Friday, August 16, 2019

08-18-2019 Announcements

HOLY COMMUNION is celebrated in our worship service today.  What a joy and privilege!  In this Sacrament our Lord gives unto us not only bread and wine, but also His very body and blood to eat and drink.  In this Sacrament He assures us that our sins are forgiven and He strengthens our faith.  To our guests who desire to receive Holy Communion, we ask that you consider the following:  If you do not believe in Jesus as your Savior, do not believe in the Real Presence of the Sacrament, or have never received instruction on how to prepare yourself for Communion, you should refrain from receiving the Sacrament, but are encouraged to come to the altar for a blessing, indicated by folding the arms over the chest.  We do this not to offend, but to honor the faith we hold at St. Paul Lutheran.  If you have any questions regarding communion, please speak to the Pastor or an Elder before service begins.

IN YOUR PRAYERS Pray this week for; Those who are recovering from surgery, hospitalization, or sudden illnesses (Andrea, Marie and family) and for those who have long term health issues and/or difficulty coming to services on their own (Orville, Connie, Bernice, Lee, Lavonne, Lorna, Melton, Millie, Ruth, Alice, Norby, Sharon, Wyona, Lucille, Marlene)

MAIN STREET LIVING –Aug 18: 10:30 AM-Worship Service- Rev. Craig Grams of Zion Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls selected Hebrews 12:4-24 for his message “A Father‘s Discipline”.  The program is interpreted and closed captioned for the hearing impaired.  More information can be found on the web site:

COFFEE HOUR today will be hosted by the Youth Group. They will also share some pictures and a small update on the LCMS National Youth Convention that they attended in July.

REMINDER of St. John's Emery's building decommissioning, today at 3:30pm with reception and meal to follow.

SPECIAL VOTERS MEETING meeting will be held after worship services August 25th to discuss (and vote?) to change worship times back to 9:30 (or not).  Here's the issue. Pastor Makelin has indicated that he is no longer willing to do vacancy coverage right away after St. Paul Freeman's services - especially during the school months, as he wanted to speak to people and teach during Sunday school/Fellowship hour (instead of rushing off).  Emmanuel Menno (who is currently worshiping at 10:30am) has offered to switch to 8:00am to accommodate Pastor Makelin still doing their vacancy coverage, but St. Paul Freeman would have to switch back to 9:30 to make it work.  If yes, and St. Paul switches back to 9:30am, then service times for both churches will change September 8th.  If St. Paul Freeman is staying at 9:00am, Emmanuel Menno will have to regroup and try something (or someone) else.

OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE: Our Congregation will be serving at the West Side Banquet in Sioux Falls on Wednesday Sept 4th. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board if you are interested in helping. More details will be posted there. We will also be collecting items for The Banquets “Wish List”   Items include:
Regular coffee grounds, Large size containers of cinnamon, granulated garlic, season salts, white or black pepper, oregano, dry mustard and poultry seasoning,  new white flour sack towels, hotel size toiletries, and any feminine products.  They would also take clean plastic containers with lids for families to take leftovers (cottage cheese, sour cream, cool whip & butter tubs sizes)
Boxes and baskets for your donation will be available through the month of August in the fellowship hall.  On August 25 after the service we will take a free will offering for anyone wanting to give a monetary gift.

THE SIGNUP SHEET for the 30 week Apologetic study is located on the tables in the Fellowship hall, with a "student book" to look over.  Everyone is encouraged to come and learn/practice their duty as Christians, sharing and defending the Christian worldview (focused on Christ and His work for us) to your neighbor in a loving way.  There are two opportunities; The Men's group (6:00am, starting September 4th), Sunday after services (starting on Sunday September 8th), for confirmed youth, former Tuesday night study members, and everyone else. The cost for the book is $18 if you wish to give a free-will offering to the regular offering plate.

HELPING OUR HOME-BOUND NEIGHBOR by doing works of mercy.  As some may know, Freeman area transit has suspended weekend services and therefore our non-driving church goer does not have that opportunity to attend Word and Sacrament, but have to find their own rides.  While I serve by delivering His body and blood, and the ushers record the sermons, and Aleta records video...there is another way that you can help.  The transit company has discussed how volunteer drivers can use their vehicles to deliver those who want to go to services (and back).  These volunteer drivers would serve all Freeman area churches by using the transit company buses for Sunday services. A CDL or special licensing is not required, just a regular drivers license. The transit company will provide vehicles, do background checks, and hands-on training (reviewing passenger assistance, documentation and wheelchair secure-ment procedures) which will take about 2-3 hours.  If you would like to be a part of this mercy work opportunity, please give me a note or send an email to, so I can estimate interest. – Pastor
AUGUST MISSION/MINISTRY OF THE MONTH, MISSION CENTRAL supports many missionaries.  Once of which is Pastor Eric Stinnett, and his family.  Eric is a Theological educator at Makane Yesus Seminary in Addis Ababa Ethiopia where pastors are being trained to serve in Lutheran Churches there.  The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus, which is the national Lutheran church in Ethiopia, now boasts approximately 8.3 million baptized members – more than the United States.  By comparison, the ELCA stood at just over 3.5 million member, the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod maintains a membership of 2.4 million, and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod has another 400,000, plus some other smaller Lutheran bodies.  You may contact them at; Website:

What is the latest? While relief efforts have been in progress around Nebraska, the largest concentrated relief is happening in the Fremont area. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church of Fremont, NE established Project Restore with a grant from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod to become a staging site for volunteer work groups offering assistance to individuals in Fremont and the surrounding communities.  They have had groups from IL, MO, KS, AZ, and TX serve with them this summer, but there is still more work to be done.  If you have youth groups, small groups, or individuals who are interested in helping Nebraskans in need, Project Restore NEEDS YOU!  People who are willing to volunteer in clean-up and restoration work.  Sign up using this link and invite your friends to help be the hands and feet of Christ’s Church as we serve those in need:  If you have questions don’t hesitate to contact Traci Kohls at Project Restore at (402) 721-8412 or


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Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...