Saturday, August 25, 2012

08-26-2012 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please remember all who are sick or hospitalized our shut-in and inactive members, and at least two people in your life who do not yet know Christ.

LADIES AID will meet on Sept. 6th at 7:00 pm with Garnet Stern as hostess.  The Bible Study will be Lesson 7 “Let Us Pray” followed by the Business Meeting.  All Ladies are invited to attend.  Corrine Handel is on Altar Guild for September, Darlene Schrag is Visiting Helper and Coffee Hour committee for Sept. 2nd is Corrine Handel, Cindy Hofer and Phyllis Knittel.

ALTAR GUILD – We are looking for someone to take over the candle and vestment maintenance duties.  If you are interested, please contact the Pastor.

15th ANNUAL BIKE FOR LIFE will be on Saturday, September 8.  As in the past several years, St. Paul will host the luncheon rest stop for riders and support staff.  A signup sheet for volunteers needed to help set up on Friday evening, cook, serve and clean up on Saturday, and a list for items needed will be posted on the bulletin board.  Everyone is welcome to stop by and visit with our guests on Saturday.  Richard & Bobbie Salis will try to answer any questions you may have about the event.  Land line with answering machine is 605-925-7529.  As always, your support for our Lords Life Ministry is greatly appreciated.

MISSING LARGE-PRINT HYMNAL – For those who use the large-print hymnals, please return them to the usher stand or give them to an usher at the end of the worship service.  Whoever used the hymnals last week – and presumably accidentally took it home(!) – would you please return it to the church.  Thanks!

RALLY DAY PICNIC – The congregation is invited to a potluck to celebrate the opening of Sunday School on Sept. 9th after church.  Hot dogs, brats and drinks will be provided.  Please bring a salad, side dish or dessert.  Sunday School classes begin on Sept. 16th.  Please join us!

YOUTH GROUP LEADER – We are looking for one or more adults to lead our Senior High Youth Group beginning this Fall.  If you are interested, please contact the Pastor.

Installation of Teachers – Our Sunday School and Midweek School teachers will be installed during our Sept. 9th worship service so (hint!) all teachers should be in church that day!

WE ARE LOOKING for SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS.  Please let Amber, Cheri or Kari know if you are interested.  Please prayerfully consider volunteering for these important positions!

MAIN STREET LIVING September 2, 2012 - Kid’s Crossing depicts Jesus as the Life Line in Life, trust in Jesus.  The featured speaker is Rev. David Edge of Zion Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls. The sermon theme is “The Full Armor of God.” The Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 am on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls or at 9:00 am on KEVN-FOX Rapid City.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR September 2 "A Labor of Love” Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz (Ephesians 6:10-13) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast on Sunday mornings at 8:30 on 105.9 FM and at 9:30 on 570 AM.

SAMARITANS PURSE “Shoe Box program” – For those who noticed the gray tub in the Fellowship Hall and are curious about its purpose, the following will shed some light on the subject.  The Board of Ed is very proud of the response we received from the local children to help provide items for underprivileged children around the world.  Samaritans Purse is a Christian organization that helps people in need.  They are helping dig wells and provide mosquito nets in Africa, helping Veterans injured while protecting our country as well as delivering packages to children who are in need.  The Board of Ed thought the children would like to be involved by providing items for needy children, such as hygiene items, school supplies, personal items (such as socks, t-shirts and underwear) or even toys and hard candy.  These are things that some children are rarely able to enjoy … essentially anything that will fit in a shoe box.  If any of the congregation would also enjoy donating, there is additional information on the bulletin board.  We plan on collecting items through August.  Thank you for your generosity.  (s) The Board of Ed

Sunday, August 19, 2012

08-19-2012 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please remember Kermit Schrag who was hospitalized for a couple of days this last week for pneumonia and other breathing problems, and 2-year-old Brogen Broders who had heart surgery 2 days ago.  As always, please also pray for all who are sick, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least two people in your life who do not yet know Christ.

