Thursday, November 14, 2019

11-17-2019 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS:  Pray this week for; Those who are recovering from surgery, hospitalization, or sudden illnesses (Brandon, Ty, Marvin, Garnet) and for those who have long term health issues and/or difficulty coming to services on their own (Orville, Connie, Bernice, Lavonne, Lorna, Melton, Millie, Ruth, Alice, Marlene, Norby, Sharon, Wyona, Lucille, Bernita, Eldora, Harvey, Dianne).

HOLY COMMUNION The Lord’s Table is open to all current, confirmed members in good standing of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (and churches that we are in pulpit and altar fellowship).  This assumes we confess the oneness of the same faith, have been taught how to examine ourselves, and are truly repentant for our sins (communing worthily). We ask that all guests at Table at St. Paul Lutheran Church of Freeman, to please announce your intention to commune with us to the pastor or elders before the service. Oneness at Communion per-supposes the oneness in doctrine.  If you belong to a different doctrinal confession however, we invite you to come forward to receive a blessing indicated by folding your arms over your chest as you come to the rail, or remain in the pew and pray for the day when divisions would cease. Thank you for respecting our teachings. - Pastor. 

MAIN STREET LIVING:  This is the Life at 10:00 and Worship Service at 10:30. See bulletin board for monthly schedule

HELP US GET AN ACCURATE SETTING OF THE TABLE OF OUR LORD, (not having too much or running short) by signing a registration sheet on the visitor's shelf by the greeters when you come in.  Please put the name of the family and how many in that family will be communing for that day.  (e.g. Makelin/2) Thank you! Pastor

MISSION/MINISTRY OF THE MONTH: Operation Barnabus supports care for military chaplains, members, families, and congregations.  See bulletin board for more information

NOTICE:  There will be no choir practice today, Nov. 17th

THANK YOU ALL FOR THE FEEDBACK ON THE CALLING SERVICE.  The service was able to reach or 78% of the households either personally or by leaving a message, saving 3 and 1/2 hours of calling time.  In addition, close to a dozen called or emailed that they did not get a call and numbers were changed accordingly. There are still some households we do not have good numbers for, but we will work on that. Please continue to call the office 605-925-7219 or email stpaulfreeman@gmail to add additional numbers or give correct numbers.

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Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...