IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we pray for Wyona Hofer who was hospitalized this last week and all others hospitalized, in recovery, in cancer treatment or under doctor’s care, for our shut-in and inactive members and, as always, at least two people in your life who do not know Christ.
ANNUAL VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our annual voters’ meeting will be held today at 11:00 in the Fellowship Hall.
LADIES AID will meet on Thursday February 2nd at 7 p.m.; we will study Lesson #4 in our Life of Jesus Teachings Bible study booklet and have a regular business meeting with Sharon Pfeiffer as hostess. We plan to discuss our yearly program for 2012. Our visiting helper for February will is Millie Gunderson. The coffee hour committee for Sunday, February 5th will be Garnet & Staci Stern and Marie Wrenn. Sharon Pfeiffer will be in charge of the Altar flowers for next month. All of the ladies of the congregation are welcome to attend our Bible study and meeting.
OPERATION BARNABAS BROCHURE – Lutheran Hour Ministries has published a brochure on PTSD for friends and families of returning combat veterans. The brochure was written by Chaplain Steve Hokana (former pastor serving Trinity, Hartford and St. John, Montrose). If you would like a copy, you may either contact the Pastor or order it directly from Lutheran Hour Ministries.
DID YOU KNOW that your contribution of pop can tabs to the collection box in the narthex supports the Ronald McDonald House in Sioux Falls? This ministry was started by the Board of Education. The house is available for families to stay when their child requires a long hospitalization. Craig & Laura Cassens stayed there when their youngest son, Bennett, was born.
OUR 2012 CHURCH OFFICERS will be installed during next week’s worship service.
LUTHERANS FOR LIFE would like to express their appreciation to the Samaritan ladies and all members of St. Paul for the assistance received in preparation for the Annual Life Sunday Soup Supper. May God bless each one of you as His Life Ministry has been blessed with your continued support, be it time, talent, monetary donation, or prayer.
LAY LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE classes will be offered by the District Office again this year with the first one from 1:00 to 4:00 on Feb. 18th at Faith Lutheran in Pierre. This year’s Bible Study and lay leadership classes will be organized under the theme of “Interpreting the Bible in Translation.” The registration deadline is Feb. 10th. Please see the poster on the bulletin board for more information.
PARISH LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP classes on church administration will be offered two weeks from today by the District Office. The seminars closest to us will be in Sioux Falls on Feb. 12th from 2:00 to 5:30 at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church. There is no charge for attendance, no registration deadline nor advance registration required. Please see the poster on the bulletin board for more information.
MAIN STREET LIVING – February 5, 2012 – Kid’s Crossing – Simon and Bernice learn that Jesus is the wind beneath our wings, our strength. The featured speaker is Rev. David Knefelkamp from Zion Lutheran Church in White, SD, and First English Lutheran Church in Aurora, SD. The sermon theme is “The Gospel Proclaimed.” The hymns are “Fight the Good Fight”; “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”; and “Oh For a Thousand Tongues to Sing.” The Main Street Living Choir will provide the hymns. Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR – February 5, 2012 -- "God Is Faithful. Get Busy And Wait On The Lord" is the sermon theme presented by Lutheran Hour Speaker Rev. Gregory Seltz. We can wait on God-joyfully, expectantly, hopefully-because we can trust Him. (Isaiah 40:28-31) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
01-22-2012 Announcements
IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we pray for Herb Huber who is still hospitalized, for Marvin Dannenbring who underwent angioplasty surgery last week, for Roger Koch (son of Rev. Willard Koch who was our pastor from 1962-1967) diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer this week, for 3-year-old Kahlen Salis undergoing testing, for those in cancer treatment and in rehab therapy, for our shut-in and inactive members and, as always, at least two people in your life who do not know Christ.
THE SAMARITANS will be meeting today following the church service. All members are encouraged to attend as well as anyone interested in becoming a member. We will be discussing upcoming projects.
ANNUAL LFL SOUP SUPPER – This area’s Lutherans For Life chapter will have their business meeting in our Fellowship Hall this afternoon beginning at 4:00. Anyone who wants to attend may do so. Everyone is invited to the soup supper that will begin at 6:00. The supper will be followed by a guest speaker from the Alpha Center and a short video. You may contact Richard or Bobbie Salis at 925-7529 for any questions that you may have. See the notice posted on the bulletin board for additional information. We are looking forward to seeing everyone there!
ANNUAL VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our annual voters’ meeting will be held Jan. 29th at 11:00 in the Fellowship Hall.
