed. Nov. 16th 5pm-6pm (2nd-8th grades only)
Sun. Nov. 20th – 10:45am-1pm (no Sunday School, lunch will be provided)
Wed. Nov. 30th 5pm-6pm
Wed. Dec. 7th 5pm-6pm
Wed. Dec. 14th 5pm-6pm
Sun. Dec. 18th 11:30am-1:45pm (no Sunday School lunch will be provided)
Wed. Dec. 21st 5pm-6pm
THE SAMARITAN GROUP will be holding a Golden Harvest Festival which will take place in the fellowship hall on this Sunday, November 13th with activities at 4 P.M. with a free supper to follow. Come enjoy the night of fun, food, and fellowship.
MAIN STREET LIVING – November 20, 2011 – Kid’s Crossing prepares for Christmas with the story “Christmas Is.” The featured speaker is Rev. Gary Klatt from St. John Lutheran Church in Luverne, MN. The sermon theme is “Lost and Found.” The hymns are Lord of the Living Harvest; Blest be the Tie That Binds; and Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee. The Main Street Living choir will provide the hymns.
hymns. Main Street Living May be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls and may also be viewed on the web at
THE LUTHERAN HOUR “The Power of a Thanksgiving Life in Christ” Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz A "thankful attitude” can bless a nation. Even more, an attitude of thanksgiving can bless your life! Confident trust in Christ and His Word is the source of true thanksgiving. (Luke 17:11-19) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on
570 AM (WNAX)
MISSING CONTAINER A unique rectangular Tupperware container is missing from the kitchen from when the bazaar was. If you picked it up by mistake please return it to the church. If you have any questions about it please ask Susan Ruml. Thank you.
Monday, November 7, 2011
11-06-2011 Announcements
IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please remember those among us who are recovering from illness and surgery; those in on-going treatments; those who have doctor visits scheduled for this week and those who are awaiting test results. Please also keep in your prayers our home shut-ins and nursing home members, our inactive members and at least two people in your lives who don’t know Christ. In accordance with the theme and purpose of this All Saints Sunday, we request that you ask God to grant courage to His children who are undergoing opposition to their Christian faith. Our Lord’s faithful people have sacrificed much, including facing death, rather than deny their Savior. We pray that they would be strengthened to confess even more boldly the Gospel of Christ – that is, His forgiveness and salvation.
BAPTISM OF KENDALL BRODERS – We joyfully welcome Kendall Lynn Broders into our Christian family today through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism! We thank God for His giving Kendall new birth, true faith and eternal life, and we pray that God’s holy angels will watch over her throughout her life. Kendall is the daughter of Tom and Kelli Broders.
THE SAMARITAN GROUP will be holding a Golden Harvest Festival which will take place in the fellowship hall on Sunday, November 13th with activities at 4 P.M. with a free supper to follow. Members of the congregation who are 65 or older are invited to attend and can RSVP by signing up on the bulletin board or call Betsy at 925-7539 or Kristi at 825-4142 by Sunday, November 6th. If you want to attend but need a ride to the church, please indicate that when you RSVP. Come enjoy a night of fun, food, and fellowship.
LWML will meet on Thursday, Nov. 17th at 7:00 p.m. for their regular business meeting; Gerry Saner will provide the refreshments and Wyona will lead the Bible study. There will not be a meeting on Nov. 10th.
THE BAZAAR COMMITTEE would like to extend a great big THANK YOU to each of you that helped make our Bazaar another successful event. All of your donations, hard work, and the support you showed us by attending were greatly appreciated. Also if you have a food container in the kitchen, please pick it up at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
PARENTS OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN -- Please make note of the following dates for our Christmas Program Practice Schedule:
Wed. Nov. 9th 5pm-6pm (2nd-8th grades only)
Wed. Nov. 16th 5pm-6pm (2nd-8th grades only)
Sun. Nov. 20th – 10:45am-1pm (no Sunday School, lunch will be provided)
Wed. Nov. 30th 5pm-6pm
Wed. Dec. 7th 5pm-6pm
Wed. Dec. 14th 5pm-6pm
Sun. Dec. 18th 11:30am-1:45pm (lunch will be provided)
Wed. Dec. 21st 5pm-6pm
MAIN STREET LIVING CHOIR will be recording on Nov. 12th at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2200 S. Western Ave. Sioux Falls at 1:00. The choir is a great experience to help spread the salvation message of our Savior. You are welcome to sing with the choir as they record more hymns. Women are asked to wear white tops and dark slacks while men are asked to wear a white shirt, dark slacks and no tie. Come and sing praises with others as you share the gift of singing! If you have any questions, please call Anne Koosman at 310-0027.