ADDRESS UPDATES – Several people have inquired about Kahlen Salis’ and Brogen Broders’ hospital addresses so that they can send Get Well cards.  Kahlen’s address is:  Univ. of Minnesota Amplatz Children’s Hospital, Room C-4138, 2450 Riverside Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55454.  Brogen’s address is:  C. S. Motts Children’s Hospital, 1500 East Medical Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48109.  His heart surgery last Friday went very well.  Our prayers and cards will be very much appreciated by them both.

YOUTH GROUP LEADER – We are looking for one or more adults to lead our Senior High Youth Group beginning this Fall.  If you are interested, please contact the Pastor.

ALTAR GUILD – We are looking for someone to take over the candle and vestment maintenance duties.  If you are interested, please contact the Pastor.

PASTOR WILL BE ON VACATION Monday thru Friday of this week.  Rev. Bob Moeller will be on call for pastoral emergencies.  You may reach him at (605) 321-1641 [cell phone].  You may also contact any of our elders for assistance.

RALLY DAY PICNIC – The congregation is invited to a potluck to celebrate the opening of Sunday School on Sept. 9th after church.  Hot dogs, brats and drinks will be provided.  Please bring a salad, side dish or dessert.  Sunday School classes begin on Sept. 16th.  Please join us!

WE ARE LOOKING for SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS.  Please let Amber, Cheri or Kari know if you are interested.  Please prayerfully consider volunteering for these important positions!

MAIN STREET LIVING – August 26 – Kid’s Crossing will use drama to tell of the feeding of the 5,000.  The speaker will be Rev. Greg Lehr from Zion Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls.  His sermon theme will be “A Profound Mystery.”  Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls or at 9:00 a.m. on KEVN-FOX Rapid City.

THE LUTHERAN HOURAugust 26 – “Will Jesus Find Faith?”  Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus’ sermon will explain how God’s laws point sinners to their Savior.  Men’s laws sometimes keep people away.  The Lutheran Hour is broadcast on Sunday mornings at 8:30 on 105.9 FM and at 9:30 on 570 AM.

SAMARITANS PURSE “Shoe Box program” – For those who noticed the gray tub in the Fellowship Hall and are curious about its purpose, the following will shed some light on the subject.  The Board of Ed is very proud of the response we received from the local children to help provide items for underprivileged children around the world.  Samaritans Purse is a Christian organization that helps people in need.  They are helping dig wells and provide mosquito nets in Africa, helping Veterans injured while protecting our country as well as delivering packages to children who are in need.  The Board of Ed thought the children would like to be involved by providing items for needy children, such as hygiene items, school supplies, personal items (such as socks, t-shirts and underwear) or even toys and hard candy.  These are things that some children are rarely able to enjoy … essentially anything that will fit in a shoe box.  If any of the congregation would also enjoy donating, there is additional information on the bulletin board.  We plan on collecting items through August.  Thank you for your generosity.  (s) The Board of Ed

Monday, August 13, 2012

08-12-2012 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please remember Doris Albrecht who has been readmitted to Sanborn and all others who are sick or have other medical problems, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least two people in your life who do not yet know Christ.

YOUTH GROUP LEADER – We are looking for one or more adults to lead our Senior High Youth Group beginning this Fall.  If you are interested, please contact the Pastor.

ALTAR GUILD – We are looking for one or more people to take over the candle and vestment maintenance duties.  If you are interested, please contact the Pastor.

ADULT BIBLE STUDY – From now thru the end of August there will be no Adult Bible Study class on Sunday mornings.  Sept. 2nd will be the next class.

WE ARE LOOKING for SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS.  Please let Amber, Cheri or Kari know if you are interested.  Please prayerfully consider volunteering for these important positions!

