Friday, May 28, 2021

05-30-2021 Order of Service and Announcements

 Order of Service

Opening Hymn                                                                                 Page 761

Devine Service 3 (page 184)   Psalm 29 

Sermon hymn                                                                                   Page 498

Sermon                                                                             John 3:1-15 (16-17)                                 

“Holy Trinity Reveals self to Sinners!”

Communion hymns                                                   Page 905, 504, 954, 621

Closing hymn                                                                                    Page 907


INTIMATE SACRAMENT:  The Lord’s Table is open and offered to all current, confirmed members in good standing of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (and churches that we are in pulpit and altar fellowship) who desire it.  This assumes we confess the oneness of the same faith, have been taught how to examine ourselves, and are truly repentant for our sins (worthily). We ask that all guests at Table at St. Paul Lutheran Church of Freeman, to please announce your intention to commune with us to the pastor or elders before the service. Oneness at Communion pre-supposes the horizontal oneness with each other in doctrine.  If you belong to a different doctrinal confession however, we invite you to come forward to receive a blessing indicated by folding your arms over your chest as you come to the rail, or remain in the pew and pray for the day when divisions would cease. Thank you for respecting our teachings. - Pastor. 

THE CHALICE IS OFFERED FIRST DURING COMMUNION. Why does there seem to be more risk in spreading something with individual cups than the chalice? Scientifically unknown, but it is speculated that it is possibly because individual sups are handled by the lip by several hands before it gets to your mouth. or it is the gold/silver of the chalice vs plastic/glass of the individual cups, or when you pick the shot glass up with your hands and put it in your mouth, you could also receive germs from the fact that it has been at least an hour or so since you washed your own hand – Pastor

IN YOUR PRAYERSPlease pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Wyona, Norbert, e, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Connie, and those Additional Requested Prayers:  Kahlen, Bryan* and Sarah*.

SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY IS MOVING from before services at 8:30 to fifteen minutes after the services have ended (approximately 10:45) on June 6th at least for the summer. Currently Sunday Morning Bible study is going through the book of Romans, but will probably join the Men's group in studying the book of Amos. Please join us.

VBS BIBLE STUDY and planning meeting originally scheduled for Wednesday June 2nd has been changed to Thursday June 3rd at 7pm. Our apologies to whom this may have affected. 

VOCATION BIBLE SCHOOL (VBS) is set for June 7-9 from 6-8:30pm. Please contact Karrissa Podzimek for more information.

SUMMER CHANGES: Divine Services with Communion will go back to being offered on the second and third Sundays and Feast Days (except June see below) and re-evaluated at the end of summer. Prayers services will be used on the other Sundays with a short order of Communion Service by the pastor (similar to early 2020's Family Services and Shut-in Services) offered after the close of the Prayer Services for those who desire the Lord's Body and Blood. If you wish to participate, Instead of making your way out, make your way to the front pews and it will begin immediately after.

More people will be ushered to the rail during communion by putting the center rail in and heading up the center and returning by way of the side rails as before in a snake-like fashion. It will be strange for a while, but we'll soon remember how we used to do it.

Starting June 6th, the Fellowship Hall will be "open" to coffee and water for fellowship for at least 15 minutes after services before the Bible Study begins. Funerals and other events will be discussed on a case by case basis.

The back two pews on the lectern side will be reserved for Salem Mennonite Home residents to sit in the back pew and the second from the back pew left open so the pastor and elder can go down that row to distribute the elements. Please help accommodate them and sit forward of these two back pews. For everybody else, it remains the same, if you wish to remain in the pew and receive the Sacrament in the pew, please sit on

an outside spot so you can receive from the center or side aisle. We will also return to registering for communion in the front Narthex (instead of

the ushers taking a count), though if you wish to remain in the pew, please continue to indicate this to the ushers.

In June, due to Pastor Makelin being gone on June 13th to preach at First Trinity Lutheran, rural Wayne NE's 150th celebration, Divine Services will be offered on June 20th and 27th *third and fourth Sundays). Pastor

 David Ellis will be preaching on June 13th with no communion offered on that day.

We thank you for your patience as we continue in our mission of St. Paul Lutheran Church - to gather in His Name around His Holy Word as His

disciples, receive His Sacraments in joy and blessings to salvation, and to offer up our sacrifices of prayer, praise, and thanksgiving. Pastor.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

05-23-2021 Order of Service and Announcements

                                                 Order of Service

Opening Hymn                                                                                                         Page 650

Devine Service 3 (page 184)   Psalm 143

Sermon hymn                                                                                   Page 497

 Sermon                                                                                                              John 14:23-31                                                                             “Holy Spirit Gives Peace!”