LADIES AID will meet on Thursday February 2nd at 7 p.m.; we will study Lesson #4 in our Life of Jesus Teachings Bible study booklet and have a regular business meeting with Sharon Pfeiffer as hostess. We plan to discuss our yearly program for 2012. Our visiting helper for February will be Millie Gunderson. All ladies of the congregation are invited to join us.
PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER using your God-given gifts and talents in service to Him and our church. We will need the following offices to be filled. Please contact one of the Elders or the Chairman if you are willing to have your name placed on the ballot for: Chairman, Elder, Trustee, Board of Education, Evangelism, Usher and congregation Secretary.
OPERATION BARNABAS BROCHURE – Lutheran Hour Ministries has published a brochure on PTSD for friends and families of returning combat veterans. The brochure was written by Chaplain Steve Hokana (former pastor serving Trinity, Hartford and St. John, Montrose). If you would like a copy, you may either contact the Pastor or order it directly from Lutheran Hour Ministries.
ROGER KOCH’S ADDRESS – Several people have asked for Roger’s address so that they can send him a get-well card or letter. His address is: 10755 55th Place North, Plymouth, MN 55442-1931. If you wish to call him instead, his phone number is (763) 559-9010. His mother, Valera, said he may be released from the hospital tomorrow (the 23rd) but that he is not doing very well. His chemo treatments will start this Wednesday. Our prayers and cards will be very much appreciated.
MAIN STREET LIVING – Jan. 29 – Kid’s Crossing has Bernice stressing the need to trust in Jesus. The featured speaker is Rev. Iver Possehl from Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in Watertown. The sermon theme is “Jesus is Amazing!” The hymns are Jesus’ Name of Wondrous Love, O Bless the Lord, My Soul and Savior Again to Thy Dear Name. The Main Street Living choir will provide the hymns. Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR – Jan. 29 – “One With Authority” will be the sermon theme for Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus. Even Jesus’ enemies had to admit that He spoke with authority. What’s more, Jesus showed His power and authority to forgive sins and conquer death itself. (Mark 1:21-22) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).
THE SAMARITANS will be meeting today following the church service. All members are encouraged to attend as well as anyone interested in becoming a member. We will be discussing upcoming projects.
ANNUAL LFL SOUP SUPPER – This area’s Lutherans For Life chapter will have their business meeting in our Fellowship Hall this afternoon beginning at 4:00. Anyone who wants to attend may do so. Everyone is invited to the soup supper that will begin at 6:00. The supper will be followed by a guest speaker from the Alpha Center and a short video. You may contact Richard or Bobbie Salis at 925-7529 for any questions that you may have. See the notice posted on the bulletin board for additional information. We are looking forward to seeing everyone there!
ANNUAL VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our annual voters’ meeting will be held Jan. 29th at 11:00 in the Fellowship Hall.
LADIES AID will meet on Thursday February 2nd at 7 p.m.; we will study Lesson #4 in our Life of Jesus Teachings Bible study booklet and have a regular business meeting with Sharon Pfeiffer as hostess. We plan to discuss our yearly program for 2012. Our visiting helper for February will be Millie Gunderson. All ladies of the congregation are invited to join us.
PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER using your God-given gifts and talents in service to Him and our church. We will need the following offices to be filled. Please contact one of the Elders or the Chairman if you are willing to have your name placed on the ballot for: Chairman, Elder, Trustee, Board of Education, Evangelism, Usher and congregation Secretary.
OPERATION BARNABAS BROCHURE – Lutheran Hour Ministries has published a brochure on PTSD for friends and families of returning combat veterans. The brochure was written by Chaplain Steve Hokana (former pastor serving Trinity, Hartford and St. John, Montrose). If you would like a copy, you may either contact the Pastor or order it directly from Lutheran Hour Ministries.
ROGER KOCH’S ADDRESS – Several people have asked for Roger’s address so that they can send him a get-well card or letter. His address is: 10755 55th Place North, Plymouth, MN 55442-1931. If you wish to call him instead, his phone number is (763) 559-9010. His mother, Valera, said he may be released from the hospital tomorrow (the 23rd) but that he is not doing very well. His chemo treatments will start this Wednesday. Our prayers and cards will be very much appreciated.
