MAIN STREET LIVING – September 3: Rev. Josiah Fitch, Associate Pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Aberdeen, brings us todays message, “Glory Surrounds the Cross” based on Matthew 16: 21-28. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.
POTLUCK Please plan on joining us for a potluck dinner to honor Pastor Ellis and
his wife to be held today at Noon. Beverages
will be provided. Hope to see everyone there.”
INSTALLATION - Rev. Terry Makelin will installed as pastor of St. Paul on Sunday,
September 10th at 4:00 p.m.
SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS we are still in need for the
2017-2018 Sunday School year. If you are
interested in teaching please call Kelli Borders (605) 661-4511 thank you.
THE CHOIR will be singing for the installation service on Sept. 10th.
Rehearsals will be at 10:30 each Sunday. All voices are welcome.
WELLSPRING WHOLISTIC CARE CENTER, FREEMAN, SD is sponsoring a Grief Seminar on September 16,
from 1-5 pm. Janell Christenson, Veterans Administration grief counselor
is the featured speaker. Speakers from the surrounding area will share
their grief challenges.
The seminar’s
purpose is to assist persons grieving loss to process their journey of
mourning. Grieving well is difficult work and may be aided in various
ways including sharing stories, mutual encouragement, and receiving therapeutic
counsel.For more information feel free to call 925-4542 or text 605-661-0601
LADIES AID will meet on September 7th at 7:00 pm with Marlene Geidel as
Hostess. There will be Bible Study and the Business meeting. Garnet
Stern is responsible for Altar flowers for September and Darlene Schrag is Visiting
Helper. Coffee committee for September 3rd is Darlene Schrag, Mildred
Siekmann and Joan Dreessen.
MENTOR/MENTEE MEETING is cancelled and will reschedule at a later time.