Friday, May 24, 2019

05-26-2019 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS Pray this week for; Those who are recovering from surgery, hospitalization, or sudden illnesses (Harlan, Orville, Joy, Marvin, Brandon, Tina, Sharon and Marlene) and for those who have long term health issues and/or difficulty coming to services on their own (Connie, Bernice, Lee, Lavonne, Lorna, Melton, Millie, Ruth, Alice, Norby, Wyona).  Please add to your prayer list, the family of Rev. John T.P. Werner, who died Wednesday, morning May 22. Funeral plans pending.

MAIN STREET LIVING – June 2, 2019 - The Sunday program will air at the normal time (10:00 AM), but the worship service will also air at 5:00 PM on Saturday 6/1.  No other info is available.

COMMUNION SUNDAY CHANGE for the months of June and July. In the months of June and July, the Communion Sundays will change to the FIRST and SECOND Sundays, from the second and third, due to scheduled pastor absences.  Please tell all your St. Paul brothers and sisters in Christ - and for those same brothers and sisters who have not had this blessed meal in some time - please invite them to come with you to eat and drink this blessed gift for the forgiveness of sins and life eternal, strengthening their faith and love for one another.  We will set a place at the table for them in the presence of our enemies (sin, death, devil). – Pastor

Bethesda* will be giving a presentation today after the service, during the Fellowship hour (even though our mission/ministry of the month is IssuesETC).Deaconess Andy Gates serves the Yankton Circuit congregations and works as a Bethesda Lutheran Communities ambassador.  Bethesda Lutheran Communities is an RSO of the LCMS and has served people with disabilities for over 100 years.  Based out of Watertown, Wisconsin, they provide help to any congregation and communities to reach out and bring those with disabilities into the family of Christ with help for teaching the faith and making the church more accessible for them.  Andy will share how we can support this ministry and share the needs of those served

MENTOR/MENTEE GROUP There will be no meeting tonight.

LADIES AID and LWML will meet for Bible Study with Pastor Makelin at 2:00 p.m. on June 6th. Hostess for the meeting is Gerry Saner.  Visiting Helper for June is Darlene Schrag, Altar Flowers is OPEN. Coffee Committee for June 2nd is Phyllis Knittel, Sharon Pfeiffer and Geraldine Saner. 

SAVE THE DATEVBS will be held Monday, July 15th – Thursday, July 18th.

FHRS FUND DRIVE - It is a privilege to have the Freeman Regional Health Services in our community. The hospital auxiliary is having their annual fund drive during the month of May and are asking for donations that will help to purchase needed equipment for the hospital, nursing home, and clinic. Instead of collecting for Issues Etc (mission/ministry of the month) a free will basket will be set in the fellowship hall during coffee hours in May for the auxiliary.  Your participation in this fund drive will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much

The Mission/Ministry of the Month (Issues.Etc.) is heard weekdays from 3:00-5:00 pm Central at, on AM 850 KFUO in St. Louis, MO and on AM 1380 KNGN in McCook, NE, and weekly on the regional Pilgrim Radio Network covering Wyoming, Nevada, and Northern California, or on-demand at and at iTunes. Issues, Etc. also provides Sacred Music radio station called “Lutheran Public Radio” that can he heard Donations may one time, monthly, or annually - either from individuals or by the church's advertising budget - via the internet or mailed to: Issues, Etc.  P.O. Box 83,Collinsville, IL 62234

Saturday, May 18, 2019


HOLY COMMUNION is celebrated in our worship service today.  What a joy and privilege!  In this Sacrament our Lord gives unto us not only bread and wine, but also His very body and blood to eat and drink.  In this Sacrament He assures us that our sins are forgiven and He strengthens our faith.  To our guests who desire to receive Holy Communion, we ask that you consider the following:  If you do not believe in Jesus as your Savior, do not believe in the Real Presence of the Sacrament, or have never received instruction on how to prepare yourself for Communion, you should refrain from receiving the Sacrament, but are encouraged to come to the altar for a blessing, indicated by folding the arms over the chest.  We do this not to offend, but to honor the faith we hold at St. Paul Lutheran.  If you have any questions regarding communion, please speak to the Pastor or an Elder before service begins.

IN YOUR PRAYERS Pray this week for; Those who are recovering from surgery, hospitalization, or sudden illnesses (Marvin, Brandon, Sharon and Marlene) and for those who have long term health issues and/or difficulty coming to services on their own (Connie, Bernice, Lee, Lavonne, Lorna, Melton, Millie, Ruth, Alice, Norby, Wyona).

