Friday, December 29, 2017

12-31-2017 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not know Christ as they could, that they would accept the invitation to come to Church with you to hear God's Word preached in its purity, and see the Sacraments rightly administered.

MAIN STREET LIVING –January 7:   Rev. Scott Sailer, President of the South Dakota District LCMS, welcomes the Duluth, Minnesota area to the Main Street Living broadcast area with the Message “The Ark You Need”. The message is based on Psalm 29.

TO ALL VOTING MEMBERS OF ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH --  The nominating committee will soon be contacting prospective members to fill Church council and board positions.  Please prayerfully consider serving your church.  If you have an interest in any position please contact any of the nominating committee members:  Dean Dreessen,  Keith Knodel or Dan Podzimek.

CARING N GIVING TREE For the month of December we would like the congregation to donate Warm Pajamas. This year we would like to fill the caring tree in the fellowship hall with all types and sizes of pjs.  Each donations will get a Bible verse attached and will be taken to the Freeman food pantry to be distributed. Thank you in advance for helping with this project.

LADIES AID will meet on January 4, 2018 at 7:00 pm with Bible Study and Business Meeting.  Hostess for the evening is Julie Huber.  Altar Guild for January is Open and Visiting Helpers are Sharon Pfeiffer and Garnet Stern.

ATTENTION DARTBALL PLAYERS: The 2018 season will soon begin.  There will be a practice next Sunday, January 7 at 3:00 pm at St. Paul/Freeman. If you have not played dartball and are interested come to this practice and check it out.  (Men, women, and teenagers are welcome to participate.)  There is no cost.  THE FIRST GAME is Monday, January 8—Freeman at Mitchell.  If you would like to carpool meet at St. Paul by 6:30 pm.  Game time is 7:30 pm. 2018 SCHEDULES are on the bulletin board.  For more information, Contact Rev. Weeman at (605) 925-4004.

ALL ARE WELCOME with taking down Christmas decorations this Friday evening January 5th at 5:30 p.m.

HOLIDAY CHEER:  On December 20th the Visiting Committee delivered “Holiday Best Wishes” in the form of a personal visit, a Christmas card, and a bud vase containing a carnation & evergreens to the following church members. Susan Cox, Marilyn Engel, Alice Fliginger, Marlene Geidel, Millie Gunderson, Ella & Elsie Hein, Connie Hinckley, LaVonne Knittel, Ruth Koerner, Lee Lagendyk, Melton & Lorna Langle, Ted & Delores Pidde, Henrietta Rhoades, Myron Schaffer, also Betty Bender & Reno Mettler.  Dustin Walz received a balloon attached to some candy. Christmas cards were sent to June Heckenlaible in California, Lucille Rembold in Miller, Norma Miller in Sioux Falls, and Marie Wrenn in Sioux City, IA.
If anyone has bud vases they no longer need please bring them to the church kitchen and mark them for the visiting committee, we will start saving vases for our next year deliveries. Thank you very much.

MENTOR/MENTEE teams will be gathering for January meeting on Jan 7th NOT the 28th.  Bowling and light meal at 5pm located at  the Bowling Alley in Marion on Broadway avenue. Those mentees needing a ride please contact any mentor ahead of time to make arrangements. MM team Nan and Dayna will be hosting.

CATECHISM LEADING TO CONFIRMATION will be held this coming Wednesday at 6:30, however it will not be held on January 10th and 17th, due to conflicts with Elder's and Council meetings.  We will resume on January 24th at 6:30.  Please do not forget we are using the new worship notes where the parents (or other adult) can look them over and sign them before turning them in. – Pastor

ADULT CATECHISM starts this Tuesday for five weeks (January 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30) at 7:00 pm at the church.  It may be a refresher, or lead to a statement of faith to join the church, but anyone is invited to attend.  Don't worry if you haven’t filled out a prayer card, just show up and we will make it work.  If you cannot make them all, that is OK too, however, if you are planning on joining the congregation we may have to do some make-up dates. – Pastor

The next LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE is scheduled for January 27th at 10:00 AM at St. martin's in Alexandria.  Snow day is February 3rd.  In place of regular business, they will be showing the Luther Movie.  Please let the office know by email or note if you will be attending, as they would like to have a ballpark figure for popcorn or maybe pizza.

USHER NEEDED please sign up on the sign up sheet on the bulletin board for the year 2018.

THE COFFEE HOUR GROUP schedule is out and in the window of the kitchen.  If there are two or three more people interested in making a group so we would have no open spaces please let Aleta Starner know either by phone 605-660-3651 or e-mail thank you.
ANNUAL REPORT it is that time of year when we need to get ready for the annual report.  If you have your report ready please give it to Denise Peterson, Aleta Starner, Pastor or e-mail it to  Thank you in advance and your help.

SUNDAY SCHOOL will not be held today.

