Sunday, March 31, 2013

03/31/2013 Announcements

IN YOUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please remember all who are ill, recovering from illness or still hospitalized, those who have requested our prayers, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

A SPECIAL THANK YOU to all Lenten and Easter season vocalists and musicians for the stewardship of your time and talents to provide us with special music for our worship services.  In God’s Kingdom, each of us has been given talents and the opportunity to use and develop them.  We give thanks to God for all of you who were willing to share your talents with the rest of us and for using them to God’s glory!  Alleluia! 

The TRUSTEES will be taking bids on lawn mowing for this summer.  If you would like to submit a bid, please contact one of the trustees, Morgan Kleinsasser, Darren Walz or Matt Rigo.

LARGE-PRINT HYMNALS – If anyone desires to use a large-print hymnal, we will make available as many as we need.  Just let any of the ushers know.  Thanks.

HELP NEEDED – Please sign up on the bulletin board ASAP to help at the Banquet April 9th.  We need about 40 people to be there around 5:15p.m. for helping, serving, etc., and also a few to be there about 2 p.m. to help prepare the meal.  More information is posted by the sign-up sheet.  Again, PLEASE sign up soon.  Thank you.

GAMES AND PUZZLES – We will also be doing a game/puzzle drive for The Banquet throughout March.  We are asking for new or slightly used board games, puzzles and color/activity books.  We ask if the games or puzzles have been used that you please check to see that no pieces are missing.  The Banquet will distribute these items at a later date but we will have someone transport them that evening to Sioux Falls.  There is a large plastic tub in the Fellowship Hall for collecting these items.  Last couple of weeks to help support this!

EASTER LILLIES are given by:

     Clarice haar and family and Linda in memory of wallace haar

     diane Schnabel in memory of Corey and her father Francis

     Wyona Hofer in memory of Harris and Patty Hofer

     Ella and Elsie Hein in memory of Robert Hein

     Mille Siekmann in memory of Otto Siekmann

     Jeni Dubs in memory of husband Dennis and parents Eugene and Hulda Ulmer

     Sharon Buechler in memory of husband Ray and Leah Buechler

     Glen, Kari and Kylie Neuharth in memory of Darrell Swensen

     John, Aleta, Elizabeth, Maria and Dillon Starner in memory of parents Gordon and Harriett Vizecky and brother Luther Vizecky.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

03/24/2013 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we remember all who are ill, recovering from illness or still hospitalized, those who have requested our prayers – including the family of Valera Koch who passed away last week, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

EASTER LILY REMINDER – For those of you who are planning to purchase an Easter lily for our altar on Easter Sunday and would like the person’s name in the bulletin for whom the flowers are given in memory of, please let us know as soon as possible but not later than Maundy Thursday (March 28th).  Thank you.

LADIES AID will meet on April 4th at 7:00.  We will be studying Lesson 10 followed by the business meeting.  Hostess for the evening is Millie Gunderson.  On Altar Guild for April is Mildred Siekmann and Visiting Helper is Phyllis Knittel.  Coffee Hour committee for April 7th is Ella and Elsie Hein, Cindy Hofer and Phyllis Knittel.

The TRUSTEES will be taking bids on lawn mowing for this summer.  If you would like to submit a bid, please contact one of the trustees, Morgan Kleinsasser, Darren Walz or Matt Rigo.

The MELCHER SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE is accepting applications for its 2013 awards.  Please contact the Pastor or any committee member if you need an application form.  Eligible applicants are members of St. Paul Lutheran Church who are either high school seniors or college students.  Completed forms may be returned to the Pastor or to any of the 3 committee members (Betsy Knodel, Bobbi Salis and Diane Schnabel) on or before the April 28, 2013 deadline.

HELP NEEDED – Please sign up on the bulletin board ASAP to help at the Banquet April 9th.  We need about 40 people to be there around 5:15p.m. for helping, serving, etc., and also a few to be there about 2 p.m. to help prepare the meal.  More information is posted by the sign-up sheet.  Again, PLEASE sign up soon.  Thank you.

