IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we pray for Herb Huber as he transitions from Oakview Nursing Home to the Tieszen Memorial Wellness Center in Marion and that he recover from another bout of pneumonia, for Adam Van Ningen and his family on the death of Adam’s father last week, for our numerous other shut-in members, for our many members undergoing cancer treatments and surgery recovery, our many inactive members and for at least two people who are outside of the church and do not yet know Christ.
LADIES AID had a very successful Christmas Project this year which was to provide financial support for the Main Street Living television programming broadcasts. Donations received were $490; however, since this was a 2-for-1 matching fund project, a check for $980 was sent to MSL. Thank you very much to all who helped make the project a success!
USHER UPDATE: If you are willing to help usher on Sunday mornings, as in the past, please sign up on the new sheet on the bulletin board. Thank you! (s) Aleta & Lisa
SNACK FOR WEEKDAY SCHOOL/CONFIRMATION: if you would like to bring a snack please sign your name on the sign up sheet posted on the bulletin board.
ADDRESS UPDATES – Several people have asked for Adam and Meranda Van Ningen’s address so that they can send them a sympathy card for the death of Adam’s father, Paul. Their mailing address is: P. O. Box 725, Freeman. Adam and Meranda wish to express their sincere thanks for the phone calls and cards that they have already received. In addition, Herb Huber is now living at the Tieszen Memorial Wellness Center, Room E-111, 312 East State Street, Marion, 57043 for those who would like to send correspondence to him.
WEEKDAY SCHOOL: There will no Weekday School on January 18.
PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER using your God-given gifts and talents in service to Him and our church. We will need the following offices to be filled. Please contact one of the Elders or the Chairman if you are willing to have your name placed on the ballot for: Chairman, Elder, Trustee, Board of Education, Evangelism, Usher and congregation Secretary.
MAIN STREET LIVING –Jan. 15. 2012 – Kid’s Crossing examines creation and Simon learns that God has wonderfully made us. The featured speaker is Rev. Kenneth Soyk from Faith Lutheran Church in Parkston, SD, and St. Peter Lutheran Church in Clayton, SD. The sermon theme is “Need? or Want?” The hymns are The Church’s One Foundation; Songs of Thankfulness and Praise; Holy, Holy, Holy Lord. The Main Street Living choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired. Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR – January 15 "Bought with A Price"
Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Gregory Seltz, What are you worth? We live in a world that doesn't know how to answer that question. Your true value is found in a restored relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 6:12-20) The Lutheran Hour is broadcast every Sunday morning at 8:30 on 105.9 FM (KMIT) and at 9:30 on 570 AM (WNAX).
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