Saturday, October 31, 2015

11-01-2015 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

Main Street Living – Nov. 1st – The featured speaker is Rev. Tyler Poppen of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Aberdeen and St. John Lutheran Church in Columbia.  The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.

QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICEOur Fall voters’ meeting will be held today in the Fellowship Hall right after the worship service.

OPEN HOUSE for Ruth Koener's 95th birthday on November 1st in the reception hall from 2 to 4.  Please join us in celebrating Ruth's birthday.

THE LADIES AID would like you to please pick up any dishes that you may have left in the kitchen before November 2.  Thank you

BAZAAR SETUP: We are setting up for the Bazaar on Monday evening November 2nd at 7 p.m., please come & help if you are able. Thanks to all that have come, or are planning to come to clean and organize the kitchen we appreciate your help very much.

OUR ANNUAL BAZAAR will be held Thursday, Nov. 5th from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We will have a Stitchery/Craft/ Country Store Booth and the Lunch Counter. We have posted the food list and work schedule on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall and the refrigerator in the kitchen if you want to check what you have volunteered to prepare. If you have any questions regarding the work schedule please contact one of the committee members. We plan to have the kitchen door unlocked by 7:15 a.m. on Thursday. Also please put a checkmark by your name on the food list when you bring your donations. If you have prepared your food earlier and then froze it, please make sure it is unthawed when you bring it. A sincere Thank You to everyone that has volunteered to bring food and also all the workers. See you Thursday Nov. 5th for a day of good food and fellowship.
SNOW REMOVAL:  The trustees are accepting snow removal bids for the parking lot and sidewalks including the parsonage. Please contact Matt Rigo at 366-7476 if interested.

LEAF RAKING: the Youth Group will be raking leaves this fall as a fundraiser for our trip next summer. Please let Amber or a youth group member know if you would like your yard raked.
EXCITING YOUTH GROUP NEWS: The Youth Group will be   attending the 2016 LCMS National Youth Gathering - In Christ Alone next summer in New Orleans! Held every 3 years, the LCMS Youth Gathering provides thousands of youth the opportunity to come together as a community of God’s people to learn more about Jesus Christ, the Christian faith and their Lutheran identity. During the five days of the Gathering, youth spend time together in God’s word, worship, service and fellowship with others from across the synod.  We have 9 youth and 4 leaders attending.  Fundraising efforts for this trip have started so please watch for news in the bulletin about our fundraising events. We appreciate your prayers and support for our Youth Group as they plan and attend this gathering. 

Friday, October 23, 2015

10-25-2015 Announcements

Main Street Living – Oct. 25th – The featured speaker is Rev. Tim Rynearson of Peace Lutheran Church in Brookings and Redeemer Lutheran Church in Flandreau.  The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.

PASTOR WILL BE ON VACATION thru tomorrow.  Rev. David Ellis will lead today’s worship service.  Rev. Matthew Resner from Menno is on call for all pastoral emergencies.  You may reach him at 573-301-2600 [cell].  You may also contact any of our elders for assistance (Brian, Blaine or Keith).

QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our Fall voters’ meeting will be held next Sunday in the Fellowship Hall right after the worship service.

THANK YOU, REV. ELLIS, for leading us in worship today!  We sincerely appreciate your Christian service to our Lord, to His Church and to our congregation!

BAPTISM OF LOGAN NEUHARTH – We joyfully welcome Logan Darrell Neuharth into our Christian family today through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism!  We thank God for giving him new birth, true faith, salvation and eternal life, and we pray that God’s holy angels will watch over him throughout his life.  Logan is the son of Glen and Kari Neuharth.  Please greet them in the receiving line following our worship service.

THE FLOWERS on the altar are in loving memory of Logan's Grandpa Darrell Swensen, and the special music was entitled “Masterpiece” sung by Betsy Knodel.

BAZAAR  on Nov.  5th from 10:30 to 7:00 p.m.  Coffee Hour  Committee for Nov. 1st is Lee Lagendyk  and Sharon Pfeiffer.  On Altar Guild for November are Bob and Karen Pidde and Visiting Helper  is Corrine Handel. 

No ADULT BIBLE STUDY CLASS after today’s service.

CHRISTMAS CANTATA:  Anyone interested in singing for our Christmas Cantata, please let Jane Kleinsasser or Amber Sayler know by Oct. 20th.  If we don't have enough singers then we will not perform a cantata this year.

QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our Fall voters’ meeting will be held next Sunday in the Fellowship Hall right after the worship service.

