Saturday, July 6, 2013

07/07/2013 Announcements

IN OUR DAILY PRAYERS this week we remember the family of Max Schamber who went home to be with his Lord last Tuesday morning.  We also pray for those who are hospitalized, those in cancer treatment programs, our shut-in and inactive members, and at least 2 family members or friends in your life who do not yet know Christ.

LARGE-PRINT HYMNALS – If anyone desires to use a large-print hymnal, we will make available as many as we need.  Just let any of the ushers know.  Thanks.

MAX SCHAMBER’S ENTRANCE INTO GLORY – We pray for peace and comfort for the family of Max Schamber whom God called home last Tuesday, July 2nd.  We pray that God would comfort all who mourn with the hope of the glorious resurrection of the body and a happy reunion in heaven, and that He would sustain the family with the knowledge that all who remain faithful will be given the crown of eternal life and will be in our Lord’s presence forevermore.  Max’s home-going service was held yesterday, July 6th.

MAIN STREET LIVING – July 7th – Kid’s Crossing tells about how good it is to have the printed Bible available to us to read.  The featured speaker is Rev. Thomas Brown from Zion Lutheran Church in Mitchell.  The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.

HELLO  PARENTS AND STUDENTS: We are planning to do an informal SS the last Sunday of each month this summer. We will be meeting in the Jr High class room right after church. You may grab your snacks and come upstairs. We will have beverages there for you. Please plan on coming for a small devotion/prayer and Christian movie in lieu of our monthly movie nights- at least during the summer. Hope to see you all there. GOD's Blessings to You this fine day.

YOUTH GROUP COOKOUT is tonight at 6:00 p.m. at John and Aleta Starner’s house please plan to attend.  It will be a fun night with good food and fellowship.

SAMARITAN GROUP will have a meeting on Wednesday, July 10th, 7:00 pm at the church to sort and organize recipes.

BUSINESS OWNERS:  Please consider advertising your business or home based business in the St. Paul Lutheran Cookbook.  Contact Penny Saarie for more information. 


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