Thursday, June 28, 2018

07-01-2018 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not know Christ as they could, that they would accept the invitation to come to Church with you to hear God's Word preached in its purity, and see the Sacraments rightly administered.

MAIN STREET LIVING – July 08,2018: Worship Service-Rev. Bret Bierman of St. Paul in Stratford, St. John in Aberdeen, and Trinity Lutheran in Mansfield brings us the message “Never Show Your Weakness” based on 2 Corinthians 12: 9.   Additional information is available on the web  site:

NO  MENTOR MENTEE  Due to scheduling conflicts, the mentor/mentors will not meet in July.

LADIES AID and LWML will not have meetings in July and August.  There is no one signed up for Altar Flowers and Visiting Helpers for July.  If anyone is interested there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall. 

VBS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  The VBS program is scheduled for July 16 through July 19 and we are looking for some volunteers.  VBS will be from 6:00 to 8:30.  Please see the bulletin board to sign up or talk with Joni Knittel, Karissa Podzimek or Jenny Peters for more information.  The Calendar incorrectly states VBS is through the 20th.  Please note it is the 16-19.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

06-24-2018 Announcements


IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not know Christ as they could, that they would accept the invitation to come to Church with you to hear God's Word preached in its purity, and see the Sacraments rightly administered.

MAIN STREET LIVING – July 01,2018: Worship service- The message is presented by Rev. L. Scott Spiehs of St. John’s in Wolsey, Zion in Wessington Springs, and Mt. Olive in Woonsocket.  “All Your Trust in Jesus” is based on Mark 5:21-43. 

NO  MENTOR MENTEE meeting on June 24th.  Due to scheduling conflicts, the mentor/mentors will not meet in July either.

LADIES AID and LWML will not have meetings in July and August.  There is no one signed up for Altar Flowers and  Visiting Helpers for July.  If anyone is interested there is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall. 

VBS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  The VBS program is scheduled for July 16 through July 19 and we are looking for some volunteers.  VBS will be from 6:00 to 8:30.  Please see the bulletin board to sign up or talk with Joni Knittel, Karissa Podzimek or Jenny Peters for more information.  

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SATISFYING NEXT CHAPTER OF YOUR LIFE?  Laborers For Christ is a service provided by Lutheran Church Extension Fund to help Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) ministries save money on their building projects. Laborers are retired carpenters, handy people, farmers, school teachers and other willing workers. They are committed to working at minimum wage for LCMS ministries who desire to undertake the construction and improvement of their own facilities.  There’s an attitude among Laborers that you don’t find in the general workforce. They jump in and help with whatever needs to be done. More importantly, Laborers are working for the glory of God. Join Laborers For Christ today. To view future projects or fill out an application, visit or call 314-885-6444.


Saturday, June 16, 2018

6-17-2018 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not know Christ as they could, that they would accept the invitation to come to Church with you to hear God's Word preached in its purity, and see the Sacraments rightly administered.

THE LORD’S SUPPER at St. Paul Lutheran Church is administered in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.  It is celebrated in the confidence that we receive – in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine – our Savior’s true Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins.  All who commune at this altar are making this public confession of the faith that we believe and teach as is written in the Holy Scriptures.  If you are not a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, please speak with the Pastor before the worship service.

MAIN STREET LIVING – June 24, 2018: Worship service-Rev. Nathan Neugebauer of St. John’s Lutheran in Revillo, SD and Bethlehem Lutheran in Milbank, SD, brings us todays message “John the Baptist Shows Us the Way”, based on Luke 1: 57-80.

Its go time!  It is time to sign up for the HIGHER THINGS YOUTH RETREAT in Brookings on August 10-11 (see insert).  Please fill out a registration form off the bulletin board and make out your checks, get them to the Youth Group leaders, officers, or Pastor by June 23rd so we can make arrangements for carpooling or travel.

