PRAYERS - this week please remember those who are
recovering from surgery and illness, those in cancer treatment programs, our
shut-in and inactive members and at least 2 family members or friends in your life
who do not yet know Christ.
SUPPER at St. Paul Lutheran
Church is administered in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran
Confessions. It is celebrated in the
confidence that we receive – in, with and under the consecrated bread and wine
– our Savior’s true Body and Blood for the forgiveness of our sins. All who commune at this altar are making this
public confession of the faith that we believe and teach as is written in the
Holy Scriptures. If you are not a member
of St. Paul Lutheran Church and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, please
speak with the Pastor before the worship service.
MAIN STREET LIVING – March 19, no schedule
Serving from 6-6:45 pm. Church service at 7pm.
March 15 hosted by Youth Group
Creamy turkey pasta & lettuce salad
March 22 hosted by Samaritan Group
Taco buffet
March 29 hosted by Youth Group
Scalloped potatoes and ham & fruit
5 : open/ TBA
USHER LIST - we need some
people to sign up to usher as of now we do not have anyone for the new year.
DARTBALL PLAYERS: Special thanks to all who played dartball
this year. It was another great season for all kinds of reasons—there is
more to dartball than just throwing darts. And special thanks to Bunne
for the delicious “meals”.
Until next year—Rev. W.
We have posted the list of volunteers for Altar flowers and the volunteers
willing to visit our shut-ins, on the bulletin board in the fellowship
hall. Please notice there is still an
open month for visitations and also for Altar flowers, when it gets closer to
those months; if you are able to help please sign the sheet. Thanks.
PRE-ORDER – In celebration of Easter, lilies are available from The Vintage
Vault. They will be delivered to the church for Easter morning and you
may take your Lily home after services. Please let Dawn know if you would
like the name for whom the flowers are given in memory of. 6”
Easter Lily (6+ blooms) $26.95, 8” Easter Lily (12+ blooms) $39.95.
Pre-Order deadline is March 12. Please contact Dawn at 660-0264 or the
store at 925-4200.
MENTOR/MENTEE MEETING March 26 at 7 pm Teams Lindsay &
Kristi and Bryce & Mark will be hosting. Come for
devotion time, filling Easter eggs, playing games and having bananas
EASTER EGG HUNT is being planned for Sunday School Children the last half of SS hour on
April 2nd.
I do not use
any SOCIAL MEDIA other than email.
I do not text and I do not open incoming texts. If you need to contact for any
purpose, call my Cell # or email me at the number and mail address inside
the front page of the Sunday bulletin. Thank you. Pastor Ellis