Sunday, March 31, 2013

03/31/2013 Announcements

IN YOUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please remember all who are ill, recovering from illness or still hospitalized, those who have requested our prayers, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

A SPECIAL THANK YOU to all Lenten and Easter season vocalists and musicians for the stewardship of your time and talents to provide us with special music for our worship services.  In God’s Kingdom, each of us has been given talents and the opportunity to use and develop them.  We give thanks to God for all of you who were willing to share your talents with the rest of us and for using them to God’s glory!  Alleluia! 

The TRUSTEES will be taking bids on lawn mowing for this summer.  If you would like to submit a bid, please contact one of the trustees, Morgan Kleinsasser, Darren Walz or Matt Rigo.

LARGE-PRINT HYMNALS – If anyone desires to use a large-print hymnal, we will make available as many as we need.  Just let any of the ushers know.  Thanks.

HELP NEEDED – Please sign up on the bulletin board ASAP to help at the Banquet April 9th.  We need about 40 people to be there around 5:15p.m. for helping, serving, etc., and also a few to be there about 2 p.m. to help prepare the meal.  More information is posted by the sign-up sheet.  Again, PLEASE sign up soon.  Thank you.

GAMES AND PUZZLES – We will also be doing a game/puzzle drive for The Banquet throughout March.  We are asking for new or slightly used board games, puzzles and color/activity books.  We ask if the games or puzzles have been used that you please check to see that no pieces are missing.  The Banquet will distribute these items at a later date but we will have someone transport them that evening to Sioux Falls.  There is a large plastic tub in the Fellowship Hall for collecting these items.  Last couple of weeks to help support this!

EASTER LILLIES are given by:

     Clarice haar and family and Linda in memory of wallace haar

     diane Schnabel in memory of Corey and her father Francis

     Wyona Hofer in memory of Harris and Patty Hofer

     Ella and Elsie Hein in memory of Robert Hein

     Mille Siekmann in memory of Otto Siekmann

     Jeni Dubs in memory of husband Dennis and parents Eugene and Hulda Ulmer

     Sharon Buechler in memory of husband Ray and Leah Buechler

     Glen, Kari and Kylie Neuharth in memory of Darrell Swensen

     John, Aleta, Elizabeth, Maria and Dillon Starner in memory of parents Gordon and Harriett Vizecky and brother Luther Vizecky.


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