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SATISFYING NEXT CHAPTER OF YOUR LIFE?  Laborers For Christ is a service provided by Lutheran Church Extension Fund to help Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) ministries save money on their building projects. Laborers are retired carpenters, handy people, farmers, school teachers and other willing workers. They are committed to working at minimum wage for LCMS ministries who desire to undertake the construction and improvement of their own facilities.  There’s an attitude among Laborers that you don’t find in the general workforce. They jump in and help with whatever needs to be done. More importantly, Laborers are working for the glory of God. Join Laborers For Christ today. To view future projects or fill out an application, visit or call 314-885-6444.
THANK YOU, whoever gave out a printed service to my mother and brother who visited last Sunday.  They mentioned that they did not want to sit up front, as they did not know when to stand, sit, what page to be on, and so on, so they wanted to sit back a ways to watch what to do by observing the people in front of them, but with the printed service however, they thought they could have sat in front.  It was all there!  This is exactly what these printed services are for; those who struggle with handling the heavy hymnal or who are unfamiliar without liturgical practices.  Thanks again for your good work anonymous member! - Pastor

Saturday, June 9, 2018

06-10-2018 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not know Christ as they could, that they would accept the invitation to come to Church with you to hear God's Word preached in its purity, and see the Sacraments rightly administered.

THE LORD’S SUPPER at St. Paul Lutheran Church is administered in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.  It is celebrated in the confidence that we receive – in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine – our Savior’s true Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins.  All who commune at this altar are making this public confession of the faith that we believe and teach as is written in the Holy Scriptures.  If you are not a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, please speak with the Pastor before the worship service.

MAIN STREET LIVING – June 17, 2018:  Today’s message is            
presented by Rev. Adam Welton of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Wentworth, SD.  Based on Mark 4: 26-29 the message is titled “God Grants Growth”. 

PASTOR MAKELIN will be five hours distant on June 15-16. He will be available on his cell, but Pastor Resner from Immanuel Lutheran/Menno is available for emergencies that would need to be attended quicker (605)387-5188).

Its go time!  It is time to sign up for the HIGHER THINGS YOUTH RETREAT in Brookings on August 10-11 (see insert).  Please fill out a registration form off the bulletin board and make out your checks, get them to the Youth Group leaders, officers, or Pastor by June 23rd so we can make arrangements for car pooling or travel.

On the second and fourth Wednesday the LADIES BIBLE STUDY meets at the church.  All women and girls are invited.  We are studying Genesis.  We will meet in June, but will be taking July and August off.

COMMEMORATION OF SAINT DAYSWhile we do not venerate the saints, the Lutheran reformers understood that it was a great benefit in remembering these whom God has given His Church as we thank God for them, our faith is strengthened by seeing God's merciful grace given to them, and we see examples of the faith in their lives (please read page xii of the hymnal).  When these saints days land on a Sunday, we will break from the prospers to commemorate them. - Sola Dei Gloria – Pastor

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SATISFYING NEXT CHAPTER OF YOUR LIFE?  Laborers For Christ is a service provided by Lutheran Church Extension Fund to help Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) ministries save money on their building projects. Laborers are retired carpenters, handy people, farmers, school teachers and other willing workers. They are committed to working at minimum wage for LCMS ministries who desire to undertake the construction and improvement of their own facilities.  There’s an attitude among Laborers that you don’t find in the general workforce. They jump in and help with whatever needs to be done. More importantly, Laborers are working for the glory of God. Join Laborers For Christ today. To view future projects or fill out an application, visit or call 314-885-6444.

CIRCUIT LAY LEADERSHIP CONFERENCEThe next Circuit Lay Leadership Conferences will meet at St. Martin in Alexandria on Saturday, June 16 from 10:00 to 2:00. As you know, the CLLC meets three times per year and, while initially intended for the leadership of our congregations (elders and presidents), it has become more of a circuit-wide Bible study on various topics. All the members of our circuit congregations are invited and encouraged to attend. On June 16, the topic will be Creation. Some of you may be aware of some of the concerns being voiced as “theistic evolution” seems to be making some inroads in our Synod in various places. At the next CLLC we will be discussing the topic of biblical creation and why the 6-day creation (with God resting on the 7th day) is an important cornerstone of all biblical/Christian theology. We will gather at St. Martin at 10:00 for an opening devotion followed by a video by Dr. David Menton of Answers in Genesis entitled Not a Chance. Following lunch we will have a time of open discussion on the topic of creation and evolution and then a short circuit business meeting. We will be done by 2:00. Please attend if you can! Please talk to Pastor for more information.
NOT A CHANCEa video by Dr. David Menton of Answers in Genesis will be shown at our next Circuit Lay Leadership Conference (see the above announcement).  Dr. David Menton explains that evolution doesn't stand a chance when compared to the truth of science, and most importantly, God's Word. He uses practical illustrations to demonstrate the "integrated complexity" that would be necessary for evolution to be true. In a respectful way, Menton demonstrates why a person must have a sizable amount of credulity in order to buy into the tale of evolution. His warm teaching style and enjoyable wit make this DVD fun to follow and easy to understand, so families are encouraged to attend.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

