Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Feasts, Festivals, and Occasions:

 Because of the abuses of worshiping the saints, many people do not know that the Christian (Lutheran) church does have special days set aside for those saints and special days in which we wish to bring attention and focus to the workings of God in His church.  We do not pray to the saints to ask for their intervention, and we do not necessarily have these commemorative days in order to honor THEM, but instead, along with special commemorative events, we pause to give glory to God for working through these people and events to continue His church throughout all the centuries. These feasts, festivals, and occasion days are listed on pages x and xi in the front of your hymnal.

In Article 21 of the Lutheran Confessions, they list three reasons for such honor.  First, we thank God for giving faithful servants to His church.  Second, through such remembrance our faith is strengthened as we see the mercy that God extends to His saints of old. And Thirdly, these saints are examples by which we may imitate both their faith and their holy living according to OUR calling in life.  So, we give thanks, our faith is strengthened by their witness, and we have these examples of faith and works to imitate in our lives.

Usually these dates end up during the week, and we do not hold special worship services, (though I do encourage that on these days you give thanks in your home devotions). Some however, are moved to the nearest Sunday, when they are principle feasts of Christ (boldface in the hymnal), as they are important in the life of the church year to commemorate. Sometimes, it doesn't even have to be a principle feast (such as Reformation Day) and we will move it from the day it is on, to the nearest Sunday. This practice varies from congregation to congregation as local customs and preferences vary from congregation to congregation.

It is my intended practice, that when a feast, festival, or occasion occurs on a Sunday, we will pause from our regular church year celebrations to observe it and principal days will be moved to the nearest Sunday, as is the case for this Sunday; The Nativity of St. John the Baptist.

Now here is something more special about the Nativity of St. John the Baptizer day.  When it comes to saints, we usually commemorate their death dates, when their earthly calling was ended (usually by martyrdom), and they were called to rest from their labors, but there are the rare times when we celebrate nativities, or birthdays.  One such birth observance is not of just a saint, but the commemoration of the birth of our Lord.  THE Nativity, Christmas. We mark the nativity of John the Baptist in parallel with the Nativity of our Lord, exactly six months from Jesus’ nativity date (if we hadn't moved it to the nearest Sunday).  Remember the angel came to Zachariah and told Him that Elizabeth and he were going to have a son? And six months later, the angel came to Mary and said you are going to have a son and Elizabeth is already six months along? This was all foretold and laid out, because John the Baptist’s entire birth, life, and death, was to prepare the way for the Lord’s activity in this world, as foretold by the prophet Isaiah in our OT reading and as was told to his priestly father, Zechariah, in the temple by an angel.

So there is a reason for the madness, that the Nativity of John the Baptizer who preached repentance is the forerunner of the Nativity of Christ the Savior who preached forgiveness of sins. May God bless you.

Pastor Makelin

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Back to Blogging introduction

As we move to our website (Stpaulfreeman.org) we will be shifting the focus of this blog spot to what it is designed to be, and that is for text communication. We started the website because of where the videos are stored (YouTube).

But first, a little bit about where we have been. The purpose of the videos had always been for our brothers and sisters in Christ of St. Paul Freeman who, because of some mobility issues, could not get to the Divine Service (shut-in and facility bound) so they could watch it later. For the facility bound, they would gather together in thier chapel areas, so to remotely worship with their brothers and sisters from St. Paul Lutheran, just a different time and space. A volunteer would hand deliver memory sticks and bulletins to the facility so that they could do this. For homebound, the volunteer or I would bring them DVD's with a DVD player for them to watch. Then, I would go to those places or their homes after they had watched, and give them Holy Communion in a congregation-gathered setting if passible...until COVID hit.

When COVID hit and restrictions were beginning, we considered everyone to be shut in and went "live". We turned to YouTube and FaceBook for live-streaming and it was no longer necessary to deliver memory sticks. We also were able to have our videos placed on the local cable channel 90.

Since live-streaming is no longer necessary, and the website will work for getting the videos to our home and facility bound shut ins (and to those few visitors online we picked up who have been watching), we will take this blogspot back to what it was intended years ago.

I have not blogged in the past, so please bear with me. This past year and a half however, has brought many things to light concerning society’s worldview that I feel is important that we address. Many issues have risen, and each could be written and discussed at great lengths. In no particular order, are some below:


·        Healthcare’s separation of mind, body, and soul, with the body as priori.

·        The purpose of civil government in God’s three orders of estates (Church, Civil, Family)

·        Trust in man (media, science, social order, morality, etc.) over God

·        Human relationships (virtual, in-person, dependency, interdependency)

·        Fear as a means to manipulate (fear of death, guilt, shame, etc.).