MAIN STREET LIVING – Jan. 29 – Kid’s Crossing has Bernice stressing the need to trust in Jesus. The featured speaker is Rev. Iver Possehl from Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in Watertown. The sermon theme is “Jesus is Amazing!” The hymns are Jesus’ Name of Wondrous Love, O Bless the Lord, My Soul and Savior Again to Thy Dear Name. The Main Street Living choir will provide the hymns. Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR – Jan. 29 – “One With Authority” will be the sermon theme for Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus. Even Jesus’ enemies had to admit that He spoke with authority. What’s more, Jesus showed His power and authority to forgive sins and conquer death itself. (Mark 1:21-22) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).
Monday, January 16, 2012
01-15-2012 Announcements
IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we take to our God: Herb Huber still hospitalized in Sioux Falls, Rev. Richard Weeman recuperating from knee surgery, Travis Schnabel recuperating from shoulder surgery, 4-year-old Isaac Thompson (son of Aaron and Jennifer Thompson) recently diagnosed with leukemia, Judy Rohner (former school teacher at our Lutheran School) whose son (John) now lives in eternal glory with his Lord, Donna Stern and her family as they mourn Donna’s mother (Leona Sedlezky) who has joined John Rohner in the heavenly kingdom promised to us all, our many members undergoing cancer treatments, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least two people in your life who do not know Christ.
NEW MEMBER WELCOME – During our worship service today we will receive Sharon Buechler as a new member. Sharon lives here in Freeman and has been regularly attending our church for quite a while. We ask that everyone please give her a warm welcome in joining our church family!
THE EPIPHANY BANNERS were donated by June Schamber in memory of Edwin & Charles Schamber.
THE SAMARITANS will be meeting next Sunday following the church service. All members are encouraged to attend as well as anyone interested in becoming a member. We will be discussing upcoming projects.
ANNUAL LFL SOUP SUPPER – This area’s Lutherans For Life chapter will host their annual soup supper on January 22nd at 6:00 in our Fellowship Hall. Everyone is invited to join us. The supper will be followed by a guest speaker from the Alpha Center and a short video. You may contact Richard or Bobbie Salis at 925-7529 for your RSVP (by Jan. 18th please!) as well as for any questions you may have. See the notice posted on the bulletin board for additional information.
CHURCH COUNCIL will meet Wednesday, January 18th, at 7:00.
ANNUAL VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our annual voters’ meeting will be held Jan. 29th at 11:00 in the Fellowship Hall.
VOTERS’ MEETING REPORTS – Would all committee and board chairpersons and everyone else who will have a report to present to our annual voters’ meeting please deliver your reports to Aleta by Jan. 21st so that she will have time to prepare the consolidated report? You may give her your report via email ( or “hard copy.” Thanks!!
JUDY ROHNER INFORMATION: Would the person who hung up the information about the death of Judy’s son please provide an address for those who would like to send a sympathy card?
WEEKDAY SCHOOL: There will no Weekday School on January 18.
PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER using your God-given gifts and talents in service to Him and our church. We will need the following offices to be filled. Please contact one of the Elders or the Chairman if you are willing to have your name placed on the ballot for: Chairman, Elder, Trustee, Board of Education, Evangelism, Usher and congregation Secretary.
MAIN STREET LIVING --Jan. 22, 2012 - Kid’s Crossing follows Christ as he calls the 12 disciples into service. The featured speaker is Rev. Timothy Rynearson from Peace Lutheran Church in Brookings, SD, and Redeemer Lutheran Church in Flandreau, SD. The sermon theme is “Undivided Devotion.” The hymns are “The People that in Darkness Sat”, “Christ, be My Leader”, and “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less. The Main Street Living choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired. Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR – January 22, 2012 –The sermon theme is "Living a Life With Purpose" by Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz. In Christ, God has a plan for you-a life with purpose, life to its fullest measure, life in Him-for others. (Mark 1:14-20) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).
NEW MEMBER WELCOME – During our worship service today we will receive Sharon Buechler as a new member. Sharon lives here in Freeman and has been regularly attending our church for quite a while. We ask that everyone please give her a warm welcome in joining our church family!
THE EPIPHANY BANNERS were donated by June Schamber in memory of Edwin & Charles Schamber.
THE SAMARITANS will be meeting next Sunday following the church service. All members are encouraged to attend as well as anyone interested in becoming a member. We will be discussing upcoming projects.
ANNUAL LFL SOUP SUPPER – This area’s Lutherans For Life chapter will host their annual soup supper on January 22nd at 6:00 in our Fellowship Hall. Everyone is invited to join us. The supper will be followed by a guest speaker from the Alpha Center and a short video. You may contact Richard or Bobbie Salis at 925-7529 for your RSVP (by Jan. 18th please!) as well as for any questions you may have. See the notice posted on the bulletin board for additional information.
