Friday, June 21, 2013

06/23/2013 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we remember Bryan Olesen and his family as they mourning the passing of Bryan’s father, those who are hospitalized, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

Today is MISSION SUNDAY.  Our guest pastor today is Rev. Alan Ludwig who has been working with the Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church for the last 13 years.  His work principally entails training and preparing Russian-speaking pastors to be able to serve existing churches and new start-up churches throughout Siberia and other Russian territories.  See your bulletin insert for additional information.  Prior to moving to Siberia, Rev. Ludwig served the Lutheran churches in Cresbard and Wecota (SW of Aberdeen).  Rev. Ludwig will also have a short presentation for us during the first part of our Fellowship Hour after our worship service.  Everyone is encouraged to stay for our fellowship time and Rev. Ludwig’s discussion session.  There is a basket in the Fellowship Hall for your donations to help support his mission work.  Whatever help you can give will be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!

Main Street Living – June 23rd – Kid’s Crossing uses the story of a dirty coat being washed as a picture of our redemption.  The featured speaker is Rev. Jordon Andreasen from St. John Lutheran Church in Wagner and Trinity Lutheran Church in Fairfax.  The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.

HELLO PARENTS AND STUDENTS: We are planning to do an informal SS the last Sunday of each month this summer. We will be meeting in the Jr High class room right after church. You may grab your snacks and come upstairs. We will have beverages there for you. Please plan on coming for a small devotion/prayer and Christian movie in lieu of our monthly movie nights- at least during the summer. Hope to see you all there. GOD's Blessings to You this fine day.

LADIES AID will not meet in July. Barb Salis is on Altar Guild for July and Visiting Helpers are Marie Wrenn and Pauline Walz. Coffee Hour Committee for July 7th is Joan Dreessen, Millie Gunderson and Corrine Handel.

ST. PAUL LUTHERAN COOKBOOK recipes can be dropped off in the fellowship hall or mailed to St. Paul Samaritans, c/o Penny Saarie, PO Box 447, Freeman, SD  57029 or via email to  Please submit your recipes at your earliest convenience.   We have included a recipe collection sheet in the bulletin today.  Please feel     free to make copies of it if you need additional copies.  Thank you!

YOUTH GROUP MEETING will be July 7at 6:00 p.m. at John and Aleta Starner’s house.    Youth please bring your family along and plan on it being a good time of fun, food and fellowship.  See you all there.


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