Friday, January 26, 2018

01-28-2018 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not know Christ as they could, that they would accept the invitation to come to Church with you to hear God's Word preached in its purity, and see the Sacraments rightly administered.

MAIN STREET LIVING –February 4:  Worship Service-Rev. Samuel Thole of Peace Lutheran in Brookings and Redeemer in Lutheran in Flandreau South Dakota delivers today's message “Playing to the Crowd”, based on 1 Cor 9:16-27.

ADULT CATECHISM continues this Tuesday at 7:00 pm at the church.  It may be a refresher, or lead to a statement of faith to join the church, but anyone is invited to attend. Pastor
ATTENTION DARTBALL PLAYERS:  This week’s game is Delmont at Freeman on Monday, January 29.  Game time is 7:30 pm.
ANNUAL VOTERS MEETING will be held today in the Fellowship Hall right after the worship service.  Please plan to attend.

LADIES AID will meet on February 1st at 2:00 p.m. for Bible Study and Business meeting. Cindy Hofer is hostess for the meeting.  Sharon Pfeiffer is responsible for Altar flowers during February and Sharon Pfeiffer and Garnet are visiting helpers.    

ANNUAL REPORT we are still in need of a few reports, we need Board of Education, Board of Evangelism, Board of Elders, Board of Trustees and Youth Group.  If you have your report ready please give it to Denise Peterson, Aleta Starner, Pastor or e-mail it to  Thank you in advance and your help.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO HELP WITH FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR, if you are willing to furnish flowers, put them on the Altar and then remove them after the service please sign the sheet on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall. We need volunteers for these months, June and July of 2018 and January 2019.

WE ALSO NEED A FEW VOLUNTEERS TO GO AND VISIT with our members that are at the Salem Home for the Aged, the Nursing Home and also some that are still in their own homes but unable to be out and about anymore. If you are willing to be a Visiting Helper, please sign the sheet on the bulletin board; the months available are April and August of 2018 and February 2019.

STEAK SUPPER FEBRUARY 18THThe Youth Group will be having their Valentine’s steak fundraiser on Sunday Feb 18th this year. If interested in supporting the youth by having a delicious meal (lettuce salad, steak, potato, vegetable, and cheese cake) Please sign up on the bulletin board. We will be taking reservations now through February 11th but the sooner you can sign up the better. Thank you.

THRIVENT no longer mails a yearly reminder to its members concerning their Thrivent Choice Dollars.  Please call 1-800-847-4836 before Mach 1st.  Unfortunately, this directive must be made each year or Thrivent decides which nonprofit organization it chooses to send your money to.  We, the Thrivent Committee of St Paul’s, are hoping that you will call give our church those funds to benefit our causes and needs to home thank you.

COFFEE HOUR DATES THAT ARE OPEN:  The dates that are open there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board if you are interested in help fill in the dates that are empty. 

USHERS needed please sign up on the bulletin board if you are interested. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

01-21-2018 Announcements


HOLY COMMUNION is celebrated in our worship service today.  What a joy and privilege!  In this Sacrament our Lord gives unto us not only bread and wine, but also His very body and blood to eat and drink.  In this Sacrament He assures us that our sins are forgiven and He strengthens our faith.  To our guests who desire to receive Holy Communion, we ask that you consider the following:  If you do not believe in Jesus as your Savior, do not believe in the Real Presence of the Sacrament, or have never received instruction on how to prepare yourself for Communion, you should refrain from receiving the Sacrament, but are encouraged to come to the altar for a blessing, indicated by folding the arms over the chest.  We do this not to offend, but to honor the faith we hold at St. Paul Lutheran.  If you have any questions regarding communion, please speak to the Pastor or an Elder before service begins.

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not know Christ as they could, that they would accept the invitation to come to Church with you to hear God's Word preached in its purity, and see the Sacraments rightly administered.

MAIN STREET LIVING –January 28:  Dr. Peter M. Kurowski of Zion in Canistota and St. John’s Lutheran in Montrose, South Dakota brings today’s message, “Pretty Amazing Grace” based on the first chapter of Mark.

ATTENTION DARTBALL PLAYERS:  This week’s game is Monday, January 22—Freeman at Dimock.  If you would like to carpool, meet at St. Paul at 6:30 pm.  Game time is 7:30 pm.

