December 27, 2020 (1st
Sunday after Christmas)
Order of Service
Opening Hymn Page 338
Divine Service 1 (page 151) Psalm 89:1-8
Sermon hymn Page 389
Sermon Luke
“The seed of David
comes to His Temple.”
hymns Page
367, 331, 374
Closing hymn Page
SACRAMENT: We continue to celebrate the Lord’s
Supper every week for those who have not been able to commune in some time, in
the glad confidence and confession, that our Lord, as He says, gives not only
bread and wine, but His very body and blood to eat and drink for the
forgiveness of sin. In these pandemic times, we have instituted
as much as possible the physical distancing and sanitation practices to assure
your physical safety, while still providing Christ for your physical/spiritual/emotional/psychological
safety against sin, death, and the devil. If you do not share in this
confession of our congregation and LC-Missouri Synod, or are not yet
instructed, or have doubts – please speak to the pastor first. Or, you
are invited to come to the rail for a blessing and meditate on God’s Word
during the distribution, praying for the day when divisions will have ceased.
IN YOUR PRAYERS: Please pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Melton, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth, Lorna. and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Harvey, Dianne, Connie, Berneita, Lonnie and those Additional Requested Prayers: Kahlen, John (JJ)* Cheryl, Bryan, Chris.
SUNDAY SERVICES WILL CONTINUE TO BE LIVE STREAMED To YouTube and copied to Facebook. These sites however, are changing their terms, and we are pursuing building our own website for this (and other) purposes. At this time, we want you to be aware of future changes, ask for your patience, and let you know that until the website is up and running, all other services (funerals, midweek, etc) - while not live-streamed - will be recorded and are available by request soon after, by calling or emailing the church phone/email. - Pastor Makelin
THE ANNUAL BASIC CHRISTIAN QUESTIONS AND THEIR ANSWERS CLASS will begin Jan. 6th through February 3rd on Wednesdays at 8:00-9:30pm (note new time/date). This class is for recently new members, curious visitors, evangelism/apologetic training, curious about different denominations or cults, people thinking about becoming members, newly tasked board members/volunteers/teachers, confirmation refresher course, or anyone who would want to review the basics of the Christian faith of the Scriptures. Let me know if you are thinking of coming so I can make up materials, and I hope to see you there - Pastor
ARE YOU WILLING TO HELP with Altar flowers for next year? Instead of making phone calls to individuals we have posted a monthly schedule on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall, you can sign your name for a certain month if you are interested in helping. Thanks.
MAIN STREET LIVING: This is the Life at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. See BlogSpot.
Annual Reports
are due please give them to Aleta Starner, Denise Peterson, Pastor or e-mail
them to