Wednesday, July 7, 2010

07-04-10 Announcements

“I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU” will be after church service.

ELDER’S will be meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m.

LWML will meet Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. Topic will be led by Gerry and lunch will be served by Lee.

VBS JULY 19th -23rd starting at 5:15-8:15 pm with supper provided each night. ANY child is welcome to attend but we will focus on ages 4 years old through those that were in the 6th grade.

Encourage children to come . . . family members, extended family, neighbors and friends for a great week of fun that is based on following JESUS!

Registration forms are available from the ushers or by the registration box in the Fellowship Hall. We asked that all forms are turned in by Saturday, JULY 10th. But the earlier the better.

Please take note to bulletin board where there is a list of supplies that we are asking your help with.

Thanks in advance for your support. Kristi

PARSONAGE CLEANING has been set for July 12th, at 6:00 p.m. Please check the bulletin board in the fellowship hall and sign up for the area you would prefer to work in. Please bring the supplies listed for your area and label your supplies with your name. If we have enough help we could finish in one evening, if not we will choose another date to finish this project. Thank you.


July 11th Kid's Crossing takes Simon through a problem with a friend and he learns to help the friend.
The featured speaker is Rev. Scott Sailer from Faith Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls SD. The sermon theme is "On Being a Good Neighbor." The hymns are Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now; May We Your Precepts, Lord, Fulfill; and Savior, I Follow On. The Main Street Living Choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.
VOLUNTEER DRIVERS: A list of volunteer drivers is posted on the bulletin board in fellowship hall. These drivers are willing to drive you to appointments such as doctor, dentist etc. If you would like to be a driver please contact me. Thank you Diane

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