ADULT CATECHISM continues this Tuesday at 7:00 pm at the church.  It may be a refresher, or lead to a statement of faith to join the church, but anyone is invited to attend. Pastor

CATECHISM LEADING TO CONFIRMATION resumes on January 24th at 6:30.  Please do not forget we are using the new worship notes where the parents (or other adult) can look them over and sign them before turning them in. - Pastor

The next LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE is scheduled for January 27th at 10:00 AM at St. martin's in Alexandria.  Snow day is February 3rd.  In place of regular business, they will be showing the Luther Movie.  Please let the office know by email or note if you will be attending, as they would like to have a ballpark figure for popcorn or maybe pizza

ANNUAL VOTERS MEETING will be held on January 28th in the Fellowship Hall right after the worship service.  Please plan to attend.

LADIES AID will meet on February 1st at 2:00 p.m. for Bible Study and Business meeting. Cindy Hofer is hostess for the meeting.  Sharon Pfeiffer is responsible for Altar flowers during February and Sharon Pfeiffer and Garnet are visiting helpers.    

ANNUAL REPORT it is that time of year when we need to get ready for the annual report.  If you have your report ready please give it to Denise Peterson, Aleta Starner, Pastor or e-mail it to  Thank you in advance and your help.

TO ALL VOTING MEMBERS OF ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH --  The nominating committee will soon be contacting prospective members to fill Church council and board positions.  Please prayerfully consider serving your church.  If you have an interest in any position please contact any of the nominating committee members:  Dean Dreessen,  Keith Knodel or Dan Podzimek.

USHERS NEEDED please sign up on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for the year 2018.

THE COFFEE HOUR GROUP schedule is out and in the window of the kitchen.  If there are two or three more people interested in making a group so we would have no open spaces please let Aleta Starner know either by phone 605-660-3651 or e-mail thank you.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO HELP WITH FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR, if you are willing to furnish flowers, put them on the Altar and then remove them after the service please sign the sheet on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall. We need volunteers for these months, June and July of 2018 and January 2019.

WE ALSO NEED A FEW VOLUNTEERS TO GO AND VISIT with our members that are at the Salem Home for the Aged, the Nursing Home and also some that are still in their own homes but unable to be out and about anymore. If you are willing to be a Visiting Helper, please sign the sheet on the bulletin board; the months available are April and August of 2018 and February 2019.

Friday, January 12, 2018

01-14-2018 Announcements

HOLY COMMUNION is celebrated in our worship service today.  What a joy and privilege!  In this Sacrament our Lord gives unto us not only bread and wine, but also His very body and blood to eat and drink.  In this Sacrament He assures us that our sins are forgiven and He strengthens our faith.  To our guests who desire to receive Holy Communion, we ask that you consider the following:  If you do not believe in Jesus as your Savior, do not believe in the Real Presence of the Sacrament, or have never received instruction on how to prepare yourself for Communion, you should refrain from receiving the Sacrament, but are encouraged to come to the altar for a blessing, indicated by folding the arms over the chest.  We do this not to offend, but to honor the faith we hold at St. Paul Lutheran.  If you have any questions regarding communion, please speak to the Pastor or an Elder before service begins.

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not know Christ as they could, that they would accept the invitation to come to Church with you to hear God's Word preached in its purity, and see the Sacraments rightly administered.

MAIN STREET LIVING –January 21:  Dr. Michael Kumm, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the LCMS, presents today’s message “Repent and Believe”is based on Mark 1: 14-20.

TO ALL VOTING MEMBERS OF ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH --  The nominating committee will soon be contacting prospective members to fill Church council and board positions.  Please prayerfully consider serving your church.  If you have an interest in any position please contact any of the nominating committee members:  Dean Dreessen,  Keith Knodel or Dan Podzimek.

ATTENTION DARTBALL PLAYERS:  This week’s game is Monday, Jan. 15-- Clayton at Freeman.  Game time is 7:30 PM.

CATECHISM LEADING TO CONFIRMATION resumes on January 24th at 6:30.  Please do not forget we are using the new worship notes where the parents (or other adult) can look them over and sign them before turning them in. - Pastor
continues this Tuesday at 7:00 pm at the church.  It may be a refresher, or lead to a statement of faith to join the church, but anyone is invited to attend. Pastor

The next LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE is scheduled for January 27th at 10:00 AM at St. martin's in Alexandria.  Snow day is February 3rd.  In place of regular business, they will be showing the Luther Movie.  Please let the office know by email or note if you will be attending, as they would like to have a ballpark figure for popcorn or maybe pizza

ANNUAL REPORT it is that time of year when we need to get ready for the annual report.  If you have your report ready please give it to Denise Peterson, Aleta Starner, Pastor or e-mail it to  Thank you in advance and your help.

