Main Street Living – Aug. 30th – The featured speaker is Rev. Scott Sailer, President of the SD District. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.
YOUTH GROUP The youth group members and their parents are ask to attend an informational meeting right after Church today.
LADIES AID will meet on September 3rd at 7:00 with Phyllis Knittel as Hostess.
We will be starting a new Bible Study followed by the business meeting.
Sharon Buechler is on Altar Guild for September and Darlene Schrag is Visiting
Helper. Coffee Committee for September 6th is Ella and Elsie Hein, Cindy
Hofer and Phyllis Knittel.
THE BOE is having
a Rally Day potluck the first day of SS
after Sunday School-Sept. 13, 2015. Please plan to come
and bring something to share. Maybe group B would be willing to help with the potluck since there wouldn't need to be a coffee hour.
after Sunday School-Sept. 13, 2015. Please plan to come
and bring something to share. Maybe group B would be willing to help with the potluck since there wouldn't need to be a coffee hour.
BOE- Fifth and Sixth grade
weekday school will start 09/16/15.
Cherie Knittel will
teach this class from 7-8pmBIKE FOR LIFE – The 18th Annual Bike For Life ride (sponsored by Lutherans For Life) from Armour, SD (leaving at 7:00 a.m.) to the Alpha Center in Sioux Falls will be held on Saturday, Sept. 19th. Funds raised thru this event will be used to support the Alpha Center.