MAIN STREET LIVING – November 13, 2011 – No program schedule was available yet for this month. Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR message for November 13, 2011 is "Be Encouraged by His Coming" by Lutheran Hour Speaker Rev. Gregory Seltz. Those who trust in Christ await His return with joy, for He comes with life, light, forgiveness and hope. He comes to put darkness and sin in their place, once and for all (1 Thessalonians 5:4-9). The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).
BAPTISM OF KENDALL BRODERS – We joyfully welcome Kendall Lynn Broders into our Christian family today through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism! We thank God for His giving Kendall new birth, true faith and eternal life, and we pray that God’s holy angels will watch over her throughout her life. Kendall is the daughter of Tom and Kelli Broders.
THE SAMARITAN GROUP will be holding a Golden Harvest Festival which will take place in the fellowship hall on Sunday, November 13th with activities at 4 P.M. with a free supper to follow. Members of the congregation who are 65 or older are invited to attend and can RSVP by signing up on the bulletin board or call Betsy at 925-7539 or Kristi at 825-4142 by Sunday, November 6th. If you want to attend but need a ride to the church, please indicate that when you RSVP. Come enjoy a night of fun, food, and fellowship.
LWML will meet on Thursday, Nov. 17th at 7:00 p.m. for their regular business meeting; Gerry Saner will provide the refreshments and Wyona will lead the Bible study. There will not be a meeting on Nov. 10th.
THE BAZAAR COMMITTEE would like to extend a great big THANK YOU to each of you that helped make our Bazaar another successful event. All of your donations, hard work, and the support you showed us by attending were greatly appreciated. Also if you have a food container in the kitchen, please pick it up at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
PARENTS OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN -- Please make note of the following dates for our Christmas Program Practice Schedule:
Wed. Nov. 9th 5pm-6pm (2nd-8th grades only)
Wed. Nov. 16th 5pm-6pm (2nd-8th grades only)
Sun. Nov. 20th – 10:45am-1pm (no Sunday School, lunch will be provided)
Wed. Nov. 30th 5pm-6pm
Wed. Dec. 7th 5pm-6pm
Wed. Dec. 14th 5pm-6pm
Sun. Dec. 18th 11:30am-1:45pm (lunch will be provided)
Wed. Dec. 21st 5pm-6pm
MAIN STREET LIVING CHOIR will be recording on Nov. 12th at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2200 S. Western Ave. Sioux Falls at 1:00. The choir is a great experience to help spread the salvation message of our Savior. You are welcome to sing with the choir as they record more hymns. Women are asked to wear white tops and dark slacks while men are asked to wear a white shirt, dark slacks and no tie. Come and sing praises with others as you share the gift of singing! If you have any questions, please call Anne Koosman at 310-0027.
MAIN STREET LIVING – November 13, 2011 – No program schedule was available yet for this month. Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR message for November 13, 2011 is "Be Encouraged by His Coming" by Lutheran Hour Speaker Rev. Gregory Seltz. Those who trust in Christ await His return with joy, for He comes with life, light, forgiveness and hope. He comes to put darkness and sin in their place, once and for all (1 Thessalonians 5:4-9). The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
10-30-2011 Announcements
IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please remember Kermit Schrag, Darlene Schrag, Marge Wollman and Kendra Schamber during their recoveries; Doris Albrecht, Myrna Huber and Wayne Pfeiffer in cancer treatment and Deb Sedlezky as she begins her cancer treatment. As always, we want to pray for our home shut-in and nursing home members, our inactive members and at least two people in your lives who don’t know Christ.
