Saturday, December 11, 2010

12-12-2010 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week, we pray for Blaine Saarie, Phyllis Knittel and Lonnie Graber as they recover at home from injuries and surgeries; for Richard Salis in McKennan Hospital; for Roman Miller as he receives medical treatments as well as for our shut-in members, our inactive members and for at least two people in your life who don’t know Christ.

IN CHRISTIAN LOVE AND SYMPATHY we remember the family and friends of Robert Eugene Ankrum, son-in-law to former member Theodore Haar, who was summoned home to heaven by his Lord on Dec. 2nd. We give thanks to our Lord for His loving-kindness and for all of the mercies granted to Robert during his earthly life, especially for calling him to faith in Jesus Christ through Holy Baptism. The funeral was held yesterday, the 11th, at Walter Funeral Home; he was buried in the Menno Cemetery.

DELMAR DYKSTRA ENTERED INTO GLORY on Thurs., Dec. 9th. We pray for comfort for his son, Gary, and the other family members, and give thanks to God for His mercy in calling Delmar to faith in Jesus Christ through Holy Baptism. We pray that God would remind all who mourn of the glorious resurrection of the body and a happy reunion in heaven that will be theirs. The funeral was held yesterday morning in Monroe.

CHRISTMAS CANTATA will be next Sunday, December 19th during church service. Therefore there will be no communion.

SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING will be held next Sunday after Church service to discuss heating situation.

THE CHRISTMAS TREE set up in the fellowship hall is again going to be used as a local mission project. We are asking the congregation for help by bringing any new winter type apparel and placing it on the Giving Tree before Dec. 23rd.

OFFERING ENVELOPES will be handed out before and after church services for the next couple of weeks. Please pick your envelope box up in fellowship hall. All envelopes for "Special Services" such as Christmas, Lenton Offerings, Maunday Thursday, etc. are designated as a Mission contribution.

Midweek Advent Worship Services will be offered this year at St. Paul. At 7:00 p.m. on Dec. 1st, 8th and 15th we will gather together for Advent services with the theme “The Genealogy of Jesus” in which we will see how this often over-looked subject is anything but boring or tedious. The three topics will be:

Dec. 15  “Joash: A Child With a Destiny”
Please join us in worship and fellowship with other members of Christ’s family of believers!

Upcoming Worship Opportunities will be offered for your benefit as follows. Please join us in worshipping our Lord and bring a friend!

Wed., Dec. 15 7:00 p.m. Midweek Advent Service #3
Fri., Dec. 24 7:00 p.m. Children’s Christmas Program
Sat., Dec. 25 9:30 a.m. Christmas Day
Fri., Dec. 31 7:00 p.m. New Year’s Eve/Communion

COLLECTION for Christmas sacks will be taken after service today
and next Sunday in fellowship hall. Please see Bob Pidde.

USHER LIST: Anyone willing to help out ushering for the upcoming
year, please sign up in fellowship hall. There is a sheet posted on the
bulletin board.
LWML thanks the congregation for the shoe donation. Sixty pairs of children’s shoes were sent to Afghanistan. The shoes will add to the 1000 pair that were sent from St. Johns in Yankton.

THE LADIES AID: will be doing their annual matching funds Christmas project. It will again be for Main Street Living. There will be a “free will offering basket” in the fellowship hall from November 28th through December 19th. Your continued generosity is greatly appreciated

December 19, 2010 Join "The Little Shepherd" and his little lamb "Bramble" as they journey to the manger to see the baby Jesus.
The featured speaker is Rev. Curtis Garland from First Lutheran Church in Wall, SD, and Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Creighton, SD. The sermon theme is "Prophecy Fulfilled." The hymns are Jesus! Name of Wondrous Love; The Advent of Our King; and Hark the Glad Sound. The Main Street Living choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.

PLEASE LET US KNOW if you or another of our members is sick, hospitalized, has a new baby, has a death in the family, etc. This will enable us (pastor, elders and others) to visit them, send a note of encouragement and to keep the person and his or her family in our prayers.

PLEASE MAKE NOTE: The parsonage phone number is 925-7333 and Pastor Borglum’s cell phone number is 999-5591. Church e-mail is and Pastor’s e-mail is

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