EXCITING YOUTH GROUP NEWS: The Youth Group will be attending the 2016 LCMS National Youth Gathering - In Christ Alone next summer in New Orleans! Held every 3 years, the LCMS Youth Gathering provides thousands of youth the opportunity to come together as a community of God’s people to learn more about Jesus Christ, the Christian faith and their Lutheran identity. During the five days of the Gathering, youth spend time together in God’s word, worship, service and fellowship with others from across the synod.  We have 9 youth and 4 leaders attending.  Fundraising efforts for this trip have started so please watch for news in the bulletin about our fundraising events. We appreciate your prayers and support for our Youth Group as they plan and attend this gathering. 

 THANK YOU to all the individuals that support the LFL coffee
 hour, especially Cheri Knittel, Phyllis Knittel, Karissa
 Podzimek, Bunne Weeman, Gerry Saner, Darla Harris
 and Denise Peterson.

OUR ANNUAL BAZAAR will be held Thursday, Nov. 5th from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We will have a Stitchery/Craft/ Country Store Booth and the Lunch Counter. We have posted the food list and work schedule on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall and the refrigerator in the kitchen if you want to check what you have volunteered to prepare. If you have any questions regarding the work schedule please contact one of the committee members. We plan to have the kitchen door unlocked by 7:15 a.m. on Thursday. Also please put a checkmark by your name on the food list when you bring your donations. If you have prepared your food earlier and then froze it, please make sure it is unthawed when you bring it. A sincere Thank You to everyone that has volunteered to bring food and also all the workers. See you Thursday Nov. 5th for a day of good food and fellowship.
BAZAAR SETUP: We are setting up for the Bazaar on Monday evening November 2nd at 7 p.m., please come & help if you are able. Thanks to all that have come, or are planning to come to clean and organize the kitchen we appreciate your help very much.

THE LADIES AID would like you to please pick up any dishes that you may have left in the kitchen before November 2.  Thank you

Saturday, October 17, 2015

10-18-2015 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.
Main Street Living – Oct. 18th – The featured speaker is Rev. Brian Bucklew of Zion Lutheran Church in Delmont and Emmaus Lutheran Church in Tripp.  The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.
THE LORD’S SUPPER at St. Paul Lutheran Church is administered in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.  It is celebrated in the confidence that we receive – in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine – our Savior’s true Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins.  All who commune at this altar are making this public confession of the faith that we believe and teach as is written in the Holy Scriptures.  If you are not a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, please speak with the Pastor before the worship service.
THANK YOU, REV. SESTAK, for leading us in worship today!  We sincerely appreciate your Christian service to our Lord, to His Church and to our congregation!
CHRISTMAS CANTATA:  Anyone interested in singing for our Christmas Cantata, please let Jane Kleinsasser or Amber Sayler know by Oct. 20th.  If we don't have enough singers then we will not perform a cantata this year.
No CONFIRMATION CLASS on Wednesday, Oct. 21st.
No MEN’S BIBLE STUDY CLASS on Wednesday, Oct. 21st.
PASTOR WILL BE ON VACATION thru Oct. 26th.  Rev. Peter Sestak from Sioux Falls will lead today’s worship service and Rev. David Ellis will lead our worship service next Sunday.  Rev. Matthew Resner from Menno is on call for all pastoral emergencies.  You may reach him at 573-301-2600 [cell].  You may also contact any of our elders for assistance (Brian, Blaine or Keith).
QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our Fall voters’ meeting will be held on Nov. 1st in the Fellowship Hall right after the worship service.
PLAN TO ATTEND THE BAZAAR on November 5th from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We will have a Stitchery/Craft/Country Store booth and the Lunch Counter. Thanks to all of you that have volunteered to work and/or bring food, this is greatly appreciated. We have the food list and the work schedule posted on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall and on the refrigerator in the kitchen. If you would like to donate food or are willing to work please talk to Kelli Broders, Penny Smidt or Sharon Pfeiffer. Thanks.
NEW ADDRESS – Marie Wrenn’s new address is:  Sunrise Retirement Community, 5300 Gordon Dr. East, Room 111, Sioux City, IA  51106
EXCITING YOUTH GROUP NEWS: The Youth Group will be attending the 2016 LCMS National Youth Gathering - In Christ Alone next summer in New Orleans! Held every 3 years, the LCMS Youth Gathering provides thousands of youth the opportunity to come together as a community of God’s people to learn more about Jesus Christ, the Christian faith and their Lutheran identity. During the five days of the Gathering, youth spend time together in God’s word, worship, service and fellowship with others from across the synod.  We have 9 youth and 4 leaders attending.  Fundraising efforts for this trip have started so please watch for news in the bulletin about our fundraising events. We appreciate your prayers and support for our Youth Group as they plan and attend this gathering.  

Saturday, October 10, 2015

10-11-2015 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

Main Street Living – Oct. 11th – The featured speaker is Rev. Brian Bucklew of Zion Lutheran Church in Delmont and Emmaus Lutheran Church in Tripp.  The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.