LWML YOUTH MITES – To the parents of the youth who brought their LWML Mite collection today: Please have your child give their Mite donation to the ushers at the time of the normal collection of offerings during the worship service. The ushers will have a separate basket since the homemade Mite containers will not all fit in our offering plates. Thanks be to God for our youth’s financial assistance to the LWML and to their parents who supported their children in this stewardship effort!
OUR BAZAAR is Thursday, November 3rd from 10:30 to 7:00 p.m. The food list & the work schedule are posted on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall and on the refrigerator in the kitchen. Please put a check mark by your name on the list when you bring your food donation for the Lunch Counter. We would appreciate if you would cool or refrigerate your food before you bring it to the church. Also if you have prepared your food and it is frozen, please have it unthawed before you bring it on Thursday. Our plans are to have the kitchen door unlocked around 7 a.m. Thursday morning. Also due to unforeseen circumstances we have a few workers in the day shift and also the evening shift that now have a conflict and will not be able to work, so we are looking for a couple of extra volunteers to help us during the day & evening on Thursday; please talk to Garnet, Mildred or Sharon if you can help us on a short notice. See you Thursday, November 3rd for a day of good food and fellowship. Thanks.
THE BAZAAR COMMITTEE will be doing most of the setup and cleaning of the kitchen today starting at 1:00 p.m. If you are willing to help us, just come to the church this afternoon. Thanks.
THE SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN will again be performing the Christmas Eve service. We ask that you e-mail Amber at or call her at 925-7132 to let her know if your child/children will be participating. We would like to know no later than the end of October so parts can be divided out accordingly and a practice schedule can be set up. Thanks you! --Board of Education
QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our Fall voters’ meeting will be held today at 11:00 in the Fellowship Hall. We want your input on the issues that we will be discussing so please stay for the meeting.
2011 REFORMATION FESTIVAL – The 2011 Reformation Festival will begin at 1:30 this afternoon at Zion Lutheran Church in Canistota. Desserts and coffee will be served at 3:00; the presentation by Rev. Barnes (a former missionary to Togo, West Africa) and the Q & A session will start shortly thereafter. Additional information has been posted on the bulletin board.
THE ST. PAUL YOUTH GROUP will be raking leaves starting at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 5th. We will meet at the church. Please bring rakes. Let Bob or Karen know if you are unable to be there.
THE SAMARITAN GROUP will be holding a Golden Harvest Festival which will take place in the fellowship hall on Sunday, November 13th with activities at 4 P.M. and a free supper to follow. Members of the congregation who are 65 or older are invited to attend and can RSVP by signing up on the bulletin board or call Betsy at 925-7539 or Kristi at 825-4142 by Sunday, November 6th. If you want to attend but need a ride to the church, please indicate that when you RSVP. Come enjoy a night of fun, food, and fellowship.
PASTOR WILL BE ON VACATION this week from Tuesday thru Thursday. In case of pastoral emergency you may call Rev. David Ellis at (605) 387-5188 or (605) 760-7836. You may also contact any of our elders for assistance.
MAIN STREET LIVING CHOIR will be recording on Nov. 12th at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2200 So. Western Ave., Sioux Falls, at 1:00. The choir is a great experience to help spread the salvation message of our Savior. If you wish to sing with the choir as they record more hymns, women are asked to wear a white top and dark slacks; men are asked to wear a white shirt, dark slacks and no tie. Come and sing praises with others as you share the gift of singing! If you have any questions, please call Anne Koosman at 310-0027.
MAIN STREET LIVING – November 7th 2010 Kids’s Crossing – Simon Confuses “ Beatitudes” with “bee” attitudes. The featured speaker is Rev. Ken Johnson from Zion Lutheran Church, Avon, SD and Our Savior Lutheran Church, Springfield, SD. The sermon theme is “Better than Pennies from Heaven.” The hymns are Praise to the Lord, the Almighty; For All the Saints: and I know That My Redeemer Lives. The Main Street Living Choir will provide the hymns.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR – November 6, 2011 -"Behold, Believe" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz. God's love for us is great, amazing, beyond anything we deserve or can even imagine. It's a love He wants you to know, to receive, and to share (1 John 3:1-3). The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).
