MAIN STREET LIVING –February 4: Worship Service-Rev. Samuel Thole of Peace Lutheran in Brookings and Redeemer in Lutheran in Flandreau South Dakota delivers today's message “Playing to the Crowd”, based on 1 Cor 9:16-27.
ADULT CATECHISM continues this Tuesday at 7:00 pm at the church. It may be a
refresher, or lead to a statement of faith to join the church, but anyone is
invited to attend. Pastor
ATTENTION DARTBALL PLAYERS: This week’s game is Delmont at
Freeman on Monday, January 29. Game time
is 7:30 pm.
ANNUAL VOTERS MEETING will be held today in the Fellowship Hall right after the worship
service. Please plan to attend.
LADIES AID will meet on February 1st at 2:00 p.m. for Bible Study and Business
meeting. Cindy Hofer is hostess for the meeting. Sharon Pfeiffer is
responsible for Altar flowers during February and Sharon Pfeiffer and Garnet
are visiting helpers.
ANNUAL REPORT we are still in need of a few reports, we need Board of Education, Board
of Evangelism, Board of Elders, Board of Trustees and Youth Group. If you have your report ready please give it
to Denise Peterson, Aleta Starner, Pastor or e-mail it to Thank you in advance and your help.
WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO HELP WITH FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR, if you are willing to furnish flowers, put
them on the Altar and then remove them after the service please sign the sheet
on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall. We need volunteers for these
months, June and July of 2018 and January 2019.
WE ALSO NEED A FEW VOLUNTEERS TO GO AND VISIT with our members that are at the Salem Home
for the Aged, the Nursing Home and also some that are still in their own homes
but unable to be out and about anymore. If you are willing to be a Visiting
Helper, please sign the sheet on the bulletin board; the months available are
April and August of 2018 and February 2019.
STEAK SUPPER FEBRUARY 18TH. The Youth Group will be having their
Valentine’s steak fundraiser on Sunday Feb 18th this year. If interested in
supporting the youth by having a delicious meal (lettuce salad, steak, potato,
vegetable, and cheese cake) Please sign up on the bulletin board. We will be
taking reservations now through February 11th but the sooner you can sign up
the better. Thank you.
THRIVENT no longer mails a yearly reminder to its members concerning their
Thrivent Choice Dollars. Please call
1-800-847-4836 before Mach 1st.
Unfortunately, this directive must be made each year or Thrivent decides
which nonprofit organization it chooses to send your money to. We, the Thrivent Committee of St Paul’s, are
hoping that you will call give our church those funds to benefit our causes and
needs to home thank you.
dates that are open there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board if you are
interested in help fill in the dates that are empty.
needed please sign up on the bulletin board if you are interested.