CHURCH COUNCIL will meet Wednesday, January 18th, at 7:00.
ANNUAL VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our annual voters’ meeting will be held Jan. 29th at 11:00 in the Fellowship Hall.
VOTERS’ MEETING REPORTS – Would all committee and board chairpersons and everyone else who will have a report to present to our annual voters’ meeting please deliver your reports to Aleta by Jan. 21st so that she will have time to prepare the consolidated report? You may give her your report via email ( or “hard copy.” Thanks!!
JUDY ROHNER INFORMATION: Would the person who hung up the information about the death of Judy’s son please provide an address for those who would like to send a sympathy card?
WEEKDAY SCHOOL: There will no Weekday School on January 18.
PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER using your God-given gifts and talents in service to Him and our church. We will need the following offices to be filled. Please contact one of the Elders or the Chairman if you are willing to have your name placed on the ballot for: Chairman, Elder, Trustee, Board of Education, Evangelism, Usher and congregation Secretary.
MAIN STREET LIVING --Jan. 22, 2012 - Kid’s Crossing follows Christ as he calls the 12 disciples into service. The featured speaker is Rev. Timothy Rynearson from Peace Lutheran Church in Brookings, SD, and Redeemer Lutheran Church in Flandreau, SD. The sermon theme is “Undivided Devotion.” The hymns are “The People that in Darkness Sat”, “Christ, be My Leader”, and “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less. The Main Street Living choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired. Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR – January 22, 2012 –The sermon theme is "Living a Life With Purpose" by Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz. In Christ, God has a plan for you-a life with purpose, life to its fullest measure, life in Him-for others. (Mark 1:14-20) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
01-08-2012 Announcements
IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we pray for Herb Huber as he transitions from Oakview Nursing Home to the Tieszen Memorial Wellness Center in Marion and that he recover from another bout of pneumonia, for Adam Van Ningen and his family on the death of Adam’s father last week, for our numerous other shut-in members, for our many members undergoing cancer treatments and surgery recovery, our many inactive members and for at least two people who are outside of the church and do not yet know Christ.
LADIES AID had a very successful Christmas Project this year which was to provide financial support for the Main Street Living television programming broadcasts. Donations received were $490; however, since this was a 2-for-1 matching fund project, a check for $980 was sent to MSL. Thank you very much to all who helped make the project a success!
USHER UPDATE: If you are willing to help usher on Sunday mornings, as in the past, please sign up on the new sheet on the bulletin board. Thank you! (s) Aleta & Lisa
SNACK FOR WEEKDAY SCHOOL/CONFIRMATION: if you would like to bring a snack please sign your name on the sign up sheet posted on the bulletin board.
ADDRESS UPDATES – Several people have asked for Adam and Meranda Van Ningen’s address so that they can send them a sympathy card for the death of Adam’s father, Paul. Their mailing address is: P. O. Box 725, Freeman. Adam and Meranda wish to express their sincere thanks for the phone calls and cards that they have already received. In addition, Herb Huber is now living at the Tieszen Memorial Wellness Center, Room E-111, 312 East State Street, Marion, 57043 for those who would like to send correspondence to him.
WEEKDAY SCHOOL: There will no Weekday School on January 18.
PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER using your God-given gifts and talents in service to Him and our church. We will need the following offices to be filled. Please contact one of the Elders or the Chairman if you are willing to have your name placed on the ballot for: Chairman, Elder, Trustee, Board of Education, Evangelism, Usher and congregation Secretary.
MAIN STREET LIVING –Jan. 15. 2012 – Kid’s Crossing examines creation and Simon learns that God has wonderfully made us. The featured speaker is Rev. Kenneth Soyk from Faith Lutheran Church in Parkston, SD, and St. Peter Lutheran Church in Clayton, SD. The sermon theme is “Need? or Want?” The hymns are The Church’s One Foundation; Songs of Thankfulness and Praise; Holy, Holy, Holy Lord. The Main Street Living choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired. Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR – January 15 "Bought with A Price"
Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz, What are you worth? We live in a world that doesn't know how to answer that question. Your true value is found in a restored relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 6:12-20) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).