USHERS NEEDED please sign up on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for the year 2018.

THE COFFEE HOUR GROUP schedule is out and in the window of the kitchen.  If there are two or three more people interested in making a group so we would have no open spaces please let Aleta Starner know either by phone 605-660-3651 or e-mail thank you.

ANNUAL VOTERS MEETING will be held on January 28th in the Fellowship Hall right after the worship service.  Please plan on to attend.

Friday, January 5, 2018

01-07-2018 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not know Christ as they could, that they would accept the invitation to come to Church with you to hear God's Word preached in its purity, and see the Sacraments rightly administered.

MAIN STREET LIVING –January 14:  Rev. Dr. Roger Paavola, District President of the Mid-South District LCMS, brings today’s message “Come and See”, based on 1 Corinthians 6:12-20.  

TO ALL VOTING MEMBERS OF ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH --  The nominating committee will soon be contacting prospective members to fill Church council and board positions.  Please prayerfully consider serving your church.  If you have an interest in any position please contact any of the nominating committee members:  Dean Dreessen,  Keith Knodel or Dan Podzimek.

ATTENTION DARTBALL PLAYERS: The 2018 season will soon begin.  There will be a practice today, January 7 at 3:00 pm at St. Paul/Freeman. If you have not played dartball and are interested come to this practice and check it out.  (Men, women, and teenagers are welcome to participate.)  There is no cost.  THE FIRST GAME is Monday, January 8—Freeman at Mitchell.  If you would like to carpool meet at St. Paul by 6:30 pm.  Game time is 7:30 pm. 2018 SCHEDULES are on the bulletin board.  For more information, Contact Rev. Weeman at (605) 925-4004.

MENTOR/MENTEE teams will be gathering for January meeting on Jan 7th NOT the 28th.  Bowling and light meal at 5pm located at  the Bowling Alley in Marion on Broadway avenue. Those mentees needing a ride please contact any mentor ahead of time to make arrangements. MM team Nan and Dayna will be hosting.

ADULT CATECHISM - continues this Tuesday at 7:00 pm at the church.  It may be a refresher, or lead to a statement of faith to join the church, but anyone is invited to attend. Pastor

CATECHISM LEADING TO CONFIRMATION - will resume on January 24th at 6:30.  Please do not forget we are using the new worship notes where the parents (or other adult) can look them over and sign them before turning them in. – Pastor

The next LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE is scheduled for January 27th at 10:00 AM at St. martin's in Alexandria.  Snow day is February 3rd.  In place of regular business, they will be showing the Luther Movie.  Please let the office know by email or note if you will be attending, as they would like to have a ballpark figure for popcorn or maybe pizza.

ANNUAL REPORT it is that time of year when we need to get ready for the annual report.  If you have your report ready please give it to Denise Peterson, Aleta Starner, Pastor or e-mail it to  Thank you in advance and your help.

USHERS NEEDED please sign up on the sign up sheet on the bulletin board for the year 2018.

THE COFFEE HOUR GROUP schedule is out and in the window of the kitchen.  If there are two or three more people interested in making a group so we would have no open spaces please let Aleta Starner know either by phone 605-660-3651 or e-mail thank you.

CONGRATULATIONS to Steve and Shirley Knodel at the birth of their first grandchild, a baby girl born to daughter Stephanie and husband Marty on December 26th!  Almighty God creator of all that exists, we thank You this day for the birth of a daughter you have added to their human family.  We pray that you would guard and protect her until such a day you would add her to your Holy Church family in the waters of Holy Baptism.

HOLIDAY CHEER:  On December 20th the Visiting Committee delivered “Holiday Best Wishes” in the form of a personal visit, a Christmas card, and a bud vase containing a carnation & evergreens to the following church members. Susan Cox, Marilyn Engel, Alice Fliginger, Marlene Geidel, Millie Gunderson, Ella & Elsie Hein, Connie Hinckley, LaVonne Knittel, Ruth Koerner, Lee Lagendyk, Melton & Lorna Langle, Ted & Delores Pidde, Henrietta Rhoades, Myron Schaffer, also Betty Bender & Reno Mettler.  Dustin Walz received a balloon attached to some candy. Christmas cards were sent to June Heckenlaible in California, Lucille Rembold in Miller, Norma Miller in Sioux Falls, and Marie Wrenn in Sioux City, IA.

If anyone has bud vases they no longer need please bring them to the church kitchen and mark them for the visiting committee, we will start saving vases for our next year deliveries. Thank you very much.

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...