Sunday, January 6, 2013

01/06/2013 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we remember Jesse Thomas (whose father passed away last week) and his family, all others in need of our prayers, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER using your God-given gifts and talents in service to Him and His church.  At our voters’ meeting later this month we will need various offices and positions filled.  Please contact Chairman of the Congregation, Randy Koerner, if you are willing to have your name placed on the ballot.  Thanks!

There is a SIGN UP SHEET on the bulletin board if you would like to usher in the upcoming year.  Please add your name if you are interested in helping out.  Thank you.

DUANE THOMAS’ ENTRANCE INTO GLORY – We pray for peace and comfort for the family of Duane Thomas who was summoned home to heaven by his Lord on Monday, Dec. 31st.  We give thanks to our Lord for His loving-kindness and for all of the mercies granted to Duane during his earthly life, especially for calling him to faith in Jesus Christ through Holy Baptism.  The funeral was held Jan. 4th.

THANK YOU so much to everyone who gave us cards and gifts this Christmas season.  Truly your goodness is a witness to all.  We pray that God would continue to bestow His blessings upon every one of you.  Hosannas forever!  (s) Susan, Pastor and family

ANNUAL REPORT – It’s that time of year to start working on the annual report.  Please get your report to Aleta or Pastor before the next elected officials take your place in the upcoming year.  Thank you for your help in getting the reports done in a timely matter.

RIDE THE BUS! – Winter weather is here so don’t forget that you can take advantage of Freeman’s free bus service.  They will pick you up at your home in Freeman and drop you off at the church.  To return, they can pick you up either right after worship or after Sunday School.  All you have to do is call 661-6545 by at least 6:00 the prior Saturday evening and give them your address.  Please do not pay or tip the driver directly.  If you wish to make a contribution to help pay for the bus system, please put your donation in our offering plate and designate it accordingly.  We will see to it that the funds are sent to where they are to go.

LWML will meet Thursday, Jan. 10th at 2:00 p.m.  Pastor will lead our Bible Study . Gerry will serve lunch.

MAIN STREET LIVING may be seen on Sunday mornings at 10:00 on KDLT-NBC.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR is broadcast on Sunday mornings at 8:30 on 105.9 FM and at 9:30 on 570 AM.

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