THE LORD’S SUPPER at St. Paul Lutheran Church is administered in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.  It is celebrated in the confidence that we receive – in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine – our Savior’s true Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins.  All who commune at this altar are making this public confession of the faith that we believe and teach as is written in the Holy Scriptures.  If you are not a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, please speak with the Pastor before the worship service.

No CONFIRMATION CLASS on Wednesday, Oct. 14th.

No MEN’S BIBLE STUDY CLASS on Wednesday, Oct. 14th.

PASTOR WILL BE ON VACATION from Oct. 13th thru the 26th.  Rev. Peter Sestak from Sioux Falls will lead our worship service next Sunday and Rev. David Ellis will lead our worship service on Oct. 25th.  Rev. Matthew Resner from Menno will be on call for all pastoral emergencies.  You may reach him at 573-301-2600 [cell].  You may also contact any of our elders for assistance (Brian, Blaine or Keith).

CHRISTMAS CANTATA:  Anyone interested in singing for our Christmas Cantata, please let Jane Kleinsasser or Amber Sayler know by Oct. 20th.  If we don't have enough singers then we will not perform a cantata this year.

THE BAZAAR COMMITTEE – has started making plans for the November 5th event, which will run from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Food donations are needed for chicken noodle soup, vegetable soup, chili soup, chicken sandwich meat, tavern, salads, pies, cake, pickles, crackers & coffee. We will also need workers for the day and evening shifts. This year we are planning to combine the Crafts/Stitchery & Baked/Canned items into one booth and then have the Lunch Counter. Please see or call Sharon Pfeiffer (925-7604), Kelli Broders (925-7502), or Penny Smidt (925-4292) if you are willing to donate food or work.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

10-04-2015 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS this week please remember Myrna Huber (in rehab at Oakview Terrace Nursing Home), the family of Richard Salis (who died in the faith on Sept. 26th) during their time of mourning, Rev. Jastram and his family as they prepare for mission work in Japan, those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

Our guest pastor for Mission Sunday today is Rev. Daniel Jastram.  He is a newly called missionary preparing for his move to Japan where his father served as a missionary.  Rev. Jastram will also have a presentation for us during the first part of our fellowship hour after our worship service.  Everyone is encouraged to stay for our fellowship time and Rev. Jastram’s discussion session.  We will be accepting freewill donations after today’s worship service to help support his mission work.

THANK YOU, REV. JASTRAM, for leading us in worship today!  We sincerely appreciate your Christian service to our Lord, to His Church and to our congregation!

Main Street Living – Oct. 4th – The featured speaker is Rev. Ken Johnson of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Springfield and Zion Lutheran Church in Avon.  The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.

No MEN’S BIBLE STUDY CLASS on Wednesday, Oct. 7th.

LWML will meet on Thursday October 8th at 7:00 P.M at the church. Pastor will lead Bible Study and Gerry will provide lunch.

LWML YANKTON ZONE FALL RALLY will be held at St. Paul church at Freeman on Saturday October 10th. Registration begining at 9:00 A.M.  All Ladies of the congregation are welcome to attend.

YOUTH GROUP MEETINg on October 11th at 11:30am at the church.

EXCITING YOUTH GROUP NEWS: The Youth Group will be attending the 2016 LCMS National Youth Gathering - In Christ Alone next summer in New Orleans! Held every 3 years, the LCMS Youth Gathering provides thousands of youth the opportunity to come together as a community of God’s people to learn more about Jesus Christ, the Christian faith and their Lutheran identity. During the five days of the Gathering, youth spend time together in God’s word, worship, service and fellowship with others from across the synod.  We have 9 youth and 4 leaders attending.  Fundraising efforts for this trip have started so please watch for news in the bulletin about our fundraising events. We appreciate your prayers and support for our Youth Group as they plan and attend this gathering.  

THE BAZAAR COMMITTEE – has started making plans for the November 5th event, which will run from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Food donations are needed for chicken noodle soup, vegetable soup, chili soup, chicken sandwich meat, tavern, salads, pies, cake, pickles, crackers & coffee. We will also need workers for the day and evening shifts. This year we are planning to combine the Crafts/Stitchery & Baked/Canned items into one booth and then have the Lunch Counter. Please see or call Sharon Pfeiffer (925-7604), Kelli Broders (925-7502), or Penny Smidt (925-4292) if you are willing to donate food or work.

NEW ADDRESSES – Marie Wrenn is temporarily living with her son; her new address is:  c/o Jeff Wrenn, 3937 Douglas St., Sioux City, IA 51104-1443.  And Kermit Schrag’s new address is:  c/o Oakview Terrace Nursing Home, Room 215, P. O. Box 370, Freeman, SD 57029-0370.

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...