Saturday, June 19, 2021

06-20-2021 Order of Service and Announcements


Order of Service

Opening Hymn                                                                                 Page 737


Devine Service 3 (Page 184)  

Sermon hymn                                                                                   Page 608


Sermon                                                                         Luke 15:1-10 or 11-32                                 

“By God’s grace, Jesus Receives repentant sinners!”


Communion hymns                                                                    687, 683, 915


Closing hymn                                                                                    Page 726


ONE CHRIST: The Lord’s Table is open and offered to all current, confirmed members in good standing of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (and churches that we are in pulpit and altar fellowship) who desire it.  This assumes we confess the oneness of the same faith in Christ's Words, have been taught how to examine ourselves, and are truly repentant for our sins (worthily). We ask that all guests of St. Paul Lutheran Church of Freeman, please announce your intention to commune with us to the pastor before the service. Oneness at this Communion rail, also pre-supposes the horizontal oneness with each other in doctrine, so if you belong to/attend a different doctrinal confession, we invite you to come forward to receive a blessing indicated by folding your arms over your chest as you come to the rail, or remain in the pew and pray for the day when divisions would cease. Thank you for respecting our teachings. - Pastor.

 THE CHALICE IS OFFERED FIRST DURING OMMUNION. Data has shown, the chalice is “more sanitary” than individual cup! - Pastor

IN YOUR PRAYERSPlease pray for those members in area facilities: Salem-Mennonite Home, Wyona, Norbert, Marlene, Sharon, Darlene, Bob, & Eldora. Oakview Terrace, Lavonne, Orville, Millie, Bernice, Alice, Ruth and those Low Mobility at home: Susan, Connie, and these Additional Requested Prayers:  Kahlen, Bryan*, Sarah*. and Jerroll

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