FAMILY MEMBERS (of the same confession as the confirmands) who wish to commune together, may sit in family units.  Thank you in advance for those family members of different confessions who abstain from partaking and remain in the pew (praying for the true unity of God's teachings to occur between our earthly divisions).

MAIN STREET LIVING – May 26, 2019  N/A  For more information go to the web

It is a privilege to have the Freeman Regional Health Services in our community. The hospital auxiliary is having their annual fund drive during the month of May and are asking for donations that will help to purchase needed equipment for the hospital, nursing home, and clinic. Instead of collecting for Issues Etc (mission/ministry of the month) a free will basket will be set in the fellowship hall during coffee hours in May for the auxiliary.  Your participation in this fund drive will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much
COMMUNION SUNDAY CHANGE for the months of June and July. In the months of June and July, the Communion Sundays will change to the FIRST and SECOND Sundays, from the second and third, due to scheduled pastor absences.  Please tell all your St. Paul brothers and sisters in Christ - and for those same brothers and sisters who have not had this blessed meal in some time - please invite them to come with you to eat and drink this blessed gift for the forgiveness of sins and life eternal, strengthening their faith and love for one another.  We will set a place at the table for them in the presence of our enemies (sin, death, devil). – Pastor

Bethesda* will be giving a presentation May 26th, after services during the Fellowship hour (even though our mission/ministry of the month is IssuesETC).Deaconess Andy Gates serves the Yankton Circuit congregations and works as a Bethesda Lutheran Communities ambassador.  Bethesda Lutheran Communities is an RSO of the LCMS and has served people with disabilities for over 100 years.  Based out of Watertown, Wisconsin, they provide help to any congregation and communities to reach out and bring those with disabilities into the family of Christ with help for teaching the faith and making the church more accessible for them.  Andy will share how we can support this ministry and share the needs of those served

The Mission/Ministry of the Month (Issues.Etc.) is heard weekdays from 3:00-5:00 pm Central at, on AM 850 KFUO in St. Louis, MO and on AM 1380 KNGN in McCook, NE, and weekly on the regional Pilgrim Radio Network covering Wyoming, Nevada, and Northern California, or on-demand at and at iTunes. Issues, Etc. also provides Sacred Music radio station called “Lutheran Public Radio” that can he heard Donations may one time, monthly, or annually - either from individuals or by the church's advertising budget - via the internet or mailed to: Issues, Etc.  P.O. Box 83,Collinsville, IL 62234

THOSE BEING CONFIRMED today are Zac Sayler, Tristan Schrag, Emily Knodel, Dillon Podzimek and Riley Knittel as well as Reno Huber will be accepted in to the congregation by Profession of Faith.

AFTER SERVICE the confirmands will be served cake and drinks, all guest, visitors and congregation members are invited to join them in this fellowship time.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

05-12=2019 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS Pray this week for; Those who are recovering from surgery, hospitalization, or sudden illnesses (Marvin, Brandon, Sharon and Marlene) and for those who have long term health issues and/or difficulty coming to services on their own (Connie, Bernice, Lee, Lavonne, Lorna, Melton, Millie, Ruth, Alice, Norby, Wyona).

MAIN STREET LIVING – May 19, 2019  The Sunday program will air at the normal time (10:00 AM), but the worship service will also air at 5:00 PM on Saturday 5/18. Rev. Scott Sailer, President of the South Dakota District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod presents a message based on Revelation 21:1-8.  The message is “Out With the Old, In With the New”. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.  For more information go to the web

Dutch Te Slaa, Executive Director of Main Street Living, has already informed us that this coming Sunday’s broadcast has been pre-empted by other programming on KDLT, but that the program’s worship service only will be aired on KDLT at 5 p.m. on Saturday, May 11.  Since that announcement, another station has also agreed to air this weekend’s worship service:  2 p.m., Sunday, May 12, on KCPO, channel 26 (antenna channel).  KCPO’s cable channel varies city-to-city.  Find your channel at

It is a privilege to have the Freeman Regional Health Services in our community. The HOSPITAL AUXILIARY is having their annual fund drive during the month of May and are asking for donations that will help to purchase needed equipment for the hospital, nursing home, and clinic. Instead of collecting for Issues Etc (mission/ministry of the month) a free will basket will be set in the fellowship hall during coffee hours in May for the auxiliary.  Your participation in this fund drive will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much