 Communion hymns                                                                           Page 831, 659, 917, 811

 Closing hymn                                                                                                            Page 768


INTIMATE SACRAMENT:  The Lord’s Table is open and offered to all current, confirmed members in good standing of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (and churches that we are in pulpit and altar fellowship) who desire it.  This assumes we confess the oneness of the same faith, have been taught how to examine ourselves, and are truly repentant for our sins (worthily). We ask that all guests at Table at St. Paul Lutheran Church of Freeman, to please announce your intention to commune with us to the pastor or elders before the service. Oneness at Communion pre-supposes the horizontal oneness with each other in doctrine.  If you belong to a different doctrinal confession however, we invite you to come forward to receive a blessing indicated by folding your arms over your chest as you come to the rail, or remain in the pew and pray for the day when divisions would cease. Thank you for respecting our teachings. - Pastor. 


Sharing the communion cup is still discouraged if a person has an active respiratory infection (i.e., cold or flu) or moist or open sores on their lips (eg, herpes). In these cases, please use the individual cup. - Pastor 

IN YOUR PRAYERSPlease pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Wyona, Norbert, e, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Connie, and those Additional Requested Prayers:  Kahlen, Bryan* and Sarah*.

 SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY IS MOVING from before services at 8:30 to fifteen minutes after the services have ended (approximately 10:45) on June 6th at least for the summer. Currently Sunday Morning Bible study is going through the book of Romans, but will probably join the Men's group in studying the book of Amos. Please join us.

CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE and let us know if you find spelling errors, have suggestions, or generally what you think of it, by sending an email to the office at We'll keep using this and the other online methods (YouTube, Facebook, until about Memorial Day, then switch to using our website as the main online presence.

 VOCATION BIBLE SCHOOL (VBS) is set for June 7-9 from 6-8:00pm, with the Bible study/planning meeting for the volunteers on Wednesday June 2nd at 7:00pm. Please contact Karrissa Podzimek for more information. Other VBS plans in the circuit: Trinity Hartford (tentatively) June 28th for 3 days, Our Savior Madison one day in July TBD. St.Peters Wentworth: August 8-10 5:30-8:00pm

SUMMER CHANGES: Divine Services with Communion will go back to being offered on the second and third Sundays and Feast Days (except June see below) and re-evaluated at the end of summer. Prayers services will be used on the other Sundays with a short order of Communion Service by the pastor (similar to early 2020's Family Services and Shut-in Services) offered after the close of the Prayer Services for those who desire the Lord's Body and Blood. If you wish to participate, Instead of making your way out, make your way to the front pews and it will begin immediately after.

More people will be ushered to the rail during communion by putting the center rail in and heading up the center and returning by way of the side rails as before in a snake-like fashion. It will be strange for a while, but we'll soon remember how we used to do it.

Starting June 6th, the Fellowship Hall will be "open" to coffee and water for fellowship for at least 15 minutes after services before the Bible Study begins. Funerals and other events will be discussed on a case by case basis.

The back two pews on the lectern side will be reserved for Salem Mennonite Home residents to sit in the back pew and the second from the back pew left open so the pastor and elder can go down that row to distribute the elements. Please help accommodate them and sit forward of these two back pews. For everybody else, it remains the same, if you wish to remain in the pew and receive the Sacrament in the pew, please sit on an outside spot so you can receive from the center or side aisle. We will also return to registering for communion in the front Narthex (instead of the ushers taking a count), though if you wish to remain in the pew, please continue to indicate this to the ushers.

In June, due to Pastor Makelin being gone on June 13th to preach at First Trinity Lutheran, rural Wayne NE's 150th celebration, Divine Services will be offered on June 20th and 27th *third and fourth Sundays). Pastor

 David Ellis will be preaching on June 13th with no communion offered on that day.

We thank you for your patience as we continue in our mission of St. Paul Lutheran Church - to gather in His Name around His Holy Word as His

disciples, receive His Sacraments in joy and blessings to salvation, and to offer up our sacrifices of prayer, praise, and thanksgiving. Pastor.


In Christ,



Friday, May 14, 2021

05-16-2021 Order of Service and Announcements

 Order of Service

Opening Hymn                                                                                 Page 713

Devine Service 3 (page 184)   Psalm 51:1-12 

Sermon hymn                                                                                   Page 539

Sermon                                                                                   John 15:26-16:4                                 

“The Spirit of Truth Bears Witness to Jesus!”

