Thursday, February 6, 2020

02-09-2020 Announcements

IN YOUR PRAYERS:  Pray this week for; Those who are recovering from surgery, hospitalization, or sudden illnesses (Reno*, Myron and Dianne) and for those being treated for long term health issues or mobility issues (Orville, Connie, Bernice, Lavonne, Lorna, Melton, Millie, Ruth, Alice, Marlene, Norby, Wyona, Lucille, Bernita, Eldora*, Darlene, Harvey, Marvin, Susan, Sharon, Arlene, Brandon*.).  *=non member

HOLY COMMUNION Today, St. Paul Lutheran Freeman will be participating in the intimate and blessed Sacrament of the Altar.  We respectfully ask that all guests speak to the pastor before coming to the rail, or cross your arms across your chest to receive a blessing. St. Paul members, please write the family name and number of family communing on the registration sheet so we can get an accurate count of how many to set for the Table of our Lord.

MAIN STREET LIVING:  This is the Life at 10:00 and Worship Service at 10:30. See bulletin board for monthly schedule.

ATTENTION DARTBALL PLAYERS: This week’s game is Monday. Feb. 10—PARKSTON at FREEMAN.  Game time is 7:30 pm.  Please remember to bring your assigned lunch items.  Thanks, Rev. Weeman 925-4004.

FEBRUARY FUNDRAISER - Steak Supper: The Youth Group will again be offering a steak supper on the evening of February 16th. More information and sign-up sheets will be posted in the fellowship hall. If interested please sign up by Feb 9th.

FEBRUARY MISSION/MINISTRY  - Free will donations will be for the Salem Mennonite Home (a local mission) and please support the February (Valentine’s) Dinner for the Youth Group

SOUTH EAST SD LUTHERANS FOR LIFE is $2600 short in their budget, largely in part because inclement weather prevented the bike for life event last year.  Please consider donating to them at PO Box 265Menno, SD 57045.

We, the THRIVENT COMMITTEE of St Paul's, are reminding you to direct your Thrivent Choice Dollars every year before March 1st.  Without your individual directive, Thrivent chooses which non-profit organization receives your money.  We hope that you will either call or go online to designate our church as the recipient of those funds to benefit our needs here at home. 1-800-847-4836 or   Thank you! 

WORSHIP/DEVOTION NOTES are available on the desk with the communion signup.  Some have asked for sermon outlines that they can write notes on to enhance the gifts they receive in worship.  Since I don’t preach from an outline, these were developed to help everyone to build on Christ’s foundation (1 Cor 3:2a, 10-11).  I would appreciate anyone who shares these with me too, as it helps me be a better servant of the Word to you.  – Pastor Makelin

TWO CONGREGATION OFFICES NEED TO BE FILLED, Congregation Secretary and a man for Elder. Please contact the Chairman, Keith Knodel in person for a list of duties, or send an email to the church ( with contact information and he will get in touch with you.

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Three Estates; God's innoculation for fear

  The following is a republishing of a series of articles for a newspaper in 2020, slightly modified. Pastor Makelin Wow. The world has gone...