Friday, December 22, 2017

12-24-2017 Announcements


IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not know Christ as they could, that they would accept the invitation to come to Church with you to hear God's Word preached in its purity, and see the Sacraments rightly administered.

MAIN STREET LIVING –December 24: Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, President of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Brings us todays message “ It Actually Happened, For You“ based on Luke 2:10-11.

THERE WILL NOT BE – Sunday School today.  Men’s Bible Study or Confirmation Class on Wednesday, December 27th.

LADIES AID will meet on January 4, 2018 at 7:00 pm with Bible Study and Business Meeting.  Hostess for the evening is Julie Huber.  Altar Guild for January is Open and Visiting Helpers are Sharon Pfeiffer and Garnet Stern.

MAIN STREET LIVING is the Christmas project for Ladies Aid this year.  If you would like to make a contribution there will be a basket in the fellowship hall this season for this purpose.  Ladies Aid will match any funds collected.  THANK YOU for your interest in this worthwhile program.

THE FINANCE COMMITTEE will be handing out offering envelopes today and next Sunday. Please see Janet Vargas, Penny Saarie and Sharon Pfeiffer. If you do not get envelopes and would like to receive them let them know. Remember to mark on the new style envelopes where you would like your donation to be used. If it is not marked clearly the money will automatically go toward the general fund.

CARING N GIVING TREE For the month of December we would like the congregation to donate Warm Pajamas. This year we would like to fill the caring tree in the fellowship hall with all types and sizes of pjs.  Each donations will get a Bible verse attached and will be taken to the Freeman food pantry to be distributed. Thank you in advance for helping with this project.

TO ALL VOTING MEMBERS OF ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH --  The nominating committee will soon be contacting prospective members to fill Church council and board positions.  Please prayerfully consider serving your church.  If you have an interest in any position please contact any of the nominating committee members:  Dean Dreessen,  Keith Knodel or Dan Podzimek.

ADULT CATECHISM.  Want to learn a simple explanation of Christianity? Want to commune together with your spouse but you are not a member?  Do you, or know of someone, who wants to join the church?  Want to know why other denominations do not want to join with us?  Have you forgotten what was taught in your confirmation?  Then this is the class for you!  This January, for a limited time only, everyone is invited to an adult Bible study and Catechism that will be offered on Tuesday nights in January (2, 9, 16, 23, & 30), from 7:00pm to 8:30pm.  I will not therefore, be available to come to your home and visit in January, but you can come see me!  Please let me know if you have interest by writing your name, phone number, and address on a prayer card and the discount code "Grow", and give to me or an elder.  I will get the materials needed and put you on the list. - Pastor Terry Makelin 

Read this part really fast….Spouses, fiancés, and friends are strongly encouraged to attend with you, joining the church is NOT required after taking classes, adult instruction may not be available in other states or congregations, and offer will expire January 30, 2018 

Saturday, December 16, 2017

12-17-2017 Announcements


IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not know Christ as they could, that they would accept the invitation to come to Church with you to hear God's Word preached in its purity, and see the Sacraments rightly administered.

THE LORD’S SUPPER at St. Paul Lutheran Church is administered in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.  It is celebrated in the confidence that we receive – in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine – our Savior’s true Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins.  All who commune at this altar are making this public confession of the faith that we believe and teach as is written in the Holy Scriptures.  If you are not a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, please speak with the Pastor before the worship service.

MAIN STREET LIVING –December 24: Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, President of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Brings us todays message “ It Actually Happened, For You“ based on Luke 2:10-11.

MAIN STREET LIVING is the Christmas project for Ladies Aid this year.  If you would like to make a contribution there will be a basket in the fellowship hall this season for this purpose.  Ladies Aid will match any funds collected.  THANK YOU for your interest in this worthwhile program.

THE FINANCE COMMITTEE will be handing out offering envelopes today and next Sunday. Please see Janet Vargas, Penny Saarie and Sharon Pfeiffer. If you do not get envelopes and would like to receive them let them know. Remember to mark on the new style envelopes where you would like your donation to be used. If it is not marked clearly the money will automatically go toward the general fund.

Youth Group will be serving from 6:00 pm until 6:45pm with Advent Service at 7pm  Everyone is welcome.  Free will donation will be taken.

Dec 20:  Hamburger Soup

For the month of December we would like the congregation to donate Warm Pajamas. This year we would like to fill the caring tree in the fellowship hall with all types and sizes of pjs.  Each donations will get a Bible verse attached and will be taken to the Freeman food pantry to be distributed. Thank you in advance for helping with this project.

TO ALL VOTING MEMBERS OF ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH --  The nominating committee will soon be contacting prospective members to fill Church council and board positions.  Please prayerfully consider serving your church.  If you have an interest in any position please contact any of the nominating committee members:  Dean Dreessen,  Keith Knodel or Dan Podzimek.

