PRAYERS - this week please
remember those who are recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer
treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family
members or friends in your life who do not know Christ as they could, that they
would accept the invitation to come to Church with you to hear God's Word
preached in its purity, and see the Sacraments rightly administered.
MAIN STREET LIVING – October 07,2018: Rev. Scott Sailer, President of the South Dakota District of the Lutheran
Church-Missouri Synod, delivers today’s message, “Small Words Are the Big Words.’
The message is based on Mark
LWML will meet for Bible Study with Pastor Makelin on Oct. 4th at 7:00
pm. Hostess for the meeting is Joan Dreessen. Visiting
Helpers for October are Garnet Stern and Sharon Pfeiffer, Bob and Karen Pidde
are on Altar Flowers.
NOTICE: Pastor will be at the Pastor's conference
October 1-3, therefor there will be no Tuesday evening Christianity review
Bible Study, or Men's Wednesday morning Bible study.. – Pastor
TRUSTEES if you are interested in the old countertops or cabinet doors. Otherwise
this material will be disposed of in October. If anyone has questions they
should contact Chad Knittel H (605) 925-7350 or M (913) 558-2758.
GREETING CARDS will be for sale at the Church Bazaar as a
fundraiser for the Youth Group. Cash and carry Christian sentiment boxed cards
of Christmas, Birthday, Sympathy styles and more. Please consider helping the
youth raise money for their National Youth Gathering.
BAZAAR UPDATE: Thanks to all of
you that are willing to work for our November 1st Bazaar and also
thanks to all of you that are willing to bring food. We are still short on
chicken meat and pies; also if you would like to buy some crackers, coffee, or
quarts of pickles please talk to one of the organizers. We will post the food
& worker lists by the middle of October. Thanks for everything so far.
Signed: Bazaar Committee: Kelli Broders, Penny Smidt, Sharon Pfeiffer.
PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS FROM PASTOR: The bulletin inserts are originally designed as a progressive
memorization schedule with the first level, "Primary" being
grades 1 & 2, "Level 1" being grades 3 & 4,
"Junior" - 5, "Level II - 6, "Level III - 7, and
"Level IV" - 8. These levels are only a guide however, and your
child can memorize up to whatever level they are able. To use these
bulletin inserts, during the week, just before bed, or as you get ready for
school, or at meals...take 15 minutes together to use the devotion on the one
side as a family devotion, then speak together, aloud, the other side.
Don't worry if you child cannot read, because even the littlest ones can parrot
back what the you say. When said aloud repeatedly, your child will accidentally
begin to memorize it and place God's Word into their hearts and minds! – Pastor
USING THE BULLETIN INSERTS: After the family devotion, have everyone speak aloud together; The Fourth
Commandment: Honor your father and your mother. If your child
has already got this memorized, move up a level and also say aloud; What does
this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not despise or anger our
parents and other authorities, but honor them, serve and obey them, love and
cherish them.... and so on. Please contact me if I am not being clear,
and may God's Word ring throughout your household! "But as for me and
my house, we will serve the Lord.”Joshua 24:15b - Pastor