Friday, December 11, 2009

December 13th, Announcements

LADIES AID will be taking donations for matching funds Christmas project for Main Street Living. Collection basket will be in fellowship hall for the next few Sundays.

ELDERS will be handing out a congregational survey for our call process after the service. If you did not receive one last week, please pickup one up today and return to Brian by December 27th. If anyone has a name to nominate to the call list please contact Brian.

FOLLOWING is a schedule for Christmas week:

December 24th- 7:00 p.m. - Christmas Eve Children's Program
December 25th- 9:30 a.m. - Christmas Day Service
December 31st- 7:00 p.m. - New Year's Eve Service with
Holy Communion

SNOW DAY: If school is cancelled on a Wednesday, there will be no Weekday School or Confirmation held that day.

COPIER MACHINE: Sunday school teachers are in need of a copy machine. If anyone has one they would like to get rid of, please talk to Kristi.

USHER LIST: There are still empty blanks to be filled on the usher schedule. If you have not signed up please do so. Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in fellowship hall.


Please try to have children at ALL practices if possible. Preschool & 1st grade only have to be there the first half hour.

Wednesday, Dec. 16th-5:00-6:00
Sunday, Dec. 20th- 11:30-1:30 (Lunch will be provided) Preschool & 1st grade there the first hour.
Wednesday, Dec. 23rd - 5:00-6:30 Preschool & 1st grade there the first hour.

With questions please contact: Staci,Lisa, Kristi or Amber.

Following is a schedule for next Sunday's Main Street Living:

December 20, 2009 Join "The Little Shepherd" and his little lamb "Bramble" as they journey to the manger to see the baby Jesus.
The featured speaker is Rev. Karl Gregory from Bethesda Lutheran Church in Marion, SD and 1st English Lutheran Church in Parker, SD. The sermon theme is "The Dawning Light of Glory", The hymns are Oh Bless the Lord My Soul; Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel; and Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee. The Main Street Living Choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.

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