ADULT CATECHISM.  Want to learn a simple explanation of Christianity? Want to commune together with your spouse but you are not a member?  Do you, or know of someone, who wants to join the church?  Want to know why other denominations do not want to join with us?  Have you forgotten what was taught in your confirmation?  Then this is the class for you!  This January, for a limited time only, everyone is invited to an adult Bible study and Catechism that will be offered on Tuesday nights in January (2, 9, 16, 23, & 30), from 7:00pm to 8:30pm.  I will not therefore, be available to come to your home and visit in January, but you can come see me!  Please let me know if you have interest by writing your name, phone number, and address on a prayer card and the discount code "Grow", and give to me or an elder.  I will get the materials needed and put you on the list. - Pastor Terry Makelin 

Read this part really fast….Spouses, fiancés, and friends are strongly encouraged to attend with you, joining the church is NOT required after taking classes, adult instruction may not be available in other states or congregations, and offer will expire January 30, 2018 

Sunday Dec. 17th 11:30-1:00 All kids, lunch provided


Blaine, Penny and Shay Saarie in memory of Mahala Peterson

Arlene Stern & family in memory of Arden Stern

Darlene Schrag in memory of Kermit Schrag

Linda Haar in memory of Wallace & Clarice Haar

Darren, Dawn, Dustin, Katelyn and Andrea Walz in memory of Pauline Walz

Jeani Dubs in memory of husband Dennis and parents Eugene & Hulda

John, Aleta, Elizabeth, Maria and Dillon Starner in memory of
parents Gordon & Harriet Vizecky and Edith Starner

Friday, December 8, 2017

12-10-2017 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not know Christ as they could, that they would accept the invitation to come to Church with you to hear God's Word preached in its purity, and see the Sacraments rightly administered.

THE LORD’S SUPPER at St. Paul Lutheran Church is administered in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.  It is celebrated in the confidence that we receive – in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine – our Savior’s true Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins.  All who commune at this altar are making this public confession of the faith that we believe and teach as is written in the Holy Scriptures.  If you are not a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, please speak with the Pastor before the worship service.

MAIN STREET LIVING –December 17: Rev. Iver Possehl of Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Watertown, SD presents today’s message, “Good News For the Poor”, based on Isaiah 61: 1-2. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

YOUTH GROUP CHRISTMAS PARTY Dec 10th 11:45 am. Please meet at church parking lot to carpool for an afternoon in Sioux Falls. Ice Skating, Ice Cream and more.

LWML will meet at the home of Julie Huber on December 14th at 2:00 p.m. Remember to bring a Christmas reading or poem, goodies to share and your Christmas sock money.

Youth Group will be serving from 6:00 pm until 6:45pm with Advent Service at 7pm  Everyone is welcome.
Dec 13:  Creamy Chicken Pasta
Dec 20:  Hamburger Soup
Free will donation will be taken.

MAIN STREET LIVING is the Christmas project for Ladies Aid this year.  If you would like to make a contribution there will be a basket in the fellowship hall this season for this purpose.  Ladies Aid will match any funds collected.  THANK YOU for your interest in this worthwhile program.

CARING N GIVING TREE For the month of December we would like the congregation to donate Warm Pajamas. This year we would like to fill the caring tree in the fellowship hall with all types and sizes of pjs.  Each donations will get a Bible verse attached and will be taken to the Freeman food pantry to be distributed. Thank you in advance for helping with this project.

TO ALL VOTING MEMBERS OF ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH --  The nominating committee will soon be contacting prospective members to fill Church council and board positions.  Please prayerfully consider serving your church.  If you have an interest in any position please contact any of the nominating committee members:  Dean Dreessen,  Keith Knodel or Dan Podzimek.

REMEMBER A LOVED ONE THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON with a memorial poinsettia.  Your loved ones names will be listed in the bulletin.  Poinsettias will be displayed starting on December 17 and placed through December 25 at which time family members may take their plants.  Two sizes available: 8” pot (3 plants per pot) $29.99 and 6.5” pot (1 plant per pot) $15.99.  Poinsettias are available for purchase with Dawn Walz at 925-4200 or 660-0264.

