Friday, August 2, 2019

08-04-2019 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS Pray this week for; Those who are recovering from surgery, hospitalization, or sudden illnesses (Harlan, Joy, Marvin, Brandon, Tina, Orville) and for those who have long term health issues and/or difficulty coming to services on their own (Connie, Bernice, Lee, Lavonne, Lorna, Melton, Millie, Ruth, Alice, Norby, Sharon, Wyona, Lucille, Marlene)

MAIN STREET LIVING –Aug 11: 10:30-Worship Service-Rev. Levi Willms of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Yankton, SD presents the message “Do Not Think About Your Life” based on Luke 12:22-34. The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.  More information can be found on the web site:

B3 — THE BIBLE, A BURGER, AND A BEER — Please join us at Overtime in Mitchell at 6:00 on Sunday August 11th for our Grown-Up Bible Bowl competition. We have four teams prepared for an old-fashioned Bible Bowl only this time for grown-ups (ask Pastor about Bible Bowl if you aren’t familiar with it)! So on August 11th we will have The Bible, a Burger, and a Beer while we review chapters 26-50 of Genesis. Since Pastor Christopher is the Quizmaster for the evening he and Jane will be at Overtime by 5:15 to order and eat, so join us then if you can or come by 6:00 and listen to the questions while you enjoy a great burger or steak. If you would like to participate on a team please talk to Bobby or Cindell (the masterminds behind the event).

ST. JOHN'S IN EMERY has decided to abandon and decommission its building, due to issues too many to cover.  For now, St. John's continues its presence in Emery worshiping at the funeral chapel on Main Street.  There will be a final decommissioning service at St.  John's on Sunday, August 18 at 3:30 with a reception and meal to follow. The saints at St. John's would like to cordially invite you and any members of your congregations who would like to attend. They ask that people RSVP for the meal by August 14 by contacting Pastor Christopher at 605-239-4754.

OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE: Our Congregation will be serving at the West Side Banquet in Sioux Falls on Wednesday Sept 4th. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board if you are interested in helping. More details will be posted there. We will also be collecting items for The Banquets “Wish List”   Items include:
Regular coffee grounds, Large size containers of cinnamon, granulated garlic, season salts, white or black pepper, oregano, dry mustard and poultry seasoning,  new white flour sack towels, hotel size toiletries, and any feminine products.  They would also take clean plastic containers with lids for families to take leftovers (cottage cheese, sour cream, cool whip & butter tubs sizes)
Boxes and baskets for your donation will be available through the month of August in the fellowship hall.  On August 25 after the service we will take a free will offering for anyone wanting to give a monetary gift.

AN APOLOGETICS STUDY BEGINS IN SEPTEMBER. What is Apologetics you may ask?  Apologetics comes from the word apology, but the kind of apology as; “to defend”, such as Apology of the Augsburg Confession (one our documents we subscribe to adhere).  Apologetics is how to defend the Faith in a Christian (Lutheran) manner and perspective (worldview) when asked or challenged by another’s perspective.  Questions of this day and age, in science, theology, and everyday life.  Questions like; Is there a Hell? How do we know there is a God? Is the Creation account true? What does God say about Marriage? What does God say about Gender Identity?  Do you have these questions?  How would you answer someone who asked you these questions?  Available times will be Wednesday mornings at 6:00am (Men’s Group), Wednesday Evenings at 6:30pm (anyone can attend, but especially invited are the former Tuesday night study group and the 2019 Confirmation cohort), and/or Sunday after worship (if arrangements can be made concerning vacancy coverage, or alternate teachers).  More information will be given in August and a sign-up sheet will be available to order materials. – Pastor Makelin

APOLOGETICS STUDY (STARTING IN SEPTEMBER) TOPICS: How do we speak the Truth in Love with Our Neighbor? What tools do we use when we defend the Faith? Did Jesus really die and rise again? When will Jesus return? How did the Bible come to be? Is the Creation account true? What do we know about evolution? Is there evidence of the Flood? Is the God of the Old Testament the same God of the New Testament? What is my identity? Does human life matter and when does it begin and end? As a Christian, can I like science? Why do bad things happen? What does God want me to do as a Christian? What does God say about marriage, gender identity, miracles, ghosts, aliens, and many more?  Wednesdays at 6:00am, 6:30pm, and possibly after services on Sunday. A sign-up sheet will be coming soon to order materials. - Pastor Makelin

AUGUST MISSION/MINISTRY OF THE MONTH IS MISSION CENTRAL:  Mission Central is an RSO of the LCMS and are a team of volunteers and professionals working closely with LCMS International and National mission committed to: Helping YOU PERSONALLY support missionaries/Assisting YOU PERSONALLY to volunteer with YOUR time and talents for the Lord’s work/Reducing the overhead costs associated with YOUR personal gift/Designating YOUR gift to a specific family or project in order that YOU have the absolute assurance your gift of love is going directly for its intended purpose. THE LORD’S MISSION CENTRAL IS IN THE HILLS OF WESTERN IOWA WORKING COAST TO COAST WITH YOU IN THE LORD’S MISSION! Contact Gary Thies (712-882-1029) or Rev. Dr. Brent Smith (703-713-2851) to take action today. or see the bulletin board for missionaries to support

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Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...