Sunday, December 27, 2009

12- 27-09 Announcements

WEEKDAY SCHOOL & CONFIRMATION: Pleaese take note there will be no weekday school or confirmation this week.

FLOWERS: Thank you to Debbie Soulek family for the flowers on the altar last week and this morning.

SHED WORK: January 1st and 2nd are days scheduled to work on the shed starting at 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. If you have time to help out with this project please talk to Mark or Scott.

UPCOMING MEETINGS: Edlers meeting is on the calandar for January 6th at 7:00 p.m. Church Council meeting for January 13th at 7:00 p.m.

LADIES AID coffee hour for January 3rd are Clarice Haar, Ella and Elsie Hein. Altar Guild for the month of January is Garnet Stern, and visiting helper is Gerry Saner. Darlene Schrag will be hostess for the January 7th meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Church Services

Christmast Eve Childrens Program will be cancelled and Christmas Day Services will be cancelled due to the weather.

Chldrens Christmas Eve Program will be Sunday morning.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

December 20th, Announcemnets

CHRISTMAS CHEER: Last week the Ladies Aid Visiting Committee delivered “Christmas Cheer” in the form of a personal visit, a Christmas card, and a bud vase containing a red carnation & evergreens to the following members Bernice Graber, Erna Bittner, Albert Koehn, Max Schamber, Helen Schamber, Clara Baer, Leone Haar, Mahala Peterson, Mabel Haar, Verna Herrboldt, Lavonne Knittel, Lorna Langle, Lorraine Wipf, Dorothea Albrecht, Pauline Walz, Winfred Haar, Leanne Albrecht, Delphine Laber, Pat Saarie, Irene Kleinsasser, Gerhard/Darlene Schamber, Bernard/Marie Wrenn, Floyd/Alice Fliginger, Berneita Langle, Lucille Rembold, and Joann Schmidt. A Christmas card and balloons were taken to Michael Mors and family and a Christmas card was sent to Altha Mayer in Yankton and Olinda Stark in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

If anyone has bud vases they no longer need can you bring them to the church kitchen and mark them for the visiting committee, because we will start saving the vases for our next year deliveries. Thank you very much.

SURVEY BOX: There is a box located in fellowship hall for you to return your surveys. Please have them returned by next Sunday, December 27th. Thank you.

LADIES AID will be taking donations for matching funds Christmas project for Main Street Living. Collection basket will be in fellowship hall for the next few Sundays.

SNOW DAY: If school is cancelled on a Wednesday, there will be no Weekday School or Confirmation held that day.

USHER LIST: There are still empty blanks to be filled on the usher schedule. If you have not signed up please do so. Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in fellowship hall.

Following is a schedule for next Sunday’s Main Street Living:
December 27, 2009 Watch as the "Puzzle Club" kids solve the Christmas Mystery.
The featured speaker is Rev. David Ellis from Immanuel Lutheran Church in Menno, SD and St. Paul Lutheran Church in Scotland, SD. The sermon theme is "Depart in Peace". The hymns are Angels From the Realm of Glory; Praise to the Lord, the Almighty; and Lord Dismiss Us with Your Blessing. The Main Street Living Choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.

Friday, December 11, 2009

December 13th, Announcements

LADIES AID will be taking donations for matching funds Christmas project for Main Street Living. Collection basket will be in fellowship hall for the next few Sundays.

ELDERS will be handing out a congregational survey for our call process after the service. If you did not receive one last week, please pickup one up today and return to Brian by December 27th. If anyone has a name to nominate to the call list please contact Brian.

FOLLOWING is a schedule for Christmas week:

December 24th- 7:00 p.m. - Christmas Eve Children's Program
December 25th- 9:30 a.m. - Christmas Day Service
December 31st- 7:00 p.m. - New Year's Eve Service with
Holy Communion

SNOW DAY: If school is cancelled on a Wednesday, there will be no Weekday School or Confirmation held that day.

COPIER MACHINE: Sunday school teachers are in need of a copy machine. If anyone has one they would like to get rid of, please talk to Kristi.

USHER LIST: There are still empty blanks to be filled on the usher schedule. If you have not signed up please do so. Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in fellowship hall.


Please try to have children at ALL practices if possible. Preschool & 1st grade only have to be there the first half hour.

Wednesday, Dec. 16th-5:00-6:00
Sunday, Dec. 20th- 11:30-1:30 (Lunch will be provided) Preschool & 1st grade there the first hour.
Wednesday, Dec. 23rd - 5:00-6:30 Preschool & 1st grade there the first hour.

With questions please contact: Staci,Lisa, Kristi or Amber.

Following is a schedule for next Sunday's Main Street Living:

December 20, 2009 Join "The Little Shepherd" and his little lamb "Bramble" as they journey to the manger to see the baby Jesus.
The featured speaker is Rev. Karl Gregory from Bethesda Lutheran Church in Marion, SD and 1st English Lutheran Church in Parker, SD. The sermon theme is "The Dawning Light of Glory", The hymns are Oh Bless the Lord My Soul; Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel; and Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee. The Main Street Living Choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Weekday school & Confirmation

There will be no Weekday school or Confirmation on Wednesday. This is due to school being closed because of bad weather.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 6, 2009

THANK YOU to Grace Gering for playing her harp this morning. The selections she will be playing are, "Whisper A Prayer" and "Still, Still, Still."

LADIES AID CHRISTMAS party will be this afternoon at 3:30 p.m. All ladies and guest are welcomed. Please bring a white elephant for exchange. All members are asked to bring Christmas cookies or other goodies. Altar Guild for the month of December is Lee and Visiting helper is the Visiting Committee.

LADIES AID will be taking donations for matching funds Christmas project for Main Street Living. Collection basket will be in felloship hall for the next few Sundays.

ELDERS will be handing out a congregational survey for our call process. Please fill out and return to Brian by December 27th.

SUNDAY SCHOOL will be taking a Special Offering during the Christmas Season of new KIDS WINTER-WARE ITEMS such as gloves, scarves, hats, boots, mittens, socks and so on. Anyone that would like to help out with this project is welcomed to do so. We ask that all items be brought and placed on or under the Christmas Tree in the church entrance before Christmas Eve. Thank you for your help and support.

All items will be distributed along with a Bible verse through the Freeman Food Pantry and/or Yankton Mission Project. We hope that many local families are touched by the warmth of God this winter by this project.

2 Corinthians 9:7 Each one should give what he had decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.


Please try to have children at ALL practices if possible. Preschool & 1st grade only have to be there for the first half hour.

Wednesday, Dec. 9th- 5:00-6:00
Sunday, Dec. 13th- 2:00-3:30 (Snack provided afterwards)
Wednesday, Dec. 16th- 5:00-6:00
Sunday, Dec. 20th-11:30-1:30 (Lunch will be provided) Preschool & 1st grade there the first half hour.
Wednesday, Dece. 23rd-5:00-6:30 Preschool & 1st grade there the first hour.

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...