Saturday, January 23, 2010

Announcements 1-24-10

VOTER’S ASSEMBLY will be held next Sunday after church service. Please pickup a copy of the agenda.

ANNUAL REPORTS are due today. Please give your report to Diane.

THE FAMILY of Irene Kleinsasser wishes to say thank-you for all the cards, memorials & prayers. Thank-you to all who helped in any way before & after the funeral. We sincerely appreciate all acts of kindness. God bless you all!

VALENTINES DAY SUPPER will be held on February 14th. Please contact Hillary or Allie to sign up.

INFORMATION on Haiti that Pastor Kramer spoke about last Sunday is posted on the bulletin board in fellowship hall.

LADIES AID: With monies raised at St. Paul Lutheran and matched by the Ladies Aid Association, a check for $574.00 was sent to Main Street Living and Kids Crossing in December 2009. The following thank you has been received by the Ladies Aid. We share this with you.

Thank you for supporting Main Street Living and Kids Crossing
through your contribution. It is encouraging to see congregations
and their organizations providing financial assistance to this
television ministry. Please know that you are vital in keeping
this worship service available to those who are unable to go to

God’s Blessings to You, Main Street Living Board of Directors


January 31, 2010Kid's Crossing uses Bernice to stress the need to trust in Jesus.
The featured speaker is Rev. Adam Harvala from St. James Lutheran Church in Holland, MN. The sermon theme is "Do You Know Who You Are?" The hymns are Today Your Mercy Calls Us; Take My Life and Let It Be; and Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus. The Main Street Living Choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.

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