IN YOUR DAILY PRAYERS this week please remember Myron Schaffer and Arden
Stern who are still hospitalized, those who are recovering from surgery and
illness, those in cancer treatment programs as well as our shut-in and inactive
members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet
know Christ.
Main Street Living – June
29th – The featured speaker is Rev. Karl Yahr of Trinity Lutheran Church in
Hartford. His sermon theme will be “Odd
Man Out.” The program is interpreted for
the hearing impaired.
DISASTER RELIEF RESPONSE – Both our synod and our district have responded
to the recent storms and tornadoes that have hit the Midwest. To learn about the LCMS Disaster Response,
visit If you wish to make a donation, please make
your check payable to “LCMS Disaster Relief” and mail it to P.O. Box 66861, St.
Louis, MO 63166-6861. Our district has
some SD information on their website at
In addition, because of the significant needs, our district has
established a Wessington Springs
Disaster Fund. If you wish to
make a donation to this fund, please make your check payable to the fund and
mail it to P.O. Box 89110, Sioux Falls, SD 57106-9110.
AID will
not meet in July. On Altar Guild for July is Barb Salis and
Visiting Helpers are Marie Wrenn and Pauline Walz.