Communion hymns                                                           Page 868, 553, 687

Closing hymn                                                                                    Page 783

INTIMATE SACRAMENT:  The Lord’s Table is open and offered to all current, confirmed members in good standing of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (and churches that we are in pulpit and altar fellowship) who desire it.  This assumes we confess the oneness of the same faith, have been taught how to examine ourselves, and are truly repentant for our sins (worthily). We ask that all guests at Table at St. Paul Lutheran Church of Freeman, to please announce your intention to commune with us to the pastor or elders before the service. Oneness at Communion pre-supposes the horizontal oneness with each other in doctrine.  If you belong to a different doctrinal confession however, we invite you to come forward to receive a blessing indicated by folding your arms over your chest as you come to the rail, or remain in the pew and pray for the day when divisions would cease. Thank you for respecting our teachings. - Pastor. 

THE CHALICE IS OFFERED FIRST DURING COMMUNION. Data has shown, the chalice is “more sanitary” than individual cup! - Pastor

IN YOUR PRAYERSPlease pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Connie,  and those Additional Requested Prayers:  Kahlen, Bryan* and Sarah*.

SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY IS MOVING from before services at 8:30 to fifteen minutes after the services have ended (approximately 10:45) on June 6th at least for the summer. Currently Sunday Morning Bible study is going through the book of Romans, but will probably join the Men's group in studying the book of Amos. Please join us.

CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE and let us know if you find spelling errors, have suggestions, or generally what you think of it, by sending an email to the office at stpaulfreeman@gmail.comWe'll keep using this and the other online methods (YouTube, Facebook, until about Memorial Day, then switch to using our website as the main online presence.

VOCATION BIBLE SCHOOL (VBS) is set for June 7-9 from 6-8:00pm, with the Bible study/planning meeting for the volunteers on Wednesday June 2nd at 7:00pm. Please contact Karrissa Podzemik for more information. Other VBS plans in the circuit: Trinity Hartford (tentatively) June 28th for 3 days, Our Savior Madison one day in July TBD. St.Peters Wentworth: August 8-10 5:30-8:00pm

Saturday, May 8, 2021

05-09-2021 Order of Service and Announcements

                                                             Order of Service

Opening Hymn                                                                                 Page 663

Devine Service 3 (page 184)   Psalm 107:1-9                                                                 

Sermon hymn                                                                                         Page 766

 Sermon                                                                         John 16:23-30 (31-33)                                 

“To pray in Jesus’ name is to pray with faith in Him!”

 Communion hymns                                                           Page 781, 696, 555

 Closing hymn                                                                                    Page 549


INTIMATE SACRAMENT:  The Lord’s Table is open and offered to all current, confirmed members in good standing of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (and churches that we are in pulpit and altar fellowship) who desire it.  This assumes we confess the oneness of the same faith, have been taught how to examine ourselves, and are truly repentant for our sins (worthily). We ask that all guests at Table at St. Paul Lutheran Church of Freeman, to please announce your intention to commune with us to the pastor or elders before the service. Oneness at Communion pre-supposes the horizontal oneness with each other in doctrine.  If you belong to a different doctrinal confession however, we invite you to come forward to receive a blessing indicated by folding your arms over your chest as you come to the rail, or remain in the pew and pray for the day when divisions would cease. Thank you for respecting our teachings. - Pastor. 

THE CHALICE IS OFFERED FIRST DURING COMMUNION, followed by the individual cups. Why? Because I want you use the chalice for your benefit- Pastor

IN YOUR PRAYERSPlease pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Connie,  and those Additional Requested Prayers:  Kahlen, Bryan* and Sarah*.

Ascension service May 13 at 7:00pm (with Holy Communion) prayer: O Lord God, heavenly Father, You sent Your only begotten Son into our world in order to rescue us from sin, death and the devil. In His perfect life, sacrificial death, glorious resurrection and ascension into heaven, He fulfilled everything written about Him in the Law of Moses and the prophets and the Psalms, thus winning for us forgiveness, life and salvation. Keep us, Your baptized children, clothed in His holiness and righteousness as His beautiful and unblemished bride. Lord, in Your merc, hear our prayer.

SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY IS MOVING from before services at 8:30 to fifteen minutes after the services have ended (approximately 10:45) on June 6th at least for the summer. Currently Sunday Morning Bible study is going through the book of Romans, but will probably join the Men's group in studying the book of Amos. Please join us.

CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE and let us know if you find spelling errors, have suggestions, or generally what you think of it, by sending an email to the office at We'll keep using this and the other online methods (YouTube, Facebook, until about Memorial Day, then switch to using our website as the main online presence.

PARENTS, SEE ABOUT SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES BELOW, see bulletin board or contact pastor for more information:

Camp Comeca, Cozad NE. This camp is for those who have completed the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. The Theme is "Daily Prayer" Time is divided between study (catechesis), worship (daily prayer offices and a Divine service) and play (various camp activities).

Camp Minneboji is for kids who have finished 4-8th grade (and an honors camp for those who have completed 9th and this year, 10th) The theme is "washed"

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...