MAIN STREET LIVING – August 19 – Kid’s Crossing looks at standing firm in the faith as Danny learns about Jesus from his Grandmother.  The speaker will be Rev. Michael Bagnall from Zion Lutheran Church in Wessington Springs, Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in Woonsocket and Concordia Lutheran Church in Wessington.  His sermon theme will be “The Humility of Faith.”  The Main Street Living Choir will provide the hymns.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR – August 19 – “Hard to Believe But True!” will be the theme for Rev. Gregory Seltz’ sermon.  The Lutheran Hour is broadcast on Sunday mornings at 8:30 on 105.9 FM and at 9:30 on 570 AM.
SAMARITANS PURSE “Shoe Box program” – For those who noticed the gray tub in the Fellowship Hall and are curious about its purpose, the following will shed some light on the subject.  The Board of Ed is very proud of the response we received from the local children to help provide items for underprivileged children around the world.  Samaritans Purse is a Christian organization that helps people in need.  They are helping dig wells and provide mosquito nets in Africa, helping Veterans injured while protecting our country as well as delivering packages to children who are in need.  The Board of Ed thought the children would like to be involved by providing items for needy children, such as hygiene items, school supplies, personal items (such as socks, t-shirts and underwear) or even toys and hard candy.  These are things that some children are rarely able to enjoy … essentially anything that will fit in a shoe box.  If any of the congregation would also enjoy donating, there is additional information on the bulletin board.  We plan on collecting items through August.  Thank you for your generosity.  (s) The Board of Ed

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

08-05-2012 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please remember those who are sick, hospitalized, undergoing cancer treatments or recovering from an illness or surgery, all who have had their prayers answered, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least two people in your life who do not yet know Christ.

LARGE-PRINT HYMNALS – We now have available a few large-print hymnals for those of us who need some assistance because of eyesight difficulties.  If you or someone you know would prefer to use a large-print hymnal, please ask any usher for assistance.

YOUTH GROUP LEADER – We are looking for one or more adults to lead our Senior High Youth Group beginning this Fall.  If you are interested, please contact the Pastor.

JOIN US FOR MOVIE NIGHT on August 17th at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  We will be watching Dr. Seuss’ “Horton Hears a Who!”  We will provide the popcorn; you may bring your own drink.  Bring blankets/bean bag chairs or you can sit in the folding chairs.  Bring a friend and join us for a fun time!  (s) Board of Ed

WE ARE LOOKING for SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS.  Please let Amber, Cheri or Kari know if you are interested.  Please prayerfully consider volunteering for these important positions!

TODAY – As a thank you for their support, Sarah Ruml will be giving the Samaritan group a short presentation about her mission trip after the worship service.  ANYONE interested in what she did on this mission trip in encouraged and welcome to come.  Please give her a few minutes to set up and then head back into the sanctuary to listen.

LWML will meet August 9th at 7:00 p.m.  Pastor will do the topic and Gerry will do the lunch.

SAMARITANS PURSE “Shoe Box program” – For those who noticed the gray tub in the Fellowship Hall and are curious about its purpose, the following will shed some light on the subject.  The Board of Ed is very proud of the response we received from the local children to help provide items for underprivileged children around the world.  Samaritans Purse is a Christian organization that helps people in need.  They are helping dig wells and provide mosquito nets in Africa, helping Veterans injured while protecting our country as well as delivering packages to children who are in need.  The Board of Ed thought the children would like to be involved by providing items for needy children, such as hygiene items, school supplies, personal items (such as socks, t-shirts and underwear) or even toys and hard candy.  These are things that some children are rarely able to enjoy … essentially anything that will fit in a shoe box.  If any of the congregation would also enjoy donating, there is additional information on the bulletin board.  We plan on collecting items through August.  Thank you for your generosity.  (s) The Board of Ed
THE LUTHERAN HOUR – Aug. 12 – “Retooled” will be the theme for Rev. Gregory Seltz’ sermon.  The Lutheran Hour is broadcast on Sunday mornings at 8:30 on 105.9 FM and at 9:30 on 570 AM.
MAIN STREET LIVING – Aug. 12 – will not be broadcast this week due to the Olympics.

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...