GAMES AND PUZZLES – We will also be doing a game/puzzle drive for The Banquet throughout March.  We are asking for new or slightly used board games, puzzles and color/activity books.  We ask if the games or puzzles have been used that you please check to see that no pieces are missing.  The Banquet will distribute these items at a later date but we will have someone transport them that evening to Sioux Falls.  There is a large plastic tub in the Fellowship Hall for collecting these items.  Last couple of weeks to help support this!

Midweek Lenten Services – This year’s Lenten season theme is “Mountains of Faith.  The remaining mountains that we will visit this year will be:
Thur., Mar. 28         Mount Olivet – The Faith of Our Lord
Fri., Mar. 29            Mount Calvary – Paid in Full

Holy Week Worship Services – Our Maundy Thursday and Good Friday worship services will begin at 7:00 p.m.  Please take advantage of this opportunity to worship with us during these last two Lenten services!  The Sacrament of The Lord’s Supper will be observed on Maundy Thursday.  We will offer two services again this year on Easter Sunday.  The sunrise service will begin at 7:00 and the late service will begin at the usual time of 9:30.

Dear Parents, Teachers and Students – We will not be having Sunday School Easter Sunday so that all families can spend quality time rejoicing in our Savior’s Resurrection.  Thank you.

ST PAUL MOVIE MATINEE at 1:30 p.m. today – 12-yr-old Ted will do anything to find a real live Truffula tree in order to impress the girl of his dreams.  As he embarks on his journey, Ted discovers the incredible story of the lorax, a grumpy but charming creature, who speaks to trees.  Come for fellowship and fun while watching Dr Suess’ “The Lorax.”

A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pfeiffer for their time and effort last Wednesday to provide our soup and sandwich supper.  They did an excellent job as did the LWML, Pastors’ wives, the Knittel family, the Samaritans and the Lutherans For Life who hosted the previous 5 midweek soup and sandwich suppers.  Thank you all very much – we sincerely appreciate your work!

Monday, March 18, 2013

03/17/2013 Announcements

IN YOUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please include Kermit Schrag (in Oakview), Lucille Rembold (just released from the hospital), Valera Koch (hospitalized after suffering a stroke), those recovering at home, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

The MELCHER SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE has begun accepting applications for its 2013 awards.  Please contact the Pastor if you need an application form.  Eligible applicants are members of St. Paul Lutheran Church who are either high school seniors or college students.  Completed forms may be returned to the Pastor or to any of the 3 committee members (Betsy Knodel, Bobbi Salis and Diane Schnabel) on or before the April 28, 2013 deadline.

SAVE THE DATE – On Tuesday, April 9th, St. Paul will be serving at The Banquet in Sioux Falls.  They suggest we have 40+ people there to help serve, along with a small group that goes early to help prepare the supper meal.  Please consider being a part of this worthwhile event.  More details will come later and a sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board.

GAMES AND PUZZLES – We will also be doing a game/puzzle drive for The Banquet throughout March.  We are asking for new or slightly used board games, puzzles and color/activity books.  We ask if the games or puzzles have been used that you please check to see that no pieces are missing.  The Banquet will distribute these items at a later date but we will have someone transport them that evening to Sioux Falls.  There is a large plastic tub in the Fellowship Hall for collecting these items.

EASTER LILY REMINDER – For those of you who are planning to purchase an Easter lily for our altar on Easter Sunday and would like the person’s name in the bulletin for whom the flowers are given in memory of, please let us know as soon as possible but not later than Maundy Thursday (March 28th).  Thank you.

THE LORD’S SUPPER at St. Paul Lutheran Church is administered in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.  It is celebrated in the confidence that we receive – in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine – our Savior’s true Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins.  All who commune at this altar are making this public confession of the faith that we believe and teach as is written in the Holy Scriptures.  If you are not a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, please speak with the Pastor before the worship service.