LADIES AID had a very successful Christmas Project this year which was to provide financial support for the Main Street Living television programming broadcasts. Donations received were $490; however, since this was a 2-for-1 matching fund project, a check for $980 was sent to MSL. Thank you very much to all who helped make the project a success!
USHER UPDATE: If you are willing to help usher on Sunday mornings, as in the past, please sign up on the new sheet on the bulletin board. Thank you! (s) Aleta & Lisa
SNACK FOR WEEKDAY SCHOOL/CONFIRMATION: if you would like to bring a snack please sign your name on the sign up sheet posted on the bulletin board.
ADDRESS UPDATES – Several people have asked for Adam and Meranda Van Ningen’s address so that they can send them a sympathy card for the death of Adam’s father, Paul. Their mailing address is: P. O. Box 725, Freeman. Adam and Meranda wish to express their sincere thanks for the phone calls and cards that they have already received. In addition, Herb Huber is now living at the Tieszen Memorial Wellness Center, Room E-111, 312 East State Street, Marion, 57043 for those who would like to send correspondence to him.
WEEKDAY SCHOOL: There will no Weekday School on January 18.
PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER using your God-given gifts and talents in service to Him and our church. We will need the following offices to be filled. Please contact one of the Elders or the Chairman if you are willing to have your name placed on the ballot for: Chairman, Elder, Trustee, Board of Education, Evangelism, Usher and congregation Secretary.
MAIN STREET LIVING –Jan. 15. 2012 – Kid’s Crossing examines creation and Simon learns that God has wonderfully made us. The featured speaker is Rev. Kenneth Soyk from Faith Lutheran Church in Parkston, SD, and St. Peter Lutheran Church in Clayton, SD. The sermon theme is “Need? or Want?” The hymns are The Church’s One Foundation; Songs of Thankfulness and Praise; Holy, Holy, Holy Lord. The Main Street Living choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired. Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR – January 15 "Bought with A Price"
Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz, What are you worth? We live in a world that doesn't know how to answer that question. Your true value is found in a restored relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 6:12-20) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).
Monday, January 2, 2012
IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we pray for those in need of our prayers of supplication because they are home-bound, sick, in treatment, in tribulation and distress, are lonely or in mourning; we also offer our prayers of thanksgiving for those who have been granted restoration of health, another birthday or another anniversary. Please continue to pray for at least two people who are outside of the church and don’t know Christ that they turn to the Triune God for their salvation.
CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS will be taken down this Wednesday, January 4th, at 6:30 p.m. Please come and help if you are able, volunteers will be greatly appreciated!
MIDWEEK SCHOOL and CONFIRMATION CLASSES resume on January 4th. Snack sign-up sheet for January & February is on the bulletin board.
LADIES AID WILL MEET Thursday, January 5th at 7 p.m. Our regular business meeting will include the election of a Vice-Chairman and Secretary for a 2 year term. Nominated for Vice-Chairman are Garnet Stern & Barb Salis; and nominated for Secretary are Phyllis Knittel & Corrine Handel. Pastor will led us in Bible study; we will study session #3 in our Life of Jesus Teachings book. Our hostess for the evening will be Lee Lagendyk. In charge of Altar flowers for the month of January will be Garnet Stern. All ladies of the congregation are invited to our Bible Study & meeting.
LADIES AID had a very successful Christmas Project this year which was to provide financial support for the Main Street Living television programming broadcasts. Donations received were $490; however, since this was a 2-for-1 matching fund project, a check for $980 was sent to MSL. Thank you very much to all who helped make the project a success!
HOLIDAY CHEER: Within the past couple of weeks the Ladies Aid Visiting Committee delivered “Holiday Best Wishes” in the form of a personal visit, a Christmas card, and a bud vase containing a red carnation & evergreens to the following church members: Bob & Doris Albrecht, Clara Baer, Erna Bittner, Bernice Cvrk, Alice Fliginger, Berniece Graber, Leona Haar, LaNae Harberts, Verna Herrboldt, Connie Hinckley, Herb & Myrna Huber, Lavonne Knittel, Ruth Koerner, Delphine Laber, Lorna Langle, Mahala Petersen, Wayne Pfeiffer, Lucille Rembold, Helen Schamber, Max Schamber, Gary Schrag, Kermit & Darlene Schrag, Olinda Stark, Pauline Walz ,and Marge Wollman. Christmas cards were sent to Richard Salis in Freeman and Altha Mayer in Yankton.
