Order of Service
Opening Hymn Page 655
Divine Service 3 (page 184) Psalm 43
Sermon hymn Page 430
Sermon John 8:(42-45) 46-59
“If anyone keeps my
word, he will never see death!”
Communion hymns Page 506, 718, 421
Closing hymn Page
continue to celebrate the Lord’s Supper every week for those who have not been
able to commune in some time, in the glad confidence and confession, that our
Lord, as He says, gives not only bread and wine, but His very body and blood
to eat and drink for the forgiveness of sin. In these pandemic
times, we have instituted as much as possible the physical distancing and
sanitation practices to assure your physical safety, while still providing
Christ for your physical/spiritual/emotional/psychological safety against sin,
death, and the devil. If you do not share in this confession of our
congregation and LC-Missouri Synod, or are not yet instructed, or have doubts –
please speak to the pastor first. Or, you are invited to come to the
rail for a blessing and meditate on God’s Word during the distribution, praying
for the day when divisions will have ceased.
IN YOUR PRAYERS: Please pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Harvey, Dianne, Connie, Berneita, and those Additional Requested Prayers: Kahlen, Lonnie, Aleta and Sarah.
MAIN STREET LIVING: This is the Life at 10:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. See BlogSpot.
THE MELCHER/ DEWALD/ HEIN SCHOLARSHIP committee has begun accepting applications for its 2021 awards. Eligible applicants are members of St. Paul Lutheran Church who are either high school seniors or college students. Anyone who desires an application can pick one up on the bulletin board at church or contact Joan or Karen. Completed forms may be returned to Joan or Karen before the April 11, 2021 deadline
PLEASE UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION for you and your family on the papers on the table in the fellowship hall. It would also be helpful if you know the contact information for anyone listed who we do not have any contact information listed.
UPCOMING HOLY WEEK TRIDUUM SERVICES: Holy Thursday (with Holy Communion) April 1st at 7:00 P.M.; Good Friday April 2nd at 7:00 P.M. and the Vigil is on Sunday morning, April 4th at 8:00 A.M. followed by Easter Day services at 9:30 P.M. (with Holy Communion). Please plan to join us.
SEE BULLETIN BOARD for information on financial assistance to help South Dakotans who have been impacted by COVID-19 in their housing situation
PLEASE SEE THE BULLETIN BOARD for information on Rev. Dr.
Daniel Janstrom, our Together in Missions (TIM) partner in Tokyo, Japan that is
supported by St. Paul's mission monies to the SD District and our
Mission/Ministry of the month for December
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