06-03-2018 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not know Christ as they could, that they would accept the invitation to come to Church with you to hear God's Word preached in its purity, and see the Sacraments rightly administered.

MAIN STREET LIVING – June 10, 2018:  Worship Service-Rev. Ryan Loeslie of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Dimmock, SD brings us today’s message “The Gospel is the Solution to the Problem”.  The basis of the message is Genesis 3: 8-15.  

LADIES AID and LWML will meet on June 7th at 7:00 p.m. for Bible Study with Pastor Makelin followed by the  Business meeting.  Coffee committee for June 3rd is Darlene Schrag and Joan Dreessen and Corrine Handel. Visiting Helper for June is Darlene Schrag and Altar flowers  is open. 
COMMEMORATION OF SAINT DAYSWhile we do not venerate the saints, the Lutheran reformers understood that it was a great benefit in remembering these whom God has given His Church as we thank God for them, our faith is strengthened by seeing God's merciful grace given to them, and we see examples of the faith in their lives (please read page xii of the hymnal).  When these saints days land on a Sunday, we will break from the prospers to commemorate them. - Sola Dei Gloria – Pastor

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SATISFYING NEXT CHAPTER OF YOUR LIFE?  Laborers For Christ is a service provided by Lutheran Church Extension Fund to help Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) ministries save money on their building projects. Laborers are retired carpenters, handy people, farmers, school teachers and other willing workers. They are committed to working at minimum wage for LCMS ministries who desire to undertake the construction and improvement of their own facilities.  There’s an attitude among Laborers that you don’t find in the general workforce. They jump in and help with whatever needs to be done. More importantly, Laborers are working for the glory of God. Join Laborers For Christ today. To view future projects or fill out an application, visit or call 314-885-6444.
On the second and fourth Wednesday the LADIES BIBLE STUDY meets at the church.  All women and girls are invited.  We are studying Genesis.  We sill meet in June, but will be taking July and August off.

CIRCUIT LAY LEADERSHIP CONFERENCEThe next Circuit Lay Leadership Conferences will meet at St. Martin in Alexandria on Saturday, June 16 from 10:00 to 2:00. As you know, the CLLC meets three times per year and, while initially intended for the leadership of our congregations (elders and presidents), it has become more of a circuit-wide Bible study on various topics. All the members of our circuit congregations are invited and encouraged to attend. On June 16, the topic will be Creation. Some of you may be aware of some of the concerns being voiced as “theistic evolution” seems to be making some inroads in our Synod in various places. At the next CLLC we will be discussing the topic of biblical creation and why the 6-day creation (with God resting on the 7th day) is an important cornerstone of all biblical/Christian theology. We will gather at St. Martin at 10:00 for an opening devotion followed by a video by Dr. David Menton of Answers in Genesis entitled Not a Chance. Following lunch we will have a time of open discussion on the topic of creation and evolution and then a short circuit business meeting. We will be done by 2:00. Please attend if you can! Please talk to Pastor for more information.

NOT A CHANCEa video by Dr. David Menton of Answers in Genesis will be shown at our next Circuit Lay Leadership Conference (see the above announcement).  Dr. David Menton explains that evolution doesn't stand a chance when compared to the truth of science, and most importantly, God's Word. He uses practical illustrations to demonstrate the "integrated complexity" that would be necessary for evolution to be true. In a respectful way, Menton demonstrates why a person must have a sizable amount of credulity in order to buy into the tale of evolution. His warm teaching style and enjoyable wit make this DVD fun to follow and easy to understand, so families are encouraged to attend.

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...