Monday, December 2, 2013

12-01-13 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS please remember Clara Baer who continues to recuperate in the Freeman Hospital, those who are recovering at home, those in cancer treatment programs as well as our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

MAIN STREET LIVING – Dec. 1st – Kid’s Crossing introduces the Christmas season with the program “Christmas Is.” The featured speaker will be Rev. Chris Asher from Resurrection Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls. His sermon theme will be “It’s Time to Get Up.” The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.

MIDWEEK ADVENT SERVICES have been scheduled for this year. We will gather at 7:00 p.m. on Dec. 4th, Dec. 11th and Dec. 18th for worship. At 5:45 p.m. (before each Wednesday’s service) we will also provide a soup and sandwich supper for all who wish to get together for a light meal. The theme for this year’s Advent services will be “Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel.” Please plan to join us and please bring a friend or relative to share in this opportunity for worship and fellowship!

ADVENT DEVOTIONAL BOOKLETS (written by Lutheran Hour Ministries) were distributed after last week’s worship service. Additional copies are in the library.

NO MIDWEEK SCHOOL CLASS this Wednesday (Dec. 4th).

WHO ARE OUR COLLEGE STUDENTS? - We are considering different ways to stay in touch with our members who are attending vocational schools and colleges. So that we can be sure that we know who these individuals are, would you please let the church office know (preferably by e-mail) the name, mailing address, e-mail address and cell phone number of anyone in your family who attending college or a vocational school. Thanks!

LADIES AID will meet for their Christmas meeting on Dec. 5th at 7:00 p.m. with Bible Study followed by a short business meeting. Members are asked to bring a Christmas goodie to share for lunch. Joan Dreessen is on Altar Guild for December. Coffee Hour committee for Dec. 1st is Ella and Elsie Hein, Cindy Hofer and Phyllis Knittel.

THANK YOU, again, to all who helped and contributed in any way to make our 49th annual bazaar a success! We raised $5,026.61 after expenses this year. (s) The Bazaar Committee

MISSING: We had a divided flat silverware tray that is no longer in the kitchen. If you know where it is or borrowed it please return it ASAP. Thank you.

COOKBOOKS make great Christmas gifts. We will again be selling them after church on a couple Sundays in Dec. (8th and 15th). If you need any before, or after that, contact Diane Schnabel, LaNae Harberts or Kristi Dannenbring. Kairos also has them available during the week.

sorry about having the ladies aid serve all month, they will be doing the 1st Sunday of December. There is a corrected copy of the calendar on the bullion board and the calendar for the week will also have the correct people that will be serving lunch, ushering and acolyte. Sorry about the mistake

REMINDER: All money that is put into special envelopes (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.) is designated as missions. Regular Sunday envelopes have two parts. One side is for general fund and the other side is for missions. If you want your offering to go to something other than general fund or missions, please write a note on the outside of your envelope. Usually, the loose plate offerings go into the general fund. It was voted on at the last quarterly meeting to designate loose plate offerings, from Thanksgiving through the end of the year, to go to the local food pantry. - The Board of Finance

TIS THE SEASON: The BOE once again is doing our Mission Mitten Tree. We are collecting blankets or warm outdoor clothing - scarves, mittens, hats, boots, coats anything that the congregation would like to donate to help those in need. Thank you, GOD Bless You this Christmas and your giving.

CONGRATULATIONS to the 2nd - 3rd grade class as well as the 4th- 6th grade class! Both of these classes had 100% participation of class color day!!
To ALL those who participated way to show your spirit!! BOE

Students receiving awards today are:
Pre K-1st grade: Lydia Dannenbring
2nd-3rd grade: Zac Sayler with PERFECT ATTENDANCE
4th-6th grade: Isabel Sayler
7th-8th grade: A 4 way tie- Bryce Dannenbring, Charles Harberts, Lindsay Thomas and Morgan Dannenbring
It is so GREAT to see such good attendance in SS. Thank You Parents and Students. BOE

PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER USING YOUR God-given gifts and talents in service to our Lord and His church. In January we will need to fill various offices and positions. Please contact the Chairman of the Congregation (Randy Koerner) or any elder if you are willing to have your name placed on the 2014 election ballot. Thanks!


Dec 4th 5-6 (all kids)
Dec 8th 11:30 – 1:45 (all kids) ***Lunch served
Dec 11th 5-6 (all kids)
Dec 18th 5-6 (all kids)
Dec 22nd 10:45-1:15 (all kids) *** Lunch served

Hearing God’s Word last week:

Sunday worship service: 142
Adult Bible Study: 8
Sunday School: 22
Men’s Wednesday Bible Study: 7
Thanksgiving: 95

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