Midweek Lenten Services – This year’s Lenten season theme is “Mountains of Faith.  A soup and sandwich supper will be offered beginning at 5:45.  All services will begin at 7:00 p.m.  Please bring a friend as you join us for worship!  The remaining mountains that we will visit this year will be:

Wed., Mar. 20         Mount Gerizim – A Place of Blessing
Thur., Mar. 28         Mount Olivet – The Faith of Our Lord
Fri., Mar. 29            Mount Calvary – Paid in Full

ST PAUL MOVIE MATINEE at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, March 24th12-yr old Ted will do anything to find a real live Truffula tree in order to impress the girl of his dreams.  As he embarks on his journey, Ted discovers the incredible story of the lorax, a grumpy but charming creature, who speaks to trees.  Come for fellowship and fun while watching Dr Suess’ “The Lorax.”

REMINDER that March 24th is Crazy Sunday for the students and teachers.  All those wishing to participate are encouraged to dress for “Pajama Day.”  Winners will be awarded a prize and photos will be taken of those who participate, for all to enjoy.  Thank you.  (s) The Board of Education

VALERA KOCH’s ADDRESS – For those who wish to send a card to Mrs. Koch, her son asked that the cards be sent to her home address as follows even though she is still in the hospital:  206 Pleasant Avenue North, Glencoe, MN 55336.  Mrs. Koch’s husband (the late Rev. Willard Koch) was our Pastor from August of 1962 thru June of 1967.

THRIVENT MEMBERS For 2013, Thrivent has made some changes to the Choice Dollar program so you will need to designate your dollars each year.  They will no longer use the RECURRING deposit option.  Richard has a flyer that he will be handing out after the service or you may contact any of the board members with questions.

The TRUSTEES will be taking bids on lawn mowing for this summer.  If you would like to submit a bid, please contact one of the trustees, Morgan Kleinsasser, Darren Walz or Matt Rigo.

Monday, March 11, 2013

03/10/2013 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we pray for all who are hospitalized, those recovering in Oakview, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

The MELCHER SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE has begun accepting applications for its 2013 awards.  Please contact the Pastor if you need an application form.  Eligible applicants are members of St. Paul Lutheran Church who are either high school seniors or college students.  Completed forms may be returned to the Pastor or to any of the 3 committee members (Betsy Knodel, Bobbi Salis and Diane Schnabel) on or before the April 30, 2013 deadline.

SAVE THE DATE – On Tuesday, April 9th, St. Paul will be serving at The Banquet in Sioux Falls.  They suggest we have 40+ people there to help serve, along with a small group that goes early to help prepare the supper meal.  Please consider being a part of this worthwhile event.  More details will come later and a sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board.
GAMES AND PUZZLES – We will also be doing a game/puzzle drive for The Banquet throughout March.  We are asking for new or slightly used board games, puzzles and color/activity books.  We ask if the games or puzzles have been used that you please check to see that no pieces are missing.  The Banquet will distribute these items at a later date but we will have someone transport them that evening to Sioux Falls.  There is a large plastic tub in the Fellowship Hall for collecting these items.

LWML will meet Wednesday evening, March 13th, after the Lenten Service.  There will be no Bible Study.  Wyona will serve the lunch.

Easter Lily Reminder – For those of you who are planning to purchase an Easter lily for our altar on Easter Sunday and would like the person’s name in the bulletin for whom the flowers are given in memory of, please let us know as soon as possible but not later than Maundy Thursday (March 28th).  Thank you.

THE LORD’S SUPPER at St. Paul Lutheran Church is administered in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.  It is celebrated in the confidence that we receive – in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine – our Savior’s true Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins.  All who commune at this altar are making this public confession of the faith that we believe and teach as is written in the Holy Scriptures.  If you are not a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, please speak with the Pastor before the worship service.

LWML COFFEE HOUR this Sunday will be a little different:  coffee, juice and cookies will be available on a “help yourself” basis by going through the line as usual.  Anyone wanting seconds is welcome to go back to the serving line and help yourself.  A basket will be available for a freewill offering to help defray expenses.  Thank you!

