Sunday, October 27, 2013

10/27/2013 Announcements

IN YOUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please remember those who are recovering at home, those in cancer treatment programs as well as our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.
CHRISTMAS CANTATA – It’s that time again! The St Paul Senior Choir is starting rehearsals for our Christmas Cantata. We are looking for some additional members – sopranos, altos, tenors and basses would be warmly welcomed! Come join us on Sunday mornings for practice from 11:30 to 12:30. We meet in the choir loft as we prepare the cantata to be performed in December here at St Paul. Come join us as we raise our voices in joyous praise to our Lord and Savior. Hosannas forever!
THE SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN will again be performing the Christmas Eve service this year. We ask that you e-mail Amber at or Kristi at to let them know if your child/children will be participating. We would like to know no later than the end of October so parts can be divided out accordingly and a practice schedule can be set up. Thank you! – B of Ed

THE BOARD OF ED will be showing a movie TODAY Sunday October 27th at 4:00 that is called 25 Hill. Plot- 12 year-old Trey Caldwell (Nathan Gamble) is shattered when his soldier father is killed in Afghanistan, leaving a hole in the boy’s life – and an unfinished Soap Box Derby car in the garage. A final gift from his dad, the car is a constant reminder of all that could have been. But when Trey meets Roy Gibbs (Corbin Bernsen), a grizzled Fire Chief devastated by the loss of his firefighter son on 9/11, a new relationship forms and old wounds finally begin to heal. As the unlikely team works to complete the Soap Box car and train for the upcoming Derby, they’ll learn that life isn’t about the starting line or checkered flag – it’s about having the courage to make the incredible journey of faith in between. Please join us, we will be serving popcorn.

QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING NOTICE – Our Fall voters’ meeting will be held today in the Fellowship Hall right after the worship service.

PLAN TO ATTEND THE BAZAAR ON NOVEMBER 7TH FROM 10:30 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. We will again have a Country Store, Stitchery/Craft Booth and the Lunch Counter. We still need a few volunteers to help us during the day and evening shifts, please let us know if you are willing to help either in the kitchen, waitress or as a cashier. Thanks to all of you that have volunteered to work and/or bring food, this is greatly appreciated. The food list and the work schedule are posted on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall and on the refrigerator in the kitchen.

BAZAAR SET-UP: We will be setting up for the Bazaar and cleaning the kitchen on Sunday, Nov. 3rd starting at 1 p.m. We would appreciate if you would come and help us with this project. Also, please check the kitchen to see if any of the containers, bowls, cake pans or pie plates are yours; we seem to have items that have been left from funerals or potlucks that need to be returned to their rightful owners. Thank you.

COOKBOOKS: We have heard a lot of great things about our church's wonderful cookbook. Unfortunately there is always a few mistakes with a project like this. We would like to keep track of any errors that you may come across that will affect the outcome of a recipe. There is an orange notebook on top of the microwave in the kitchen and we ask that you write down any errors that you may find. You may also want to double check on the recipe(s) you put in. Thanks for your help on this.

BY-LAW AMENDMENTS – Notice #2 – The Church Council is proposing to change By-Law V(4) – Election of Officers on Page 14 of our Amended Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws dated July 16, 1995. The proposal is to change the Board of Finance to 3 members (from the current 5 member requirement) and to change the term of office for each member to 3 years (from the current 5 year requirement). These changes are proposed to become effective October 31, 2013. If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact Randy Koerner.

THE SAMARITAN GROUP is making plans to send our military people a care package. If you have anyone in the military that you would like to receive a package, please give Diane Schnabel their name and address. The package will go out about the 2nd week of November. Thank you.

THE BOARD OF ED is looking for an piano accompanist for the children's Christmas Eve program, anyone interested should contact Amber 925-7132, 759-6342 or LADIES AID Bazaar will be held November 7th. Plan now to attend. On Altar Guild for November is Julie Huber and Corrine Handel is Visiting Helper. Coffee Hour Committee for Nov. 3rd is Joan Dreessen, Millie Gunderson and Corrine Handel.

REMINDER: Please have your announcements in by noon on Thursday and if you have any announcements please e-mail those to the churches e-mail address. It is easier for the two of us doing them to make sure we don’t miss any. Thank you.

YOUTH GROUP will be meeting next Sunday, November 3rd at 7:00 p.m. please plan to attend.

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