LWML YOUTH MITES – To the parents of the youth who brought their LWML Mite collection today: Please have your child give their Mite donation to the ushers at the time of the normal collection of offerings during the worship service. The ushers will have a separate basket since the homemade Mite containers will not all fit in our offering plates. Thanks be to God for our youth’s financial assistance to the LWML and to their parents who supported their children in this stewardship effort!
OUR BAZAAR is Thursday, November 3rd from 10:30 to 7:00 p.m. The food list & the work schedule are posted on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall and on the refrigerator in the kitchen. Please put a check mark by your name on the list when you bring your food donation for the Lunch Counter. We would appreciate if you would cool or refrigerate your food before you bring it to the church. Also if you have prepared your food and it is frozen, please have it unthawed before you bring it on Thursday. Our plans are to have the kitchen door unlocked around 7 a.m. Thursday morning. Also due to unforeseen circumstances we have a few workers in the day shift and also the evening shift that now have a conflict and will not be able to work, so we are looking for a couple of extra volunteers to help us during the day & evening on Thursday; please talk to Garnet, Mildred or Sharon if you can help us on a short notice. See you Thursday, November 3rd for a day of good food and fellowship. Thanks.
THE BAZAAR COMMITTEE will be doing most of the setup and cleaning of the kitchen today starting at 1:00 p.m. If you are willing to help us, just come to the church this afternoon. Thanks.
THE SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN will again be performing the Christmas Eve service. We ask that you e-mail Amber at or call her at 925-7132 to let her know if your child/children will be participating. We would like to know no later than the end of October so parts can be divided out accordingly and a practice schedule can be set up. Thanks you! --Board of Education
QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our Fall voters’ meeting will be held today at 11:00 in the Fellowship Hall. We want your input on the issues that we will be discussing so please stay for the meeting.
2011 REFORMATION FESTIVAL – The 2011 Reformation Festival will begin at 1:30 this afternoon at Zion Lutheran Church in Canistota. Desserts and coffee will be served at 3:00; the presentation by Rev. Barnes (a former missionary to Togo, West Africa) and the Q & A session will start shortly thereafter. Additional information has been posted on the bulletin board.
THE ST. PAUL YOUTH GROUP will be raking leaves starting at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 5th. We will meet at the church. Please bring rakes. Let Bob or Karen know if you are unable to be there.
THE SAMARITAN GROUP will be holding a Golden Harvest Festival which will take place in the fellowship hall on Sunday, November 13th with activities at 4 P.M. and a free supper to follow. Members of the congregation who are 65 or older are invited to attend and can RSVP by signing up on the bulletin board or call Betsy at 925-7539 or Kristi at 825-4142 by Sunday, November 6th. If you want to attend but need a ride to the church, please indicate that when you RSVP. Come enjoy a night of fun, food, and fellowship.
PASTOR WILL BE ON VACATION this week from Tuesday thru Thursday. In case of pastoral emergency you may call Rev. David Ellis at (605) 387-5188 or (605) 760-7836. You may also contact any of our elders for assistance.
MAIN STREET LIVING CHOIR will be recording on Nov. 12th at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2200 So. Western Ave., Sioux Falls, at 1:00. The choir is a great experience to help spread the salvation message of our Savior. If you wish to sing with the choir as they record more hymns, women are asked to wear a white top and dark slacks; men are asked to wear a white shirt, dark slacks and no tie. Come and sing praises with others as you share the gift of singing! If you have any questions, please call Anne Koosman at 310-0027.
MAIN STREET LIVING – November 7th 2010 Kids’s Crossing – Simon Confuses “ Beatitudes” with “bee” attitudes. The featured speaker is Rev. Ken Johnson from Zion Lutheran Church, Avon, SD and Our Savior Lutheran Church, Springfield, SD. The sermon theme is “Better than Pennies from Heaven.” The hymns are Praise to the Lord, the Almighty; For All the Saints: and I know That My Redeemer Lives. The Main Street Living Choir will provide the hymns.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR – November 6, 2011 -"Behold, Believe" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz. God's love for us is great, amazing, beyond anything we deserve or can even imagine. It's a love He wants you to know, to receive, and to share (1 John 3:1-3). The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).
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Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear
The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...
Sometimes people wonder when they should call or contact their pastor. Of course, preaching, teaching, and administering the mysteries of ...
The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...