We Welcome Everyone …
… in the Name of Jesus, our crucified and risen Lord and Savior, especially those who are worshiping with us for the first time. Please sign our guest book and accept our invitation to worship with us again!
THANK YOU FROM THE BORGLUMS: Thank you so much for the incredible welcome and hospitality shown to us these last several days! To all who helped on our day of arrival and to all who worked beforehand to get the parsonage ready for us, we appreciate everything that you have done. And, of course, thank you so much for the coordination and work done for last Sunday’s Installation service, the reception that followed as well as the many cards and gifts. We know that many people and a lot of time and effort went into making the service and reception so wonderful and so well done. In everything, you have gone out of your way for us and we truly appreciate it! This congregation is certainly blessed by our Lord through your efforts and your faith is shown in your many good works! Thank you and may God continue to look upon you with favor and give you His peace. (s) Pastor Borglum, Susan and family
THANK YOU: We thank all of you for the wonderful reception we had last Sunday. The awesome pot-luck dinner, the beautiful floral arrangement, the Lord's Prayer clock from the congregation, the beautiful cake, the many cards expressing your thanks for the services for the past year and the many gifts we received are all so much appreciated. In so many ways you have made our service at St. Paul's a wonderful joy and a great privilege. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Pastor and Janet Kramer
PLEASE MAKE NOTE: The parsonage phone number is 925-7333 and Pastor Borglum’s cell phone number is 999-5591. Church e-mail is and Pastor’s e-mail is
THANKSGIVING SERVICE: will be on Thanksgiving morning at 9:30 a.m.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21st: starting at 4:00 p.m. the congregation is invited to come and help decorate the church for the Christmas Season.
ANYONE: who is interested in one of the old Christmas trees should talk to Sharon, Joan or Garnet.
BAZAAR COMMITTEE: wishes to thank everyone that helped out at the bazaar and also to everyone who brought food for the lunch counter, items brought for the crafts, stichery booth and for the country store. The amount raised this year was $6,603.91. Thank you for your generous support.
OPERATION OUTREACH: is a ministry in association with Pastor Dave Gunderson of St. John Lutheran – Yankton. He is now serving in Afghanistan. Part of this ministry is collecting children’s shoes. These can be new or used. St. Paul’s LWML is using this as a Christmas project and would like to invite the congregation to participate. There will be a box in the fellowship hall until Thanksgiving Day for shoe contributions at which time we will send them on to Camp Phoenix in care of Pastor Gunderson for distribution.
November 14, 2010
The featured speaker is Rev. Dan Redhage from First English Lutheran Church, Centerville, SD and Zion Lutheran Church, Hurley, SD. The sermon theme is "Scared Straight?" The hymns are God Himself is Present, Built on the Rock the Church Doth Stand, and Have No Fear Little Flock. The Main Street Living choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.
CARE PACKAGES: If anyone has a friend or family member whom you wish to receive a care package, please let me know. There is a suggestion list of what our soldiers could use or would like to have sent to them on the bulletin board. Thank you, Diane.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: children will again be performing the Christmas Eve Service. We ask that you contact Amber (925-7132) or Kristi (660-4139) if your children will not participate. Please provide your prompt response so parts can be divided out accordingly and a practice schedule can be set up.
The Sunday School Christmas Program Practice schedule is as follows:
Wednesday, Nov. 17th: 3rd-8th Grade 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.,
PreK-2nd Grades 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 21st: PreK-8th Grades 10:45-1:00 (No Sunday School) (we will provide lunch)
Wednesday, Dec. 1st: PreK-8th Grade 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Please make an effort to have your children at all practices. Watch for more of December schedule to come.
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