Midweek Lenten Services – This year’s Lenten season theme is “Mountains of Faith.  A soup and sandwich supper will be offered beginning at 5:45.  All services will begin at 7:00 p.m.  Please bring a friend as you join us for worship!  The remaining mountains that we will visit this year will be:

Wed., Mar. 13         Mount Hebron – A Place of Refuge

Wed., Mar. 20         Mount Gerizim – A Place of Blessing

Thur., Mar. 28         Mount Olivet – The Faith of Our Lord

Fri., Mar. 29            Mount Calvary – Paid in Full


Monday, March 4, 2013

03/03/2013 Announcements

IN YOUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please remember the family of Delphine Laber who stepped into eternal Glory last Sunday as well as our hospitalized members, those recovering at home, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

DELPHINE LABER’S ENTRANCE INTO GLORY – We pray for peace and comfort for the family of Delphine Laber whom God called home last Sunday, Feb. 24th.  We pray that God would comfort all who mourn with the hope of the glorious resurrection of the body and a happy reunion in heaven, and that He would sustain the family with the knowledge that all who remain faithful will be given the crown of eternal life and will be in our Lord’s presence forevermore.  Delphine’s funeral was held last Friday, March 1st.

NEW MEMBER WELCOME – During our worship service today we will receive Chris and Jenny Peters and their children (Luke and Rylee) as new members.  They live here in Freeman and have been attending our church.  Chris works for Golden West and Jenny is a radiologist for the hospital in Tripp.  We ask that everyone please give them a warm welcome in joining our church family!

The MELCHER SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE has begun accepting applications for its 2013 awards.  Please contact the Pastor if you need an application form.  Eligible applicants are members of St. Paul Lutheran Church who are either high school seniors or college students.  Completed forms may be returned to the Pastor or to any of the 3 committee members (Betsy Knodel, Bobbi Salis and Diane Schnabel) on or before the April 30, 2013 deadline.

LADIES AID will meet Mar. 6th after worship for a business meeting.  Hostess will be Joan Dreessen.  For March, Mildred Siekmann will be on Altar Guild; Visiting Helper is Julie Huber.  Coffee Hour committee for March 3rd is Joan Dreessen, Millie Gunderson and Corrine Handel.

SAVE THE DATE – On Tuesday, April 9th, St. Paul will be serving at The Banquet in Sioux Falls.  They suggest we have 40+ people there to help serve, along with a small group that goes early to help prepare the supper meal.  Please consider being a part of this worthwhile event.  More details will come later and a sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board.

GAMES AND PUZZLES – We will also be doing a game/puzzle drive for The Banquet throughout March.  We are asking for new or slightly used board games, puzzles and color/activity books.  We ask if the games or puzzles have been used that you please check to see that no pieces are missing.  The Banquet will distribute these items at a later date but we will have someone transport them that evening to Sioux Falls.  There is a large plastic tub in the Fellowship Hall for collecting these items.

TODAY, the following students will be receiving Attendance Awards:

Pre-K and K  Ã   Alaric Knittel

Grades 1-2  Ã   Riley Knittel

Grades 3-5  Ã   Isabel Sayler and Sarah Harris

Grades 6-8  Ã   Charles Harberts

Thank you, Parents, for encouraging your children and, Students, for your dedication to learning God’s Word.

CONGRATULATIONS!! to the following students who were awarded 1st Place for their participation in Crazy Sunday on Feb. 24:

Karson Podzimek

Dillon Podzimek

Sarah Harris and Collin Helma

Morgan Dannenbring

It was fun to see these students’ and teachers’ imaginations at work and we hope everyone had fun participating.  Hope to see even more students participate in March for Pajama Sunday!

Midweek Lenten Services – The theme for this year’s Lenten season is “Mountains of Faith.  A soup and sandwich supper will be offered beginning at 5:45.  All services will begin at 7:00 p.m.  Please mark your calendars and please bring a friend as you join us for worship!  The remaining mountains that we will visit this year will be:

Wed., Mar. 6          Mount Zion – A Place of Worship and Prayer

Wed., Mar. 13        Mount Hebron – A Place of Refuge

Wed., Mar. 20        Mount Gerizim – A Place of Blessing

Thur., Mar. 28       Mount Olivet – The Faith of Our Lord

Fri., Mar. 29           Mount Calvary – Paid in Full

Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...