USHER UPDATE: If you are willing to help usher on Sunday mornings, as in the past, please sign up on the new sheet on the bulletin board. Thank you! (s) Aleta & Lisa
PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER using your God-given gifts and talents in service to Him and our church. We will need the following offices to be filled. Please contact one of the Elders or the Chairman if you are willing to have your name placed on the ballot for: Chairman, Elder, Trustee, Board of Education, Evangelism, Usher and congregation Secretary.
MAIN STREET LIVING –Jan. 8, 2012 – Kid’s Crossing looks at baptism as Simon asks the usual silly questions. The featured speaker is Rev. Keith Bicknase from Emanuel Lutheran Church in Milbank, SD. The sermon theme is “Created and remade!” The hymns are “How Great Thou Art”; “Lift High the Cross”; and “Praise to the Lord, The Almighty.” The Main Street Living choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired. Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR – Jan. 8, 2012 – "Jesus' Baptism: Solidarity with Sinners to Save Them!" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz. Jesus stepped into the Jordan River for a baptism He didn't need in order to save a people who didn't deserve it. He showed solidarity with sinners so that they might receive God's forgiveness and mercy by grace. (Mark 1:4-11.) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).
CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS will be taken down this Wednesday, January 4th, at 6:30 p.m. Please come and help if you are able, volunteers will be greatly appreciated!
MIDWEEK SCHOOL and CONFIRMATION CLASSES resume on January 4th. Snack sign-up sheet for January & February is on the bulletin board.
LADIES AID WILL MEET Thursday, January 5th at 7 p.m. Our regular business meeting will include the election of a Vice-Chairman and Secretary for a 2 year term. Nominated for Vice-Chairman are Garnet Stern & Barb Salis; and nominated for Secretary are Phyllis Knittel & Corrine Handel. Pastor will led us in Bible study; we will study session #3 in our Life of Jesus Teachings book. Our hostess for the evening will be Lee Lagendyk. In charge of Altar flowers for the month of January will be Garnet Stern. All ladies of the congregation are invited to our Bible Study & meeting.
LADIES AID had a very successful Christmas Project this year which was to provide financial support for the Main Street Living television programming broadcasts. Donations received were $490; however, since this was a 2-for-1 matching fund project, a check for $980 was sent to MSL. Thank you very much to all who helped make the project a success!
HOLIDAY CHEER: Within the past couple of weeks the Ladies Aid Visiting Committee delivered “Holiday Best Wishes” in the form of a personal visit, a Christmas card, and a bud vase containing a red carnation & evergreens to the following church members: Bob & Doris Albrecht, Clara Baer, Erna Bittner, Bernice Cvrk, Alice Fliginger, Berniece Graber, Leona Haar, LaNae Harberts, Verna Herrboldt, Connie Hinckley, Herb & Myrna Huber, Lavonne Knittel, Ruth Koerner, Delphine Laber, Lorna Langle, Mahala Petersen, Wayne Pfeiffer, Lucille Rembold, Helen Schamber, Max Schamber, Gary Schrag, Kermit & Darlene Schrag, Olinda Stark, Pauline Walz ,and Marge Wollman. Christmas cards were sent to Richard Salis in Freeman and Altha Mayer in Yankton.
USHER UPDATE: If you are willing to help usher on Sunday mornings, as in the past, please sign up on the new sheet on the bulletin board. Thank you! (s) Aleta & Lisa
PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER using your God-given gifts and talents in service to Him and our church. We will need the following offices to be filled. Please contact one of the Elders or the Chairman if you are willing to have your name placed on the ballot for: Chairman, Elder, Trustee, Board of Education, Evangelism, Usher and congregation Secretary.
MAIN STREET LIVING –Jan. 8, 2012 – Kid’s Crossing looks at baptism as Simon asks the usual silly questions. The featured speaker is Rev. Keith Bicknase from Emanuel Lutheran Church in Milbank, SD. The sermon theme is “Created and remade!” The hymns are “How Great Thou Art”; “Lift High the Cross”; and “Praise to the Lord, The Almighty.” The Main Street Living choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired. Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR – Jan. 8, 2012 – "Jesus' Baptism: Solidarity with Sinners to Save Them!" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz. Jesus stepped into the Jordan River for a baptism He didn't need in order to save a people who didn't deserve it. He showed solidarity with sinners so that they might receive God's forgiveness and mercy by grace. (Mark 1:4-11.) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).
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Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear
The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...
Sometimes people wonder when they should call or contact their pastor. Of course, preaching, teaching, and administering the mysteries of ...
The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...