Saturday, January 18, 2020

01-19-2020 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS:  Pray this week for; Those who are recovering from surgery, hospitalization, or sudden illnesses (Sharon, Arlene and Brandon*) and for those being treated for long term health issues or mobility issues (Orville, Connie, Bernice, Lavonne, Lorna, Melton, Millie, Ruth, Alice, Marlene, Norby, Wyona, Lucille, Bernita, Eldora, Darlene, Harvey, Marvin, Susan and Reno*).  *=non member

HOLY COMMUNION:  Keep on doing this. When Jesus said, “Do this”, in giving the Lord’s Supper, He used a verb form which means, “Keep on doing this”, or, “Do it again and again!”. As we keep on doing what He has here commanded us to do, we also want to keep on witnessing to the truth of His Word.  For this reason, the churches of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod promise to follow the historical Biblical practice of closed communion. Guests who desire to commune are kindly asked to speak with the Pastor before partaking, or cross their arms across the chest at the rail to receive a blessing.

MAIN STREET LIVING:  This is the Life at 10:00 and Worship Service at 10:30. See bulletin board for monthly schedule.

TWO LARGE PRINT PRINT SERVICES are being printed and are available for anyone who needs them.  We can print more if needed, just let the office know. Remember, there are five bi-fold printed services available for guests or those who have difficulty holding the hymnal.

ATTENTION DARTBALL PLAYERS:  ATTENTION DARTBALL PLAYERS: This week’s game is Monday, Jan. 20—CLAYTON at FREEMAN.  Game time is 7:30 pm.  Please remember to bring your lunch item.  Thanks.  Rev. Weeman 925-4004.

ANNUAL REPORTS THAT ARE NEEDED YET:  Elders and Board of Evangelism please give
to Denise, Aleta or Pastor.  Thank you for the ones that we have received.

ANNUAL VOTERS MEETING NOTICE:  Our Annual Voters Meeting will be held on January 26,2020 in the Fellowship Hall right after the Worship Serive.  Please plan to attend.  Thank you

We, the THRIVENT COMMITTEE of St Paul's, are reminding you to direct your Thrivent Choice Dollars every year before March 1st.  Without your individual directive, Thrivent chooses which non-profit organization receives your money.  We hope that you will either call or go online to designate our church as the recipient of those funds to benefit our needs here at home. 1-800-847-4836 or   Thank you! 

2020 South Dakota Lutherans For Life Essay Contest Students grades 6-12 are invited to write a life-affirming essay based on the 2020 Conference theme: “From Invisible to Indispensable...”  and Conference bible verse: “On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable”. (1 Corinthians 12:22). See details on the LFL poster on the bulletin board.

A MONTHLY GROWN UP BIBLE BOWL COMPETITION takes place in Mitchell at 6:00 on the 1st Sunday of the month. Whether you want to compete in a match or not, everyone is welcome to attend and watch and see how many answers they know! You need not have a full team since they usually pick teams randomly the night of the competition. Please contact Pastor Makelin for details

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Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...