Sunday Dec. 10th 10:30-12:00 All kids (No Sunday School)
Sunday Dec. 17th 11:30-1:00 All kids, lunch provided

IT IS UNKNOWN WHEN THE PERIOD OF PREPARATION FOR CHRISTMAS (that is now called Advent) first began – it was certainly in existence from about 480.  There have been changes over the years and today, Churches either prepare for Christmas like the world (and simply ignore the season, going straight to celebrating Christmas), or they maintain what the spirit of Advent sought to instill in the hearts of the Faithful over the centuries (which conforms to the work of John The Baptizer). As he prepared the world for the coming of Christ 2,000 years ago, so the season of Advent prepares the world for His second coming.  His message therefore, is the message of Advent now. The feelings he aroused in people’s hearts twenty centuries ago are the sentiments which Advent awakens in human souls now, when he said to them: “Repent ye, for The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” Matthew 3:2. Repentance! Sorrow! That is how the Church prepares for Christmas.  The season of Advent therefore, is seen as a mini-Lenten season.  The world still needs a Savior in the flesh!  Come Lord Jesus!  May St. Paul’s Advent preparations focus your hearts, minds, souls, emotions, and body to the second coming of the Lord. – Pastor Makelin


Saturday, December 2, 2017

12-03-2017 Annouoncements

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life as they could, that they would accept the invitation to come to Church with you to hear God's Word preached in its purity, and see the Sacraments rightly administered.

MAIN STREET LIVING –December 10:  Worship Service- message, “Christmas Prep” is presented by Rev. Garen Pay of Peace Lutheran Church in Alcester, SD. The message is based on Mark 1. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

LADIES AID will meet on December 7th at 7:00 for Bible Study followed by the Business meeting.  Members are to bring Christmas goodies for Lunch.  Joan Dreessen is responsible for Altar flowers for December and Visiting Helpers are the Visiting Committee.  Coffee Committee for December 3rd is Marlene Geidel, Corrine Handel and Cindy Hofer.  

Youth Group will be serving from 6:00 pm until 6:45pm with Advent Service at 7pm  Everyone is welcome.
Dec 6:  Baked Potato Buffet
Dec 13:  Creamy Chicken Pasta
Dec 20:  Hamburger Soup
Free will donation will be taken.

Dec 10th 11:45 am. Please meet at church parking lot to carpool for an afternoon in Sioux Falls. Ice Skating, Ice Cream and more.

For the month of December we would like the congregation to donate Warm Pajamas. This year we would like to fill the caring tree in the fellowship hall with all types and sizes of pjs.  Each donations will get a Bible verse attached and will be taken to the Freeman food pantry to be distributed. Thank you in advance for helping with this project.

IT IS UNKNOWN WHEN THE PERIOD OF PREPARATION FOR CHRISTMAS (that is now called Advent) first began – it was certainly in existence from about 480.  There have been changes over the years and today, Churches either prepare for Christmas like the world (and simply ignore the season, going straight to celebrating Christmas), or they maintain what the spirit of Advent sought to instill in the hearts of the Faithful over the centuries (which conforms to the work of John The Baptizer). As he prepared the world for the coming of Christ 2,000 years ago, so the season of Advent prepares the world for His second coming.  His message therefore, is the message of Advent now. The feelings he aroused in people’s hearts twenty centuries ago are the sentiments which Advent awakens in human souls now, when he said to them: “Repent ye, for The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” Matthew 3:2. Repentance! Sorrow! That is how the Church prepares for Christmas.  The season of Advent therefore, is seen as a mini-Lenten season.  The world still needs a Savior in the flesh!  Come Lord Jesus!  May St. Paul’s Advent preparations focus your hearts, minds, souls, emotions, and body to the second coming of the Lord. – Pastor Makelin

MENTOR/MENTEE THIS EVENING Christmas party @ Blue’s Restaurant 6:30 pm   $5 gift exchange. Devotion & small activity by M/M team Kristi/Lindsay
MEET AND GREET SYNOD PRESIDENT  Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, President of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, along with several other leaders of our church body, will be at a “Meet and Greet” at Zion Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, on Thursday, December 7, from 2-4 p.m.  Joining President Harrison will be LCMS English District President, Rev. Jamison Hardy; LCMS Mid-South District President, Rev. Roger Paavola; Chairman of the Synod’s Board of Directors; Rev. Michael Kumm (who serves as pastor at Holy Cross, Dakota Dunes); the Synod’s 3rd Vice-President, Rev. Nabil Hartford (Trinity, Hartford); and our own District President, Rev. Scott Sailer.  Our out-of-state guests will be here to tape a sermon for Main Street Living and to enjoy a pheasant hunt.  Please come on by and chat with these leaders on December 7.  Refreshments will be served. 

REMEMBER A LOVED ONE THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON with a memorial poinsettia.  Your loved ones names will be listed in the bulletin.  Poinsettias will be displayed starting on December 17 and placed through December 25 at which time family members may take their plants.  Two sizes available: 8” pot (3 plants per pot) $29.99 and 6.5” pot (1 plant per pot) $15.99.  Poinsettias are available for purchase with Dawn Walz at 925-4200 or 660-0264.

Sunday Dec. 3rd 11:30-1:00 All kids, lunch provided
Sunday Dec. 10th 10:30-12:00 All kids (No Sunday School)
Sunday Dec. 17th 11:30-1:00 All kids, lunch provided

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...