AT THE REQUEST OF SOME, WE HAVE PRINTED A FEW DAILY DEVOTIONS from Higher Things for the Easter Season.  If you liked the Lenten devotionals and would like to use these for the Easter season, they are located in the rack by the north stairs.  If we run out of those printed, please let the church office know and we can print some more up.- Pastor
THE LCMS OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL MISSION has an opening for a business manager for the Asia regionThe ideal candidate is a member of an LCMS congregation who is good with numbers and wants to serve full-time in Asia. This position provides the opportunity for a person with financial acumen to serve an important function in the direct mission of the church in Asia.  For information see or contact the information center at 888-843-5267 or

COMMUNION SUNDAY CHANGE for the months of June and July. In the months of June and July, the Communion Sundays will change to the FIRST and SECOND Sundays, from the second and third, due to scheduled pastor absences.  Please tell all your St. Paul brothers and sisters in Christ - and for those same brothers and sisters who have not had this blessed meal in some time - please invite them to come with you to eat and drink this blessed gift for the forgiveness of sins and life eternal, strengthening their faith and love for one another.  We will set a place at the table for them in the presence of our enemies (sin, death, devil). – Pastor

BETHESDA* WILL BE GIVING A PRESENTATION May 26th, after services during the Fellowship hour (even though our mission/ministry of the month is IssuesETC). *Bethesda is a Registered Service Organization (RSO) of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, and a leading provider of person-centered and community-based services that enhance the lives of people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout the United States. About 3.000 dedicated Bethesda employees offer residential and supported-living services to 1,800 individuals in 300 program locations across the country. Faith and ministry supports are offered to congregations, faith communities and some 5,000 individuals with developmental disabilities with the desire "to enhance the lives of people with with intellectual and developmental disabilities through services

Saturday, May 4, 2019

05-05-2019 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS Pray this week for; Those who are recovering from surgery, hospitalization, or sudden illnesses (_______) and for those who have long term health issues and/or difficulty coming to services on their own (Connie, Bernice, Lee, Lavonne, Lorna, Melton, Millie, Ruth, Alice, Marlene, Norby, Sharon, Wyona).

MAIN STREET LIVING – May 12, 2019The Sunday program will not air, but the worship service only will air at 5:00 PM on Saturday 5/11.
-Rev. Bret Bierman of St. John-Trinity-St. Paul, Aberdeen-Mansfield-Stratford Presents the Main Street Living Sunday message “Three Times Means No Doubt”.  The message is based on John 21:14.  The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.  For more information go to the web

HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR blessings today for Morgan Dannenbring, Shannon Helma, Dayna Roth & Shay Saarie. 

THE MISSION/MINISTRY OF THE MONTH IS ISSUES.ETC.  The Host, Todd Wilken (assistant Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Millstadt, IL), has hosted the radio program Issues, Etc. since 1998. Issues, Etc. is heard weekdays from 3:00-5:00 pm Central at  Issues, Etc. is also heard on AM 850 KFUO in St. Louis, MO and on AM 1380 KNGN in McCook, NE, and weekly on the regional Pilgrim Radio Network covering Wyoming, Nevada, and Northern California. Issues, Etc. is also available on-demand at and at iTunes. In 2012, Issues, Etc. also launched a 24/7 Sacred Music radio station called “Lutheran Public Radio” that can he heard at  In 2013, Issues, Etc. added a 24/7 Best of Issues, Etc. station heard at
Celebrate the 2019 COMMUNITY BACCALAUREATE Marion and Freeman church members are invited to the joint Baccalaureate service held Sunday, May 5 at 4:00pm in the Freeman Community Center gym (224 S. Wipf St.). The celebration is arranged by the Freeman Ministerial, an association of local churches and faith leaders. 
THE LCMS OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL MISSION has an opening for a business manager for the Asia regionThe ideal candidate is a member of an LCMS congregation who is good with numbers and wants to serve full-time in Asia. This position provides the opportunity for a person with financial acumen to serve an important function in the direct mission of the church in Asia.  For information see or contact the information center at 888-843-5267 or

COMMUNION SUNDAY CHANGE for the months of June and July. In the months of June and July, the Communion Sundays will change to the FIRST and SECOND Sundays, from the second and third, due to scheduled pastor absences.  Please tell all your St. Paul brothers and sisters in Christ - and for those same brothers and sisters who have not had this blessed meal in some time - please invite them to come with you to eat and drink this blessed gift for the forgiveness of sins and life eternal, strengthening their faith and love for one another.  We will set a place at the table for them in the presence of our enemies (sin, death, devil). – Pastor

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...