·        Definition of “truth”

·        Purpose of life/death

·        Definition of what is church, worship, pastor, and love


This is a lot, and you can sense the anxiety of society today because of it. It is like a whack-a-mole game. You go to hit one to address it, and then, thinking it has been beaten down, another pops up from a different angle, and even the one you just smacked, pops back up. The difference between the whack a mole game and today’s issues however, is that you do not score points, and nobody wins! There are no rules, then there are rules that seemingly  change with the wind, and there is no order! No matter how much we try to make the game easier, or define the new set rules, the game goes on without us, even if we quit trying. The lack of order in our lives is frustrating to say the least. Exhausting, depressing, and life-sucking is probably more descriptive! This lack of “order” is the definition of chaos and insanity. No order will drive you crazy. Yet, there is  order. God’s order and therefore, Peace. That Peace of Christ which surpasses all understanding.


This is what I hope to help with this blog, is to examine the world’s happenings in a confessional Lutheran worldview. May it be a blessing to you. Pastor Terry Makelin

Saturday, June 19, 2021

06-20-2021 Order of Service and Announcements


Order of Service

Opening Hymn                                                                                 Page 737


Devine Service 3 (Page 184)  

Sermon hymn                                                                                   Page 608


Sermon                                                                         Luke 15:1-10 or 11-32                                 

“By God’s grace, Jesus Receives repentant sinners!”


Communion hymns                                                                    687, 683, 915


Closing hymn                                                                                    Page 726


ONE CHRIST: The Lord’s Table is open and offered to all current, confirmed members in good standing of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (and churches that we are in pulpit and altar fellowship) who desire it.  This assumes we confess the oneness of the same faith in Christ's Words, have been taught how to examine ourselves, and are truly repentant for our sins (worthily). We ask that all guests of St. Paul Lutheran Church of Freeman, please announce your intention to commune with us to the pastor before the service. Oneness at this Communion rail, also pre-supposes the horizontal oneness with each other in doctrine, so if you belong to/attend a different doctrinal confession, we invite you to come forward to receive a blessing indicated by folding your arms over your chest as you come to the rail, or remain in the pew and pray for the day when divisions would cease. Thank you for respecting our teachings. - Pastor.

 THE CHALICE IS OFFERED FIRST DURING OMMUNION. Data has shown, the chalice is “more sanitary” than individual cup! - Pastor

IN YOUR PRAYERSPlease pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Connie, and these Additional Requested Prayers:  Kahlen, Bryan*, Sarah*. and Jerroll

Thursday, June 10, 2021

New web page

 Please see our website for information thank you 


May the Lord bless you have a wonderful day.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

06-06-2021 Order of Service and Announcements

                                                     Order of Service

Opening Hymn                                                                                 Page 713

Prayer and Preaching    

    Sermon hymn                                     Page 768

Sermon                                                                                     Luke 16:19-31                                 

“Death offers Hell, Faith Trusts in Christ for Life (Heaven)!”

 Closing hymn                                                                                    Page 797


IN YOUR PRAYERSPlease pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Connie, and these Additional Requested Prayers:  Kahlen, Bryan*, Sarah*. and Jerroll

INTIMATE SACRAMENT:  The Lord’s Table is open and offered to all current, confirmed members in good standing of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (and churches that we are in pulpit and altar fellowship) who desire it.  This assumes we confess the oneness of the same faith, have been taught how to examine ourselves, and are truly repentant for our sins (worthily). We ask that all guests at Table at St. Paul Lutheran Church of Freeman, to please announce your intention to commune with us to the pastor or elders before the service. Oneness at Communion pre-supposes the horizontal oneness with each other in doctrine.  If you belong to a different doctrinal confession however, we invite you to come forward to receive a blessing indicated by folding your arms over your chest as you come to the rail, or remain in the pew and pray for the day when divisions would cease. Thank you for respecting our teachings. - Pastor. 

THE CHALICE IS OFFERED FIRST DURING COMMUNION. For more than three decades, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated an official position to inquirers (eg, lay public, physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals) about the low-to-no risk of infectious disease transmission from a common communion cup. - Pastor

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL (VBS) is set for June 7-9 from 6-8:30pm. Please contact Karrissa Podzimek for more information.

PLEASE JOIN US for the annual meeting of Salem Mennonite Home on

 Tuesday, June 8 at 7:00 p.m. We will be meeting at the Prairie

 Arboretum Visitors Center. The evening will include a financial report

 and future plans. Weather permitting, we will meet outdoors under the

 pergola. Masks are encouraged if we meet indoors.

URGENT NEED FOR HELP on the Pine Ridge Reservation by Missionary Reverend Albert Sutton. Please see bulletin board for information and how you can help.


Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...